Lucy Lus works

Chapter 649 Mutual Suspicion


ey.As soon as Junzhi Mu opened the car door, two people hurried over. They had smiles on their faces and bowed slightly as they whispered something in his ear."Come out."Jun Zhi Mu turned his head and...The area of the Savageland Market and Palace is the center of power on Savage Isle. A great river flows from northwest to southeast, nourishing this island. It is abundant in water with clear and sweet taste. Except for a small number of mountain lakes and streams, this river is almost the lifeline for the savages.

However, strange things happened to this river today.

"The river outside, all the fish in it, they are all dead." The female translator Lily's face was pale, she ran over, her lips trembling as she told them this.

Overnight, the river was covered with piles of dead fish, millions of pounds of them.


Lao Gui and the monkey glanced at the female translator with scorn and said, "Rafael has you lie to us again, full of nonsense."

Because last time, this female translator Lily usually helped them translate the language of wild people and natives, but she deliberately distorted Samba's words, creating discord. This time, who would believe her lies

Even if you're lying, come up with something more reasonable. This person is seriously lacking intelligence.

“Really, it’s really!”

Lily's eyes were red with anxiety, she pointed outside and shouted incessantly.

Pei Haoran is quite rational, this female translator doesn't seem to be lying. Last time, she was just following Raphael's orders out of necessity.


"...The savages outside the palace began to panic, kneeling and bowing before the river, shouting and roaring as if they were about to revolt. What are we going to do"

Lily also just rushed back from outside and was frightened by the scene before her. She had lived on this island for many years and had never seen anything like it. What terrified her even more was the doomsday curse spoken of by the savages.

On the other end, they just informed us that servants in the palace have fallen ill one after another. They all have the same symptoms: first abdominal pain, then foaming at the mouth, agonizing pain, and struggling with cries.

This left Qiao Ba'er and the others stunned. Things had happened too suddenly.

"...More than half the people in the palace have come down with that illness. We gave them some common remedies, but they're no use. They're still suffering from abdominal pain."

"It seems like it's an infectious disease, more and more people are getting sick. What should we do"

Everyone was pale with fear. Faced with these sudden and unknown disasters, everyone was frightened, and subconsciously, no one dared to approach or care for the sick, fearing that they too would contract this strange illness.

Suddenly, everyone panicked, became disoriented and lost their bearings.

"...Let's go to the city wall and have a look at the towers."

As soon as Junzhi牧 walked in, he originally planned to meet with Lao Gui and the others to discuss some matters. Hearing so much at the door of the room, his face darkened. He first glanced at the female translator Lily, then looked at Qiao Bao'er and the others, instructing them.

The palace wall was ten meters high. Two towers were specially built on the city wall of the main gate of the palace, so that the ruler could overlook this continent from the top of the towers, and the great river was also within sight.

Jun's Shepherd wouldn't easily trust the people in the palace. It might be another trap set by Raphael, he always prefers to see things for himself and witness the truth.

As if instinctively, Jun Zhimu first cast a profound glance at Qiao Baier.

His eyes were complex and deep, his meaning clear: he wanted her to follow him over to his side.

Joanna instinctively walked towards him, falling into step beside him as they quickened their pace toward the tower. As they walked, even Joanna couldn't explain why she had immediately understood his intentions, as if their bodies moved in perfect unison.

Of course Lu Qinan and the others followed as well. When they stood atop this high tower, overlooking this expanse of verdant and vibrant primordial continent, they couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. The natural scenery, the raw beauty of the primeval continent, was all laid out before their eyes.

At a distance, many black things could be seen floating on the large river. Fish carcasses were piled up in heaps, filling the entire river. If you got closer, it would trigger claustrophobia and be a horrifying sight.

Qiao Bao'er's heart couldn't help but tremble.

Both banks of the river were crowded with many wild men. The wild men's faces were full of terror and anxiety, and some knelt on the ground, bowing and prostrating themselves to the great river.

The wildmen's guttural roars echoed through the air, like a pack of cornered beasts snarling and pacing in restless fury. A thick blanket of unsettling dread seemed to smother the entire land, leaving it in perpetual unease.

"...How could this be"

Compared to the panic and helplessness of savages, Lu Qinian and his fellow modern people were much calmer.

"All the fish in the river died overnight, isn't there poison in the water"

A large number of dead fish, is it a climate problem, or a man-made one

Lu Qinan and they thought more rationally, leaving the tower, their footsteps moved in unison towards a place, they must find Raphael for questioning!

“Raphael, you made the palace servants sick and you killed so many fish with poison. What are you trying to do!”

They almost unanimously believed that these sudden events were all done deliberately by Rafael.

Besides him, who else could be so venomous

"Bring out the antidote!"

Otherwise, the dead fish would pile up and rot in the river, severely affecting water quality. If life in the palace continued to be affected by illness, there would soon be corpses everywhere!

If we drag it any further, we won't be able to clean up all these fish carcasses and corpses.

I'm afraid there might be sensory illness.

Lu Qinan and Lao Gui cursed furiously, "Raphael, you grew up on these islands, with so many creatures. You are really heartless. Don't you fear retribution"

Even under torture, he has to solve these matters.

qiao bao'er stared quietly at the man opposite her, his fair and handsome face, deep blue eyes, and slender and graceful figure. This was clearly Tang Yu, but facing Lu Qinian and their angry questioning, the corner of his lips curled up slightly, with a playful and cynical air.

"...I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you with this."

Raphael spoke languidly, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I don't have an antidote, and I'm not sure what happened."

And he was looking forward to what would happen next.

"You're lying!"

"How could you possibly not know what happened!"

Lu Qinan and the others simply wouldn't believe him.

"Raphael, what kind of trick are you playing again You've gotten everyone in the palace sick. What benefit does that bring you And what about that river outside All the fish are dead, the water quality is compromised. You have some nerve even thinking about drinking it!"

But, this son of a bitch doesn't seem to have any reason for doing these things.

Jun's shepherd stared at Raphael, his voice a low, menacing rumble, "What happened on this island before"

Raphael glanced at him, raising an eyebrow as if reluctant to elaborate.

Qiao Bao'er suddenly spoke, "The legends of this island, those meteorites, and the island owner..."

Raphael, upon hearing only a few simple words, immediately looked at her with a grave and complex expression, as if she had hit the nail on the head. "My dear sister," he said, "you know quite a bit yourself." He then became nonchalant.

"...I wonder if you've ever heard a song here."

Raphael's tone suddenly became gentle, and he lowered his voice mysteriously, asking her. A beautiful smile appeared on his fair face, a smile that was both familiar and strange.

"What a song!"

Qiao Baoer looked at this person, who was clearly occupying Tang Yu's body, yet deliberately used this sarcastic and provocative tone to challenge her. She was instantly enraged.

Raphael, seeing her so flustered, deliberately pursed his lips, his azure eyes twinkling with amusement as he looked at her. He clearly didn't want to speak.

Qiao Bao'er walked towards him with a tight face, her right hand clenched into a fist.

Raphael looked at her with genuine interest, wondering what she intended to do. "Little sister," he said playfully, "be careful not to hurt me, you wouldn't want to have to feel sorry for yourself, would you"

This sick freak!

Qiao Bao'er's face became even more unsightly.

She didn't attack him, but caught him off guard by shoving a handful of herbal fruit from her right hand into Raphael's mouth. Raphael himself hadn't expected it.

"...You, you gave me something!" Raphael's mouth was full of a bitter and acrid taste.

Raphael's upbringing, Raphael's habits, he would never spit out what was in his mouth, that would be unseemly, and he had never done such a thing.

Rafael actually swallowed the strange herb fruit, and his face instantly turned grim.

Jo Baoer saw his expression, her eyes lit up with a smile. She was in a good mood and slowly told him, "I don't know either."

"...Once I accidentally ate some fruit, and then I was poisoned."

She raised an eyebrow, gazed at him intently, and said with a hint of malice, “Little Zhuzi, why don’t you test which one is poisonous for me I know you’d be happy to.”

She had him taste it to test for poison.

Raphael's sinister eyes were fixed on her, just about to speak when a sharp change came over his body. His limbs began to stiffen and he felt a numbness spreading through him...

Haha, karma's a bitch.

Heaven's justice is clear, and retribution will come to those who deserve it.

Lu Qinan and Lao Gui they countless times wanted to beat him up, but unfortunately the difference in strength was too great. Unexpectedly today… hahaha, Raphael became stiff all over after being poisoned, motionless.

"...You, you antidote me!"

Raphael's face darkened, his teeth gritted as he roared in genuine anger.

"There is no cure."

Qiao Bao'er squatted down, looking at his familiar face. She reached out, pinching his nose, tugging at his hair, and rubbing his ears. She told him kindly, " ... In a while, you won't even be able to speak."

Junzhi Mu stood beside her, looking at her. His thin lips curled into a slight smile.t sick. The wild men got sick because they drank the river water...""The source of the palace illness is speculated to be related to the river water. The first person who fell ill had eaten fish from...