Lucy Lus works

Chapter 679: Cave-in


if there was an opportunity to take them down, they would certainly strike decisively.Being scrutinized by the shepherd, Jun felt very restrained. He gave a dry laugh and said, "Before this, I snuck...The calm ocean off the coast of the island suddenly became agitated, with waves crashing onto the shore in a relentless barrage from afar.

The waves grew higher and higher, crashing violently against the Shanghai shore. The beach by the sea was instantly engulfed, and the forest's vegetation was assaulted, with trees falling one after another...

Giant waves devoured the island at an alarming rate, submerging the pristine forest completely. The seawater surged relentlessly, creating a deafening roar as the restless deep sea raged on.

Suddenly, off the coast of the island, a circular wave appeared. From afar, it looked as if the ring of seawater had been boiled, with white bubbles constantly erupting from the sea. Before anyone could ponder its meaning, in an instant, a powerful force hidden deep within the ocean erupted upwards, and red, terrifying magma burst forth.

This cataclysm of fire and water, filling the heavens and earth, made the small group standing on the mountain feel a shiver of fear.

Underwater volcanic eruptions spew out molten lava, boiling the seawater instantly and turning it into steam. The fog at the edge of the island intensifies, accompanied by dust ejected from the eruption containing complex chemical compounds, making the already pungent air even more unbearable.

Volcanic eruptions triggered tsunamis that relentlessly surged inland, inundating everything in their path with a devastating force, leaving nothing but death and destruction in their wake.

Since Zhu Xiaowei and the others couldn't even faintly see this devastating scene with their high-powered telescopes, they witnessed firsthand as the island was swallowed. Forests, plains, and houses all ceased to exist.

The earth was shaking violently, Zhu Xiaowei's feet were trembling along with it, and everyone immediately crouched down, looking fearfully at the distance, where it was already a scene of utter devastation.

The animals fleeing up the mountain now screamed in terror, some suddenly crying out in fear, others shouting.

Looking at their homeland being destroyed, even the strong wildmen showed signs of fear and anxiety. The wildmen knelt down, as if in supplication, their lips trembling as they mumbled and repeatedly kowtowed to the sky.

Zhu Xiaowei and the others did not mock the savages' ignorance. This was just their belief. In times of extreme fear, no one has the right to ridicule others. Facing the wrath of nature, who is not as insignificant and ignorant

It's just as well they weren't in the plains, it's just as well they got away quickly.

The air grew even more heavy, the suffocating smell of volcanic gas mixing with fine ash as it drifted towards them. They had to get to the other side of the mountain quickly.

What will happen next Nobody knows. Everyone was filled with fear and uncertainty about the future.

Zhu Xiaowei suppressed the panic in her heart and prayed, "When will this disaster end, I hope everything calms down..."

And at this time, Sambas, monkeys, and the Wild Woman Chieftain who had already entered the third island realm also seemed to sense that the earth brought a formidable power. The ground trembled, lasting for five minutes, trees swayed, and animals all around kept screeching and roaring at the sky.

"Is something wrong"

The monkey watched nervously, unable to understand the murmurs of the tribal chief. All he saw was the chief kneeling, bowing his head repeatedly towards a point in the sky, his voice filled with both sorrow and pleading.

If Samba had been from before, he would have knelt down to worship heaven just like his mother. But now, he stands straight, gazing deeply in the direction where the disaster occurred. He has learned not to beg, but to accept and think about what comes next.

The monkey was upset for a while because it couldn't communicate with Samba, but soon saw Samba and the others quicken their pace on the road.

"I hope Jun Shao and everyone else there are safe and well."

Jun Zhimu and the others weren't doing well over there. They were originally trapped in a dark room deep within the mountain, racking their brains trying to find a way out. Luckily, Lao Gui and Monkey found them. Hearing footsteps coming from the tunnel, Jun Zhimu and the others immediately knew it was their people and shouted excitedly.

The Old Ghost and his men immediately found the stone brick mechanism for the activity, restarted it, and the secret doors on both sides finally opened.

"Past, bring me the staff." Raphael shoved Qiao Bao'er, urging her. "There are other secret rooms ahead, I want to go into each one..."

Now, only Qiao Bao'er can wield that section of the staff. Raphael, using Tang Yu's body, is helpless against it. Yet, despite needing something from others, he behaves as if he's superior to everyone else.

Jun Zhi Mu's first to disagree, "Taking the staff, leave immediately, we go out!"

This mountain also preserves many precious cultural relics and historical sites.

That's your business.

Raphael and Junzhi's shepherd started arguing as soon as they met. Qiao Baoer entered the dark room on the other side and successfully got the staff. Without hesitation, she immediately stood beside Junzhi's shepherd, "Let's go out."

She certainly didn't want to risk venturing into the dark and eerie depths of this mountain. There were too many secrets hidden here, and she didn't want to know too much. The things recorded in the murals held an ancient and mysterious power, as if they could cloud one's mind and drive them to crave more and more.

Lao Gui and his team were experienced veterans. After figuring out the mechanism layout of this mountain's interior, they could easily find the entrance and exit, no longer relying too much on Raphael, and able to get out themselves.

John's shepherd and his people were many, Raphael saw them all heading towards the exit, he was angry but helpless...

However, at that moment, the vast mountainside suddenly trembled, as if the entire mountain was undergoing a violent earthquake, and stones from the ceiling began to fall...

Raphael's face changed instantly.

This was originally an empty mountain belly. A sudden earthquake disrupted the balance of the mountain structure, and the tremors grew stronger and stronger. Junzhi Mu and his companions immediately felt the danger, and everyone quickened their pace toward the exit.

"We don't have much time, the entrance will collapse!" Raphael shouted at them, "This way!"

The shepherd's footsteps were hesitant, about to turn back when they saw a large chunk of stones falling from above. It crashed down with a roar, narrowly missing them as they dodged in fright. The path ahead seemed increasingly perilous, the sound of rocks falling one after another echoing ominously...

Rafael, this man of no integrity.

This was a choice, one that concerned the lives of these people. Yet there wasn't time for them to think too much about it. Jun Zhimu first habitually turned his head to glance at Qiao Baier.

Qiao Bao'er's eyes did not show much fear, but she tightly clutched the staff that had led them into disaster, nervously looking around.

Perhaps it was a tacit understanding; she also looked towards Jun Zhimu.

"This way!" Qiao Bao'er pulled him along, turning and running. At the same time, she shouted to Lu Qinan and the others behind her, "That black cat, Count is over there..."

Animals at their most desperate hour have the most primal instincts, you may not trust Raphael, but Count shouldn't lie.

For some reason, as soon as Qiao Baier turned and ran, Lao Gui and the others immediately followed without hesitation or concern. They trusted her, like they believed in a shepherd guiding them, though it was also possible that their leader had been dragged away, leaving them confused and disoriented.

"It's okay, it's okay," she gasped, running and nervously reassuring herself.

My mind was in turmoil, and I still chased after the former Count's figure, running. Now she carried not only her own life but also the lives of those behind her. She couldn't afford to make a mistake; she had to get out safely.

She suddenly understood why men like Junzhi Mu and Raphael were mostly taciturn, preferring silence over laughter. They carried too much, guarded something far too heavy.

She didn't want to be that kind of big person, but this time, Qiao Baoer prayed and prayed. She absolutely didn't want to become a corpse in the mountain belly. She didn't want to see any friends die, even if it was a natural disaster, she at least wanted to do her best to fight for it.

"Little sister, you're truly hard-headed," Raphael said, his voice a bit rushed and laced with an unusual tinge of delight as he reached the end of this dark passage. "... You can't die." Truth be told, he was just taking a gamble.

The mountain was hollow, and the tremors caused its interior to begin collapsing, especially at the entrance where the pressure was greater. Everyone who had been waiting outside the mountain's belly was terrified. With a deafening roar, sand and dust billowed from the entrance, revealing a huge chasm.

No matter how precious the cultural relics and murals within, in this instant, everything is destroyed.

The earthquake lasted for about five minutes. When everything calmed down, Qiao Bao'er realized they were actually squeezed into a narrow dark passage. Strong light shone in from outside, and cold wind whistled through the entrance. This was the small cave opening at the edge of the cliff they had discovered earlier.

"Little sister, get out there." Raphael was also choked with dust, but his tone was still very sarcastic.l.""We're still classmates, I skipped a grade to take the college entrance exam." He spoke humbly.Gu Ruoyan showed a surprised expression and praised, "Then your grades must be very good now. I didn't...