Lucy Lus works

Chapter 474: Sick, Unaware of Anything


go back to Jun's house so soon. She was wandering around aimlessly when she ran into her arch-nemesis, Ye Xi. The two women almost came to blows in a boutique..."Are you hurt" Junzhi Mu asked inexplic...When Junzhimu returned home, he couldn't find Qiao Baier in his bedroom. He asked someone and learned that Qiao Baier had gone to the nursery.


Both the nanny and maid, who took care of the baby, looked at Qiao Bao'er in surprise.

Qiao Bao'er sat by the crib, holding a fairy tale book. She was telling stories to the baby.

"After defeating the evil witch, the prince and princess got married in the castle." She told the story of Snow White.

Then, Qiao Baoer closed the fairy tale book and seriously told her baby, "Son, this fairy tale is actually a lie."

Baby doesn't understand.

Qiao Bao'er reached out and gently pinched the chubby cheeks of her youngest son, Jun Xiaoxiao. The baby smiled with his eyes squinting shut, a blissfully silly expression. A giggle escaped his lips.

Gege Jun has not smiled much since he was born, and he rarely cries. But the baby's bright black grape-sized eyes are fixed on Qiao Baoer, as if trying to memorize his mommy's appearance. His little expression is very focused and earnest, which is very cute.

Every time Qiao Bao'er feels down, she likes to run to the baby room and play with her baby.

Grandfather set a time curfew for her, stating when she couldn't disturb the child's rest. However, usually when Qiao Baoer was angry, she ignored these useless restrictions. The servants dared not stop her.

An elderly nanny stepped forward and said, "Madam, it's getting late now. You should go back to rest early. The children are almost asleep too..."

< Qiao Bao'er turned her head, her face grim. "I haven't finished telling my son the story yet." >

The old nanny, sent by Master Jun, felt confident. “Madam,” she said, “you’ve finished telling the story. Perhaps you shouldn't disturb the child any longer If the child doesn’t get enough sleep, Master will be displeased…”

Joe Bao'er said coldly, "If you have the guts, go and tell grandpa right now."

No matter what, Qiao Bao'er is the granddaughter-in-law of the Jun family. The nanny is just a worker. Although the old nanny was upset in her heart, she didn't dare to say much and threw out a sarcastic remark.

"If sleep deprivation affects your child's health, I take no responsibility for that."

"I'm playing with my son, what does it have to do with you" Qiao Baoer had reached her limit; she wasn't someone who lacked temper.

The old nanny was startled and froze, the other maids became even more afraid to speak.

Joe Bao'er was thinking, for the sake of her baby growing up to be as excellent as Jun Zhi Mu in the future, she would endure all these family rules no matter how many there were. Just one servant dared to meddle in everything, truly thinking she was a pushover.

Qiao Bao'er ignored them. She reached out and idly rubbed the twin babies' slightly curly black hair. The babies weren't afraid of her, letting her knead and flatten their heads. They waved their little hands and giggled, wriggling their tiny bodies and trying to crawl over to Qiao Bao'er.

"...After the prince and princess got married, one day they had a fight."

Jo Baoer continued to tell her twin sons a story, as she spoke, she picked up her son, and kissed his chubby cheeks.

"The prince said he wouldn't give the princess food, and he said the castle was all his, and everyone had to listen to him," Qiao Baoer said here, her expression becoming a little angry.

The twins' clear big eyes stared at her intently, as if they could understand and were listening very carefully.

"...Then, in a fit of anger, the princess stormed out of her home."

The maids standing on the side were stunned. Was this how fairy tales developed

Qiao Baoer covered the twins with a small blanket and played with the babies for a while. She felt much better and smiled, "Don't worry, don't worry, I will definitely take you with me when I run away from home."

"Master Zhimu."

Behind her, the nanny turned and immediately noticed Junzhi Mu outside the door.

Jo Baoer heard the sound, she immediately got up, without even looking at Jun Zhim牧, her steps directly crossed him, and walked out of the nursery.

Junzhi Mu stood still, did not reach out to pull her away, turned his head, watching as she walked past him.

Even the maid in the nursery could sense something was off. They had been arguing

After marriage, it's very common for couples to have arguments. Qiao Baoer figured it out, marriage is just a boring thing.

Because living one's whole life alone is too pale.

So men and women get married, have a child, and spend the rest of their lives making do. It's kind of like being in business together. Once you have a child, you have shared interests. All those fairy tales end in the most beautiful places because no one wants to write about all the messy details of life after marriage—it's just too much hassle.

Jo Bao'er's current state of mind is that she doesn't even want to argue.

She didn't throw a tantrum like before, no pillow-throwing or locking herself in the bedroom to keep Jun Zhi Mu out. Now, even though they slept together, they occupied opposite sides of the bed, silently sharing the same space.

Deep in the night, the main lights in the bedroom were off. Only a dim, yellowish bedside lamp illuminated Qiao Bao'er's sleeping face from the side.

Her little habit is to have a small light on at night before she can fall asleep.

Jun Zhi Mu was the opposite; he preferred a dark bedroom for quality sleep, but after marriage, he adapted to her preference as well.

Outside the window, it was pitch black. The night was deep and quiet. Jun Zhimu was still very energetic and didn't snuggle close to her as he usually did. He stared intently at Qiao Baobao's profile.

This afternoon's events, he didn't explain to her, and he wasn't planning on explaining them to her.

He is now thinking about a problem, Qiao Bao'er may be angry for a long time this time.

The next morning, Qiao Baier pretended to wake up very late. She wanted to wait until Jun Zhimu left before getting out of bed because she didn't want to see him or talk to him.

Qiao Baoer returned to the company, Lu Ge's company. She had no pressure at all. Her job was just to be a host, at most, she would memorize some scripts. If she didn't have to go on-site, it would be really leisurely.

In the afternoon, she made an appointment with Zhu Xiaowei to skip class together.

"Go to the hospital and see Tang Yu, last time I went to his apartment, Mo Gao said he was hospitalized."

Zhu Xiaowei has been out of sorts ever since she took a pregnancy test at Jun's house last time. She hasn't been in the mood to work, so she just went for a walk with Qiao Baoer.

"Oh, I haven't told Pei Haoran yet." Zhu Xiaowei drooped her head, almost bumping into the plants beside her as she walked.


Qiao Ba'er is a decisive person, she doesn't understand Xiao Zhu's hesitation and worry. "If she's really pregnant, Pei Haoran has the right to know..."

Midway through her sentence, Qiao Bao'er remembered yesterday when Jun Zhi Mu had inexplicably flown into a rage and dragged her to the hospital for a pregnancy test. Suddenly, her face turned ashen.

She cursed, "Damn you, bastard."

Zhu Xiaowei saw her angry look and smiled, "Arguing with Junzhomu again"

He thought I was pregnant, and he went off on me, waving that positive pregnancy test—the one with the two red lines—in my face.

Zhu Xiaowei was astonished, "Jun Zhimu thought that was the result of your pregnancy test. Didn't you say you threw away all the pregnancy tests"

"I don't know." Qiao Baoer remembered being very angry yesterday.

Even if you were pregnant, you should be happy...

Zhu Xiaowei couldn't understand. Based on Jun Zhimu's usual demeanor, it was unlikely for him to yell at Qiao Baorou. After thinking for a while, she guessed, "Maybe he thinks having twins is enough and doesn't need to have another child."zes complex as they watched Lu Qinian hurry away. They all understood where he was going.They all seemed to have unspoken understanding, no longer mentioning the name ' Qiao Baoer'. Besides Xia Chux...