Lucy Lus works

Chapter 687: The Waterfall


anymore, control yourself..." >Jun Zhi's shepherd didn't agree, his gaze falling to the faint kiss mark on her neck. He reached out and pulled her collar to cover the mark.Jun Zhi Mu's long, white fi..."Niagara Falls."

Although everyone heard about it in a hazy way, even the chieftain didn't know what Nagas were exactly. Luckily, they knew that Nagas lived in the big waterfall.

Legend has it that the guardian deity of the third island, Naga, resides within the waterfall.

"...As soon as we entered the swamp, we heard the sound of a waterfall crashing."

Lao Gui still clearly remembers the scene, although he didn't see it with his own eyes, the impact must have been like a waterfall.

But they didn't see any waterfalls along the way.

Everyone turned their eyes to Raphael in unison. "The staff you want is by the waterfall, hurry up and get it," Crab quipped with a hint of schadenfreude.

Raphael's face tightened in thought, then he countered, "Have you truly ever heard the sound of water flowing from a waterfall"

Raphael's question made it clear to the old ghosts that he had never encountered a waterfall on the third island.

Lord Jun's Shepherd didn't say a word, immediately taking out the map. Though the geography on it had changed significantly, it still offered some guidance.

Indeed, it seems we've found something on the map.

"This symbol is probably meant to be a waterfall." The map shows a mountain with wavy lines like water.

The monkey spoke first, "Jun Shao, this map is wrong."

"Since the chief said that Nagas are an ancient legend, and the map is as old as Nagas, perhaps Nagas are still hidden somewhere in this place."

Raphael didn't object, figured he might as well take a gamble; they were lost anyway.

So everyone packed their belongings and, following the map's directions, set out to find the great waterfall.

Because there had been continuous rain before, the ground became very soft and muddy. Be careful, considering they all held a bayonet or a spear as a walking stick for assistance.

But as the elder of the tribe was elderly, she followed the group for two hours along a mountain path and gradually grew tired. Jun Zhi Mu's men were all wolfish and didn't understand respect for the elderly or the young. The elder of the tribe fell behind, and she trembled as she walked at the end.

Lu Qinnan was considerate. He nudged Qiao Baier, who was hurrying past, and suggested, "You go call Sangba to carry his mother on the road."

Qiao Bao'er turned her head and saw that the chieftain of the wild people was out of breath even when walking. She immediately ran over to him.

Perhaps seeing Qiao Bao'er's kindness, the chieftain actually handed her the section of the staff he had been holding tightly. Qiao Bao'er was stunned for a while, "Thank you."

Thank you for the chieftain's trust.

The tribal leader also taught Qiao Baier to combine the two sections of the staff. It turned out that there was a small mechanism with interlocking interfaces between one-third of the staff. When the two sections were combined, they were almost one and a half meters long.

If not for fear of displeasing the tribal chief and Raphael, Qiao Bao'er would almost have used this thing as a walking stick. It was rather cumbersome to carry on her back because of its length.

The tribal chieftain shook his head at her, {“When it reaches the holy land, it will go.”}

Although Qiao Bao'er found the native language awkward even with a translation, she understood the gist: don't separate the combined scepter. If it passes through 'Holy Land', the scepter will find its place on its own.

Just like that staff she had in her hand before suddenly shot up, and then, they found the hidden mountain belly, the mountain belly that records precious artifacts murals, is indeed a holy place.

Qiao Baoer was a little excited. It turned out that these two sections of the scepter, when combined, could also find the key site.

She figured Raphael wouldn't know about it, and she wasn't planning on telling the jerk either.

Qiao Bao'er called Samba over, and Samba carried his old mother on his shoulders. Lu Qinan ran over to join in the fun, "Yo, this scepter combination, estimated that the original shape is also more than two meters, just missing the top section, quite imposing."

Qiao Baoer waved the combined scepter around like a detector, trying to sense anything. Unfortunately, the scepter remained inert, indicating that they were still far from their destination.

Strolling along, stopping and starting, we reached noon. Today's weather wasn't exactly sunny, but thin clouds allowed a few rays of sunlight to shine through.

Beneath this rippling water, directly before them lay a rushing river, its waters gurgling and swirling downstream.

“According to the map, the waterfall we're looking for is located downstream along this river.” Kun Zhi Mu stood still, gazing around.

Generally, they would choose to walk along the riverbank.

But the riverbanks were soft mud, overgrown with tall reeds like that first great swamp, filling them with a fresh wave of fear.

“We’ll just build a raft and cross this time.” Lao Gui still shivered at the memory of the huge fish they'd encountered in the swamp before.

The monkey did not have any psychological shadow about it, he retorted, "If the water below this river is a big waterfall, our raft will be swept down by the current and we won't be able to control it at all. Wouldn't that be a death sentence"

The crabs glanced at the swamp, shivered, and told the monkey with tight faces and impassive expressions, "... I'd rather be washed down a waterfall."

Swamps give off a creepy and scary feeling, covered in thick tall reeds. If you're not careful, you could sink right into them, and they even feed the fish.

All the members of their team are extreme sports veterans. They used to surf and dive in the deep sea with ease.

The monkey still disagreed, "We have the injured, the sick, and the disabled here."

"I'm not going into the swamp, anyway."

In the face of conflict, unable to make a decision, in a harsh environment, the choice determines life and death.

And people are most likely to disagree, suspect each other, and fight amongst themselves in this kind of environment.

"Make rafts and travel by water," Jun Zhimu mused for a moment before speaking to them.

A man mumbled softly, no longer daring to have any other thoughts. He obediently went about chopping trees.

The team's obedience to Junzhimu amazed Samba. Samba secretly also wanted to become someone like Junzhimu, this "little person" was really smart.

Sambaa believed that only powerful people were followed, and Sambaa thought "powerful" was like a cub who could come up with many clever ideas. In this regard, Sambaa felt a bit inferior.

The river in front of us, rushing swiftly, divides this vast swamp into two parts. The water is crystal clear and the long riverbed is unobstructed by dense aquatic plants. "According to the map, we are still over 20 kilometers away from the big waterfall, so let's follow the river." We'll make other plans if anything special comes up.

The crab and Lao Gui bound a raft quickly.

If they were to walk through over 20 kilometers of swamp, that would really be the end of them.

They now have a total of 21 people, not including Count's cat, so they will need at least two large rafts. They will need to cut down four long tree trunks to use as supports for the rafts and control their direction.

It took less than two hours to assemble the raft, and everyone worked together to push it into the water.

Knowing full well the dangers that lay ahead, there was still a spark of excitement in my heart. With a shout, I declared, "Let's go!"

Qiao Bao'er's swimming ability was pretty good, but when she stepped onto the raft, she felt her body was a bit difficult to balance. At first, she thought it was because she wasn't used to standing on the raft and floating unsteadily. Jun Zhimu even glanced at her intentionally.

She stood straight and pretended nothing was wrong, not wanting to cause trouble for anyone at this time.

However, as the raft drifted downstream, Jo Baoer increasingly felt herself losing her balance. She simply sat down, and just at that moment, her walking stick in her backpack started to shake...

Joe Baoer was dumbfounded.

She didn't react at all. The two precious staffs shot forward, and she watched in disbelief as they flew into the it back and forth over two weeks before successfully cashing out and making over $38 million. He even withdrew the cash to repay the $1 million advance, netting a profit of $37 million.Junzhi Mu on...