Lucy Lus works

Chapter 401: Jun Zhi Mu Is Such a Pesky Person


improved a lot.On the other hand, Zhu Xiaowei kept pestering Qiao Baier with questions about Tang Yu."Tang Yu's first time was also very awkward... He even wore a size too big coat and pants, coverin...At 5:00 am, dawn, is the quietest time of night.

Most of the rescued tourists were accommodated in the hall, where many single beds had been temporarily set up. Over 30 rooms were prioritized for the elderly and children to rest. Water, electricity, and heating were all available. They drank hot soup, bread, pastries, and hot coffee. Some people were on their phones, crying and calling family members to report their safety.

This weary night, finally brought them hope. Both physically and mentally exhausted, they closed their eyes to rest, and the callers gradually lowered their voices.

The entire villa fell silent.

Qiao Baoer rested in the same room as Zhu Xiaowei. After a hot bath and some food, she felt much better. However, lying in bed, she tossed and turned but couldn't fall asleep.

Xiao Zhu beside her must be tired and sleeping soundly.

Qiao Bao'er got out of bed lightly and walked out the door.

She stood at the end of this long hallway, her feet padding on the thick carpet. The entire villa was furnished with exquisite and opulent décor, and the furniture was equally lavish. But the house was too large; its beauty was breathtaking, yet it felt eerily empty, desolate, even slightly sinister.

This place is like your home, equally magnificent and cold.

Qiao Bao'er walked along the corridor to its depths. There were several guards in uniform standing outside the largest room at the end, she knew that Jun Zhimu was inside.

She hesitated at first, wondering if she should go inside. The bodyguard standing before the large room immediately recognized her and walked over to exchange a few words with her.

"Jun Shao is inside."

Didn't expect her to get through so easily.

They opened the first heavy solid wood door, Qiao Baobao didn't hesitate and walked in directly. This room should be the master bedroom of the villa, with doors ahead, solemn and majestic.

At night, it was so quiet that any sound would seem to echo. She subconsciously lightened her steps. As she reached the third door, a sudden shout came from inside.

"...Get down on your knees!"

...a raspy, aged voice with a Swiss accent spoke in a low, grave tone. “ harm with a steel knife ... you bring shame to our family...”

Jo Bao'er couldn't understand their language, but she guessed that a senior family member was lecturing a younger one.

Someone is negotiating inside, so she isn't very suitable to eavesdrop outside now.

Junzhi's manager always seemed to have so many secrets. She wasn't interested in his business affairs, but remembering that he had always been deliberately secretive with her, keeping her at arm's length, instantly put her in a bad mood.

Qiao Bao'er tightened her face and turned to leave.

At this moment, there were some sounds of scuffling and fighting inside the room...

Suddenly, someone cried out for mercy, "I didn't mean to! Those lowlifes attacked me first, I didn't know..."

"I was wrong, please forgive me."

"My head is all over the place, I really don't know who I was attacking…"

Anta's voice, filled with excitement and urgency, rose above the din as he spoke in a flurry of words.

"You attacked my wife."

The person who had been silent all along suddenly spoke in a very cool and detached tone.

Jo Bao'er outside the door stopped.

The atmosphere inside was still tense, “Which wife of yours are you talking about I really don’t have any…”

"Is Miss Xia I know Miss Xia is a kind person, and I have special care for her. I haven't..."

Anta's voice urgently denied, the people inside seemed to have run out of patience. Anta was surrounded by several people and beaten and kicked. Holding his body in pain, he couldn't speak except for begging for mercy and gasping for air.

Just then, the door was suddenly flung open from inside.

Jo Bao'er stood frozen at the doorway.

The people inside frowned upon seeing her, with a hint of anger on their faces. She didn't know what to say for a moment. Her eyes met Jun Zhimu's across the room, and he seemed just as surprised by her appearance outside the door.

The people inside have all been in the business world for decades. Seeing that Mr. Mu hasn't spoken, they also understand that Qiao Bao'er is one of their own and directly ignore her presence.

One elderly man, over 70 years old, nodded to Junzhimu. His voice was low and hoarse, “We are all shocked by this kind of accident... My son Anta is not good at running a hotel, resulting in harm to tourists, and his attempted murder charges, I will handle him according to the law seriously and absolutely will not condone...”

"We are all deeply sorry for your injury..."

They departed in an orderly fashion.

Jo Bao'er stepped back a few steps to give them room, standing by the door. She also clearly saw Anta being dragged out by those people. He was weak and pathetic, his clothes soaked through with cold water, and his back had been stabbed repeatedly in revenge, blood streaming down...

The sight of Anta in such a pitiful and dying state was shocking and heartbreaking.

While the lord, Jun Zhi Mu, was clearly just recovering from surgery to remove a steel blade from his back. He was still wearing his hospital gown, sitting on the bed, his handsome face showing some fatigue and paleness, but his eyes were blazingly fixed on her.

Jo Bao'er, however, just stared at the long trail of blood on the floor, not daring to look at him.

"Jiao Bao'er, why aren't you resting this late"

Lu Qinan was also in the room. He ran up to her and half-dragged her away, whispering in her ear, "Don't look."

Qiao Bao'er instinctively turned her head back, and Jun Zhimu had been looking at her with that complicated gaze until the door was closed. Then, a few cleaners hurried in to clean up the bloodstains on the floor.

"Why did you suddenly come to find Zhi Mu" Lu Qinan pulled her away for a good distance before letting go.

They were handling some business in there, such a violent and bloody scene. It's probably best for women to avoid seeing it, and Junzhimu definitely wouldn't want her exposed to too much of it.

Qiao Bao'er knew why he was suddenly so anxious. Her voice was calm, "I've seen it before."

Right after their marriage, Jun Zhi Mu inexplicably took her to a remote basement. He dealt with those disobedient subordinates in front of her, wanting to show her that she better obey or face the same fate.

During that time, she was really afraid of him.

"Would you like a cup of hot coffee"

Lu Qinan walked beside her, and he proactively went to the coffee machine in the hall and made two cups of hot coffee.

Qiao Baoer took it and took a sip. The hot coffee was not sweetened, very bitter, but quite invigorating.

"Did you have something to do with Zu Mu just now" Lu Qinan finished the scalding, bitter coffee in one gulp, feeling a little more awake. Being a runner really was tiring.

"It's nothing, I couldn't sleep, so I just wanted to ask how his injuries were... Anta initially came for me, even if a stranger helped me, I would want to check on their injuries..."

Qiao Bao'er spoke vaguely, offering a nonchalant explanation.

Lu Qinan turned his head to look at her, letting out a sneer. "The way you say that, it sounds like you and Zhi Mu are strangers."

Qiao Bao'er's face was tense. "I didn't ask him to save me." She said it with a hint of anger.

"At that time, I told him to let go, but he wouldn't listen.... He does whatever he wants and doesn't listen to anyone's advice, not even mine... He deserves to get into trouble himself."

Jo Bao'er thought the coffee tasted too bitter, so bitter that she couldn't control her emotions and wanted to curse.

Lu Qinan saw that she was suddenly angry and immediately nodded in agreement, "Sometimes I think he's too much."

Everyone says Qiao Bao'er has a willful and bad temper, but even though Xia Chui Xue secretly irritates her to the point of internal injury on a daily basis, she never yells or complains. At most, she just sulks silently and refuses to talk to anyone else.

Lu Qin'nan saw her angry appearance tonight and found it rather amusing.

" Qiao Bao'er, actually you don't hate Junzhi Mu very much, do you"

Originally, there were many conflicts between the Qiao family and the Jun family. Adding to that, Jun Zimo's concealment of her hiding the child has made Lu Qinan a bit worried that with her personality, she might directly sever ties with Jun Zimo.

Jo Bao'er's face was filled with frustration. She threw the coffee cup into the trash can with her right hand, looked up, and cursed, "What am I angry about What can I do He hid my son! I just wanted a simple life, but he had to come bother me!"

Shouldn't you leave her alone

I heard for the first time that Junzhi's shepherd is disliked, is he really annoying

Lu Qinan couldn't help but laugh when he heard this.ignal. People at the hotel are working to repair it."Qiao Bao'er didn't hide anything from Pei Yi. She returned to the bed and pulled the quilt up for him a little, she felt slightly more at ease."Unc...