Lucy Lus works

Chapter 639 Qiao Baier Enters the Dog Hole


n his strong chest until they reached his groin... >"You, as a husband, are having an affair! You're done for!"The man beside her face gradually flushed crimson, his voice low and husky as he warned h...< >If people don't provoke me, I won't provoke them. But if they provoke me, I will retaliate with every ounce of my being! < >

Qiao Bao'er has always adhered to such a petty way of doing things.

She's not exactly a saint, so of course she would fight back if someone bullied her. Besides, she doesn't feel any shame about burning down Rainer's three-story house.

Samba was shocked that she had actually gone and burned down Reiner's house. Afterward, she glared at him menacingly, which made Samba worried that she might burn him in his sleep too. Her little cubs were a bit fierce.

Samba decided to speak less and work more, trying his best to earn gold for the cubs.

"...Isn't gold enough already"

"When will that damn elder get back!"

Qiao Baoer has been acting like she's been shot out of a cannon lately, giving Samba the cold shoulder. She especially can't stand that he's just carrying on as if nothing happened, still setting up his stall and selling things.

She, Miss Qiao, was no longer willing to make money. “I'm not going to set up a stall anymore!”

"Your barbecue, even if you offer it for free, what's the use Those barbarians are ungrateful. No matter how kind you are to them now, when something goes wrong, will they come out to help A sucker, deserves to be bullied, humph!"

Qiao Bao'er cursed Samba in the native language for several days, very fluently. Unexpectedly, she learned to curse quite quickly. Now, her curses come out effortlessly, although she is small and thin, she has a fierce look and a powerful presence.

Samba stood there and took the scolding, not daring to retort a single word throughout.

I was still thinking, his cub is really impressive, he can scold people and speak so fast.

Qiao Baoer glared at the giant samba in front of her, so angry that she felt internally injured. She was furious and frustrated.


“Haven't you been out to set up your stall for five days”

Lu Qinian and his companions were very interested in the stall selling fire-starting stones. They had planned to visit the stall the next day to inquire about some information from the owner, but unfortunately, the stall hadn't appeared for several days.

"Could it be that we really scared them, and they're too afraid to come out"

But I don't think that's likely. Wild men are large and menacing, how could they be so easily frightened by just a few of them

Lao Gui was enjoying himself in a rocking chair, swaying gently, munching on melon seeds, and slowly saying, "This shows that the wild man is alert, discerning, and knows that we are not easy to provoke."

Unlike their arduous journey to the island on foot, they were now mostly residing in the palace. It offered food, drink, and a multitude of servants purchased from outside the island attending to their every need. They spent the next ten days or so comfortably, slowly realizing that life on this island wasn't half bad. The natural environment was beautiful, the air refreshingly clean, there was little work pressure, and life was simple.

On the other side, the monkey lay sprawled on the bed in large characters, letting two maids give him a massage. He hummed softly from time to time, "So comfortable, so comfortable."

Lu Qinan touched his forehead and sighed, "How come I feel like you guys are getting more and more degenerate."

"Jun Shao didn't give us any tasks, don't you see We're so bored, we're about to grow mushrooms."

"...I heard there was a big fire at the market last night."

The more idle a person is, the more they gossip.

"I also heard about it, a maid in the palace told me, it was the hut of the chieftain's son from the local tribe, three huts all burned to ashes."

"The west wind was so strong last night, haha, there wasn't even any charcoal left."

“The funniest thing is, these savages worshipped fire and were very superstitious. They built a fire, and a group of savages knelt in fear around the house, thinking it was the wrath of the gods, hahaha… These brainless natives, they look so big and strong, yet they are so cowardly.”

Lu Qinan and Lao Gui, along with their group of self-proclaimed "higher beings," were openly mocking the indigenous people as barbarians, acting arrogant and gleefully condescending.

Zhu Xiaowei had recuperated in the palace for several days, and her complexion had improved considerably. As she walked over and heard them discussing the topic, she couldn't help but chime in, "I feel like the natives on this island are quite peaceful."

Unlike the savagery of his appearance, the wild man's temperament seemed more restrained, as if he was wary of something.

"...might have been worn down by Raphael's kinks."

"According to my understanding, Raphael is the son of the current head of the Strozzi family's wife. There are also a number of other mistresses, second wives, and third wives, but not many heirs who survived to adulthood. They were all killed before reaching maturity. Raphael should be the most legitimate next leader, but judging by his current situation, it seems that there is infighting within the family."

"...Lily whispered to me that several elders on the island had teamed up against Raphael. The prince was defeated and embarrassed, so he's desperately looking for the scepter. They say it symbolizes his status, and Raphael can't wait to get his hands on it."

Rafael negotiated with Zhi Mu to send someone to find the staff, but Zhi Mu insisted on finding Qiao Bao'er first.

When it comes to Qiao Bao'er, Zhu Xiao Wei feels that the current comfortable and peaceful life is a sin. "Didn't Junzhi Mu leave some people in those cave dwellings on the slope Have we heard anything from them"

That was the cave where they first discovered the inscription carved by Qiao Bao'er on the mud wall. Before leaving, Jun Zhimù specially left 12 people to guard nearby.

"The cave over there on the slope has been deserted for a long time."

This really disappointed them, they could have met Qiao Baier if they had been faster, unfortunately.

"What about it"

"It's been so long, haven't heard from you at all"

Lao Gui shook his head regretfully, also feeling strange. She was so meticulous and careful in her work. How could she end up on this island without leaving any trace for them Could it be that she had truly met with an unfortunate accident

Zhu Xiaowei was unwilling to be so disheartened, and actively added, "I heard that the wild man whose house caught fire last night was named Lena. Do you think it's possible..."

"There are too many people with the same name as Wildman, how could that be a coincidence"

Lu Qinan thought for a moment, his mind suddenly clicking into place, and he exclaimed, "Wait, who just said the house fire was the chief's son"

The chieftains of the wild people are females, female chieftain, Reina.

What a coincidence.

Old Ghost and Monkey immediately reacted as well. Just a moment ago, they were shamelessly mocking the situation, but now they stood up, their minds abuzz with thoughts.

“Now we’re going to find that poor sod, Rayner.”

"Should we notify Jun Shao first"

Lu Qinan and Lao Gui shook hands in agreement, "Let's not mention it for now. We'll tell him when we're sure." They didn't want to give Jun Zhi Mu false hope.

Lu Qinan and they rushed out of the palace in a flurry...

Just then, Qiao Bao'er was still standing outside the palace walls, racking her brain for a way to sneak in.

"...I have a friend in there, I want to go in and find her."

Now Qiao Baoer's native language has improved a lot, and she can communicate simply with Samba, especially when it comes to cursing.

Samba told her that the elder had gone out on business and hadn't been home lately, so he couldn't get a wooden sign to enter the palace.

"Samba, you elders are brazenly accepting gold in exchange for passes into the palace. Your love of wealth is truly transparent."

I thought elders of this status would be highly respected, but they are the dirtiest bunch.

Sambo told her seriously that she couldn't speak ill of the elders, or she would be punished.

Qiao Bao'er became even more certain that these elders had been secretly doing a lot of shady things.

Unknown when the elder would return, Qiao Bao'er's family was getting impatient with waiting for their gold. She looked around restlessly, her eyes lingering at the palace entrance, where today some more wild people were passing through with wooden signs.

Suddenly, Qiao Ba'er had a wicked idea; she wanted to rob someone.

"...Samba, should we go for it What are the chances of success"

Qiao Baoer stared enviously at the wooden plaque in someone else's hand.

Sambo's eyes widened in alarm, and he immediately began to scold her, "No! Don't! You can't rob other people's things!"

Qiao Bao'er deeply felt Samba's noble character.

"What do you say we do then"

"That day, I saw my friend being abused. She was covered in wounds and dragged inside by the savage guards. I don't know if she can survive this."

qiao Bao'er was sullen, kicking a small stone beside her. Unexpectedly, she saw a dog hole under the palace wall!

Jo Baoer was so excited, she ran over and really found a wall hole hidden by the grass, "…… Samba, I, I can crawl in!"

Samba seemed surprised too, staring at the small hole in the palace wall for a long time.

Such a small wall hole, only someone like Qiao Baier's stature could squeeze through it. Samba could only reach in with one arm.

Sambo shook his head, disagreeing.

Because Samba couldn't get in, he felt it wasn't safe.

"I'm just going to peek inside. If anything seems wrong, I'll get out immediately." Qiao Bao'er was eager to try, she lowered herself down, doggy-style, and one head had already burrowed into the hole.

Sambo stood anxiously outside the wall. He didn't think twice, and immediately pulled her out by her feet.

Qiao Bao'er was very depressed, she turned her head, "I will be back very soon."

Samba looked at her in silence.

"...I'll be out in an hour."

Qiao Bao'er knew Samba's thinking process was slow, so she took advantage of his moment of distraction. With her agile body like a slippery fish, she zipped through the other side of the palace wall.

Samba didn't react at all and found himself staring into her eyes across the gap.

He immediately roared with a guttural bellow.

"Samba, don't be so loud, I might get caught and killed."

Qiao Baoer acted impulsively, only wanting Samba to stop talking. She didn't expect that mentioning the word "death" would make Samba even more agitated.

Samba was very uneasy. He picked up a stone and hammered at the edge of the hole in the wall, trying to make it bigger so he could fit through.

However, while Samba frantically dug the hole, lowering his body to peek into the palace, his eyes widened in alarm. His little cub was disobedient again, and he had no idea where it had gone!

These palace walls were constructed from solid stone, so even Samba's strength wouldn't be enough to chisel out a large hole.

Qiao Bao'er didn't want to waste time. She was small and her movements had become increasingly agile lately. Like a cat, she darted through the unfamiliar palace. Her heart raced as she desperately searched for him, wondering where he might be. She turned left and right, unaware of which room she had entered.

However, a familiar slender and graceful figure caught her eye, and Qiao Bao'er stopped in her retorted, a look of defiance mixed with vulnerability on her features.Pei Haoran looked at her, his chest feeling tight, and he began to hate himself for speaking like that."I didn't mean it that w...