Rain beating on blue works

Chapter Twenty-Two: The Miss of Dongyang County


With your cultivation, you certainly wouldn't be unknown. Before I took charge of Canglan Peak, I often traveled to Tianxing Island, yet I never heard of you."Lu Zhushi looked at Qin Sang, saying wit...The man in black said the gatekeeper lived inside, and they communicated with each other using the nightingale's call, seven long and four short. But Qin Sang couldn't learn to imitate a nightingale, so he had to hide in the shadows and summon the King of Hell.

"Come in..."

Qin Sang stared at the courtyard. Yama wasn't wise, unable to tell friend from foe. He hesitated for a moment, then said in a grave voice, "Kill everyone inside!"

Lord Yama pierced the wall and entered, then Qin Sang also used his strength to climb over the wall and entered the courtyard. Just as he did, he saw Lord Yama drawing out the soul of a middle-aged man.

This person's appearance is exactly the same as the description of the man in black, he must be the gatekeeper!


Having found the culprit, Qin Sang secretly rejoiced and immediately began to interrogate.

Of course, what concerned him most was how many people knew about Lao Wu and the man in black appearing at Qingyangguan.

If this gatekeeper reported it, he would relentlessly pursue them, even to the point of finding the master of Jiangshanlou and stopping at nothing!

Qin Sang understood. Even facing martial arts masters, Yama remained invincible.

Lao Wu, the man in black, and the gatekeeper were all top assassins of Jiangshan Lou. They were considered first-rate masters in the Jianghu (martial arts world). Yet, they died without a sound, not even a bit of resistance.

Even the highest martial arts can't stop the King of Hell.

Moreover, one can obtain the most accurate information firsthand.

Let me know if you'd like to translate something else!

Qin Sang quickly got the information he wanted, and the tension on his face eased instantly.


It turned out that the organization of Jiangshanlou was more intricate than imagined. Each county had its own branch, and while the gatekeepers were core members of Jiangshanlou, to prevent others from tracing back and dismantling the branches, the gatekeepers didn't know the locations of these branches, nor did they have the authority to contact them individually.

Even in case of an emergency, a signal must be sent out and wait for contact from the designated station.

This goalkeeper hasn't been in Triwizard City for long. Today, the mission was issued, and it was the first time Division Altar contacted him. So although he has records of all his tasks, they haven't been reported.

Tonight, the men in black went to Qingyangguan to investigate and informed the gatekeeper, but before the results came out, the gatekeeper did not publicize it widely.

Hearing this, Qin Sang felt relieved. As long as the guard's notebook was burned, all traces would be cut off here.


Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

However, to completely remove Qingyangguan, it would take some measures. Qin Sang immediately started asking the gatekeeper about the identities and hiding places of all the assassins lurking in Sanwu City. Because of the mission, the gatekeeper released the news and gathered the assassins, who are now hiding in a villa outside the city.

Once all the questions are asked, the spirit of the gatekeeper will soon disappear.

Qin Sang now had a better understanding of the Jiangshan Lou mission. Not only were all six assassins under the gatekeeper's control activated, but other gatekeepers were also lurking in Zhen Shui County, all moving towards San Wu City. This operation aimed to gather nearly thirty assassins.

Who are they targeting, and is it worth all this commotion

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

Out of curiosity, Qin Sang asked a question, but heard an answer that shocked him.

“East Yang County Princess!”

Their target was actually Lady Dongyang, the daughter of King Dongyang and the niece of the current emperor!

A mere assassins' guild dared to defy the authority of the government, assassinating the county princess. This was beyond Qin Sang's comprehension. Was Jiangshan Lou's master so audacious, unafraid of facing total annihilation


Only then did I learn that this was not the first time Jiang Shan Lou had assassinated an official. Ten years ago, even a General Ma was assassinated in broad daylight, shocking the entire Sui Dynasty. It was all done by Jiang Shan Lou.

Upon this incident, the former emperor was furious, but Jiangshan Lou remained flourishing.

In addition, the name Dongyang County Lord caused Qin Sang's face to change repeatedly. He couldn't help but think of the eldest miss on the ship who had never appeared. Could she be Dongyang County Lord

He hurriedly asked for the reason.

According to information from Jiangshanlou, the East Yang County Princess left for Chunyang Mountain Villa a few days ago to escape the heat, but she quietly slipped away and her whereabouts are unknown.

The Giang Shan Lou followed the trail, and recently found some clues. The Dongyang County Princess and part of her entourage disguised themselves as merchants and secretly infiltrated Zhen Shui County. It is expected that they will arrive in San Wu City at noon today.

The Three Witches' City Plan ambushed at Luoma Mountain, outside of Dongcheng.

Qin Sang was familiar with the people at Wuwei Escort Bureau. He had seen the map of the bureau and had a detailed understanding of the terrain surrounding Sanwu City. He knew that Lushan Mountain had few people, steep terrain, and the roads on the mountain were carved along cliffs. The bottom of the ten-thousand-zhang precipice was the surging river. The terrain was very dangerous, just right for an ambush.

Qin Sang still wanted to ask more details, but the gatekeeper's soul reached its time limit and turned into a ball of soul mist.

Qin Sang had to think carefully. There were two paths laid out before him.

One road, pretending not to know anything, handles one's own affairs and then leaves far away.

> The second option is to take a gamble and save the princess.

Moreover, not to mention that the benefactor Bai Jianglan might also be there. I should go for a visit out of gratitude.

The eerie abilities of Yama's Banner and the King of Hell have led Qin Sang to firmly believe that the Netherworld Scripture is definitely not an ordinary martial art. It's most likely a cultivation technique from the immortal world.


For an ordinary person, he could now be considered a fairy master.

Perhaps demons or monsters would be more appropriate.

He knew nothing about cultivating immortality. The Yin-Yang Scriptures and the Yama's Banner were both obtained from the black-robed demon, who used ghosts to kill people, truly evil. If he rashly went to seek immortals, what if he met a righteous young swordsman like the one who fought demons To be eradicated by him would be utterly heartbreaking.

Moreover, the world is vast. Searching for fairy緣 is like finding a needle in a haystack. Utilizing connections with noblemen to contact other immortal cultivators and gradually inquire about the world of cultivation might be an old but reliable approach.

Thinking deeply, Qin Sang's actions did not stop. In the east, the sky was beginning to lighten, and dawn was approaching. He didn't have much time left.

Upon entering the house, he finds a stack of books under the floorboards near the doorman's bed. They are the doorman's journals, but they are all fake.

Each time a record is made, this person writes down true or false. The false ones remain here, and the true ones are taken to Li's at Red Dust Lane.

This Li Xing was also an assassin from Jiangshanlou. She had a somewhat perverse personality and liked to hide in the red-light district, entertaining people with her beauty. The gatekeeper trusted her very much, and the two were lovers.

All for show, even the fake notes were taken by Qin Sang.

To avoid alarming the rooster, he didn't touch the guard's house and immediately went to Hongchen Lane.

At this hour, Hongchen Lane still had quite a few people walking about. Qin Sang put in some effort to disguise himself before finally reaching Li Xing's room.

Li Xingshou was frolicking with his guest in the room, and Qin Sang could only apologize. He found the real handwriting, took it out, and burned it all up. Then he went out of the city to find the other three assassins, leaving none behind. Finally, he set fire to the house, thoroughly muddying the water.


After a busy night, the sky was already bright. Qin Sang mounted his horse and galloped east. He decided to seize this opportunity and try to stay by Dong Yang County Lord's side, slowly getting to know the world of cultivators!

Fearing eyes from the Jiangshan Lou, Qin Sang dared not take the main road to Luoma Mountain. Instead, he weaved through the smaller paths.

Let me know if you'd like me to translate something else!

Just as the fifth watch was ending, Qin Sang rounded the Lushan Pass. He halted his horse briefly, turning back to glance at the direction of Sanwu City. He wondered if this commotion he had caused would prompt Jiangshan Lou to take action again

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!Qin Sang let out a soft sigh and said, "That Baxié Fruit was meant for you. You've served me for so long and made great contributions. This martial arts technique is your reward. The technique is inco...