Lucy Lus works

Chapter 700: Tranquil Valley


ly, hoping for dawn to come sooner.She stared intently at the hour hand, waiting and waiting, just as she had been for over 40 days, hoping for a miracle.If he comes back, everything will be fine.As l...At that time, Qiao Baoer was still at the bottom of the lake trying to find a way to take out the scepter.

She was holding her breath, struggling to keep it. Her hands pulled at the glowing staff in front of her with all her might, and her legs kicked against the lakebed furiously...

The staff was like it was firmly embedded in the lake bed. She struggled, her face turning red from holding her breath, her brain feeling oxygen-deprived and dizzy. She was about to give up and break the surface when she felt the staff move. The mud on the lake bed began to shift.

Before she could even celebrate, the staff burst forth with a blinding light. A sudden force of recoil violently dragged Qiao Bao'er towards the lakebed. The power was immense, and Qiao Bao'er was completely unable to resist it.

The lake surface began to tremble violently, waves rippling outward in sharp bursts. The water bubbled and churned like a boiling cauldron, erupting with numerous frothy bubbles. All signs pointed towards an ominous and unsettling beginning.

Qiao Bao'er was filled with terror. She instinctively let go of her staff, and a powerful force swooped down, taking her and the brilliantly glowing staff away in an instant. In that split second, she seemed to faintly hear Jun Zhi Mu's anxious voice echoing from across the lake.

Jo Baoer didn't know what happened to Jun Zhimu and the others. All she knew was that she had choked on several mouthfuls of lake water, her brain felt heavy and uncomfortable, and her body instinctively stretched out its hands to swim towards the surface.

With a gasp, she emerged from the water with a haggard face, quickly taking deep breaths of fresh air. Slowly, she opened her eyes, her vision blurry. First, she sensed a sweetness in the air, a calming and tranquil feeling she couldn't quite describe. Then there was the powerful rushing sound of the water against her ears.

She caught her breath and finally saw everything around her.

Jo Bao'er was still immersed in the water, her upper body leaning against the bank. The staff was still tightly held in her right hand. Although it was dusk and the sun had set, the light from the staff was enough to clearly see the surrounding scenery, and she was stunned.

Niagara Falls.

Right before her eyes, this majestic and awe-inspiring waterfall, a torrent of water cascading from a hundred meters up the mountainside, crashed down with thunderous force. The surging waters pounded the lake bed, and below the falls, the current gently branched out, forming a vast expanse of crystal-clear and beautiful lake.

Qiao Bao'er was soaking in the lake below the waterfall. The big waterfall they had been searching for all along was right here.

This lake connects two worlds.

Qiao Bao'er's mind buzzed with excitement. She wanted to share this information with Jun Zhimu and the others immediately, she thought about swimming back down to the lake bottom to find them.

A white shadow emerged from the lake bottom, it was the white tiger. Qiao Ba'er gasped and instinctively scrambled onto the bank, watching the ferocious white tiger roar with its menacing appearance.

The white tiger was extremely angry because Qiao Bao'er had violated its taboo. It was responsible for guarding this lake and no living creature was allowed to enter.

A tiger's roar echoed, sending chills down Qiao Baier's spine.

The white tiger swam with incredible speed, unafraid of the water. Its limbs were coated in wet fur as it climbed onto the shore, shaking its pelt irritably. A pair of sinister and terrifying eyes stared intently at Qiao Bao'er, seeming to contemplate how to bite her to death.

Qiao Bao'er didn't want to die. She dared not turn her head to look at the big tiger. On the left side of the waterfall, a towering ancient tree had grown. Qiao Bao'er was desperate and scrambled up the tree using both hands and feet.

Run Of course, she couldn't outrun a tiger. She climbed up a tree, as high as she could, trying to get away, her mind in turmoil.

And this white tiger shook its thick, wet fur almost dry, looking majestic and powerful. It raised its head and ran fiercely towards her. Qiao Bao'er heard the sound of the white tiger charging, and she was even more terrified.

The white tiger pounced forward, its claws digging into the bark. In a few moves, it scrambled up the trunk. The white tiger roared, "Roar!" Its jaws were just below her.

But soon, the white tiger's heavy body slipped down again. It was probably because it was too big, and the old tree bark had grown green moss that was very slippery.

Qiao Bao'er looked at the irritable white tiger under the tree and breathed a sigh of relief.

It couldn't climb up and was stuck in the tree, barely able to survive.

This lucky thought just came up, but the white tiger below smashed into this big tree with its massive body. Suddenly and unexpectedly, Qiao Bao'er slipped her foot, stumbled and fell half a meter to the right. The tip of the staff in her right hand luckily stabbed into the tree trunk, barely managing to hold her up.

The white tiger saw her hanging in the air, it seemed to be striking the ancient great tree desperately out of frustration. Qiao Bao'er held onto her staff tightly and searched for a foothold with her feet, slowly balancing her body. She held onto the tree trunk with her left hand, she absolutely couldn't fall.

Both sides stood off for a while, the white tiger seemed tired as well. It roared angrily at Qiao Baoer above, as if to say, "Come down if you dare, and I'll tear you apart."

Qiao Ba'er was terrified, she hated this intelligent white tiger.

Qiao Bao'er climbed another two meters higher, truly terrified by the white tiger's relentless pursuit. She sat on a thick enough branch, dangling her feet in the air and deliberately swaying them provocatively.

The white tiger bared its teeth, snarling menacingly and letting out a threatening roar.

The sky had turned completely dark, and a full moon gradually emerged from behind the large waterfall.

Bathed in moonlight, the night sky was exceptionally bright. The valley, surrounded by mountains on all sides, had a massive waterfall cascading into a crystal-clear lake below. The lake, mirroring the moon above, reflected a crimson hue as its surface shimmered with the blood red light of the full moon hanging against the dark canvas of the night sky.

Qiao Baoer felt a chill and awe in this valley. Her gaze was drawn to the large waterfall, where the roar of cascading water was so deafening it could drown out any cry for help. As she stared at it, she had a feeling that something within the waterfall was calling to her.

Now, she can't do anything.

She thought to herself, if she jumped into the lake, perhaps she could find Junzhimu and the others, tell them everything that happened here, the waterfall was right here.

But she was trapped on this big tree, the white tiger crouched down below. She was drenched and exhausted, hungry and terrified, not knowing what to do.

Junzhi Mu and the others, seeing that she hadn't surfaced for so long, should have jumped into the lake to look for her. But it had been so long, and they still hadn't appeared.

The night was long, Qiao Baier didn't know if it was an illusion, the valley here felt very comfortable. Even though she was drenched to the bone, she didn't feel cold, but it wasn't stuffy either, just a very comfortable feeling.

There seems to be some magical power that has created a sense of peace and tranquility here.

Even the white tiger under the tree, usually so restless, seemed calmed and sat upright quietly.

At this moment, a five-meter-long python resided in this large tree. It remained perfectly still, its scales blending seamlessly with the rough, olive-green bark of the trunk.

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!alked over.Qiao Bao'er jumped up and urged, "Jun Zhi Mu, you go quickly."Jun gazed at her with a deep, unreadable look in his eyes."Don't get me in trouble, okay This is my first time representing the...