Lucy Lus works

Chapter 575 The Club's Weirdos


oke, “Zhi Mu, we clearly loved each other so much before. You're angry, aren't you Angry that I left three years ago You couldn't bear to see me hurt, and tonight you rushed over to save me…”"Let go!"...Lu Qinian personally poured half a glass of red wine, a smile on his face, and excitedly handed the cup over. " Qiao Baier, you've overcome great adversity, there must be good fortune waiting for you."

"You, a demon woman, I knew you'd be fine all along, causing havoc for a thousand years, hahaha…" Recalling that moment, Lu Qinan saw her artery bleeding profusely, and his heart almost stopped.

Originally, Lu Qinan was still complaining that she wasn't as sociable after losing her memory. Seeing that she had actually come to the club, he was instantly excited.

Although Qiao Bao'er was not very familiar with this Master Lu, seeing his bright smile, she couldn't help but smile along.

She just wanted to reach out and take the offered wine glass, but Jun Zhi Mu snatched it first.

She has injuries and can't drink.

Jun Zhi's gaze swept over Lu Qi Nan, and then, just as decisively, he drank half the glass of red wine in one gulp, placing it back on the table.

Lu Qinan reacted slowly, "I almost forgot, sorry, sorry."

"Don't give her any alcohol for a month."

"Got it, got it."

Jun Zhimu and Lu Qinan were talking, Qiao Bao'er felt like an outsider. These two men really didn't need her opinion at all.

Qiao Bao'er got up and went to the restroom.

As she rose, Junzhi's gaze turned to her. Though he said nothing, his penetrating eyes held hers, clearly asking where she was going.

qiao Bao'er felt a little awkward, she was really not used to it.

It seemed as if her life had suddenly gained an extra person, someone she felt obligated to report everything to and explain herself to. He interfered in every aspect of her life, constantly hovering around.

This feeling was strange, but Qiao Bao'er wasn't repulsed by it either.

"...Could it be that I've been enslaved for too long" She frowned, deep in thought.

Junzhi Mu heard her speaking incoherently to herself, as always, her thoughts jumping around. Women are truly hard to understand, especially the one he was dealing with.

I'm going to the restroom.

Qiao Bao'er, feeling extremely embarrassed by his intense gaze, mumbled a word and quickly walked towards the restroom.

"Big boss, congratulations! Your wife finally learned to blush. That's really something to celebrate."

As soon as Qiao Bao'er left, the unscrupulous members of the club immediately started laughing and making fun of each other.

Jo Bao'er could hear their laughter, her face was truly red.

What kind of people are these

"...Have you really forgotten Jun Zhiyan"

He narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing her intently, trying to determine if she had truly forgotten or was feigning ignorance.

For him, there are two things in this world that you absolutely can't forget: your own money and your enemies.

"...At the time, Jun's beauty, picked up a shard of broken glass and hid it in her sleeve. When you leaned close to her, she suddenly used that piece of shard, piercing your heart's main artery, blood gushing out."

The voice was cold and sinister, and he deliberately made a sudden attacking motion towards Qiao Bao'er.

Qiao Bao'er's eyes widened slightly, watching the performance in front of her with a stunned expression, as if she hadn't quite grasped what was happening.

"... Forget it, forget it, I guess I'm really stupid." Feeling bored.

Having forgotten the experiences of these past few years, Qiao Bao'er had become much more naive and immature. She seemed very young and slow to react.

"Didn't we know each other before"

When Qiao Bao'er came to her senses, she asked her a question.

Without a second thought, he replied with two words, "Not familiar."

But, "Jiao Bao'er, you owe me a car."

Jo Bao'er looked at her without speaking, obviously not easily believing.

"Regarding your own interests, I'm emphasizing seriously that you truly owe me a car. Although there's no written agreement, I have the video recording. You said it yourself. When I helped you investigate Jun Zhiyan's affairs, you promised to give me the German car from Jun's family."

Jo Bao'er instinctively felt it wasn't right, "How can I give you something from the Jun family"

"You used to blatantly swipe Junzhi's credit card without a care in the world."

Could it be that after getting married, she became so shameless and brazen, just spending men's money willy-nilly

"Looking at this, it seems like a villainous plot... “But I feel like you're taking advantage of the situation.”

"What do you mean, take advantage of the situation As if I would do such a thing!" Her eyes blazed with fury, her spine straight as a rod, an air of righteousness about her.

Jo Baoer couldn't argue with her, after a moment of thought, she said, "I'll give you the car when I remember."

"You want to take it back!"

"Why don't you go ask Junzhi for the car yourself"

Hateful eyes glared at her, gnashing teeth. Although Qiao Bao'er had forgotten some memories, that viciousness remained. Every time she was exploited by being reminded of Jun Zhi Mu, anger surged within her until she was speechless.

After Qiao Ba'er came out of the restroom, her hands were covered in water droplets. She saw him still scowling and standing there, as if he was waiting for her.

There are not many women in this club, besides the two female receptionists at the front desk; all the rest are men.

"Did Junzhu's shepherd ask you to wait here for me" Qiao Baoer asked, trusting her intuition.

Even using the restroom required someone watching her. Qiao Bao'er suspected that her husband had some kind of controlling tendencies.

Look back and glare at her.

I'm really upset right now, don't talk to me.

Qiao Baoer deliberately walked in front of her, raised the beads in her hand, and splashed with soapy water on her face. Her expression was furious, "If you have the guts, don't run away, go to the ring for a fight."

Qiao Bao'er turned around and smiled like a cat that had just gotten away with something. She wasn't stupid, of course she would run.

“You’re injured, why are you running so fast” the bartender, Junzhi Mu, called out to her.

As the saying goes, "Like cures like."

Qiao Baoer, being extremely submissive, obediently stopped. All eyes from the surrounding club members curiously focused on her. Even with Qiao Baoer's thick skin, she couldn't bear the intense scrutiny.


Miss Qiao was unwilling to look at Jun Zhimu directly. She turned her head away, pretending he didn't exist, and found a corner to sit in, refusing to sit next to him no matter what.

"...As I've said, in our family, the sister-in-law is the one who calls the shots."

"Well, I suppose I'll just have to spend the rest of my life with my Fifth Miss."

"No matter how bad she is, she's still your wife... Also, don't jerk off too much, or you'll hurt your kidneys hahaha..."

A group of people gave each other suggestive glances and laughed, none of them acting serious.

Qiao Bao'er was very curious about what these people did on a daily basis. They all looked strong and muscular, with unique appearances. The tallest one was over two meters tall, while the shortest was only one meter three.

They even have strange names, one is called Monkey, Old Ghost, and another is called Crab...

They were chatting freely, in groups of three or five, shouting about something, telling some adult jokes, and laughing heartily. German super-sized ice beers, raising their heads to gulp them down, while roughly eating large chunks of grilled lamb and peanuts.

Jo Bao'er soon blended into the group, not feeling awkward at all. She secretly reached out and took a small piece of lamb, tearing it off and taking a small bite. It tasted pretty good.

"You're saying that island is where those old pirates used to hide their treasure gold, aren't you" Soon, they were a little tipsy.

"The gold coins of that era were quite valuable."

That tall, thin man named Crab had sharp features and a sturdy build. He was originally quite handsome, but he dyed his hair orange-yellow and got a permed "ramen noodle" hairstyle. It really did look like a bowl of ramen noodles hanging on his head, and it was very comical.

The crab is not good at drinking, but it loves alcohol so much that after a while, it drinks its face red. That's why it was called a crab.

The old ghost on the side kicked the crab's leg without any courtesy. The pain made him immediately angrily shout, "…Are you looking for a fight with me!"


Lao Gui's expression was clear, and he dragged him to the side.

The monkeys were still cheering them on, shouting for them to get up on the stage and fight. They said they wouldn't come down until they were beaten bloody.

The way this group of people interact is incredibly crude and savage.

Although Qiao Bao'er didn't quite understand, she wasn't stupid. She sensed that the old ghost didn't want the crab to say too much about the island.

She looked towards Junzhi Mu, and suddenly, she froze.

Unexpectedly, Junzhi Mu was not idly leaning back on the sofa as he appeared to be. In reality, his gaze had been fixed on her all along.

Their eyes met, and her cheeks flushed slightly.

I'm still not used to him looking at me like that.

How does she get along with Jun Zhimu He seems like a very dominant husband, so she probably doesn't have many opportunities to speak.

more like a domesticated pet.

She asked him if he was looking for an island, but Junzhi Mu didn't answer directly. He seemed to prefer handling things himself and didn't want her involved.

Joe wasn't thinking of anything else; she simply wanted to say that she happened to have a map in her hand.ric hot plate, heating it slowly over water, Zhu Xiaowei was a little surprised."Oh, Qiao Baoer has been staying at the Jun family for so long that even your eating habits have become so refined"Qiao...