Lucy Lus works

Chapter 602: Reunion with LUCY


cool to the touch. Suddenly, Qiao Bao'er looked up and gazed blankly towards the direction of the gate.After that night, she never saw him again.Junzhi's shepherd hasn't returned to Jun's family, and...To avoid attracting attention, Qiao Baoer covered her face, limbs, and clothes with mud.

She was covered in mud, running towards the palace with all her might. After more than an hour of running, she was exhausted and slowed to a walk. It took nearly another two hours before she finally saw the power center of this island: a magnificent red-brick spire palace.

She was overcome with excitement, gazing at the earthen ramparts before her.

There must be "moderns" in the palace.

Qiao Bao'er didn't dare to run over rashly. She crouched down in the grass, observing cautiously.

That was a simple mud wall made of black clay, more than ten meters high. This towering wall separated the luxurious palace inside from the wild and desolate world outside.

The main gate of the high wall was guarded by two rows of strong ogres, eight ogres in each row, for a total of sixteen.

The wildmen guards were dressed in modern clothes, though they were made of coarse fabric, it looked much more advanced than the common wildmen like Samba who only wore a piece of animal hide around their waist, and each one of them held a spear weapon in their hands.

The main gate of the palace was closed at night and only allowed passage during the day. It seemed entering the palace wouldn't be easy; the wild guards had fierce expressions and would only let people in with a superior's notice.

To prevent outsiders, especially barbarians, from entering the palace, a traditional Chinese solid wood suspension bridge structure similar to ancient times was built in front of the main gate. In case of an emergency, the suspension bridge would be lifted.

These buildings, brimming with modern ingenuity, only solidified Qiao Bao'er's belief that someone had discovered this island. Not only had they brought modern goods here, but they had also established their own empire on its shores.

Qiao Bao'er squatted at the main gate of the palace for about half an hour. She saw many wild men who wanted to enter the palace, all being turned away, only a few lucky ones were allowed in.

It seems unlikely she'll be able to get in through the front gate.

Qiao Bao'er looked down at the Swiss Army knife at her waist. With her strength, facing sixteen burly wild men at the main gate would be suicide, not to mention the additional guards inside the palace.

It's inevitable to feel a little disappointed sometimes, what can you do

If only there were helicopters or other modern aircraft, she could get a bird's-eye view of the palace from above. But as it is, forget about helicopters, even high-powered telescopes are nowhere to be found.

This forsaken, godforsaken island!

Qiao Bao'er quickly remembered the structure of the Jun family. Although the Jun family's area was not as large as this palace, there were also three entrances and exits outside the high walls of the Jun family. Besides the main gate, there were two small gates specifically for servants and trucks to enter.

"...This palace must have other entrances."

Thinking this, Qiao Bao'er immediately felt invigorated. She walked along the wall, circling it, thinking that she should be able to find other entrances this way.

As Qiao Baoer had guessed, after walking for about forty minutes, she saw a smaller palace gate in the west. It was also designed with a suspension bridge, but there were fewer wild men guarding it, only four.

To Qiao Bao'er's astonishment, she saw a large group of 'modern people' before her eyes.

Men and women, mostly in their twenties, looked to be of European descent. There were over a hundred of them, chattering excitedly and divided into two groups, men and women, seemingly waiting for instructions.

For a while, Qiao Baoer had only seen wild people. She thought that 'modern people' were very rare on this island, but she didn't expect to see so many 'same kind' at the west gate of the palace.

What are they doing

Qiao Bao'er lowered her body and slowly crawled over, trying to get closer to them to hear what they were talking about.

They were speaking Italian, English, and other languages she didn't understand.

One girl, who looked only sixteen, spoke excitedly to her companion, "...I heard it was because they found the wild people smelled bad..."

"No wonder they bought us to work on the island at such a high price."

"Did you also sign a contract of servitude"

"Of course, how else would I get in"

Another blonde girl, about the same age, didn't seem to mind the idea of "selling herself" at all.

They gave me a lot of money, even if my family didn't eat or drink for their entire lives, they couldn't save that much. When I was chosen to work on the island, my parents were very happy and proud of me.

Another young man chimed in, “ …I gave the money I got from selling myself to my parents. Anyway, I can never leave this island for the rest of my life. There's work and food here, and the treatment isn't bad. It's much better than our lives where we starve during droughts.”

When Qiao Baier heard their conversation, she was stunned and a little dazed.

These 100-plus people were all bought, they signed indentures, meaning for the rest of their lives, they can only work and live on this island.

It seems like this group of people entered the palace mainly to 'serve' the master(s) residing within.

These people should know how to leave the island if they can get in from outside.

Qiao Bao'er thought that these young men and women who came to work on the island all looked kind and easy to talk to. She was so excited that she quickly got up, wanting to go over and ask if there was any way to leave the island.

However, just as Qiao Bao'er was excitedly about to run towards the west gate of the palace, she was suddenly grabbed from behind with lightning speed and her mouth was tightly covered.

Jo Bao'er was so frightened that she froze in her tracks. She turned her head and saw Samba standing behind her. He had discovered that she had run away, so he chased after her and found her.

Jo Baoer's heart was filled with panic. She instinctively struggled and twisted her body.

But Samba's overwhelming power was unstoppable. She moaned, her eyes wide open as she stared at the crowd ten meters away, even hoping someone would notice her, maybe help her.

After all, they were all "modern people," Qiao Baoer thought in her head that there would definitely be mutual help between "same kind" .

Jo Bao'er felt this was her only chance to survive. She resisted with all her might, even biting Samba's finger with her teeth, but his skin was thick and tough. Scratching her teeth only caused a tiny wound.

Though his bushy beard obscured his expression, Samba's eyes were clearly filled with anger. His hand covering her mouth tightened, making it hard for Qiao Bao'er to breathe and she gradually grew too weak to struggle.

At that moment, Qiao Bao'er saw a commotion in the crowd. People were pushing and shoving, some looking terrified as they scattered in all directions. Suddenly, a circle of space opened up in the center of the crowd, where two burly guards stood with a short-haired woman of Asian features.

The short-haired woman surrounded in the center of the crowd was, at this moment, Qiao Bao'er was extremely excited, she wasn't dead, she was still alive.

But at this moment, her appearance was extremely disheveled. Her clothes were in tatters, her body was covered in wounds, and even her neck was bound with a circle of hemp rope, treated like an animal, abused.

Joe Bao'er saw this situation, her eyes welled up, and she felt very anxious.

At this point, her situation became even more dire. It was clear she had clashed with the two savage guards. Their faces were twisted with rage as they brandished their sharp spears, aiming them at her. Her arm instantly gushed with blood.

But the next second, her eyes focused, ignoring the pain in her arm. Compared to the wild man's massive frame, she was agile. With a sidestep, she snatched his spear with her backhand. Almost simultaneously, the sharp spear plunged into the wild man's right eye.

He hardly gave the savage any chance to retaliate, savagely pulling out his spear weapon and even gouging out his eyeballs… The spear plunged straight into the savage's neck, and blood, thick with stench, spurted out.

The wild man fell to the ground, his flesh mangled and bloody. The scene was extremely gruesome.s grandfather, and his grandfather always praised his character and work ability. He had met my sister several times, and perhaps he loved her but didn't dare to say it. Until my sister found out she...