Lucy Lus works

Chapter 698: Untouchable


ing glances toward Jun Zhipu in the central seat.Suddenly, a chill ran down their spines.And yet the piano kept playing smoothly, each note ringing in her ears. How could she dare to play this piece i...Raphael had the Earl distract the white tiger, while Junzhi Mu jumped into the lake to retrieve the glowing object in the center. 。"Why don't you jump in yourself!" Old Ghost and the others were very dissatisfied with this. They felt Raphael had taken all the best things along the way. 。In terms of physical prowess and agility, Raphael's Shepherd of the Flock is a match for no other. Falling into the lake would wash away the viscous fruit pulp clinging to his body, exposing him and bringing danger at any moment. 。No matter how much they objected, the decision ultimately stood, as the Earl only took orders from Raphael. 。

"Be careful" 。"Joe reminded him, “...I don't know if it's my imagination, but before, when I walked to the center of the lake, there seemed to be an invisible wave of energy emanating from that spot in the middle. It vibrated outward in all directions, commanding the beasts>>>" 。Jun Zhi Mu nodded to her, moving swiftly towards the lake. The old ghosts and monkeys around them had their weapons at hand, ready for battle. 。Jun, the shepherd, was an excellent swimmer. He leaped and effortlessly entered the water, swimming with incredible speed to the center of the lake where a majestic golden structure stood majestically on the bottom. 。The lake water was icy cold and crystal clear, seemingly devoid of any impurities. There were no algae or small fish or shrimps to be seen. As Junzhi Mu dived into the depths, gazing at those shimmering points, a strange sense of tranquility and peace washed over him. 。

Before the shepherd could reach out and take it, his hand suddenly retracted as if burned. 。Jun's shepherd frowned, he was sure this was the staff that had been lost before. His finger hadn't even touched it yet, but he could feel the heat like molten lava, over 1000 degrees Celsius. 。He looked around anxiously, finding no suitable tools. A plan sparked in his mind. Jun Zhimu quickly shed his shirt in the lake water, intending to use it as a rope to secure the staff and haul it up. 。Jun Zhi's pastor just wanted to use his shirt to wrap around the scepter and tie a knot, but before he could get close, the scepter seemed to have a life of its own. Under the clear lake water, it formed a wave of power that suddenly bounced him back. 。Although the force was small, Junzhi Mu still felt very surprised. The staff seemed to reject his approach. 。Taking a small stone from the lakebed, Junzhi Mu tried to throw it towards the solemnly erected scepter at the bottom of the lake. Before it even made contact, the stone was abruptly repelled by an invisible force. 。Meanwhile, the old ghosts waiting by the lake started to worry. They shouted towards the lake, "Jun Shao, is something wrong"

Jun Zhimu, who had been holding his breath underwater for 20 minutes, was nearing his limit. 。 Qiao Bao'er nervously edged closer to the lake to watch. After a while, several bubbles rose from the center of the lake. Then suddenly, an invisible force surged outward from the middle of the lake, like a gust of wind suddenly hitting them, pushing everyone standing by the lake to the ground. 。Before he could react, Junzhi Mu from the center of the lake suddenly leaped up. He was bare-chested, his face pale and his brow furrowed in pain. 。"...How are you doing Come ashore quickly..." 。“Joe, be careful!” 。And almost at the same time, from the jungle behind them came a furious roar of a tiger, along with the sound of a large horde of beasts running wildly, shaking the ground. 。"Come ashore, those beasts are coming again." 。Lu Qinan took a long bamboo pole and handed it to the lake water, forcefully pulling Jun Zhim牧 onto the shore. Jun Zhim牧 did not dare to delay, grabbing the bamboo pole with his right hand while also swimming with all his might. 。And the beasts of the jungle behind seemed to be summoned by something, rushing forward madly, roaring and shrieking. 。。The white tiger roared, as if possessed by fury, its jaws wide open to bite at Jun Zhi Mu's neck. At the crucial moment, a small black shadow leaped onto the white tiger's back with lightning speed. The Earl's sharp cat claws raked across the white tiger's scorched rear end, instantly drawing a deep gash. The blood was black. 。The count's claws are venomous. 。

Because of this sudden attack, the white tiger let out a painful howl and instinctively loosened its grip on Junzhimu. It immediately turned its head to chase after the enemy, but the white tiger couldn't see the Count crawling on its back. 。Jo Baoer, who was not far away, watched this dangerous scene and almost fainted. Fortunately, she had brought the Earl over beforehand and smeared it with a magical jam that it disliked. 。While the large and small feline animals were chasing and fighting each other, Lao Gui and Lu Qinan also quickly pulled Jun Zhimu out of the lake water. Jun Zhimu was choked by the lake water for a few mouthfuls. Besides his left palm being severely burned, he didn't have any other injuries. 。Behind them, a pack of more than a dozen adult jackals, three clouded leopards, and a multitude of foxes, wild boars, and buffaloes followed. Even in the air, dozens of enormous vultures circled overhead. 。Listening to the sound of running feet vibrating in the distance, it seems like more beasts are being driven this way. 。These suddenly charging beasts surrounded them, and looking at these gigantic creatures, Lu Qinan couldn't help but swallow nervously. No matter how many bullets they had, it wouldn't be enough. 。Don't move, don't make a sound. 。Raphael was also shocked by the scene. 。I don't know what power

summoned all the beasts around here. 。A large bald eagle circled low over the lake surface, casting a huge black shadow. The sound of its massive wings flapping carried on the wind, whipping Qiao Bao'er's long hair about. She bit her lip and held her breath, afraid that she might accidentally alert these wild beasts. 。And when the shepherd Jun reached the shore, they promptly applied a special lotus fruit pulp to his body. Qiao Baoer saw the festering burn on his left hand and felt a pang of sympathy. 。

Surrounded by such a wave of ferocious beasts, they stood like statues, not daring to move. 。Don't even think about grabbing a weapon, you probably wouldn't even make it to the gun before being trampled to death. 。The animals here seem to dislike the smell of this special fruit pulp. The beasts are agitated, roaring at their standing direction and digging furiously with their front paws out of annoyance. 。The earl disliked the smell too, his fur covered in the sticky, pungent pulp. He scratched at the white tiger a few times, then leaped and bounded onto the back of a wild boar, clawing wildly as if to vent his frustration. 。Even with their thick hides, the wild boars couldn't withstand the Count's sharp claws. The entire herd began to stir, lashing out at each other and roaring in panic. 。

Raphael and his companions took the opportunity to make their way to the lake, hoping to avoid being hurt. They also observed that these beasts seemed reluctant to come near the water and didn't appear to be drinking from it. 。how the decorations were coming along.""Fang Da Ma said you were waiting for me to have breakfast earlier" He brought up another unrelated matter out of the blue."No, no," Her heart fluttered under h...