Lucy Lus works

Chapter 235: Roar, Give Me Back My Child


t. He turned to Qiao Bao'er, "What's wrong with the Qiao family Do you need our help"If anything happens to your in-laws, don't say that he is an unkind old man, he is very willing to help.qiao Baoer..."Dead"

She lay flat on the bed, her mind hazy and her face pale. Her lips were cracked and dry, she croaked out a few words with difficulty, "What died..."

"Your child is dead."

"The impact of the car accident was too great, you lost too much blood, the cesarean section resulted in two stillborn babies..."

Her brain shut down, unable to think.

"Last night, there was a heavy rainstorm. You, as a pregnant woman, shouldn't have been driving at night, let alone at such a high speed, recklessly speeding onto the highway. This is irresponsible to your own life safety and also to others..."

"The baby in your belly is nine months old. We dissected it, and both bodies were purplish-blue with no heartbeat or breathing. It's a pity."

The same doctor's explanations echoed in her ears over and over, but she couldn't understand a single word. She was dazed and confused, her eyes vacant and staring blankly at the doctor above her. He kept talking, his mouth moving incessantly...

Two stillbirths in the morgue, we tried our best, truly couldn't save them...

She couldn't control herself, screaming at the top of her lungs, "You lied to me! All of you are lying to me!!" Her heart felt like it was being crushed in a vice, this feeling was worse than death.

"Impossible, impossible..."

Her lips turned pale, repeating murmurs incessantly. Her heart pounded wildly, unable to contain the overwhelming terror within her. This dreadful sensation invaded her very soul, leaving her body ice-cold.

My son kicked me, it's a fetal movement. The doctor said they are quite active.

"You, the father-to-be, should learn how to change diapers and feed milk to a baby…"

The old master has postponed his 80th birthday, hoping to celebrate with his grandson's full moon banquet next month. It's been a long time since there has been a wedding in the Jun family, and everyone is looking forward to it.

There were many disjointed sounds, and those fragmented scenes surged into her brain instantly. Her mind felt like it was exploding, these scenes, these memories constantly changing at high speed, collapsing.

We tried our best, but we couldn't save it.

Her face was as white as paper, her spirit nearly broken. In a delirious rage, she screamed, "You lied to me! Where did you hide my child Give me back my child, give him back to me—"

"Give me my child back!"

She struggled like a madman, pulling out the IV from her hand and lunged at the doctor and nurses beside her, digging her nails into their arms, desperately shrieking.

"Hurry, hurry, control her..."

"Her mental state is extremely unstable. Increase her sleeping pills, get her to calm down quickly. Her brain can't take it anymore, she'll go crazy..."

The ward was a flurry of activity, the harsh white fluorescent lights casting an eerie pallor over everything.

Doctors and nurses went in and out, taking four white gauze strips and binding her limbs to the iron frame of the bed. A syringe filled with a sedative was directly injected into her artery.

Her pale face, her trembling body still struggling, her wide eyes staring at them, "Let me go, let me go!" A voice choked with desperate pleas.

"Why are you lying to me… I changed their names, I got them little clothes, I was ready to be a mother…” Her eyes were brimming with tears, her voice trembling and shaking.

At last, her voice grew fainter and weaker, and her eyes slowly closed.

Her consciousness blurred, she was very tired and sleepy.

There was a faint sound in my ear, "The Transport Bureau just gave feedback. The owner of the white Porsche involved in the car accident that night is not the pregnant woman. The original owner said the car was stolen."

She had no phone, wallet, or identification on her. No one had come to pay for the surgery yet. Should we stop her medication...

"The morgue costs hundreds of dollars a day, how are those two stillborn fetuses handled"

When she heard the words "stillbirth," it was like her heart was being hacked to pieces, blood flowing from every wound. The pain in her chest felt like it would tear her apart, spreading through her entire body, every bone aching.

qiao Baoer could no longer hear the noisy sounds around her. The drug had taken effect, sending her into a deep coma and temporarily erasing the pain in her body. She only felt that everything was like a nightmare.

She dreamt of the Qiao family, her deceased mother and grandfather. She dreamt of the imposing and magnificent gate of the Jun family's residence.

These memories came flooding back, starting from the day she married into the Jun family. Every day since then had felt like a dream, unreal and strange.

She remembered something important and ran frantically down the Jun family corridor. She searched every room and corner relentlessly, but suddenly she stopped. She couldn't remember what she was looking for at all. What was it

Her home had become a vast, shadowy labyrinth. She ran through it in a panicked frenzy, passing one door after another, calling out desperately, but only the hollow echo answered her.

Darkness consumed her, she couldn't see the road ahead. She crouched down in fear, burying her face in her hands, her whole body trembling with terror.

"Is anyone there Please come and help me...."

I don't know what to do...

'I am already very strong, I have tried my best, but I still can't get out. I am very scared, is there anyone, please help me……'

Her frail body huddled in the corner, trembling with fright and calling out for help.

Then she heard a sharp cry coming from ahead. The baby wailed loudly, sounding scared and helpless. Its voice was hoarse from crying and it coughed a few times, but the crying continued, as if abandoned.

The sound of the child crying made her feel very distressed.

She steadied herself, leaning against the wall behind her as she slowly stood up straight. Summoning some unknown courage, she crept forward step by step in the darkness, following the sound of the baby's cries.

Walking and walking, the path ahead gradually became clearer. She found herself standing before the door to the second-floor study of Jun's Eastern Courtyard.

She was stunned for a moment, then reached out to turn the doorknob.

But she found the door locked, and her anxiety grew. She twisted the handle with all her might, but it wouldn't budge.

The infant's cries gradually grew weaker and finally subsided, leaving an eerie silence.

Jo Bao'er was very agitated. She raised her hand and frantically pounded on the door, shouting, "Open the door, open it quickly!" As if she had some deep-seated desire buried in her heart, she was very persistent and panicked.

Unable to contain the panic within her, tears streamed down her face uncontrollably.

And just then, the door creaked open from inside.

She was stunned to meet a familiar, cold face. After half a second of shock, she threw herself into his arms, hugging him tightly and crying uncontrollably, weeping with a pain she had never felt before.

"My shepherd, where have you gone I've been looking for you everywhere. Why are you hiding from me…"

"The shepherd of the king, they said the child died, the child died..."

The intensive care unit had grown quiet, and the woman in the bed slept soundly, tears welling up from the corners of her eyes, soaking most of the white pillow.ually, even if it's poisonous, she would eat it. She's going to die anyway, so it's better than starving.These cherry tomatoes taste good, sweet and sour, with no adverse reactions. Especially the da...