Lucy Lus works

Chapter 21 This man is really hard to get along with


, but also tired... You would be a drag on him because you wouldn't be able to help him with anything..."Especially that phrase "simple-minded," Qiao Baoer hated it particularly, the group executives...Jun Zhi Mu indeed did nothing improper to her. He took gauze and hydrogen peroxide from his small medicine kit and gave her a simple bandage.

Because the wound was rather deep, Qiao Bao'er couldn't help but furrow her brow when hydrogen peroxide touched it.

Jun Zhi Mu glanced at her, still with a cold face and not saying much, but his movements were much gentler.

Finally, Jun Zhimu turned to pack up his medical supplies while Qiao Bao'er quickly put her shirt back on.

When the shepherd had finished tending to his flock, he turned back to her and saw she had put on her coat, staring at him nervously.

"Thank you," Qiao Bao'er said stiffly.

Jun's shepherd didn't pay her any mind, instead gazing at her deeply for a while, as if lost in thought.

"Go back."

He suddenly spoke and started walking towards the door.

But Qiao Baoer didn't follow. When Jun Zhimu reached the door, he turned back with some displeasure and repeated, "Go back home."

Qiao Bao'er sat on this wooden chair, her expression a bit strange and complicated, "That, I, I have to wait for my aunt to come back, I have something to tell her." She didn't seem very willing to move from the chair.

"Your aunt is currently on some new medication and is still at the nursing home. She can't come back for now." Jun Zhi牧 told her in a cold voice.

Qiao Baoer was a little surprised, he actually knew this.

She had no excuse left, lowered her gaze to glance at her own ankle. Qiao Bao'er bit her lip hard, gritted her teeth and stood up, taking small, hesitant steps towards him.

Jun Zhi Mu seemed to be thinking about something else. He didn't pay much attention to her when she came over.

Two people walked, one in front of the other.

Since the old apartment building didn't have an elevator, Qiao Baier had to walk down five flights of stairs.

Jo Bao'er felt a sharp pain in her ankle with every step she took. She endured it, her face pale.

Junzhi's legs were naturally long, so he walked fast. When he stepped out of the apartment building, he suddenly turned back, but he couldn't see Qiao Bao'er anywhere.

He frowned slightly, stood there, and impatiently looked upward toward the stairs.

As soon as Jun Zhimu looked up, his usually cold and stern face suddenly froze.

He was gloomy and strode up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. At the landing he saw her sitting on the step.

"You're speechless, your injured foot can't speak!" His icy voice was clearly laced with anger.

Qiao Bao'er was originally in a lot of pain from her foot, but when he shouted like that, she felt inexplicably wronged.

He has no right to scold me, “I’m hurt, it’s none of your business!”

Jun Zhi's face turned black.

He looked at her with impatience, seeing through her puffed-up and stubborn expression. He simply bent down and scooped her up in a princess carry.

Jo Bao'er felt very uncomfortable being suddenly hugged. She subconsciously struggled, "Let me down, I can walk by myself..."

"You leave"

Junzhi's Mu gritted his teeth and repeated a sentence, his icy eyes fixed on her.

He seemed to be thoroughly enraged and stopped in his tracks.

Jun Zhi Mu indeed let her down, Qiao Bao'er's body leaning against the rusty handrail of the right apartment stairs.

Jun Zhi Mu stood beside her, watching her with an expression as if he were watching a play.

He coldly urged, "Keep going!"

"Joe, you get out of here right now! Immediately!!"

Qiao Bao'er was urged on by his ominous voice, her heart filled with fear, panic, and a hint of grievance.

She gave him a defiant glare, bit her lip and extended her left foot, taking a step. She wouldn't let him look down on her; she was walking away!

In fact, she had already sprained her right ankle. Walking down from the fifth floor just now had caused it to ache, bruise and swell.

She had just taken a step with her left foot, but her right foot lacked the strength to support her. Her center of gravity shifted, and with one misstep, she fell forward.

Jo Bao'er quickly grabbed the handrail on the right side with both hands. She wasn't seriously injured, but she looked very embarrassed.

"Stand up!"

"I told you to stand up right now, and you said you'd leave, then go!"

But Jun Zhi Mu stood beside her, showing no intention of helping. Instead, he urged her on with his cold voice.

Jo Bao'er heard his cold voice, and inexplicably, her eyes felt a bit wet.

She crouched down, utterly drained of the energy to stand again.

A sharp pain stabbed her right ankle. She bowed her head, gripping the stair railing with both hands, squeezing tightly, enduring it through gritted teeth.

She really, really wanted to find some courage and stand up.

But it really hurts...

"I'm sorry..." she choked out, managing only three words.

Jun Zhi Mu looked at her with increasingly profound eyes, "What did you say Speak up!" His cold voice roared.


Jo Bao'er lifted her head, her gaze meeting his. There was defiance in her eyes, but in the end, she could only submit.

He looked into her eyes and, for some reason, felt a twinge of sympathy.

He warned her coldly, "You better behave yourself from now on." He took a step forward and scooped her up in his arms.

This time Qiao Baoer didn't resist again, but she was tense all over as he carried her down the stairs.

His chest was broad and solid, she nestled in his arms, not daring to move. She could feel his powerful heartbeat and his unique cool air.

This man is really difficult to get along with...


Outside the apartment, Jun's driver was about to go upstairs to find Qiao Baoer, but he saw Jun Zhimu carrying her out, his expression very surprised.

"Open the car door," Jun Zhimu commanded in a cold voice.

Qiao Ba'er was forced into the car by Jun Zhi Mu, her expression very awkward.

Especially as he bent down to buckle her seatbelt, their bodies pressed close together. Qiao Bao'er felt very awkward and instinctively shifted slightly.

"Jo Bao'er!"

Jun, the shepherd, darkened his face and immediately lifted his head. His voice was deep, laced with warning and annoyance as he angrily called out her name.

Qiao Bao'er stiffened, instinctively afraid to move any further.

She blushed suddenly when the man called her name.

"Send her back to your house and have the butler take a look at her injured foot."

Jun Zhi's Shepherd glared coldly at the driver, slammed the car door shut with force, and finally looked meaningfully at the woman in the car, "I don't want to marry a cripple!"

Qiao Bao'er was being reprimanded, her lips tightly pressed together, refusing to retort.

Qiao Bao'er's car sped away smoothly, Jun Zhimu stood still, watching the disappearing car shadow, his eyes thoughtful...

"Master Zhimu, you went up to catch the adulterers. You wouldn't have beaten them so badly they were crippled in anger, would you"

Suddenly, from another direction, Lu Qinian walked over with a smile on his face. He even saw Jun Zhimiao carrying a woman down. When did he learn to be so tender

"How's the photo coming along" Junzhi Mu didn't respond to his teasing, instead asking back with a serious expression.

Lu Qinan saw his expression and didn't dare to joke around. He truthfully said, "The color text photo sent from the Space Card hasn't arrived yet..."

As he spoke, Lu Qinan lowered his gaze to look at the phone screen in Jun Zhi Mu's hand...

On the phone screen, at a particular angle, a couple appeared to be in an embrace, it was Qiao Baier and Yi Sicheng.

Lu Qinan pointed to a surveillance monitor above the apartment building. "This caught something."

“Before you received the MMS photo, Yi Sicheng did come here, but it’s impossible for them to be as intimately embraced as in the picture,” Lu Qinian suddenly turned his head to look at Jun Zhimu across from him, a sinister smile on his face. “Because, your cousin Yi Sicheng was carried out…”

Upon hearing this, Jun Zhi Mu's austere countenance twitched slightly.

Lu Qinan laughed even louder, "You actually managed to throw Yi Sicheng, such a big man, into the hospital! I didn't realize Qiao Baoruo was so fierce..."

A barely perceptible smile flickered in Jun's eyes, but his face remained impassive as he turned and got into the car.

"Go check what else Ye Xi and Qiao Bao'er are related to" He leaned against the car, speaking in a languid tone, his eyes half-closed as if feigning sleep.

Lu Qinan was a little surprised. He really cared about what happened to Qiao Baier.

However, Lu Qinan felt quite sorry for Qiao Baoer, mumbling, "She must have been scared by you just now..." Jun Zhimu had gone upstairs to catch the adulterers with a dark face earlier, his aura was truly frightening.

"Startled her"

The shepherd suddenly opened his eyes, his face growing grim.

He remembered Qiao Bao'er's injured foot, how she was trying to tough it out. He felt annoyed, "You said I scared her!"

Lu Qinan's expression was startled, he didn't know what was wrong with Jun Zhumu, he just felt like he was pouting.

Who got stimulated

"Just now scared me to death..."

Qiao Baoer was sent back by the Jun family's driver. As soon as the car stopped, she couldn't help but cover her chest and sigh.

Just now, Jun Zhi Mu's expression seemed very angry, and he even said that he didn't want to marry a cripple. Qiao Baoer thought about it and immediately became worried, "Jun Zhi Mu is really difficult to get along with."

Jun Guantang heard that her ankle was injured, so he called a doctor over. Qiao Bao'er was helped by the maid to sit on a wheelchair.

"Madam, we agree to your request to go out, but you should be extra careful now that you are pregnant. Especially during the first three months, accidents could happen and if anything were to happen to the baby, no one would be able to take responsibility," the housekeeper said in a serious tone for the first time.

"I'll be more careful in the future," Qiao Bao'er replied with a low head, apologetically.

As a first-time pregnant woman, she wasn't very familiar with these things. Besides, she was furious with Yi Sicheng and Ye Xi previously and didn't think much about it at all.

The housekeeper, seeing her like this, didn't say another word of reprimand. After the doctor carefully treated her ankle and arm injuries, the maid escorted her back to her bedroom to rest.

At dinnertime, the butler had the meal sent directly to her bedroom. As an injured person, Qiao Baier lay in bed and couldn't move around at all.

Having sat on the bed for too long, my butt is a little numb. It's too early to sleep soundly either.

And Jun's shepherd has already gone back to his home country on a business trip, he might come back tonight……

Joe Bao'er's expression immediately became alert, her eyes frequently glancing towards the door.

I wonder if Junzhi will scold me when he gets back.

He shouldn't be sleeping in this room, should he He seemed to dislike me... Qiao Baoer sat on the bed, nervously thinking to herself.

Suddenly, a crisp ringtone broke the silence...ted to Lu Qinan about something. They were preparing to take a high-power electromagnetic device to the snowy mountains to search for the lost pocket watch."Qiao Ba'er, I have to go busy…" Lu Qinan sa...