Lucy Lus works

Chapter 618: Do Not Look Upon What Is Improper


d cursed.I can't afford to see a doctor. Even though I'm hurt, I don't dare say anything.That night, we huddled in a corner like homeless people, really not knowing what to do. At that moment, a kind...Perhaps it was their all-night embrace, this morning the female wild man was radiant and full of energy, her eyes burning with desire as she gazed at Samba.

Samba took very good care of the wild woman. He brought out some dried chicken and pork legs he had stored beforehand for her breakfast.

The wild man's brain had no manners or consideration. The female wild person took it and ate it greedily with big bites.

Qiao Bao'er stood there watching, feeling a twinge of sadness in her heart.

Wow, I never knew Samba would take care of others' breakfast. Usually, he only eats once a day, isn't he seeing things differently for someone else

This breakfast consisted only of dried pork eaten by the female wildman. The male wildmen and their young stared with longing, clearly wanting some, but they dared not grab any. This once again proves that in a tribe of wild people, females hold a higher status.

The female wild man's secondary sexual characteristics are very prominent, with her chest heaving and her lower body even more plump, featuring a solid, round buttocks.

The wild child should be male, about 1.7 meters tall, with dark skin all over his body. His muscles were not well-developed, and he hadn't grown a full beard on his face yet. He looked like an ancient ape face, with two black and bright eyes that were sharp and intelligent.

Jo Bao'er guessed that the wild child wouldn't have a full beard until it was truly an adult.

The last time I went to the market, most of the tall and muscular wild men I met looked like Samba, with full beards that obscured their facial features. If Samba shaved off his beard, he would probably look similar to the people in African tribes.

How many years does it take for a wild child to grow from birth to adulthood How old is Samba now

Jo Bao'er was thinking about boring things, when suddenly she looked up. The male young wild man across from her had bright, shining eyes fixed on her, as if sizing her up like prey. His gaze was fierce and suppressed a surge of impulse, a powerful possessive desire.

Jo Bao'er shivered, her scalp tingling.

Sambo walked over, his massive frame shielding the cub from its glare. In his hand, he held a thick hemp rope, tied securely around Qiao Bao'er's waist.

Just like at the beginning of samba, she would always be tied with a hemp rope.

Ke Qiao Baoer has recently gotten used to her freedom, she resists being bound by Samba with rope. "…Don't tie me up," she said, patting his big hand forcefully and immediately tugging at the hemp rope around her waist.

Samba is smart, he definitely knows what she means.

But Samba didn't pay her any mind. With his thick hand, he tied a death knot and tightened it, so that no matter how hard Qiao Baoer tugged, she couldn't free herself unless she ground the Swiss Army knife against it.

Qiao Bao'er has been disappointed with Samba since yesterday, and a feeling of loss weighed heavily on her heart.

Sampa, besides only caring about that wild woman, now even bound her with ropes, making her even angrier. She reached for her Swiss Army knife, but Sampa unexpectedly snatched it away from her.

This Swiss Army knife was traded for gold at the marketplace of savages. Samba bought the knife for her, and afterwards, Samba believed it belonged to her. Every time Samba wanted to use it to gut her prey, she would mumble to it before reaching for it.

Jo Bao'er's whole face was sour, Samba snatched her knife away. He wouldn't have done that before.

After the female savage finished her breakfast, she also took a length of hemp rope. She bound her son with it, or rather, put the hemp rope around the neck of the wild child and dragged him along.

Like putting a collar on a dog.

Qiao Baoer was astonished. The wild man treated the cub so brutally.

The savage woman turned her head to look at her, and actually walked over. Her expression was somewhat ferocious, she said a string of native words to Samba, pointed at the hemp rope tied around Qiao Bao'er's waist, and then pointed at Qiao Bao'er's neck.

It means Samba should have a rope tied around her neck.

Joe Baoer became even more disgusted with the savage woman and immediately donned a stern expression, glaring angrily at Samba, "... You tied me up by the neck; I will definitely get revenge!"

Joe Bao'er felt that although she was physically no match for Samba and his tribe, she was intellectually millions of light-years ahead of them. Given the chance, she would even burn down Samba's lair!

In short, she was certainly not one to be bullied.

Samba seemed a little confused, he muttered something to the she-wildman in a string of words, the she-wildman’s face contorted into a menacing grimace as she stared at Qiao Bao'er. Qiao Bao'er felt uneasy under her gaze.

Compared to the crude, bulky fists of the male wild men, the female wild women had a hidden coldness and ferocity that was even more frightening.

In the end, Samba did not tie her with a rope around her neck.

Qiao Baoer wasn't sure if her defiance had worked or if Samba had relented out of pity. She saw the female savage's temper flare, her thick eyebrows arched high, and knew she was in a foul mood.

As usual, early in the morning, Samba took her into the forest. Today, the entire wild family of three came along.

Jo Baoer, out of instinct, was afraid of the female savage and kept walking by Samba's side for fear of getting lost.

Wild humans are massive, possessing incredible strength. Their legs are thick and long, with each step being wide and powerful. Even when running, they never seem to tire.

Usually, Samba and Qiao Baoer would walk together into the forest, Samba always slowing his pace to make sure Qiao Baoer was keeping up. Today, Qiao Baoer almost collapsed from exhaustion; her feet were blistered again.

Qiao Bao'er was still wearing her clothes and shoes. Since these shoes were of good quality, they would soon be worn out if she kept wearing them like this, and then she wouldn't have any shoes to wear. She only had one set of clothes, which was already very dirty, and she didn't know how to get a replacement. She worried about this all the time.

Entering the forest, they began to inspect their traps and pits as usual, gathering any prey at the bottom and re-concealing them with fresh branches.

After a day, some quail and rabbits accidentally fell into the pit. Samba expertly jumped down into the pit and lifted the prey.

A family of three wild people nearby were very surprised. Samba conversed with them in their native tongue, pointing now at the pit, then at the firewood branches, and finally at small tomato fruits and such as bait.

Qiao Bao'er couldn't understand what they were saying. Obviously, the family of three wild people was very excited, they spoke quickly in a flurry of words, Samba answered every question.

"...she even taught them how to set traps for hunting." She imparted her wisdom to the family of three, giving it so freely.

Qiao Bao'er couldn't describe how she felt.

The wild woman's gaze towards Samba grew increasingly fervent, filled with adoration and deep affection.

Joe was bound with rope around her waist, led by Samba. Samba and his crew were excitedly inspecting the traps set to catch dangerous prey. Joe was unusually quiet today.

She was considering the odds. If she suddenly reached out and grabbed the Swiss Army knife, snapped the hemp rope around her waist, and ran, what were her chances of success

With Samba and this family of three, four wild men, her chances of escaping are almost 0.

All morning, Qiao Baoer was lost in thought. These days, she had foolishly come to consider Samba her companion, and even more absurdly, she'd imagined him helping her break into the palace to save ---.

There's no one else.

On this island, she was alone.

No one would come to the island to save her, and now she was in grave danger. Life was so dreary and hopeless. Qiao Bao'er realized that her previous optimistic thoughts were just because she desperately needed companionship.

She came to this island alone, with no family or friends. Not even an enemy to speak to. At least if she had enemies, she could have argued with them. She had no companions, and she couldn't communicate with the savages.

Samba was never her companion, just a wishful fantasy of hers.

Qiao Bao'er seemed to be hit hard, becoming depressed. As for Samba and the other wild men, they had collected over a dozen pheasants and rabbits from the trap pit that morning. Although the catch wasn't as much as yesterday, the free game made them all very excited and happy.

Suddenly, the female wild woman walked up to Jo Bao'er and forcefully ripped her clothes off.

Jo Bao'er suddenly came to her senses, her face filled with alarm, and she quickly pushed the other person away, taking a step back.

I don't know what this wild woman is up to.

Joe turned her head, instinctively wanting to appeal to Samba for help, but she saw Samba take off the animal skin covering his waist, revealing a hideous and grotesque sight between his thighs...

Look but do not touch.

Jo Bao'er's whole mind was muddled.r, chatting about everyday life."My household mess has been resolved. I guess Ma Jun got scared by Junzhi last time and wouldn't dare to bother me anymore..." Zhu Xiaowei sized her up with a mischievo...