Lucy Lus works

Chapter 662: Mysterious Forbidden Zone


rmed in, strides long and angry, “Joe Baoer, you’ve really gone too far! You actually kidnapped the nurse. Don't think I wouldn't dare…”What's wrong with herThe man in bed frowned, just waking up, his...When stepping into the swamp's water, a bone-chilling coldness permeated his entire body.

Qiao Baoer couldn't help but tremble.

"From here to the other side of the swamp, it's about 1500 meters away. It's not far, brothers. We can cross this distance very quickly."

The old ghost behind me shouted in a loud voice, cheering everyone on.

"Remember, if anything happens, immediately drop your backpack on your shoulder without hesitation, and the nearest brother should pick up something to use as cover... If you're unlucky enough to step into a swamp and get stuck, don't panic and follow orders."

Although the sun hadn't completely set yet, the sky was strangely covered in thick clouds, making it overcast and gloomy.

The water in the swamp before them was crystal clear, and the surrounding reeds and aquatic plants were lush and green, glowing with vibrancy. Their group of 17 people, burdened with heavy packs, cautiously stepped into the icy bog, one by one. The scene felt like a hallucination, so surreal it was hard to believe.

Junzhimu and Lao Gui are all professionals, the only thing they are a little worried about is whether Qiao Bao'er can successfully cross this swamp.

To take care of Qiao Baier, they let her walk in the middle of the line, with Jun Zhi Mu leading the way at the front.

“ Qiao Bao’er, if you step into the mud and get stuck, be sure to throw off the heavy objects on your body first, then lean forward and lie down to increase the area of force…”

Lu Qinan walked up behind her and couldn't help but mutter a reminder.

"Got it." Qiao Baier replied with two words.

Focus your mind, take one step at a time towards the other shore.

They wandered through the swamp, encountering thick reeds that forced them to detour. Perhaps the humidity in the center of the swamp was even more intense, causing their vision to become hazy. A white mist hung in the air, significantly reducing visibility and allowing them to see only about 10 meters around them.

The thick fog that permeated the surroundings made their hearts clench, a desperate urge to quicken their pace and run forward battling with an equally strong fear of doing so.

Over a distance of more than a thousand meters, they took each step with trepidation.

Fortunately, Junzhi Mu landed safely on shore soon after.

The Lord Shepherd stood at the edge of the swamp. He immediately shouted into the mire, "I've made it ashore! Follow the men ahead and maintain your speed; don't fall behind."

The sound of the shepherd's voice spread among them, bolstering their spirits and making the swamp seem less menacing.

However, Jun Zhimu stood high above, his heart never allowed itself to relax even for a moment.

Gazing around at the marsh before him, shrouded in a thick blanket of white fog, Junzhi Mu couldn't see his team, nor the swamp grasses. All he could see was a blinding expanse of white.

“As long as you all follow the person in front, step by step, you'll be able to get ashore quickly and smoothly!”

The second crab reached the other side safely. He, too, was soon alarmed by the thick fog that completely obscured his vision. He shouted with all his might to his brothers in the marsh.

As long as the team stays organized, we should all be able to make it safely to shore.

The fog was getting thicker and thicker, the people at the back of the line couldn't help but speed up their pace. Qiao Baier suddenly seemed to be tripped by something, "Don't push me," she almost fell into the water. She managed to steady herself and turned her head, thinking it was Lu Qinian who walked too fast and bumped into her.

She had no one behind her.

Now, she was a little flustered.

"Lu Qin'an!" She shouted his name, standing still.

" Qiao Bao'er, I can't see you."

From somewhere, a faint sound of Lu Qinian's voice could be heard.

"...Aren't you always following me Where are you now" Qiao Bao'er looked at the blinding white expanse before her. Her visibility was less than two meters, and she immediately became anxious.

"I don't know either, something bumped into me just now, I fell into the water, and when I got up, I couldn't see you anymore..."

Lu Qinian should be nearby, his voice faintly audible, but the surrounding area was shrouded in white mist, making it impossible to distinguish directions.

And such a delay also made Qiao Bao'er angrily discover that she had lost sight of the people ahead.

Now the team is completely in disarray.

"What about the people behind" Junzhi Mu waited for his teammates to get ashore one by one, and soon realized something was wrong.

"I don't know."

The team members who had made it ashore were also confused. They followed the instructions one by one, without noticing anything unusual behind them.

At this time, the swamp has been completely covered by a white mist, and they can't see anything.

Behind the team, there were 9 people who hadn't made it to shore yet. One of them spoke up, "The person behind me is Qiao Baier..."

The crab, facing this white mist, shouted anxiously, "Brothers still in the swamp, can you hear us Give us a sound!" This was really worrying.

As soon as the words left his mouth, there were three sharp and piercing gunshots from the swamp: boom, boom, boom.

Jun Zhi Mu and others trembled.

“What happened!” Jun Zhi牧 also shouted impatiently.

"Hey, get back to us! What's going on over there!" The crabs were also in a hurry.

If there were no white fog in front of them, they could have rushed over to help, but now that everything is obscured, they can only anxiously wait on this side.

Junzhi's herdsmen furrowed their brows, trying to figure out how to drive away the dense fog. The crab continued shouting at the top of its lungs, voice booming one call after another, guiding them, hoping they would hear.

However, Qiao Baier and the others had no mood to shout at this time, "...Damn it, there's something in the water. What the hell is swimming back and forth in the water." Lu Qinan tumbled several times in the swamp before finally confirming that something was swimming in the swamp water, and it was huge.

"Be quiet! Stop making so much noise!"

The rest of the people in the line behind were huddled together, their eyes fixed on the swamp water below, their spears raised, ready to feed bullets to the thing in the water.

But the area was shrouded in white mist, making it very difficult for them to shoot at the creatures in the water.

Qiao Baoer was flustered, rummaging in her rattan pouch. Finally, she found the long-handled lighter that Jun Zhimu had given her. It had a fierce fire, a pale blue flame, and soon illuminated the area around her. The white mist also dissipated somewhat because of the flames.

She finally saw them, Lu Qinan and his group, just fifty meters behind her. She carefully made her way closer, all the while keeping a watchful eye on the movement beneath the water.

Suddenly, a large black creature swam quickly towards her from the water. Qiao Bao'er was startled and cried out in alarm, "...That thing is swimming towards you guys, it has spines on its body." Maybe because she had a torch, the creature didn't attack her directly.

Around the same time, a cry of pain came from that direction, "Ah—"

Then came the sound of gunfire all around.

Everyone was in a frenzy, firing wildly into the water.

As Qiao Bao'er approached, the firelight dissipated some of the mist, and they could finally see clearly. The swamp water was rippling with a vibrant red, and a heavy smell of blood hung in the air. A grotesque, unidentified creature lay dead on the surface. One of their comrades groaned in pain, sprawled in the swamp water. His left foot had been torn apart, leaving exposed white bone.

"Damn it! I want to see what kind of monster this is!"

The old ghost angrily thrust his spear deep into the mysterious creature's body. Since this thing also weighed over a hundred pounds, the old ghost dragged it forward.

The injured player was being helped on either side by two people.

Qiao Bao'er lit a fire. They no longer walked in a long line, but gathered together, keeping watch in all directions—east, west, north, and south—and protecting each other as they moved forward little by little.

After about twenty minutes, they finally made it to shore.

When the shepherd saw a small flicker of light in the white mist of the swamp, he felt a slight ease in his heart. But when they saw their comrade seriously injured, and then saw Lao Gui dragging that mysterious aquatic creature onto the shore, they were all taken aback.

"Is this a carp"

A black carp.

"...Have you ever seen a carp weighing over 100 pounds" Lao Gui kicked the dead fish's head again as if he had a grudge, "Bah, this carp's teeth are even fiercer than a wolf's."

What in the world is this place.stead glared at the child at the table, "I didn't want to have him in the first place, it was Pei Haoran who forced me to give birth to him. Now that we're divorced, seeing him just gets on my nerves....