Lucy Lus works

Chapter 532 The Black Cat Named Earl


terly merciless."Yaqi, I know everything now—" He glared at the woman prostrated on the floor, almost wanting to strangle her."I know everything, I know everything!!"Yisi Chen's eyes turned red, and h...Being confined to a room was stifling. Qiao Bao'er, filled with resentment, clutched her pen and repeatedly copied words, finally tasting the same lack of rights as those ancient aristocrats who would punish people by forcing them to copy books.

I stayed up all night, copying it for several nights in a row before I finished copying the one hundred chapters of the Tao Te Ching.

A whole stack of papers, I carried it to find the old man at Beiyuan to turn in.

She had toiled for half a month, but the old man just glanced at it and gave a perfunctory reply, “Alright, you can go.”

"Grandpa, don't you want to count"

"If you dare to copy one less," Old Master Jun said with a stern face, "if you dare to copy one less, I'll have you copy another hundred times."

"I've counted three times already, nothing's missing," Qiao Bao'er immediately retorted, her hands aching.

The old man grunted.

"Know you were wrong"

Qiao Baoer's face was tightly drawn, her lips pursed in stubborn silence.

She looked completely unapologetic.

The old butler watched anxiously from the side. Qiao Baoer really should learn to be more agreeable and smooth-talking, otherwise she'd probably end up being locked away for another half month.

"Grandpa, I want to ask about Zhiyan's childhood," Qiao Baier asked recklessly.

"Was she strange as a child Was she particularly violent"

Mr. Jun didn't expect her to ask so suddenly. There were some things he didn't want too many people to know, and he was thinking about how to evade the question when he happened to see a small black shadow walking towards them.

"This cat, it looks pretty good."

The old man deliberately made a passing remark to divert attention.

Qiao Baoer followed the old man's gaze and was surprised. How did this black cat come to Beiyuan with her It really thought that Jun's family was an open door, going everywhere at will.

"What do you want with me" Qiao Baier had gotten to know this cat pretty well in the past half month.

The four-legged creature moved gracefully, its cat eyes glancing at Mr. Jun in the upper seat and the old butler before turning to Qiao Baier. It even flicked its tail dismissively, clearly showing contempt.

Mr. Jun and the old butler immediately saw that the cat was quite spirited. They didn't mind black cats at all, rather they liked such spiritual creatures.

"Arong, look at this cat. Doesn't it resemble our old Blackie"

Mr. Jun immediately became happy, like a mischievous old boy, "Bao'er, bring this cat over so I can take a good look at it."

"Jo Bao'er wasn't willing to hold the cat at all. She said in a very dismissive tone, "Grandpa, it's just a stray cat, and besides, its name isn't Heizi, it's called Earl."


A cat with a name is definitely not a wild cat.

"This name is pretty good... Whose is it" The old man thought for a moment, "Could it be the Lu family's"

He was still thinking of having Lu Qinian send him as a way to show filial piety to his elders.

"Just heard Qiao Ba'er curse, “ … I don’t know which bastard raised it.” "

Count Black immediately crouched down, fangs bared and claws extended, letting out a sharp hiss at her. His tail was stiff with anticipation, ready to strike at any moment.

< Qiao Bao'er glared back angrily. >

Master Jun looked at the pair of human and cat, and for once, he was genuinely surprised. He even uttered a compliment, "Hmm, very loyal."

Jo Bao'er didn't understand either. Why did this mysterious black cat keep following her

She had just been released from house arrest, and Zhu Xiaowei called her that night, " … I'm now studying Western pastries in France. It's a small group with ten or so students…"

Qiao Baoer didn't expect Zhu Xiaowei to go abroad for culinary studies at all.

"I don't want to spend my whole life working a 9-to-5 job in this company, learning this is a good idea."

On the phone, Zhu Xiaowei's voice was very calm, with even a hint of a smile.

Qiao Baoer listened, her heart filled with mixed emotions. She had many questions swirling in her mind, "Xiao Zhu, why did you suddenly decide to study abroad"

"Also, how could this happen... Did something happen before How could the child have miscarried"

No matter how hard she tried to be strong, the moment Zhu Xiaowei thought of her miscarriage, she crumbled instantly. Her eyes welled up, and she choked back tears. She stammered, "I, my friend called me, I'll talk to you later, don't worry about me," before hurriedly hanging up.

Qiao Baoer knew she had asked something she shouldn't have, and sighed.

She just didn't want Zhu Xiaowei to bear everything alone. She wanted to be able to share anything that was bothering her.

But Zhu Xiaowei seems unable to get over her own hurdle.

She checked and found that Zhu Xiaowei had called using a public phone abroad. Public phones are still quite popular overseas. Perhaps her current location could be traced based on this number.

Having thought about it, Qiao Baoer immediately took out paper and pen and wrote down the public phone number.

"...Zhu Xiao Wei, has anyone called you recently"

Although she was reluctant, she still informed Pei Huoran.

Has she contacted you

On the phone, Pei Haoran's voice was a little hoarse, as if he had a cold and wasn't feeling well. He sounded very agitated, repeatedly asking, "What did she say Did she say where she is now, when she'll be back"

"She shouldn't be back for a while." Qiao Bao'er wasn't trying to provoke him, it was just the truth.

Pei Haoran clutched his phone tightly. He had predicted this, but hearing it said out loud still made his chest ache.

After a long silence, he spoke in a hoarse, low voice, " ... did she say, why she suddenly aborted the child"

What puzzled Pei Haoran the most was this.

Zhu Xiaowei was clearly so eagerly anticipating the birth of her child. How could such a gentle and kind woman suddenly decide to have an abortion She didn't even discuss it with him!

"It could have been an accident, or maybe he was just tired of being caught between you and Guan Lei."

qiao Baoer's voice was very rational, she emphasized a sentence, "No matter what, your Pei family is not qualified to blame her. Don't forget, at the beginning, you didn't intend to keep that child."

"Where is she now" Bei Haoran tried his best to calm down. He had to find her, he had to ask her in person.

"I don't know, but..."

Before Qiao Baoer could finish her sentence, Pei Haoran felt that she was deliberately making things difficult for him, "Zhu Xiaowei is not you. She lives alone abroad and is not as strong as you!"

Yes, Junzhi Yan and Xiao Zhu are both delicate women. All the bad things should be done by me.

Qiao Bao'er angrily roared, then hung up.

She wanted to say she didn't know where Zhu Xiaowei was now, but she wrote down the number for a public phone booth abroad. He could look up the address from there.

"I wish I hadn't messaged him on WeChat." She was a little annoyed.

...while Pei Haoran's WeChat did indeed receive a string of numbers she had sent him earlier, he didn't know what they meant. ...

qiao ba'er hasn't returned to the master bedroom for half a month. She still feels uncomfortable about facing Jun Zhimu, he asked her to apologize to Zhiyan last time, but she refused.

Pushing open the door, Jun Zhi Mu seemed to be waiting for her inside as if he had been there all along, his eyes piercingly fixed on her. "That black cat, is it called Count"

< Qiao Bao'er didn't expect him to ask this, he probably heard it from the servants. >

"Are you sure, that black cat, it's named Earl" Junzhi Mu walked forward, repeating the question, he seemed very concerned.


Jo Baoer didn't want to be thought of as having mental problems; she truly could hear the cat talking.

"Have you heard of the Strozzi family" Junzhimu had been busy with this very matter recently, his gaze thoughtful as he spoke in a low voice. "The head of the Strozzi family is said to have a black cat named Count."h no response, as if nobody cares about this.In the back garden of Bei Yuan, an elderly man leaned on his cane, gazing at the bamboo forest before him. Unknowingly, he had spent over 40 days in Seattl...