Lucy Lus works

Chapter 656: Things are Getting Worse


thly. Lu Qinan glanced in the rearview mirror and noticed Jun Zhimu's absent-minded appearance. Every time Jun Zhimu asked him to pick him up, he seemed to be in a bad mood.Lu Qinian immediately thoug...Volcano

This uninhabited island will experience an unprecedented supervolcanic eruption.

According to the ancient folk song passed down by the barbarians, it should be a volcanic eruption…" Lao Gui and his men were all in heavy spirits.

"Should we run" Lu Qinan hesitated.

"Where could we possibly go" Suddenly, the thought seemed both ridiculous and pathetic.

If this wild man's song is true, then surely no one will be spared, and where could they run to

Our cruise...

"Our cruise ship was heavily damaged in the last storm and isn't fully repaired yet, according to schedule. And it will take at least a month to get back to where we started from here. What if we encounter another volcanic eruption during our journey Who knows."

Pei Haoran tried to speak calmly, "I think we should first determine the location of the crater and the size of the volcano."

To the best of our knowledge, there are no volcanoes on this island of wild people.

"Could it be a volcano on the seafloor"

Qiao Baier thought about it and guessed, "Could it be another island"

Lao Gui and the others were stunned. Oh, right, I almost forgot, this archipelago is composed of three main islands and countless satellite islands.

They are now only on one of the three main islands, the Isle of Savages, though it is possible that the supervolcano exists on the other islands as well.

"How do I find this"

The lack of transport was severe, and by the time they discovered the volcano, it's likely they would have been cooked alive by lava.

"...That volcano shouldn't erupt that quickly, right"

Deep down, everyone hopes for the best-case scenario.

“The river water is truly bitter now, and the people on the island are starting to fall ill one by one. The plants have just begun to yellow, and it will likely take some time for them to recover…”

Then we must make haste and look for signs of life.

"Let's ask the savages about volcanoes first. The female chieftain of the tribe should know something..."

Just as Lu Qinan and Lao Gui and the others were in a hurry to leave the palace, going to kidnap the female chieftain of the wild people back, Jun Zhim牧 shouted to them, "Wait a minute."

"...Let's check in with Raphael first."

Why bother going far when you can find what you need nearby Raphael would certainly know.

Lu Qinan and the others suddenly realized they had forgotten about Raphael's craziness.

Since Rafael was stuffed with grass by Qiao Bao'er, he became stiff all over, unable to move like a vegetable. It really made them take a good breath of satisfaction.

Raphael's always been a scoundrel.

I had originally planned that they would help Raphael recover his body in exchange for him answering a few questions.

"...Where is everyone"

When Qiao Baoer and they arrived in the room, their expressions were full of surprise.

Lao Gui's face immediately turned grim, and he roared at the guard outside, "What's going on!"

The two people outside the door seemed unaware of the situation and rushed in. At the sight of the empty bed, their expressions were also filled with surprise.

He, he was clearly on the bed and unable to move.

"This morning and at noon, we still fed him."

He can't move his limbs, how could he have run

"...He has accomplices."

Jo Bao'er found some small leaves on her bed. This purple, slender herb was the cure for stiffness. It was Samba who accidentally fed it to her, saving her life.

Raphael's companion, "The Count," how could he forget that black cat That one was special.

"Where the hell is Rafael"

I really suspect that at this critical moment, Raphael intentionally absconded, leaving them in a state of anxiety.

"Damn it, I should have beaten him up when he couldn't move before." The Old Ghost and his crew really regretted it.

Raphael has vanished from sight, while on the other side, outside the palace walls, more and more wild men are suffering from stomachaches after drinking the river water. Disease is spreading rapidly.

The plants along the riverbank had withered and died overnight, turning yellow and brown. Gradually, even the forests farther from the river began to show signs of decay at their edges.

Things are getting worse and worse.

"Has this illness been figured out yet in terms of what herbs can be used to treat it" I didn't originally want to push for a faster pace of experimentation, but I'm really worried.

"We have retrieved all the fruits, leaves, and vines Qiao Bao mentioned before, categorized them, and had patients conduct group experiments to observe their conditions. Currently, three plants seem to show potential effects, but we can't determine if they work individually or in combination."

Finding the right treatment plan isn't easy; it takes time to group and observe carefully.

"...If those three plants don't have too many side effects, then let everyone try a little bit just in case."

Now we have to make do with what we have.

Their main treatment targets were the maids bought from the palace. Wild people have strong immune systems, so even if they contracted this disease, they would only suffer severe abdominal pain and weakness, but it wouldn't threaten their lives.

Now, whenever Qiao Bao'er and her companions went outside the palace walls, they would see wild men suffering from stomach pains. They would walk hunched over with their backs bent, these fierce giants reduced to whimpering like sick cats.

The forest outside the palace was listless too, with yellowing edges on its leaves and dry, drooping blades falling in patches.

Even the herbivores in the forest have been affected. Rabbits and wild boars, for example, are noticeably thinner and their reactions are much slower, as if even the animals themselves are getting sick.

This island is shrouded in an invisible veil of fear.

"...Don't you guys feel like the air recently has a rather pungent chemical smell" Lu Qinian suppressed the fear in his heart and whispered.

Pei Haoran and Lao Gui didn't answer. Everyone knew, deep down, that even the air they breathed had changed.

The uneasiness in my heart grew stronger.

They were trapped in a poisonous fog, unable to break free, slowly waiting to die.

Lu Qinan couldn't help but suggest, "I think we should set off immediately and return to the original beach. Let's go back to the cruise ship first and avoid this disaster."

Could it be that I'm really going to die here with these native savages

Pei Haoran nodded in agreement. "We really can't delay any longer, we should set off immediately and return to the cruise ship."

"Speaking of which, he added, "I honestly don't understand what Ji Mo is waiting for."

If your shepherd gave the command, they would have returned long ago instead of waiting here every day for nothing.

Lao Gui and the others' expressions changed, "Jun Shao didn't tell us to leave, so we won't." Their voices were firm and resolute.

"Where do you want to go Nobody will stop you!"

Hearing the tone, Lu Qinan and Pei Haoran didn't dare to raise any more objections. The old ghost and his group were all dead soldiers. If they said anything bad about Jun Zhi Mu, they might get beaten. lowering her voice, and feigned calmness as she told him."The only thing I've learned recently is that in a marriage, if there's suspicion, based on the gossip stories they told, the ending is often...