Lucy Lus works

Chapter 125: Husband and Wife Chatting Late at Night in Bed


neck, "Daddy, this is the nanny I found. She can cook for both of us!"NannyWho wants to be your family's maid!Zhu Xiaowei turned her head to look at Pei Haoran over there, her expression becoming inc...It was late at night, I was half asleep, but then my right leg suddenly shot with pain.

Jo Baoer stiffened, jolted awake with a start. She reached out and switched on the bedside lamp, suddenly flooding the room with light.

Her brows furrowed, she slowly sat up from the bed, supporting herself with her hands. She shifted slightly to the edge of the bed and carefully lifted her right leg, which was numb and aching, placing it under the bed.

Leg cramps often occur in the middle of the night during pregnancy...

Before that, she didn't know how to deal with it, so she just lay on the bed and massaged herself. But the effect was really slow. Fortunately, Zhu Xiaowei taught her recently. Slowly, she sat up, stretched her legs straight on the floor, and it would be better in a few minutes.

"Why aren't you asleep yet."

A silent bedroom, the door suddenly flung open.

Jun Zhi Mu saw that the room was brightly lit and looked at her with an unhappy expression, gritting his teeth. " Qiao Bao'er, it's already 2 am."

"So you also know it's 2 AM!"

< Qiao Baoer turned her head to look at him, her tone not very good. >

He doesn't rest until so late every day. His old fracture hasn't healed yet, and Grandpa is not back. No one can control him at all, Humph.

The bedroom fell silent again, and neither of them spoke.

Jun brought himself back from the bathroom, and found she was still sitting on the bed edge, refusing to lie down and rest. He couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

"Jo Baoer, pregnant women shouldn't stay up late." He tried to speak softly.

"I know, I'm just…"

She looked a little awkward, glared at him for two seconds, then pursed her lips and decided not to explain.

Qiao Bao'er sulked, turning her head away from him. Her right leg gently swayed; the pain had subsided, so she slowly retracted her foot and lay back on the bed.

He, too, was tired, having spent the whole night looking over computer financial reports. He didn't want to argue with her, so he lay down on the other side, reached out and switched off the light, and just wanted to close his eyes and rest.

Shepherd of men...

The woman beside him hesitated before calling out his name.

"Junzhi Mu, are you asleep yet"

Qiao Bao'er whispered, actually she knew the answer but asked anyway. There was some turmoil in her heart. If Jun Zhimu didn't want to pay attention to her, then she would pretend to be aloof and ignore him too.

The man beside her didn't respond. Instead, he suddenly reached out with his big hand and grasped hers. Her hand was slender and soft, and their fingers intertwined.

After the car accident, his right shoulder was injured, so he could only sleep flat on his back. He no longer slept on his side, hugging her like he used to, which made Jun Zhimu feel a little uncomfortable.

"I've been busy lately, Qiao Baoer, don't bother me."

His low voice was laced with fatigue, perhaps because of the late hour. It was soft and gentle, a far cry from the forceful tone he usually possessed during the day.

qiao Bao'er shifted her body, taking the initiative to get closer to him. She had slept for half the night and was now full of energy.

"My voice wasn't upset, " I didn't cause a commotion. "

"My master, I want to chat with you. Can you wait a little bit before you sleep"


The newly married couple was chatting late into the night in bed. This was a new experience for Junzhi Mu, as she wasn't usually clingy.

"I know you're busy, and I don't have anything to do at home anyway. How about I help you arrange your clothes later" She grew more energetic as she spoke, "Also, the doctor said that moderate exercise before delivery is good for the baby..."

“I was thinking about helping out in the kitchen, but it wouldn't be suitable for me.” Her voice sounded a little discouraged as she finished her sentence.

And the man beside her chuckled lightly.

"What's so funny I originally wanted to be a good wife."

Joe angrily kicked out with her right leg, directing it toward him in a show of displeasure.

Jun, the shepherd, had realized this early on. The woman he married lacked the potential to be a dutiful wife for life.

Qiao Bao'er thought of some things again, and her body leaned closer to him. Her voice was still a little flattering, "Jun Zhimu, I want to prune the garden, be a gardener. I can do this, I'm especially good at using big scissors."

"No." he replied flatly.

As expected, because the gardener at home had also refused her, Qiao Baoer continued to pester him, her gentle voice negotiating with him.

"I wouldn't be so stupid as to hurt myself, trust me. I know I need to look after my son, Junzhimu, I just like using big scissors..." Her voice rose at the end, and she started acting spoiled.

"To be a gardener, one must weed."

The negotiations failed, Junzhi Mu refused to budge.

Outside, it was pitch black. It was the dead of night. In the distance, the brightly colored lights of the bustling city area flickered, a scene of vibrant chaos. Ironically, this only made him feel that the quiet here was exceptionally pleasant.

"Honey, can I sleep now"

Jun Zhi Mu's mood was good, so he playfully teased her with a question.

Qiao Bao'er blushed suddenly because he called "Wife" so smoothly, despite his thick skin.

He had a shoulder injury and was uncomfortable. Qiao Baobao, being very attentive, reached out to help him pull the blanket over.

"By the way, Junzhi Mu, Grandpa has been in Seattle for almost a month now. Maybe you could give him a call tomorrow…"

Actually, Qiao Bao'er had wanted to ask about the old man for a long time. The last time she went to the Seattle Hospital, her grandfather scolded her very strangely. It wasn't because he spoke harshly that time, but his tone was full of resentment.

Qiao Bao'er didn't understand what it meant. She had a lot of questions, but they wouldn't let her participate...

Last time her grandfather ignored her, and Jiang Meili slapped her, no one dared to speak out. She also specifically found Lu Qinan and asked him not to be reckless and tell Jun Zhimu, lest she be accused of provoking family ties.

She didn't dare to call the old man, so Jun Zhi Mu called to ask. Grandpa's heart would definitely be happy.

The man beside her remained silent, and Qiao Baoer grew increasingly anxious.

She tugged on his left hand, "Didn't you do something to make him angry Sometimes old people are like mischievous children. You have to coax him, whatever he does is for your own good..."

"Just forget about this."

However, Junzhi's shepherd suddenly lowered his voice.

Qiao Baoer was a little upset, "Do you have to go against Grandpa Why don't you just follow his wishes…"

" Qiao Ba'er, your main priority now is to take care of yourself and prepare for childbirth. Don't worry about anything else!"

It was a warm and quiet late-night, but because of this topic, both of them were feeling irritable.

Qiao Baoer curled up tightly under the covers, her back to him.

There's a bit of stubbornness in my heart.

The next morning, she woke up naturally at seven o'clock. She reached out with her right hand as usual, but found that he was already up and gone.

She got up, glaring angrily at the spot beside her for a while.

Originally, she thought that Jun Zhimu was busy again and had gone out. She went downstairs and heard Fang Da Ma say that Lu Qinian and Pei Haoran came very early and were in the study.

"Oh." Qiao Bao'er sat at the table, eating her breakfast nonchalantly and responding with a careless hum.

After thinking for a moment, she looked up at Auntie Fang and said, "By the way, I have something to do outside today..."

Fang Da Ma heard her words, her expression was stunned for a moment, then she nodded, "Understood, I'll tell him."

Around 12 o'clock in the afternoon, the housemaid went to the study and gently knocked on the door, reminding Jun Zhimu and the others to go downstairs for lunch.

Where is the mistress

Junzhi Mu and his companions arrived at the restaurant, where Fang Da Ma and the others had already set out the dishes and were waiting for them to sit down.

"Come down and eat with us, Qiao Bao'er."

Lu Qinan looked around but didn't see her.

Fang Da Ma carried the last dish of steamed fish to the table and stood beside it, looking at Jun Zhi Mu's side. After hesitating for a moment, she could only grit her teeth and speak truthfully.

"The mistress is going to the hospital for a checkup today. She asked a female maid to accompany her out this morning."

Prenatal check-up

"Why didn't you tell me." Junzhi Mu looked displeased, he happened to be home today.

The old woman down there looked rather embarrassed, a wry smile on her face. "Madam told me to tell you that... she said, her affairs are none of your concern."

When Junzhi Mu heard this, his face immediately darkened.

Qiao Bao'er, this woman is really vengeful.had woken up too early this morning and after their milk, they were sleeping soundly in the calm car.Because the children had fallen asleep, their voices inside the car became subconsciously quieter....