Lucy Lus works

Chapter 611: Perils Abound


ed to see her father. I never intended to break up your family. It was you who said you didn't love Qiao Baor at all back then. You initiated the divorce and you were the one who wanted to take photos...When entering a strange and dangerous environment, the most important thing is to avoid dispersing personnel.

Raphael initially proposed a two-pronged approach. The Count led a small group to the island inhabited by savages in search of Qiao Bao'er, while the others, including Jun Zhimu, had to go to another island to find the staff he desired.

Jun Zhi Mu last time directly pointed a gun at the Earl, he disagreed and would not compromise.

By 7:00 am, most of the people on board had successfully arrived at the island.

Two small boats were fixed on the shallows. Lu Qinan and his companions stepped on the fine sand, gazing up at the lush and dense primeval jungle before them.

I couldn't help but marvel at the lush and towering trees on this island. Even standing at the edge of the beach, we could smell the fresh fragrance of vegetation and hear the chirping of small creatures within the island.

Before entering the island, once again instruct everyone to organize and double-check their belongings.

And the shepherd walked to a large rock by the beach. He spread out a map of the archipelago. It was an ancient map, with some old writing on it that they couldn't understand. They could only vaguely make out the coordinates marked on it, and the approximate locations of the islands in relation to each other.

"What direction are we in now" Jun Zhi Mu turned his head to look at Raphael, asking coldly.

Raphael was being watched closely by the old ghosts, and he reluctantly walked over. He glanced at the map dismissively and replied, "Southwest 23 degrees, a small island on the edge of the satellite."

His voice was languid, completely detached.

"Where is Qiao Ba'er now" Jun Zhi Mu looked at him with even sharper eyes.

Raphael's lips curled into a smirk as he strode forward, seemingly invigorated. His fair, slender finger pointed at the three main islands in the center of the map, the one on the left. "My little sister is lucky," he said, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Qiao Bao'er was washed ashore on the Wild Man Island, one of the three major islands in the center. Well, well, she could save a lot of distance, but it would be much more dangerous.

"...At your pace, it would take at least half a month to get from here to the Wildman Islands. Aren't you worried that by the time you arrive, even her bones will be gone"

Raphael spoke in a light and cheerful tone, a playful smirk on his face as he looked at Junzhi Mu.

Raphael demanded he 'split his forces', a move that would drastically reduce their time. He didn't care if his half-sister lived or died, he only cared about his flesh, the sarcophagus, and the scepter.

Lu Qinan was furious and wanted to rush over and fight Raphael. That kind of person was just too much.

Junzhi, the shepherd, put away the map and didn't even glance at Raphael. He ignored his provocation and turned to Lao Gui, instructing, "…Head northeast."


Lao Gui and his men were ready to go, the main force entering the forest in an orderly fashion.

At first, they moved with great caution, their every step sinking into the dark soil. The ground was littered with twigs, fallen leaves, and small insects. Towering trees reached for the sky, their ancient roots protruding from the earth. It was impossible to tell how many years these venerable giants had stood there.

It's like a primeval forest, the air thick with moisture. The vegetation here is too dense; they look up and see layers of leaves filtering the sunlight, leaving only faint glimmers.

Luckily, it's daytime now. This place would look very creepy at night.

Following the map's directions, they headed northeast towards the Isle of Wild Men.

Moving forward, they glanced around cautiously, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. Meanwhile, they had to figure out their next meal; after all, they hadn't even had breakfast that morning.

When Zhu Xiaowei stepped into this primeval forest, she felt a chill down her spine and a nervous tingling sensation. She walked cautiously, step by step. Pei Haoran knew she was afraid, so he held her hand tightly, their fingers interlocked.

“I’m really, sorry,” Zhu Xiaowei whispered.

At this moment, she truly regretted it, hating her own impulsiveness. She had always been obedient and well-behaved. How could she have gotten such a crazy idea to go to the island with Jun Zhimu She was nothing but a burden. Besides, Pei Haoran almost got swept into the deep sea by the huge storm.

Even if Zhu Xiaowei had experience living independently abroad, stepping onto this unfamiliar and dangerous island, his heart couldn't help but panic. He dared not imagine what dangers might await him in the next second.

"We're with the main force, it'll be fine."

Pei Haoran's voice was gentle, comforting her. In fact, he himself was very nervous with every step he took, and he held Zhu Xiaowei even tighter.

At least they have each other's backs when they act as a group.

"I wonder how Qiao Bao'er is doing now." Zhu Xiaowei muttered softly.

Don't worry about her, Qiao Baoer is always very adaptable. Raphael assured me she's still alive... and he was with her at the time. Her mother, Gu Ruqing, is one of the main figures on this island chain, and Raphael also said that Gu Ruqing wouldn't mistreat her.

Pei Haoran was whispering words of comfort, Lu Qinan walked beside them, listening with a slightly uncomfortable expression.

He scoffed, "Even if Qiao Bao'er is adaptable, she'll still be afraid."

Saying that, Lu Qinian became a little upset and quickened his pace to catch up with Lao Gui and the others.

"Hey, Young Master Lu, you dare say it wasn't love for our young mistress" Lao Gui overheard their conversation and immediately teased him.

Lu Qinian looked serious. "My mother gave birth to me with a chivalrous heart!"

When Zhu Xiaowei and Xia Chuixue cried, everyone felt sorry for them. Qiao Baier was unfortunate, but she would only say that she was fine. She was very strong.

Who is born strong Pshaw.

He, Lu Gongzi, couldn't stand this kind of preferential treatment. And he was also a protective person. That woman was the mother of his twin godsons; she was family no matter what.

Who would fuss over such trivial matters, Lu Qinian said to forget it. Pei Haoran and Zhu Xiaowei had something happen, he wasn't the first to rush over to help. Lao Gui saw through him.

"...If we can't go back and are stuck on this island forever, what do you think" Lao Gui suddenly asked him.

"I don't know."

Lu Qinan had initially proposed to follow them, but the Lu family was against it. "People only live for a few decades, so it doesn't matter," they said.

"I didn't expect you, Master Lu, to have such noble character. You are willing to risk your life for others."

Lu Qinan was afraid of death, of course. He'd rather live than die. Why would he go looking for death Following them onto the island this time was a bit impulsive, but he didn't regret it.

He just doesn't have as many ties and responsibilities, so he can indulge himself in watching a different kind of scenery.

"...Before that, Mo Gao stubbornly insisted on coming with us."

"Yeah, but he was kicked out by our Young Master."

This trip, no one dares to say when they can return or even if they will make it back alive. Junzhi Mu has thought about this and instructed Mo Gao to take care of the twins, and Gu Ruyue from the Qiao family will also come to Jun's house to look after the children.

In case something unexpected happens to Jun Zhimu, at least there are two children. If Old Master Jun is still in good health, he can personally educate the children, which would be a way for the Jun family to secure their future.

After walking for about two hours, they came across a sunny patch of land to their right front. It was covered in vegetation with many vines growing on it. A number of dark-skinned "watermelons" immediately caught their eye.

Lu Qinan was the first to excitedly run over. It was the same kind he had eaten yesterday, edible, non-toxic, and could satisfy hunger and thirst.

However, the small hill that looked so close in distance actually took 10 minutes to run to. The surrounding vegetation was lush, and Lu Qinian, with a misstep, stepped into a deep pit and fell down. His whole body was covered in mud, and his right foot was also injured.

"Lu Qinan!" Lao Gui and Pei Haoran nervously leaned to the edge of the pit and shouted.

"Pull, pull me up."

Lu Qinan weakly lifted his head in response, his face - the handsome and elegant visage of Master Lu - was smeared with mud, looking quite dishevelled.

"You should be grateful you weren't seriously injured."

The old ghost and his men quickly pulled Lu Qinian up using their own safety ropes and checked his injuries. Thankfully, they were only minor wounds.

"Everyone, be careful!"n. "The doctor said a mother's mood can affect the fetus's intelligence...""I also feel like my IQ isn't enough."She rarely argued back, leaning forward so her forehead bumped against his chest. She w...