Lucy Lus works

Chapter 283 Your Wife Is a Picky Eater


a natural tone, he asked her..."Han Lu is truly being treated like a precious jewel. She tried hard to suppress the excitement in her heart, keeping a calm and smiling face as she softly replied, "Ou..."Jo Bao'er, what did you do to them"

At dinner time, around eight o'clock, the director gave everyone a brief rundown of tomorrow's shooting schedule. Afterwards, everyone gathered in the hotel's third-floor lobby for a buffet dinner, but it was clear that Qiao Baoer was being ostracized.

Lu Qinan chatted with the producer and director, those old geezers, then walked to a corner. He saw her eating alone, hunched over her meal.

"What have you done that's so terrible this time"

Those several female models were clearly putting on a united front.

Qiao Baoer found the hotel's buffet unappetizing and put down her knife and fork.

Wiping her mouth with a clean napkin, she nonchalantly told him, "They were discussing Junzhi's bed skills and sex ability. I wanted to discuss it further with them, but they left."

Lu Qinan was stunned, his mind blown.

Everyone present could see that Qiao Bao'er was clearly under Lu Gongzi's control. No matter how unhappy they were, they didn't dare to vent their anger at her.

However, besides the big director, "a married woman's behavior should be more restrained, this is simply outrageous, hmph!"

Qiao Bao'er narrowed her eyes, watching the burly director swagger past them with a huge huff. Her expression instantly twisted in anger.

Lu Qinian has always been good-tempered, and he's also seen a lot of eccentric directors like this. He didn't take the idle chatter to heart. Turning his head, he saw Qiao Bao'er might be because she hadn't eaten enough, her blood sugar was low, and he was really afraid that she would have an impulsive emotional outburst for a moment.

Master Lu immediately concocted a false story to deceive her, "Word has it that this director was cheated on by his wife and is a bit psychotic." He leaned in close, whispering as if it were true.

Actually, she was trying to figure out if this bearded director looked familiar. She felt like he might have visited her family's home before, but she wasn't sure.

The next day was just as busy, but the good news is that even Qiao Bao'er’s lagging shoot finished smoothly at 4 pm. With a wave of his hand from the bearded director, they were finally free.

"This shoot felt strange to me. We were told they'd only pick one 50-second segment for the ad, but we all had rehearsals and went through multiple takes. It felt like overkill, I've never seen them prepare this way before."

After work everyone rushed back to the hotel to shower and change. Once they were relaxed, they all went to the hotel restaurant to have coffee and chat.

"Why are we all so tired, we should have chosen the final person long ago, it's just a waste of time." One model in a black spaghetti strap dress complained bitterly.

"Hàn Lù, you're the most well-connected person here. What's the situation with this now" The woman's tone grew even more dismissive.

"Are you seriously telling me we three are going to be background characters for that woman named Qiao Who is she, anyway Just another one of Lu Qinian's exes. I'm so pissed."

"The director is still editing, how would I know" This time, Han Lu, who seemed to be the most successful in this advertisement, didn't seem to care about filming at all. Instead, she pursed her lips and smiled. "News, I actually have the latest news..."

The president of &am;am; happened to be on a business trip here, and the branch office booked a very famous restaurant, saying they would invite us to have dinner together in Central tonight.

The other women at the table became restless, excitedly asking, “Are you saying it’s Junzhi Mu Can we see him tonight”

Here, the gossip is hot on the small path. Over there by the elevator, footsteps are approaching in confident strides. A woman smiles with confidence, "This evening, please have everyone in your group come to dinner in Central. I hope you'll grace us with your presence."

"Summer, Miss Summer."

"Mr. Xia, hello."

Everyone was a shrewd individual; they immediately stood up from their chairs, revealing standard eight-tooth smiles that were tinged with flattery.

"Miss Xia, I didn't expect to see you in person. It's really great to see you."

A few women quickly sat at a table. Xia Chuixue was the main person in charge of this new product, so it wasn't surprising that she flew over to inspect it herself. Regardless of whether they were truly happy or not, everyone had smiles on their faces and got along well.

Kao Baoer had just come down to the restaurant for a meal when she suddenly saw Mr. Xia, the general manager. It was truly a surprise!

She walked past them with a tight expression on her face the whole time. Xia Chuixue naturally didn't like her, and these models were also very repulsed by her, so the two sides didn't even exchange glances, treating each other as strangers.

Those models and the assistant staff in the group naturally wouldn't miss such a good opportunity, constantly praising this &am; esteemed Ms. Xia, the director.

"Your skin looks great! We models are always traveling and our schedules are so messed up because of time differences. We rely on skincare products to cover up, but we can't compare to your natural beauty."

"That's right, Ms. Xia, you have a high education, strong abilities, and are so beautiful. I envy you so much."

Even though Qiao Baoer tried to keep some distance from them, she could still hear what they were saying, it was almost sickening.

However, when they talked about envy for Xia Chuixue, there was a hint of sincerity. Jun's family master used to be eccentric, he especially disliked having women around him. The fact that Xia Chuixue got along so well with him showed that she wasn't simple.

Hong Kong is a paradise for women because it's a shopper's haven. You can find all sorts of international jewelry, clothing, and cosmetics here.

To come to Hong Kong without bringing back souvenirs for your best friend would be incredibly unkind.

Jo Baoer has always been particularly oblivious when it comes to social interaction among women. After taking a small bite of mousse cake, she looked up and saw this group of women making frantic phone calls, having already made plans to go shopping in the business district as a team after dinner tonight.

Xia Chui Xue was also on a video call with her best friend Guan Lei on WeChat, while Qiao Baoer, out of instinct, walked away from the restaurant while calling Zhu Xiaowei.

"Xiao Zhu, do you want a message" Miss Qiao, as always, was direct with her questions.

While being thrifty, Zhu Xiaowei sighed, "Hong Kong is not a woman's paradise. That place is simply wicked. It's a paradise for rich women! Don't buy it for me, save some money. You still have to pay rent."

Probably having heard Qiao Bao'er's phone conversation, Xia Chui Xue looked up as she passed by, her blazing eyes fixed on her.

qiao Bao'er also subconsciously turned her head to look, for a moment both women's expressions were cold as frost, with no good looks.

A woman leaned in close to Xia Chuixue's ear at just the right moment, smiling with contempt. "She said yesterday that she slept with Jun Jia's guy. She talks without paying taxes, so she can brag about anything. We all hate her."

That remark, "I hate her," was indeed uttered without any reservations. Qiao Bao'er had already passed by, but she could still hear it clearly.

Xia Chui Xue still sat at the same table with them, but the smile on her face seemed to be fading.

By seven thirty, everyone in the group had left for Central. Central is considered Hong Kong's most bustling area and everyone was excited about it, but Qiao Baoer didn't go.

She decided to stay in her hotel room, sitting cross-legged on the bed with her laptop playing a loop of recent technique highlights. She was also munching on a bag of cookies, crunching away without any care.

Who would want to go It's unappealing. Besides, the food here doesn't agree with her palate, so Qiao Bao'er just eats cookies to keep her stomach full.

"Why don't you come over here!"

I didn't expect Director Big Beard to call her personally, and he was very angry. He roared on the phone, "It's so troublesome that you're such a picky eater! The dishes are all ready, come over here right away."

Until the phone was hung up, her mind was still a little muddled. After a long silence, Qiao Baier murmured, "Who told him I'm picky"acquaintance and left You know Qiao Baoer isn’t reliable, and her personality doesn’t allow her to be taken advantage of. We are all adults, so there’s no need to worry too much.”"Their bags are still...