Rain beating on blue works

Chapter 430: Forced into the Palace


ion building's wealth.Without the power of his swordsmanship and thunderous divine abilities, Qin Sang felt uneasy. After much deliberation, he decided to bring along the Xu Tian Lei just in case anyt...“Ahem...”

The Blood Man finally woke up.

The woman in palace attire only had the intention of forcefully pressing down on his wound to revive him and question his reason for being there.

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He was grievously injured, impossible to recover so quickly. Though he had awakened, he was still extremely weak, as if he would cough up his heart, lungs and liver. He seemed like a mortal on the brink of death.

It is unknown what secret technique the woman in palace attire used. After reviving the man drenched in blood, her aura became extremely chaotic, clearly showing that she had suffered a heavy depletion of energy.

The goalkeeper helped the girl in her palace attire, who was badly injured, to her feet. Only then did he remember to help the blood-soaked man clean himself up.

A faint wisp of spiritual energy swept over the blood man, cleaning away the blood and revealing his features.

However, beneath the blood, there was the face of a man in his forties. He should have been quite plump, but now his left cheek had been slashed open by some sharp implement, revealing rows of white, exposed teeth.

In addition, there was a long gash across his bridge of the nose, nearly splitting his head in two. The wound ran close to his eyes, and if it had been just a little higher, both eyes would have been lost.

Two wounds were deeply disturbing, making his appearance terribly frightening. The crowd couldn't help but gasp in horror.

Before, people were afraid of affecting the women in palace attire who came to save someone, so they didn't dare to use their divine sense or spiritual power to investigate the blood man. Now that they saw the true appearance of the blood man, someone in the crowd suddenly exclaimed.

“Liu Shixiong, how come it’s you”

Then, a figure darted out from the crowd and swooped down beside the bloodied man.

Immediately, someone recognized this person's identity.

"He is Qiao Jiang from the Xu Ling Pai!"

"This person was originally a disciple of the Xu Ling sect. I wonder how they ended up like this!"

Qiao Jiang squeezed past the goalkeeper and gently helped up the blood-stained Liu surname cultivator, "Liu Senior Brother, I'm Qiao Jiang, we met at Dishan Mountain before, do you remember"

Qin Sang had long heard of Disheng Mountain, the home of the Xuling Sect.

Within the Xu Ling Sect, there is a strange mountain called Di Xuan Mountain. It is said that this mountain is not on the surface but hidden deep underground. It is a mountain within a mountain.

In the Xu Ling Sect, there is an underground fire vein known as the largest in Xiao Han domain. The entire underground fire vein is occupied by the Xu Ling Sect.

This subterranean fire vein is very peculiar. It converges beneath the Xu Ling Pai mountain gate, hollowing out the entire underground. Inside this underground cavity lies a unique small hill, standing above the subterranean fire vein.

This mountain has no sky above, nor earth below; it floats in mid-air. Day and night, it endures the scorching heat of the subterranean fire veins and is tempered by them. Over countless years, the rocks transform and evolve, giving birth to a peculiar flame that resembles terrestrial fire but is vastly different from it, with power far exceeding that of ordinary flames.

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It is said that this kind of flame can be used to refine magic treasures. The alchemy cultivators of the Xu Ling sect, when refining magic treasures, use the Di Xuan Mountain fire, which can reduce the consumption of dan fire.

The Xu Ling School excels in refining artifacts, and because of the existence of this peculiar fire, Di Xuan Mountain is considered the fundamental base of the Xu Ling School!

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The jade slip Wu Zhu gave to Qin Sang mentioned that the Jindan was located on the Xianshan Mountain, where it used a strange fire to refine artifacts.

“Master Qiao...”

The Liu-surname cultivator finally recognized his fellow disciple. His voice was weak, and his teeth were loose.

Joe Jiang was overjoyed to see this, and excitedly asked Liu Shidi, "Liu Senior Brother, what exactly happened How did you get so badly injured"

“I…cough, cough…"

The Liu surname cultivator awoke from his coma, his eyes glazed over with confusion, and he violently coughed.

Joe Jiang helped the Liu surname cultivator regulate his qi and quickly explained, "Brother Liu, this is a trading convention... Exactly how many people from the Heavenly Path Alliance have come Please tell us clearly. We, all of you cultivators here, can help you avenge..."

"The trade fair…"

"Right, the trade fair!"

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The Liu surname cultivator finally awoke from his great dream, propping himself up on Qiao Jiang's palm and abruptly sitting up. He urgently addressed the guard: "Where is Senior Pei Qin Please quickly invite the senior to save him..."

Upon hearing the words of the Liu family cultivator, everyone was taken aback.

Only cultivators at the stage of forming a golden elixir are qualified to address someone as "senior".

The master behind the trading convention, it turns out, was a cultivator at the Jindan stage. No wonder he dared to organize a trading convention in this place.

Many people also expressed relief, having resisted greed and not disrupting the rules of the trade fair. In the past, there were those who caused a ruckus at the trade fair, each one disappearing without a trace. One can only imagine what happened to them.

What followed was a tremendous sense of security, and the heart that had been hanging in anticipation finally settled.

The sky has fallen, there's a high ceiling supporting it.

At the very least, having one cultivator at the Jindan stage present is equivalent to having a central pillar of support. Even if unforeseen circumstances arise, there will still be some means of self-defense.

All eyes turned to the entrance of the second floor, could it be that Pei Qin, the nascent soul cultivator, had his dwelling beneath the hall

To his surprise, the goalkeeper let out a dry laugh and said, "Friend, I don't know Pei Qin. I have no idea who you're talking about..."


Before the gatekeeper could finish speaking, the Liu cultivator took a deep breath and suddenly raised his arm, clutching a gleaming token in his hand. He lifted his head, surged with spiritual energy, and shouted in a hoarse voice: "The disciple followed Master Fang and Elder Shentu of Yulingzong. They were ambushed by several Jindan cultivators from the Tianxing Alliance, their situation was dire. Master Fang and Elder Shentu are trapped and ordered the disciple to come to the trading meet, requesting Elder Pei to intervene and rescue them. The message has been delivered, please, esteemed elder, show your discernment..."

The sound echoed throughout the hall.

After uttering those words in one breath, the Liu surname cultivator exhausted his strength, his body softened and he collapsed into Qiao Jiang's arms, falling unconscious once more.

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!


The token landed on the ground, forged from black iron, with an ancient character 'Han' inscribed upon it!


The goalkeeper couldn't stop it in time and was furious, hopping around.

People's expressions were varied, and everyone had heard of the existence of this token. It was said to be rare, with only a few people possessing it.

In order to counter the Heavenly Alliance, the various sects in Xiaohan Domain put aside their prejudices and cooperated.


Upon seeing him, it's like seeing the primordial spirit.

In an emergency, once deployed, no one is allowed to disobey, even Golden Core cultivators, unless they want to lose their standing in the Xiao Han Domain.

The gatekeeper's attitude seemed unwilling to disturb his master, and he didn't want to get involved in this mess. However, the Liu cultivator forced him into a corner under the watchful eyes of everyone present.

Tokens hold immense significance and wield considerable power.

But it's not necessarily something that has to be followed.

If a cultivator surnamed Liu approached privately, Pei Qin didn't want to intervene. He could completely make up an excuse that he hadn't received orders and directly kill the cultivator surnamed Liu, erasing all traces.

There's no evidence, so no one can blame him.


Unfortunately, today is the day of the trading convention. Dozens of people are present, including disciples from righteous sects like the Eight Sects. With so many witnesses, it's impossible to keep this under wraps.


With so many people, they wouldn't kill to silence them, would they

Everyone looked at each other nervously, afraid to make a move.

So many Foundation Establishment experts, they are not afraid of a single Core Formation cultivator, but on the other party's territory, who knows if there is a terrifying killing formation in the hall.

People are like loose sand, hard to unite. Once they see an opportunity, they will certainly run for their lives. Those who are slow will be left behind.

I just hope that cultivator named Pei Qin, who is at the結丹 stage, isn't crazy. Otherwise, dying here would be a grave injustice.Then, a loud shout came from someone unknown, "Lu, you dare disobey the ancestors' orders, do you want to betray your sect!"This sudden question caused the crowd, who were about to rush to Zhu Xuen to...