Lucy Lus works

Chapter 694: Blue Fruit


ng her hands and feet tightly, making it impossible to break free. However, a black shadow pushed open the door. She couldn't make out the figure's appearance, perhaps because she was bound, lying fla...Jun Zhimu chased after the figure in the sky, running with all his might.

No matter how hard he tried, he could not outrun the giant bald eagle soaring through the sky.

The endless blue sky, the disappearing black shadow getting smaller and smaller, Junzhi Mu's heart filled with anger and anxiety.

Qiao Bao'er disappeared, watching her vanish right before my eyes.

He had never been so enraged, he ran wildly in that direction, stumbling and falling with a sharp stone catching his foot.

The shepherd hastily scrambled to his feet, and at that moment, he heard the sound of fighting behind him.

Just now, I was so engrossed in my pursuit that I seemed to have forgotten myself. Only now do I realize the reality of the situation. When Jun Zhimu looked up, the tiny black shadow in the sky had vanished.

She truly vanished before his eyes.

At this moment, Samba, along with his elderly mother, the tribal chief, were ambushed by a pack of wild boars.

These wild boars were incredibly fat, with a pair of sharp tusks that seemed to have been given an order, charging at them like madmen. Sambas stood no chance.

Junzhi Mu hesitated for half a second, then immediately turned around and ran toward Samba's direction.

"Get out of my way!" he shouted.

At this moment, Samba's right foot had been pierced by the wild boar's tusk and was injured. He was clumsily just getting up, protecting his old mother behind him, desperately struggling with the boar.

The shepherd immediately drew out a flamethrower from his person. Long tongues of fire shot forth, filling the animals with fear. The flames licked at the wild boars' fur, causing it to crackle and pop. They scattered in all directions, squealing in terror.

The flamethrower is easy to operate, doesn't require too much accuracy, and can be easily used even by beginners. Jun Zhi Mu entrusted this weapon to Samba, while he himself picked up another machine gun and aimed at the throats of the wild boars, spraying them with bullets.

Sampa, despite his large size, wasn't skilled with tools. However, seeing what the shepherd had just used, he quickly learned by imitation and became proficient in no time.

Just as they were entangled with the wild boar, a faint scream echoed from afar.

The scream, a terrified shriek of alarm, was from Qiao Bao'er.

Jun's Shepherd almost turned his head in an instant. She was right nearby, not far away. Was it a vulture attacking her She fell from the sky, did she meet danger

Extremely anxious.

Jun's shepherd was currently being surrounded by a group of wild boars. All he wanted to do was quickly solve the problem at hand and run over to see how she was doing.

"Burn the tree down!" Junzhi Mu immediately ordered Samba to point the flamethrower at a dead tree.

Set fire to the forest.

This is very alarming for Samba.


Perhaps it was Junzhi's gaze, which seemed too cold and determined at this moment, or his tone, which was haughty. Samba sensed his agitation and didn't hesitate. He clumsily pointed the flamethrower at a withered old tree, and with a whoosh, the tree burst into flames, crackling and roaring as it burned fiercely.

Junzhi Mu could not care less about forest fires. Even if a fire consumed the entire forest, he wouldn't bat an eyelid. A nameless fire burned within him, anger and hatred for this island, hatred for these animals.

As Raphael once said, even if the entire island sank, he wouldn't care, because at this moment, he had something more important to deal with: a herd of wild pigs blocking his path.

On Qiao Bao'er's side, she was originally being grabbed by a giant bald eagle on both shoulders, and the whole person was lifted into the air.

Vultures usually eat carrion, that is, already dead animals. Just as this vulture was carrying her towards a high cliff, she suddenly released its talons, throwing Jo Baoer down from the sky, seemingly wanting to kill her by smashing her.

Qiao Bao'er was thrown directly down from a distance of over 200 meters from the ground, falling freely, and she screamed repeatedly in fright.

The tall trees, with their thick branches, tore at her clothes and skin, but also slowed her descent.

At the foot of the mountain, under towering trees, there were vast swathes of vegetation like lotus leaves. Qiao Bao'er lay on one such enormous leaf; its flower buds had already borne blue fruit, which burst with a juicy mess when her body pressed against it, staining her entirely in its viscous sap.

Qiao Bao'er's whole body seemed to be coated in a layer of blue jam, sticky and gooey. The pulp was a pale blue, fluorescent, with a pungent, ammonia-like smell.

Qiao Bao'er felt unwell all over, but she didn't care about that at the moment. Her heart was still racing wildly, and she stared blankly at the strange vegetation surrounding her.

She had many injuries on her body, her clothes were torn, and her arms, lower abdomen, and even underarms were scratched and bleeding by branches. The physical pain had become numb, more than that, she was mentally traumatized and frightened, like a startled bird, helplessly huddled under the huge leaf, her mind dizzy.

The bald eagle in the sky soared, its massive dark shadow falling as it swooped down, seemingly searching for its prey.

Jo Bao'er was like a small animal encountering a natural enemy. She couldn't control her body and trembled.

Staaring blankly at the bald eagle as it swooped towards her, she was helpless, unsure where to run. She knew she couldn't outrun a bird of prey.

In this world, she is constantly threatened, encountering danger, struggling, running away, and facing death, all while being unarmed and with no one around to help her.

She was desperate.

When the eagle snatched her up and flew into the sky, she was terrified, her mind went blank. The wound on her shoulder from the eagle's talons was so painful it numbed her completely.

Jo Bao'er couldn't run anymore. Her whole body ached, and even her lungs felt pierced with pain when she breathed.

Like a frightened hamster, it hunched its body, lowered its head, and curled up.

Awaiting death.

This time, the swooping vulture did not grab her with its sharp claws, but flew over her.

And in that instant, Qiao Bao's breath seemed to pause, as if a fish suddenly released from a chopping board.

Still too afraid to look up or move, he could hear the massive bald eagle's wings flapping. It continued to soar and circle over its territory, searching for prey.

It seemed like a long time had passed, or perhaps only a few minutes. Qiao Bao'er had lost all sense of time. She just felt herself squatting there, her legs starting to go numb.

And the enormous bald eagle overhead, seemed not to have noticed her yet.

It's as if this bald eagle couldn't see her.

This situation is a bit strange. Before, when she was standing in the middle of the lake, this big bird could accurately grab her. Now, here, amidst this patch of green plants, she's sitting right on this large leaf, so visible, it should be easy to spot.

And soon she heard the sound of a huge buzzard's wings beating, it seemed somewhat agitated, gave a sharp cry towards the sky and with powerful wingbeats flew far away.

Qiao Bao'er then slowly raised her stiff neck.

The azure sky, that ominous black dot, receding into the distance.

For a moment, her eyes welled up with tears. She didn't know whether to thank God or feel lucky that the bird hadn't found her.

The whole person let out a huge sigh of relief, stretching their limbs, only then noticing that their entire body was covered in blue, glowing, viscous fruit pulp.

And she was aching all over, the pain felt good, it made her feel alive.a 'brain', whether the wild man feels bad or not, whether the wild man has emotions and thoughts, there should be. Just born babies have emotions, and so do dogs."...Why is he so happy"Qiao Baor was p...