Lucy Lus works

Chapter 405 Finally Slept in Her Bed


ke, with a clatter, Ye Xi seemed startled, dropping her phone to the floor as if she had been caught.Junzhi Mu turned his head, his eyes fierce as he looked at her. That sharp gaze made Ye Xi's legs g...Qiao Baoer returned to the Qiao family at 12 am.

"Where have you been all day"

Gu Ruoyan heard the doorbell ring and immediately went to open it. However, she saw that besides Qiao Bao'er, there was also an unexpected guest at the door, and her expression became unnatural.

"Auntie," Qiao Bao'er called out to her.

Gu Ruoyan came back to her senses and noticed that Qiao Bao'er's expression was a bit angry. As for Jun Zhimu, his handsome face remained expressionless. He stood straight, holding two large bags of expensive gifts in his hands.

Joe was black in the face.

He could have easily flown back, but he insisted on driving and got there late at night. That rascal Jun Zhi Mu even leaned on her for several hours, making her shoulders ache.

She ignored the smelly man behind her and strode straight into her front door.

And standing outside the door, Jun Zhimu watched as the heartless woman strode inside. He turned his gaze to Gu Ruoyan in front of him, his voice flat and emotionless, "Hello."

Gu Ruoyan nodded to him with a slightly restrained expression.

Having known beforehand that Qiao Baoer was coming back to the Qiao family, he was very happy waiting for her in the living room. But he never expected Jun Zhi牧 to be here too.

"Here you go." Kunimistu handed them two large bags of gifts.

The Qiao family didn't have a maid at home now, and no one came forward to take the things from his hands. Jun Zhimu was a little unaccustomed and had to speak up. Gu Ruoyan startled immediately reached out to take it. She just wanted to say something about not being polite with gifts, but at this moment, a scolding voice came from inside the house.

“I told you to go straight back home, but you wouldn't listen. Now your aunt and grandma are worried sick all day because of you! How old are you… I asked you to be back by 7 o'clock, and now it’s almost midnight! Why do you have to keep us waiting like this”

Jo Wenyu wasn't in a good mood and angrily started berating.

Qiao Bao'er was scolded by her dad until she was like a dead dog, not daring to say a word.

Junzhi's shepherd frowned, ignoring all etiquette and strode into the room. "It was I who asked her to return to Jun's house with me first." His voice, naturally low, held a chilling authority.

This means, he came up with the idea to have her return to his family's home first, so what if anyone was unhappy about it.

Qiao Wenyuan was originally lecturing his unfilial daughter at home. Hearing this sound, he looked up and glared, feeling even more irritated.

He's lecturing his daughter, what does Guan this surname Jun have to do with it.

Joe Wenyu wore a gloomy expression and deliberately ignored Jun Zhimu.

His voice turned colder, glaring at his daughter, "Who let him back in"

Jo Baoer was originally lowering her head and taking the scolding honestly. Seeing her father's anger soar, she immediately glanced at the man behind her and quickly explained, "Dad, it has nothing to do with me, he came here himself."

Jun Zhi Mu's face was rather ugly, suppressing his anger with great difficulty.

Qiao Wenyu suddenly felt very comfortable in his heart, and his mood improved a lot.

Gu Ruoyan shut the door and hurried in, trying to smooth things over. "Ba'er, have you eaten dinner yet There's night snacks prepared at home..."

"I'm not hungry, I had some soup at Jun's place." Qiao Bao'er replied truthfully.

"It's alright, we were worried you'd come back with an empty stomach," Gu Ruyue glanced at Qiao Wenyu with some resentment. "Your dad is the same too. He knows you just got back from Switzerland, tired and hungry, yet he was angry on the phone demanding that you return to the Qiao family immediately..."

Gu Ruoyan thought Qiao Baier could come back tomorrow, there was no need to rush.

"You mentioned before that you encountered an avalanche in Switzerland. What exactly happened Were you and Xiao Zhu hurt" Gu Ruyue held her hand, looking at her seriously.

Hearing the avalanche, Qiao Wenyu turned his head to look at her, his eyes becoming serious as well.

Qiao Bao'er said calmly, "We were holed up in the hotel for a few days. It was an avalanche on the back mountain, but we weren't affected." She clearly lied but said it so naturally.

Gu Ruoyan grew up watching her, she wasn't that easy to fool. She asked, "Didn't the news say there was an avalanche that buried a lot of tourists over there before"

"Oh, those people ran outside and unfortunately got caught in an avalanche and were buried..."

Qiao Wenyu's eyes widened, and he let out a snort. "You didn't run out with them!" his tone was full of disbelief.

Qiao Bao'er was on edge, not blushing at all, and assured him, "No, I and Xiao Zhu have been staying in the hotel waiting for rescue."

There was something in the glint of Jun's gaze as he looked at her from the side.

"Probably out of guilt, Qiao Bao'er quickly added, "Xia Zhu and I are fine. It's just that Jun Zhimu has a wound on his back."

This diverted Qiao Wenyu and Gu Ruoyan's attention to Jun Zhimu. Seeing that his complexion was quite normal, he just looked a little tired.

"Just a minor injury," Jun Zhi Mu spoke softly at the right moment.

"It's good that nothing happened." Gu Ruyue sighed, glanced at the wall clock, and it was already past midnight. She urged, "Bao'er, your room has new bedding and is all tidy up. Go get some rest first..."

Halfway through his sentence, Gu Ruoyan became a bit embarrassed. She hadn't tidied the guest room, and since the Qiao family had stopped hiring servants, they had bought fewer spare items. There were no new bed sheets at home, so where would Jun Zhimu sleep tonight

"There's no spare room at home." Qiao Wenyu said coldly, making it clear that he wanted to get rid of them.

It actually succeeded in driving the pastoralist away.

Joe Bao'er's eyes lit up as she looked at her father, a wave of admiration washing over her.

Junzhi Mu looked at her expression, his handsome face darkened by half. Meeting Qiao Wenyuan's gaze, he said resolutely, "She and I are husband and wife."

This means that, as a married couple, they already sleep in the same bed and therefore don't need a guest room.

Joe Wenyù frowned, "This is the Qiao family."

Here, of course, he calls the shots.

"Ba'er, come here!" Qiao Wenyu was very unhappy that his daughter was standing too close to Jun Jia.

Since Qiao Wenyu had a stroke because of being angered, Qiao Baier really became a filial daughter and basically didn't dare to disobey her father anymore. She walked honestly to Qiao Wenyu's side and when she passed by Jun Zhimu, she didn't forget to whisper, "Don't anger my dad."

Jun Zhi Mu glared at her, his face contorted with anger.

Gu Ruoyan, seeing their standoff, tried to mediate, "Zhi Mu, you sleep in Bao'er's room tonight."

As soon as the words left her mouth, Qiao Wenyu's displeased gaze shot over. She quickly added, "Baobao will be sleeping in my room tonight." That should do it, right

"Why let him sleep in my room"

qiao Bao'er was being half-dragged away by her aunt. She turned back to see her father with a dark face and muttered softly, "Let Jun Zhi牧 just go stay in a hotel outside."

"You still want to gloat over Jun Mu being driven away by your father," Gu Ruyue pulled her into her room and shut the door behind them.

"The last time Jun Zhimu came to Qiao's house to look for you, your father gave him a cold face and turned him away. He has a heart to come over, and we can't turn people away twice. Don't even consider who Jun Zhimu is; you can't just drive him away."

Jo Bao'er was very surprised. Her father really drove Jun Zhi Mu out, it was hard to imagine his expression at the time.

It is estimated that the shepherd had never been driven out before.

Thinking to herself, Qiao Bao'er's face turned slightly awkward. She spoke in a sarcastic tone, "He came looking for trouble himself, he asked for it."

Gu Ruoyan let out a wry laugh. "Back then, both I and your grandmother worried he'd retaliate against us after returning to the Jun family, but thankfully, he didn't do anything."

I did have some prejudice against the Jun family before, and I didn't want Qiao Bao'er to associate with them. However, after so many things happened, I slowly had some other ideas.

Gu Ruoyan suddenly asked her, "Bao'er, how are things between you and Jun Zhimu now"

Qiao Bao'er had a complex expression on her face, as if she was thinking about something, and didn't answer.

Gu Ruoyan didn't pursue it further, found a new pillow and a new set of pajamas for her, urging, "You must be very tired, go to sleep early. Don't think we don't know, you definitely suffered a lot on this trip to Switzerland. Every time you get into trouble outside and come back to lie, you're particularly good at it."

qiao bao er's face was filled with guilt. she changed into her pajamas and crawled into bed, trying to sleep honestly.

It turns out Qiao Baoer can lie too, and she does it without blushing or even batting an eyelid. She's clearly a seasoned liar.

At this moment, Junzhi Mu walked into her boudoir. She thought back to how she had lied without a script earlier and couldn't help but curl her lips into a light smile. She used to think this woman wasn't good at lying; she truly underestimated her.

Qiao Bao'er's bedroom is decorated in a minimalist style with a light blue color scheme. There's a desk, a wardrobe, and a bed—that's all there is. While it's not as large as Jun's master bedroom, it's still spacious and comfortable. She hasn't even set up a vanity table, only a few skincare products on the mirror in the small bathroom attached to the suite.

The master's mood was good, and he felt a touch of curiosity as he carefully examined the room. At his age, he had always been a calm person, and for a long time, he hadn't felt this kind of curiosity before. He found an album in the bottom drawer of the desk.

He sat on Qiao Bao'er's bed, flipping through an album recording her childhood growth. Every picture had her in it, from when she was a baby just a month old to the day she first learned to walk, and even the day she started kindergarten wearing a floral dress with two pigtails and a bright smile...

Jo Bao'er resembles her mother and has been a beautiful child since she was young. When she was a child, she was fair and slightly chubby, with big, dark eyes that were particularly cute and bright. She was always very lively and energetic, and even when she was angry or happy...

Junzhi's eyes were fixed on the photos, his lips unconsciously curling into a smile. Looking at this room where he had lived since childhood, he suddenly felt a surge of something warm and full in his heart, an indescribable feeling. Happiness was just that simple.

Place the photo album beside the bed, Jun Zhi Mu is truly tired.

Before he received a message that she was stranded in Switzerland, he had been busy for days without rest to resolve the situation and brought her back on the way.

"It's still fine to say she should stay put at the hotel and wait for rescue..." He lay sideways on her bed, took a deep breath, and muttered grumpily.

Jun Zhi Mu quickly fell asleep. This unfamiliar woman's room, this bed... it was probably the place he most craved when he was young and impulsive...unworthy""I guess so.""So, either Jun Zhimu is a scumbag, or I'm the one who's insignificant." Qiao Bao'er gave herself a self-deprecating smile.Zhu Xiaowei raised an eyebrow, glared at her with a hin...