Lucy Lus works

Chapter 462: Jun Zhimu is Easy to Please


lowly opened his eyes, still those stunningly beautiful blue irises, but unlike Tang Yu's eyes that were so clear and clean, there was a hint of disdain and provocation, extremely sharp.The lord's fac..."I feel like life is quite dull," Qiao Bao'er confided in her best friend. "Xiao Zhu, do you think I'm being too ungrateful to feel this way"

Zhu Xiaowei looked at her, feeling that Qiao Baier had always been energetic and radiant in the past. Now she looked like a wilted flower, listless and downcast.

"Don't you think life in the Jun family is too structured and boring"

< Qiao Bao'er lowered her head and stirred her milk tea, not knowing what to say for a moment. >

"It's like... I feel like this is how my whole life has been. Like, with charity, I don't enjoy it... But the daughter-in-law of the Jun family should interact with those people. It's as if I have to keep forcing myself."

...She whispered to herself, "...This isn't really the life I want."

But she's doing well now, and should be content.

"What about the twins" Zhu Xiaowei suddenly brought up the children, suggesting, "You could spend more time taking care of them. You wouldn't think about these things."

To marry into a prestigious family should be something many women envy, indeed it is something to be content with. However, looking at Qiao Baier, she always seems to lack her usual vibrancy, appearing downcast and melancholy.

Qiao Bao'er huffed, “You want to play with the child Don't even think about it.”

"Grandpa abided by his heir's educational philosophy... claiming that mothers shouldn't have too much contact with their children, as it would affect their personality and make them less resilient. Now, he only visits occasionally at most."

She didn't have any major objections to her grandfather's parenting style. Junzhimu also grew up this way, and he is now so excellent. It would be more beneficial for the child if they grew up like Junzhimu in the future.

Qiao Baoer poked at the mousse cake on her desk, remembering some things. She looked up and saw Xiao Zhu. "You've been taking cakes to work to share with your colleagues every day lately. Are you that free"

"Little Zhu, how are you doing at the Pei family"

Joanne rarely heard Xiao Zhu complain about anything; she was much more mature than him.

At that, Zhu Xiaowei smiled and replied, "That's great."

"Well, you love children so much, why don't you and Pei Haoran make a plan to get pregnant" Qiao Baoer didn't quite understand this.

"Hurry up and have a baby! Let me tell you, having a baby is something that once you're married and have your license, the sooner you have one, the better. It hurts anyway, so might as well get it over with while you're young. Otherwise, it will be even more painful when you're older."

Xiao Zhu still smiled gently, but a hint of sadness flashed in her eyes. She then lowered her head and pretended to reach for some tissues in her bag before looking up again with a forced smile on her face.

"Nothing, we're planning on having kids in a few years."

Joe asked her, "Actually, I think you don't seem very enthusiastic about work. I thought you'd rather be a stay-at-home wife."

Being watched, Zhu Xiaowei stirred her coffee cup and murmured, "Yeah, actually I'd rather stay home as a housewife."

Qiao Baoer suddenly felt that she wasn't actually that happy in the Pei family.

"Is something the matter" she asked, caring enough to press.

Xiao Zhu hesitated for a moment. It had been so long since she had gone out with Qiao Bao'er to chat together. The things weighing on her heart, kept inside for too long, felt uncomfortable. She decided to just let it all out today.

"Guan Lei is living at the Pei family's house right now." Zhu Xiaowei whispered.

Jo Bao'er's face was full of surprise, "What"

"No way, are you saying that Pei Haoran's ex-wife Guan Lei is living at the Pei family home right now What does that even mean" For an ex-wife to still live in the Pei family house, it's too outrageous.

“Actually, it's not that complicated. I heard Guan Lei had a fight with her ex-boyfriend. The man gets violent when he drinks, and they ended up in a brawl that landed them both in jail. Pei Haoran was called to bail her out. To avoid further trouble from the ex-boyfriend, she's staying at Pei's house temporarily.”

Zhu Xiaowei calmly recounted the events, her face betraying little emotion.

Qiao Bao'er frowned, feeling that this was a bit inappropriate. "No matter what, Guan Lei is his ex-wife, and you have already registered your marriage with Pei Haoran. Why not go outside and find her a house to live in"

A former wife and a current wife living in the same house, meeting each other would definitely be awkward.

Zhu Xiaowei smiled as if she understood, saying, "It's nothing."

"Now I'm busy with work, we originally hired a nanny, but Guan Lei recently said she wanted to learn how to cook and so we don't need the nanny anymore. She's helping with some housework at home now, so I've been really free lately... And Pei Yi likes her a lot too."

Bitting her lip with a wry smile, as if comforting herself, "As long as everyone is happy."

Jo Baobao could tell from her expression that she was feeling uncomfortable, as she always tended to put up with things.

"Since you and Pei Haoran are both married, the Pei family is now your home as well. There's no need to be submissive all the time."

Qiao Bao'er taught her that she should be more assertive, "You are the mistress of that house, you also need to think about yourself. If you don't want Guan Lei to be at home, just tell Pei Haoran. You could even find Guan Lei a place to live outside."

Qiao Bao'er truly doesn't understand.

Guan Lei is just the ex-wife, why are the Pei family members so kind to her, cleaning up her messes time and time again.

Zhu Xiaowei sipped her bitter coffee in silence, not knowing how to begin.

If she were to speak up, it would feel like she was tearing Pei Yi and Guan Lei apart as a mother and son, which felt too cruel.

Actually, before she got married, she had a sense of guilt that she was interfering and destroying Guan Lei and Pei Yi's family. But it wasn't her fault, Pei Haoran and Guan Lei were already divorced and didn't get along. The main reason was the Pei family's attitude towards Guan Lei, they just couldn't let go.

Her current wife seems like a stranger instead.

"If I told Guan Lei not to live at Pei's, they might think I was being selfish." Zhu Xiaowei lowered her head, and there was a lot of confusion in her expression.

Qiao Ba'er was very dissatisfied. "This is a load of bull! Guan Lei is the selfish one, she didn't even consider your feelings at all."

Qiao Bao'er spoke plainly and then thought for a moment before immediately suggesting, "I think you should quickly have a child with Pei Haoran. That way, the Pei family wouldn't have to revolve around Pei Yi and Guan Lei all the time. You are his wife now."

About having a baby.

Actually, Zhu Xiaowei really wants her own children.

It's just that Pei Haoran mentioned it before. He said that Pei Yi is still young and in elementary school now. If they had a younger brother or sister, he was afraid that Pei Yi wouldn't accept it, so they have been avoiding pregnancy...

For her own little happiness, she'd give it a shot. Looking into Qiao Baier's determined eyes, Zhu Xiaowei encouraged herself as well, "Okay, I'll talk to him again tonight..."

At this moment, Qiao Ba'er's phone suddenly rang.

"Where is the key to Tang Yu Apartment"

It was Mogao who called. He said Tang Yu wouldn't let him in and he wanted to find Qiao Baor to get the key.

Since Qiao Bao'er went to work on a charity project, she has been so busy that her head is spinning. Today, she finally had time to hang out with Xiao Zhu. It has also been several days since she last visited Tang Yu's place.

"I put the key in a storage box downstairs in the community, the password is 1314. Has Tang Yu had a fever these days I tried to call him, but he just brushed me off..."ature turned chilly. Visibility dimmed, and it was impossible to see anything inside the wall cavity anymore.Samba got to his feet, his body covered in mud. He sat dazed against the palace wall, stari...