Lucy Lus works

Chapter 596: Eating Rats


o let go.Joe Bao'er was truly desperate, tears streaming down her face as she pleaded, "Let me go back, I'm really worried about him..."She couldn't imagine Junzhi Mu being so weak, she had really bee...These two savages were wrestling with each other, grappling and punching at one another.

Jo Bao'er watched with a terrified heart.

Soon, the victor was determined. The more robust savage triumphed, pinning his weaker companion beneath him and roaring with a ferocious expression, as if proclaiming his dominance.

The wild man on the ground was badly injured, his wounds oozing blood. He lay there like a defeated animal, unable to move, emitting a low, guttural whine, as if begging for mercy.

Qiao Bao'er didn't understand what they were talking about, but it sounded like primitive people fighting over prey.

And she was their prey.

The standing wild man continued to yell at him, his big feet mercilessly stomping on the other's face. Qiao Baoer was greatly stimulated by this sight, her eyes wide with shock as she watched. The head of the one prostrated on the ground was almost crushed and deformed.

This brutal brawl between the two wild men completely terrified Qiao Bao'er.

Finally, the strong and sturdy wild man came over. He effortlessly picked her up with one hand and carried her on his shoulder. This time, Qiao Baoer didn't even have the strength to scream. She was completely disoriented and exhausted.

Shocked by what just happened, Qiao Bao'er realized more clearly than ever that this wild man could kill her with ease. Even if he wanted to do anything to her now, she estimated that she would passively cooperate. Her mind was in a state of chaos, filled with countless negative thoughts.

He probably found out she escaped from the cave, and he came after her.

I wonder what he'll do to her before taking her back, will he punish her, or eat her

qiao Bao'er didn't want to think anymore, anyway, she was going to die. Her heart turned cold, and suddenly she lost the desire to survive. This wild man carried her for a long time. Qiao Bao'er walked for two hours. This wild man seemed very relaxed and returned to that hillside in about 10 minutes. Because of this, Qiao Bao'er felt even more desperate.

While during that time, Qiao Baoer listlessly allowed herself to be carried by him. This wild man seemed to have a bit of intelligence. He turned his head and glanced at her, intentionally shaking her body as if to make sure if Qiao Baoer was really dead.

Qiao Bao'er, tossed about by him, felt even worse, her complexion growing paler and more sickly. She seemed weak and on the verge of death.

To her surprise, the wild man did not immediately lock her back in the original cave.

...but instead he took her to a flat area about 50 meters from the cave, where there was already a fire of twigs burning. It seemed they were roasting some meat, and Qiao Bao'er could smell the aroma of roasted meat from afar. ...

The savage threw her near the fire, and Qiao Bao'er couldn't help but feel another searing pain in her rear end.

Maybe she's just used to it, with thick skin and all. Maybe the pain of her broken leg has numbed her. Or perhaps, the smell of grilled meat before her is so alluring, that it's distracting her brain. She's truly starving now; those tiny tomatoes she had earlier didn't do the trick at all.

As she got closer, Qiao Baier could clearly see that the wild man had been roasting two rabbits and a fat rat from the forest over the fire.

The hare and the mouse were thrown into the fire, still with their fur and entrails intact. They were not skinned or gutted before being thrown in, a brutal and direct method that resulted in them being burned alive until the outer layer became charcoal and the inner flesh gradually released its savory aroma.

Such a crude way of eating is quite in line with the survival methods of these wild people.

Qiao Baoer wasn't very shocked by this. She had previously thought that wild people ate raw food, and it wouldn't be surprising if they drank blood and chewed on flesh.

The wild man seemed to think the meat was cooked. His massive frame, like Hagrid in Harry Potter, sat before the tiny fire. Jo-Bao even felt that the two rabbits and the mouse were barely enough for his teeth.

At this moment, Qiao Bao'er was very worried about her situation. She couldn't believe they were really going to roast her and eat her for dinner.

Although she knew there was no escape, her heart felt numb. But the instinct to survive overpowered all pretense. She used her right foot to push herself forward, inch by inch, as far away from him as possible.

However, the wild man seemed too lazy to pay attention to her little moves.

Qiao Baoer backed away while keeping a wary eye on him. He directly reached into the fire pit and grabbed a sizzling piece of meat, then opened his mouth wide, revealing rows of sharp, black teeth. He ate with a crude, savage manner, first spitting out the charred outer layer to reveal the tender flesh within.

Qiao Baoer saw the grilled meat and couldn't help but swallow. Of course, she had the courage of a little bird, and she didn't dare to snatch this wild man's food. In this primitive creature's view, there was nothing more brutal than stealing food.

The sun at the horizon had set completely, and the pale yellow sky began to darken.

The night wind grew increasingly chilly, as if the darkness were slowly consuming this land. Qiao Bao'er watched the surrounding environment change, her heart filled with fear and unease.

After devouring two rabbits, the savage suddenly turned his head to look at her.

Qiao Bao'er froze, not daring to move again.

The wild man's massive frame rose to its feet. Qiao Baoer didn't know what he wanted to do, she was terrified.

And just then, Qiao Bao'er's right foot kicked something small. She glanced at it casually, her mind short-circuiting in shock, "A lighter"

On this godforsaken island, where primitive savages haven't evolved, how could there possibly be a lighter

...and it also reads "adeinhina".

The wild man seemed to have noticed Qiao Bao'er looking at the red lighter beside the fire. He picked up the lighter and threw it in front of her, mumbling a string of unintelligible words.

Jo Baoer was on high alert, of course she couldn't understand what he was saying, but it was clear that when he threw the lighter to her, she didn't flinch. She boldly picked it up and pressed down, immediately a small flame rose.

The giant wild man's dark eyes flashed with a hint of surprise. Seizing the opportunity, Qiao Baier immediately crouched down and grabbed a half-burned piece of firewood, relighting it. She nervously waved the torch in front of her.

The law of nature, all animals are afraid of fire.

This savage was no exception. His face contorted in terror, and he reflexively took a large step back.

But soon, his face contorted in anger, and he let out a furious roar, snarling at Jo Bao'er as if warning her.

Qiao Bao'er was flustered and panicked. She didn't want to anger the wild man, but she also didn't want to wait to be slaughtered. No matter how she struggled, it seemed futile.

The more one struggles, the more painful and unsightly death becomes.

At that thought, she deflated like a punctured balloon, her courage and will to resist vanishing.

She held a lighter in her left hand and a blazing torch in her right. As night fell, the flame of her torch burned brightly, piercing the darkness like a faint star, a glimmer of hope in this desolate world.

The wild man didn't yell at her anymore, but instead picked up a lump of black from the fire and threw it at Qiao Baoer.

Jo Bao'er watched him warily, then lowered her head, bringing the torch in her hand closer. The black mass turned out to be the charred remains of the old rat.

Qiao Baoer stiffened her neck and looked again at the giant wild man before her. He had a face full of beard, and his sharp eyes, like those of a beast, stared fiercely at her.

"You mean, you want me to eat rats"

Jo Baoer tried hard to stabilize her emotions, as if communicating with him, or rather, talking to herself.

Even if she starved to death, Qiao Baier would never eat a mouse!

But when a giant, over two and a half meters tall, stands before you, glaring menacingly, even eating feces, I guess, would be the only option.

Jo Bao'er ate the most disgusting dinner of her life...but she did eat a full meal.

Then she was locked up again, still in the same cave, with the same few "companions". Qiao Bao'er's escape attempt failed, so she had a meal of rats. Her heart was complicated; eating rats was better than dying, she kept telling herself.

Miss Qiao, in a bad mood, took out her frustration on her "companions." She angrily chased the two docile little yellow cattle out of the cave dwelling, taking their spot. She then plopped down on the hay.

She has now stooped to fighting cows for territory.

However, after what just happened, Qiao Baor's heart faintly held a sliver of hope. How could a wild man have a lighter Does this island have modern civilization

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!ao'er immediately stepped back, her eyes blazing at him, her tone serious, "Jun Zhi Mu, you can't be sick."This disease disaster is coming on strong, and if left untreated, the consequences will be te...