Rain beating on blue works

Chapter 298: Guardian Spirit Beast


rt.These blood infants were refined from Nascent Souls, the same size as a Nascent Soul, with their features still visible. Their bodies were transparent and merged with a crystal ball, their minds co...The Cloud Traveler's transmission contained more than just the path to breaking the prohibition. It also included information about Luo Xingnan and his group, as well as the situation within the mountains.

To lift the ban as quickly as possible, two lives were paid.

One person is surnamed Wu, the other is surnamed Yin.

The man surnamed Yin, in order to survive, unhesitantly betrayed Sheng Yuanzi. He acted ruthlessly and decisively, which made others more wary of him. Therefore, when Luo Xinan forced him to scout ahead, no one spoke up for him.

The Cloud Traveler was helpless about this.

Their ability to exert force has been weakened, while the strength of the Rakhine side remains intact.

There is news of Cloud Wanderer, making things easier for Qin Sang and Ge Yuan compared to Li Luo Xingnan.

However, the Cloud Wanderer was not someone who would send messages back from within the mountain. Otherwise, by the time they arrived, they might not even get a drop of soup, so for the last two layers of restrictions, Qin Sang and Ge Yuan could only rely on their own abilities to break through.

Although fraught with peril, we made it safely through the barriers and reached the foot of the mountain. A thick mist cloaked the surroundings.

It was exactly the same as what I saw outside.

They were shrouded in mist, unable to see the bigger picture like those outside. Their vision was completely obstructed, and they couldn't perceive the glimmer of the spiritual herbs. They could only rely on memory, recalling the locations where the spiritual herbs were situated.

However, Qin Sang and Ge Yuan did not act rashly.

To Qin Sang's surprise, the mountain didn't seem as heavily guarded and perilous as he had imagined.

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Within sight, there is no danger.

Qin Sang urged his divine sense, probing into the thick fog. He reached the limit of his divine sense's reach, but still found no trace of any restrictions.

At this time, Luoxingnan and the others were also nowhere to be seen.


"Ge Yuan was visibly surprised, his expression incredulous. He stammered, "Could it be... this is truly the medicine garden of the cave master So there's only a barrier at the foot of the mountain, and no other safeguards These spirit herbs... can they just be picked freely"

Qin Sang and Ge Yuan's expressions were somewhat gloomy.

This was completely different from what they had expected before. They originally thought that there would be many restrictions in the mountain, and it would be very difficult to collect medicine.

Only then will they have a chance to get a share of the pie.

However, now it is found that there are no formations or restrictions here, medicinal herbs can be picked at will, and even the highest mountain peak is just a moment's work for a cultivator.

Just twenty-one spiritual herbs.

Maybe it has already been looted clean by Luo Xinan and others!

Ge Yuan was full of unwillingness.

After enduring countless hardships and intense rivalry, we finally reached this point. The elixir was right before our eyes, yet we returned empty-handed. No one would be content with such a result.

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Ge Yuan's figure flashed, and he dashed towards the mountain.

Qin Sang's speed was no slower than Ge Yuan's. He ignored Ge Yuan and raced straight towards the direction of the mysterious yellow aura.

The Xuanwen Huangjing was of great significance to him. If it wasn't the Xuanwen Huangjing, that would be fine, but if it were this herb, he couldn't give up no matter what.

Even the Cloud Traveler said that not many people truly understand the efficacy of Xuanwen Heiyin Dan, and most likely believe it only has the effect of restoring one's foundation.

Among cultivators, those whose foundations are damaged are a very small minority.


I don't know who received this medicine, there might be a trade involved.

Qin Sang and Ge Yuangang had just moved, not having swept out three zhang far, when a giant roar suddenly echoed from the sky.




A deafening roar was followed by a violent tremor that shook the entire mountain.


This is the sound of rocks breaking.

Then, a piercing shriek that tore through the heavens suddenly echoed.

The sound was extremely sharp, filled with intense anger and ferocity. It was like a demonic voice that could pierce through the eardrum. Even from afar on the mountaintop, when the sound reached your ears, it still made you feel very uncomfortable.

Along with the shriek, several voices roared in anger, one of them being Luo Xingnan!

Immediately following that, the summit suddenly became chaotic.

The ripples of spiritual energy collision spread far and wide, causing the clouds and mist in the mountains to tremble violently.

Similar piercing shrieks rose one after another, though they were far less deep and powerful than the first. Yet, when mixed together, their combined force was incredibly imposing, making the roars of Luo Xingnan and the others seem extremely thin and feeble.

Meanwhile, the opponents of Luo Xingnan and the others were clearly some kind of demon beast. Not only were there a lot of them, but their strength seemed very powerful as well. Listening to their voices, they sounded increasingly panicked, not like those who were gaining the upper hand.

However, without seeing it with my own eyes, I can't be sure what is really going on.

Qin Sang and Ge Yuan's figures suddenly stopped, they looked at each other, both with some surprise and uncertainty, but more importantly, excitement.

They all thought of the group of hook snakes guarding the entrance.

No wonder there were no restrictions on the mountain, it turns out there is a guardian spirit beast here.

This is good news for them. Luo Xinan and the others are obviously battling with the guardian beast, which means the medicinal herbs haven't been picked by them yet.

"Master Dao, have you figured out what kind of monster it is"

Ge Yuan transmitted the sound and asked a question.

Qin Sang cocked his ear to listen. There were countless types of demonic beasts, and it was difficult to judge them just by their sounds. He shook his head and said, "I can't tell, but these demonic beasts must be extremely ferocious. There's the voice of Senior Yun Youzi, he's been attacked by demonic beasts too!"

The Cloud Wanderer is usually composed, but now he's roaring with anger. He's probably sending a signal to them.

"Gather herbs!"

Ge Yuan immediately made his decision and stepped out.

Luo Xinan and others were attracted to the monsters, it was a perfect opportunity for both of them. Now is the time to collect herbs, when else would there be such a chance

Ge Yuan was just about to snatch the medicinal herb from his memory, when Qin Sang stopped him.

"My analysis with senior Yun Youzi suggests that the brightness of the radiance is very likely related to the quality of the elixir. The radiance at the foot of the mountain is mostly dim and thin, and the most precious few elixirs are on the summit. The battle situation changes rapidly, so don't waste time down there."

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Saying that, Qin Sang darted towards the peak.

At this moment, Ge Yuan listened to the sounds from the mountaintop again. He wasn't sure if it was his imagination, but the cries of the monsters seemed to have weakened somewhat.

However, whether it was an illusion or not, he understood that Qin Sang made sense and hurriedly chased after him.


The two of them did their best to suppress their aura and flew away at the fastest speed they could.

"Has Ge Dao You ever heard Cloud Wanderer senior mention which kind of spirit herb he needs" Qin Sang asked urgently.

The Cloud Wanderer was also being held back by the guardian beasts.

After obtaining the Xuanwen Huangjing, Qin Sang prepared to help Yun Youzi take all the herbs he needed.

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After all, Yunyouzi deserves great credit for bringing us this far. We shouldn't betray him now.

I don't know.

Ge Yuan shook his head, then fixed his gaze on the left front, saying with a hint of excitement, "I remember there's a medicinal aura there, and its brightness ranks among the best of all medicinal herbs!"

As he spoke, Ge Yuan went past Qin Sang and dashed straight ahead to the left front.

It seems like I can only wait a while and see if there's any soul-repairing elixir. Fortunately, I know quite a few elixirs.

Qin Sang thought to himself.

Watching Ge Yuan's back, Qin Sang pondered for a moment and also changed direction, following him.

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Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!ce Ceremony Palace, but it doesn't look like it's doing well!Although supported by the Fire Dragon, Hireshi Island still gives one the feeling that it is on the verge of collapse.The avatar stands her...