Lucy Lus works

Chapter 696: Great Calamity, Unharmed


g and just think about making money desperately. But when they have some savings, their bodies are worn out. In the end, they pay their money to the hospital. They are busy all their lives but haven't...The white tiger in front of me kept sniffing with its nose, then impatiently dug the ground with its powerful claws.

Qiao Bao'er was just under its tiger's mouth, less than 10 centimeters away. She held her breath and moved her body carefully, trying not to make a sound, slowly moving away.

As for Qiao Bao'er's movements, this white tiger seemed not to have seen them. Relying only on animal instinct, it sensed something ahead and snarled fiercely in her direction, baring its teeth with a wrinkled nose.

This tiger, so close at hand, frightened Qiao Baoer's face turned ashen, her body trembled as she slowly and carefully moved away.

The forest to their right blazed into a fiery wall, and opposite it, Jumo and his companions beheld this wondrous sight.

This white tiger really can't see Qiao Baoer.

Qiao Bao'er retreated nervously, bit by bit, until she was about 10 meters away from the white tiger. She slowly stood up and then ran frantically toward the forest on the opposite side that was being burned by fire.

The great white tiger immediately sensed something running around it. It instinctively chased after it, but couldn't see or find its direction. It became agitated and ferociously roared angrily at the air.

Qiao Bao'er crouched down, picking up a burning branch of firewood with both hands. The flames crackled merrily as she lifted it, like a plume of fire dancing in mid-air. The white tiger immediately stopped its movements, revealing an expression of extreme fright, and retreated step by step.

Jo Bao'er, emboldened by spite, lifted the torch and chased after the white tiger.

The white tiger was frightened and let out a roar. It turned its head and ran away with all its might, its large tiger claws flailing. Qiao Baoer chased after it until they reached the edge of a cliff. The white tiger looked down at the bottom of the cliff and then back at the floating torch, as if hesitating.

The white tiger first put on a show, roaring and snarling at her. Qiao Bao'er was instinctively afraid, but now she had a suicidal thought. She had been frightened by these animals several times and thought she was going to die several times.

She continued to taunt the white tiger angrily, hurling torches with all her might. The flames caught the tiger's thick fur ablaze.

The white tiger froze for a moment, then turned its head to look at the burning rump. It seemed to be terrified, roaring and screeching wildly before scrambling down the hillside and off the cliff.

The white tiger ran faster and faster, its tail burning brighter with every stride. Qiao Bao'er stood at the edge of the cliff, watching the white tiger bump around down below, a sense of satisfaction washing over her. In this dangerous world, she had always been the weak one, constantly fleeing for her life. Now, finally, she had gotten some revenge.

Junzhi Mu and their people had already been scattered. Even though they were over a thousand meters away across the fire wall, they could still clearly see the white tiger's tail on fire as it ran down the cliff slope.

Witnessed this magical moment.

"...Stay there, don't move. We're coming over now." Junzhi Mu shouted excitedly at her.

Junzhi, Samba, and the tribal chief bypassed the burning forest and arrived on the other side.

qiao Bao'er led them carefully down the cliff slope, "There are many plants like lotus flowers below. Their round leaves are several times larger than lotus leaves, and the fruits they bear are like lotus pods, but the small fruits are blue..."

"It should be safe."

< Qiao Baoer herself guessed that she didn't feel any discomfort at the moment. >

As she spoke, she stepped onto the soft black mud and climbed onto that gigantic, circular moon. With all her might, she broke off a huge lotus pod and threw it to them.

"...The pulp of this fruit is magical."

Samba, however, disliked the smell of this fruit very much. His expression was one of disgust, and he instinctively took a step back. Even the tribe chief muttered in his mouth, seeming unwilling to even touch this plant.

Qiao Bao'er slid down from the giant leaf, grabbed a fruit in her hands and squeezed it hard. A viscous pale blue juice that glowed faintly flowed out.

She smeared the viscous fruit pulp directly onto Junzhimu's face. The icy, slimy feeling was truly disgusting. Junzhimu stood before her, allowing her to smear it on him.

The wildman was naturally very good at imitating. Samba, watching Qiao Bao'er’s actions, hesitantly broke a piece of fruit and reluctantly mimicked Qiao Bao'er, squeezing the fruit and smearing the juice all over himself.

The tribal chief, smelling the pungent ammonia scent on the three of them, immediately turned and ran. Qiao Bao'er grabbed her first, and the old chief couldn't escape Qiao Bao'er's clutches, still being smeared all over with this special fruit pulp.

Qiao Bao'er and Jun Zhimu found the smell acceptable, but Samba and the others had a strong aversion to it. The white tiger before also seemed very agitated and disgusted.

Saving lives is more important than smelling good.

With this fruit, they could safely search for resources on this land. Otherwise, no matter how many weapons they had, they wouldn't stand a chance against the beasts here.

With Samba, their big strong companion, around, they found it much easier to transport these special lotus pods. They gathered a lot of them and, after circumventing the forest fire, went looking for Raphael and his group.

"Jun Shao!"

" was you who started the fire."

They returned to the lake area, where Raphael and his companions took refuge in the large, ancient trees, from where they could plainly see the encroaching forest fire. This sudden blaze had also driven away the animals in the surrounding areas, giving them a bit of relief.

"How are you still alive" Raphael stared at her in disbelief.

Joe Baoer glared at him and ignored him, knowing that this man's words were insincere. Even with Tang Yu's face, he was still so annoying.

When Lao Gui and Lu Qinan saw that she was safe and sound, they were truly relieved.

Having gone through so much together, if Qiao Bao'er were to have an accident, they would also feel a hollowness in their hearts. It wouldn't be just because she was Jun Zhimu's wife, but also because she was a teammate with whom they shared life and death.

We met again this time, and were attacked by a beast. Luckily, we didn't lose any teammates, but everyone has some wounds.

"What the heck, can it stop bleeding and cure diseases"

Raphael kicked the giant lily pad he had brought back with some disdain.

"Your dog's life is in your hands."i family are too high-class for us. We don't even want them."“Loving someone obsessively and being loved are two different things. Your aunt doesn't want to see you so tired, just find someone who wil...