Lucy Lus works

Chapter 659: Sister-in-Law's Prowess


r again.He really wanted to see her.Junzhi Mu didn't understand if it was his male pride getting in the way. This was different from his usual sharp and decisive approach to things. In the past, he on...Since they set out from the morning, Jun Zhimu and his companions had been walking for five hours. It was two in the afternoon, the hottest time of day.

Take a one-hour break on the spot.

They chose to sit by the riverbank under a few large trees. Because the river was polluted, each of them had limited freshwater and treasured it dearly. When thirsty, they would raise their heads and only dare to take a small sip.

Jun Zhi Mu was deliberately tricking Qiao Baoer. He had her go on this long journey with him, bringing only two bottles of water. As they walked, he prepared to hand her one bottle.

Qiao Bao'er sat alone behind a large stone that faced the west sun. She had her legs crossed and was calmly sorting through her rather ugly rattan basket.

She was seen lowering her head, shoving something in her mouth with her hand. Her cheeks were puffing in and out as she chewed with relish.

When the young man sat beside her, he saw she was eating a thick leaf, like that of a succulent cactus.

"Is it delicious" he asked in a low voice.

Qiao Bao'er turned her head to look at him, still expressionless, chewing on the succulent plant in her mouth, "It's disgusting." she stated very plainly.

The lord's shepherd suddenly chuckled softly and offered her a bottle of water. “Have some water,” he said.

Qiao Baoer wasn't polite either. She took the bottle directly and didn't drink it. Instead, she carefully put the bottle into the wicker basket.

Seeing her cherish this bottle of water, Jun Zhi Mu's heart was touched. His voice softened, taking on a gentle coaxing tone, "I'll find a way to get you stream water..."

As a husband, taking good care of one's wife is one's duty.

She had never been one to readily ask for anything. Seeing her so cautious, his heart softened involuntarily.

"It's probably going to be hard to find any streams over the next few days."

Qiao Bao'er wasn't giving him any face, she directly poured cold water on him.

The old man continued to chew on the succulent in his hand, “It’s slimy and bitter, but it’s quite refreshing.”

She told him not to be picky and just eat the grass.

When the shepherd heard this, he almost smiled.

He nonchalantly pulled out a succulent leaf from her pocket and took a bite, Junzhi Mu frowned. It was indeed tasteless.

Lu Qinan and Lao Gui sat under the shade of another tree, their eyes darting sneakily in their direction. They didn't dare to go over and disturb them, but they were thinking to themselves, maybe they should also learn how to pick some grass to chew on and quench their thirst.

Before their journey, they prepared some jerky as a backup food source. This was dried and roasted meat that could be stored for a long time, but it was tough to eat. The meat had a very coarse texture and was hard to chew, taking a while to work through in your mouth.

They used to cook a simple soup with a pot of water, adding dried meat and small tomatoes for flavor. The result was a tangy and sweet broth that warmed the stomach and filled it up. But now that water is too precious, they can't afford to use it for soup anymore.

Lu Qinan and the others were all chewing on jerky, though it was hard to swallow, it filled their stomachs.

Jo Bao'er refused to eat the jerky, "… I'll go get some food myself." She got up alone and went under a nearby big tree to pick up dry twigs. Soon she gathered a large pile of firewood.

She took a thick branch and dug a small hole in the ground. Then she kept adding burning wood to the hole, building up a roaring fire. She gathered more firewood and kept adding it to the flames.

"What are you doing" Lu Qinan and the others looked at her curiously.

She didn't even lift her head. "Charcoal," she muttered, then crouched down to rummage in her pouch for something.

When Lu Qinan and Lao Gui saw the 20 or so bird eggs in her pocket, they were all filled with various emotions. Compared to them, this group of men were truly proletarians.

It seems they realized that Qiao Bao'er was trying to roast her bird eggs over hot charcoal.

These big men really pale in comparison to Qiao Baier, they are truly inferior.

The old ghost and several of his team members angrily got up, grabbed a few modified bows and arrows and handguns, and walked towards the dense forest nearby. That woman, Qiao Bao'er, knew how to cook eggs, so they should at least catch a few small animals for prey.

Their marksmanship was top-notch, but this jungle wasn't like the usual training grounds. Catching their prey wouldn't be easy.

Several men chased after a wild rabbit, going to great lengths with guns and arrows. In the end, they watched helplessly as the cunning rabbit darted into a hole and disappeared.

I can only sigh in resignation.

This area doesn't have large forests, so there isn't much game. Occasionally a few squirrels or rabbits pass through, that's about it.

"...Let's keep looking for some large forests ahead."

Laogui was encouraging everyone, but just then, these conceited men widened their eyes as Qiao Baier strolled over leisurely. She glanced at the rabbit hole where they had lost their rabbit, walked in circles nearby, and squatted down. Her hand reached into a small hole under the roots of a large tree.

... dragged out a whole family of rabbits.

The old ghost was utterly dumbfounded.

Jo Baoer grabbed the two fattest rabbits in her left and right hands, and the rest scattered in all directions.

Lu Qinian reacted first, shouting, "Catch the rabbits!" Only then did these men scramble to chase after the little rabbit that was hopping around. They finally caught two of them.

“So, who said she’d hold us back at the beginning” The old ghost and his men had lost all face as men. The few of them sighed softly.

One of them whispered, "...if we asked her for an egg, do you think she'd give it to us"

"Where's your backbone!"

"Can backbone be eaten as food"

"Will she give me a rabbit leg"

"You're so ugly, you have no chance—"

"Our sister-in-law is not that superficial a person."

Qiao Baoer witnessed the most foolish side of Jun Zhimu's elite group, just like a pack of large dogs sticking out their tongues and grinning idiotically at her.

Reputation in tatters.

Jun Zhi Mu is the leader among them, the most shameless and brazen, stealing her labor's fruits.

"This tastes good."

The lord, with a serious expression, tried a charcoal-grilled egg.

He also pulled off a piece of fatty rabbit leg, took a few bites, and his uncle commented, "Hmm, it should have been salted before coming out."

Lu Qinian and Lao Gui and the others were all envious, jealous, and resentful. The group of people were eager to make a move but dared not act rashly.

Jun's shepherd ate a few bites, looked up, and met the bright eyes of ten or so pairs. Very calmly, he told them, "Eat yourself."

Lu Qinian was unwilling to accept this, so he approached and sow discord, "Zhi Mu, look at Qiao Bao'er. She's doing so well on this island, but you have very few chances to perform."

Junzhi Mu glanced at him, calmly replying, "My wife is capable. You're just jealous."

Lu Qinan's eyes widened, and he instantly felt a surge of anger and disbelief.

At last, Qiao Bao'er generously rewarded them each with an egg. Lao Gui and the others were overwhelmed with gratitude, and Big Sister-in-Law's image was elevated to a new level.

After their lunch break, the 17 of them continued on their journey. As evening approached and the sun began to set, they built a fire and camped for the night.

This wasn't their first time sleeping rough. They still took turns keeping watch throughout the night.

I don't know if it was walking too much during the day or just being too tired, Qiao Baoer fell asleep quickly leaning against a large rock. She had many dreams.

Between dream and wake, she heard a voice calling, {Don't come in, run away}

Qiao Bao'er woke up suddenly, her whole body trembling. When she came to her senses, she realized it was a dream. Jun Zhi Mu's large hand gently rested on her cool forehead, wiping the cold sweat from her temples.

"Having a nightmare" Junzhi Mu looked down at her.

When she came to, she realized she had been nestled in his arms for who knows how long, her face pressed against his chest, her ears listening to the powerful beat of his heart. She was close to him, held tightly, as if he had taken her whole being into his embrace.

Qiao Bao'er's cheeks flushed red, "When did I allow you... Don't touch me, they're watching!"

I really don't know if he was always this thick-skinned, it's like he has a wall of bronze and iron.nan held back a laugh, but dared not.Just now Qiao Baier, on her phone, impatiently roared, 【Junzhi Mu, my relative passed away, I'll be upstairs tonight, you just lie down and enjoy yourself. 】Haha,...