Lucy Lus works

Chapter 911: It's Just Jealousy


ere glazed over. Yet, he slightly raised his head and stared straight at her.He didn't speak again, but Qiao Bao'er's heart skipped a beat. His gaze... wasn't so cold and domineering anymore, it was s...Qiao Bao'er shamelessly stayed at Song Mengmeng's house for three days, having a great time and showing no intention of returning to her own home.

She also likes to play with Song Mengmeng's daughter. LeLe is a shy and timid child, Qiao Bao'er is too enthusiastic and has cried the little girl several times, "I didn't mean to scare her."

Jo Bao'er recalled that she had taught her son to swim in the same way before, and thought about doing it for LeLe too. Sure enough, her own son was more resilient.

Since Song Mengmeng's wet nurse learned about Qiao Bao'er's family situation, she felt uneasy and worried. These days, she has carefully considered every dish she cooks, fearing that if the ingredients are not fresh enough, she might accidentally make the young mistress of the Jun family sick with diarrhea or something similar, which could be a disaster.

Even today, when Qiao Baor er was teaching Lele to swim in the bathtub, Nanny felt it wasn't appropriate, but she didn't dare to stop her. Later, Lele couldn't bear the commotion and cried out loudly. Only then did Qiao Baor er give up with a regretful look on her face. While comforting her daughter, she said that girls are timid and will be bullied, and suggested that Lele start learning Taekwondo in elementary school.

Qiao Bao'er hasn't made a single phone call to the Jun family these past few days, and Song Mengmeng is starting to get worried.

I hinted at her indirectly, but it seemed Qiao Bao'er was still angry. She said coolly, "No one in the Jun family needs me, and my two sons don't need their biological mother either. Besides, there are plenty of people lining up to wait on them."

Actually, Qiao Baier knew very well she didn't need to call the Jun family. Jun Zhi Mu had a location tracker installed on her phone. Even if she turned it off, she couldn't escape to the ends of the earth.

That day at noon, Qiao Bao'er went to a large tennis club in the suburbs. Jun Zhimu immediately received the report and knew exactly who she had made an appointment with.

"Senior sister."

Sima An arrived an hour early and shouted from afar.

Although that was a memory from high school, Sima An still vividly remembered Qiao, the senior he had admired. Back then, the young man had transferred to her school just to pursue his heartthrob.

Jo Bao'er was still as beautiful and flamboyant as ever. As she grew older, her bright eyes had a touch more charm, and her figure remained graceful and sexy. She was still as bold as ever, "Little brother," she smiled as she walked up to him.

Qiao Baoer has been staying at Mengmeng's house these days. She was playing with LeLe and found it amusing when the little girl cried. She recorded a short video and posted it to her Moments with a mischievous sense of humor.

Since his divorce, Sima An had been living a lost and aimless life. It felt as if his world had lost its center. He barely paid attention to work at the company. He would spend his days in a daze, turning night into day, completely immersed in online games and electronic devices. By chance, he came across a short video of his daughter posted by Qiao Bao'er.

Maybe because of the family relationship, Sima An thought even if his daughter cried, it was adorable.

He boldly sent Qiao Bao'er a message, wanting to ask why his daughter was crying. Just as Qiao Bao'er was bored out of her mind, the two started chatting happily on WeChat, and even made plans to play tennis together today.

This is the largest tennis club in China, where many professional athletes and matches are held.

Jo Bao'er and Sima An hadn't exercised in a long time. Both of them didn't bring any equipment from home, so they randomly picked out a new set of tennis clothes and racquets at the club. When they met, they found that both of them had chosen the same light blue striped style.

They looked at each other and smiled. Sima An felt a little awkward, so he touched his nose and said, "I haven't exercised in a long time."

"Not bad." Qiao Bao'er smiled brightly and gave him a compliment straightforwardly.

Only Sima An himself knew that back in high school, he had transferred schools and bought many couples' outfits and shoes with Qiao Baoer just to pursue her.

That was all ten years ago. Now, standing side by side with her, there isn't the heart-fluttering feeling I imagined from first love. Instead, it's amusing to think that memory is a bit silly and a little sweet.

< Sima An suddenly laughed and repeated her name, "Sister." >

Jo Baoer was waving her racket, trying out the feel of it. She turned her head sideways and looked at him with a puzzled expression, "Hmm" Her profile was still beautifully ageless.

Sima An smiled lightly and said the words that had been in his heart for a long time, “ ... I was suddenly very moved. Sister Qiao is still the same as before. You are so beautiful and a little bit cute and endearing.”

"All the boys who like you have it so hard. You're really dense." Qiao Baor is terrible at sensing romantic feelings.

Qiao Baoer narrowed her eyes, and with a tennis racket in hand, she swiped at his head, hitting it several times above his ears. She asked seriously, "...Did you get itchy and want to be beaten"

Sima An's smile deepened.

To my surprise, I had held onto it for so long, but I realized I had already let go. Qiao Baoer never treated him as anything more than a "little brother."

The two played several rounds on the court, sweating profusely from their intense game.

Qiao Bao'er's skills were superior. Her tennis serve was fast and powerful, leaving Sima An, a man facing her, struggling to return it with his racket in both hands. He had to run all over the court, panting for breath just to keep up.

I can't even keep up with Qiao Bao'er's pace when playing ball, I can't help but feel ashamed that I'm really too out of shape. But then again, if I were playing tennis with Song Mengmeng, I would definitely win easily.

Sima An was lost in thought for a moment and almost got hit on the nose by the flying tennis ball, "Careful—" It was Qiao Baor from across the net who nervously shouted a warning to him.

"Are you okay" Qiao Baier dropped her racket and ran to him.

The tennis ball whizzed past Sima An's cheek, creating a gust of wind that ruffled the hair on his temple. It was a close call; he felt a pang of relief as he realized it hadn't hit him. He imagined if it had connected, it would have been quite painful.

"It's nothing," he said with an awkward smile.

qiao Bao'er leaned closer and could see clearly that he had dark circles under his eyes, a telltale sign of sleep deprivation. At such a young age, his younger brother had already worn himself down to this haggard state. He must not have exercised much in his daily life; his stamina was so poor.

The two players put down their rackets and rested, drinking water on the side.

Joe Baoer, being a good senior sister, said kindly to him, “Nowadays, many people, when they are young, are not afraid of anything and just think about making money desperately. But when they have some savings, their bodies are worn out. In the end, they pay their money to the hospital. They are busy all their lives but haven't really lived well. They haven't even enjoyed a meal slowly.”

Sima An was still a little out of breath and mumbled, "Well, that's how young people who are struggling in big cities these days are. They're all being pushed by life."

"How you live is your choice."

Qiao Bao'er asked, "Don't you think it's a loss to exploit yourself like this, pretty stupid"

When Sima An heard her say the words 'idiot,' he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Jo Bao'er recalled the recent unpleasant events. She rarely confided in others, but this time she spoke her mind, " … Don't you think I'm being ungrateful and insensitive, talking without knowing the struggles of others But I used to be poor too. A monthly salary of three thousand yuan was enough for me to get by. Why do I have to compare myself to others and put pressure on myself Even if I'm poor, I'll just eat salted fish and pickled cabbage. What does it have to do with them"

She said, "I hate that the Jun family raised my son to be a money-making tool, like Jun Zhi牧 was when we first met, aloof and cold and difficult to approach."

In the wealthy circles, once power struggles arise, even siblings will resort to all means necessary, fighting tooth and nail until one survives. It's like an animal instinct, a brutal reality of survival of the fittest where the rules are harsh and unforgiving.

Qiao Baoer clearly doesn't fit in this kind of circle, it was Jun Zhimu who insisted on dragging her in.

Playing ball had drained a lot of their energy, so the two sat at the open-air cafe in the club, sipping coffee and ordering several cakes. The afternoon breeze was pleasant, and they chatted leisurely. Sima An hesitated for a moment before asking, "Are you happy at the Jun family"

"That's great, you can have anything you want." She lowered her head and sipped her milk tea.

Sima An didn't know how to respond.

To be the shepherdess of a king must be very happy, after all, it is the dream that many women envy.

Qiao Baoer didn't think so much, and she was used to harsh words. Remembering something, she straightened her face and spoke seriously, "Younger brother, what's going on between you and Mengmeng"

"...I still prefer her cute round face when she was in high school, and her silly smile. She told me that the year after you got married, she had a serious car accident and suffered severe burns to her face, so she underwent plastic surgery. You didn't notice during that time How frivolous your marriage was..."

Suddenly mentioning Song Mengmeng, Sima An's expression changed drastically. He truly didn't know that Mengmeng had been in a serious car accident before, so serious that she needed plastic surgery.

"Sister, you tell me how did Mengmeng..." I always thought Song Mengmeng had her face surgically altered to have a melon-shaped face because she followed trends and loved beauty.

He reached out excitedly to pull Qiao Bao'er, who was beside him. Qiao Bao'er was already a little absent-minded, and when he pulled her like that, her body leaned forward, bringing their heads together. Sima An's lips landed on her forehead.

Just like that, so gently and unintentionally, a kiss. The two were shocked, quickly recoiling awkwardly. Sima An's cheeks flew red, becoming very shy and nervous. "I... I didn't mean to…"

Qiao Bao'er looked at him blushing and her face turning red, but she found it amusing instead.

"Sis, I'm just too excited, I didn't know Mengmeng had been in such a serious car accident…" Sima An explained with a face full of shame.

Qiao Bao'er didn't care at all, anyway, foreigners meeting for the first time also had cheek kisses. The two left the restaurant, took their rackets, and walked side by side, continuing to chat about Song Mengmeng.

Sima An listened very attentively, his eyes fixed on her with particular focus.

They each went into the men's and women's shower rooms, planning to change back into their own clothes and then drive back to Song Mengmeng's house together. However, after Qiao Baoer finished showering and changing, she waited for a long time outside but didn't see Sima An.

She walked straight toward the parking lot and from afar, she saw Sima An being forcibly held back by two men in black suits who looked like burly bodyguards. They were pushing him forward. "Who are you Let me go—" came Sima An's indignant shout.

When Qiao Bao'er saw this, she immediately ran over. But suddenly someone grabbed her arm from behind. Qiao Bao'er was furious and turned her head, only to meet an incredibly familiar face. Jun Zhimu's face was cold, he single-handedly grabbed her.tial office at the top floor, Jun Zhi Mu's handsome face was stunned for several seconds. When he came to his senses, his phone had already been hung up by his wife."Ahem..." Lu Qinan held back a laug...