Rain beating on blue works

Chapter 209: Ghost Hand >


base. He is a top expert in the Jindan period. Even if he couldn't win, he shouldn't have hit the fire spell off target..."Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!Upon thinki......whispers...

The centipede scurried back and forth, its antennae touching the ground lightly. Suddenly it stopped in one place, its mouthparts wide open, ripping apart the rock and burrowing into the earth.

Yin Xingge was well-prepared and immediately unleashed a blast of spiritual energy to seal the centipede. Sensing it, the power of the star chart here was extremely weak, so he had to activate his cloud device to shield this area, then sacrificed a spirit sword and cut into the ground.

The ground was extremely hard. Even with Yin Xingge's cultivation, the speed of cutting was very slow. After digging a certain distance, besides finding a piece of sunstone quartz, nothing else was found.

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

Yin Xingge released the centipede, and it still tried to burrow into the ground.

Gradually, a fissure tens of feet deep was dug into the ground. Still nothing was found. Yin Xingge started to get impatient. He frowned and pondered for a moment, then reached into his pouch and flicked it. Several rays of light shot out, all kinds of spirit swords.

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

Under Yin Xingge's control, these spirit swords moved in unison, their sword qi swirling like wheels, rapidly cutting across the ground.

The cracks were getting deeper, and the earth and stones below grew increasingly dark, as if they could devour light, giving off a strange and eerie feeling. For some reason, Yin Xingge suddenly felt a twinge of unease in her heart.

Yin Xingge frowned slightly, cautiously looking around. The surroundings were eerily quiet, with no sign of anything unusual. He couldn't help but smile wryly at himself.

To everyone's surprise, before Yin Xingge's smile could fade, a strange 'creaking' sound suddenly erupted from the ground below.

Yin Xingge was startled and suddenly lowered his head, staring intently at the ground.

Then, those unimaginably hard rocks and soil began to ripple like water. Following that, countless bulges appeared on the surface, as if countless monstrous hands had been awakened, trying to break free from within, an eerie sight indeed.


The earth and rock exploded suddenly, sending debris flying everywhere.

Suddenly, a wave of pitch-black demonic energy spread out. Within the demonic energy, it seemed as if countless ghost figures were swirling.

Yinhengge was shocked, his spiritual energy flashed, his figure blurred for a moment, he was about to disappear on the spot when a withered palm suddenly reached out from the demonic energy, grabbing Yinhengge's ankle and pulling him back from the illusion.

The Ghost Hand is abnormally cold!


Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

A jade Buddha suddenly cracked, revealing a fissure.

Upon closer inspection, they realized it was the token belonging to Yin Xingge. Their expressions changed drastically.

Qin Sang and Mu Yifeng looked at each other, both somewhat surprised. According to the information they had gathered, Yin Xingge's most ambitious goal was to monopolize the Gan Yang Crystal. They only needed to sit back and reap the benefits; what was he doing down there

"What did Senior Brother Yin encounter..."

Yun Qiong's voice trembled slightly. Yin Xingge was the only one among them who had reached the mid-stage of the Qi Refining period. If they encountered danger that even he couldn't handle, none of them would be able to escape!

Before the words could even leave her lips, three sharp cracking sounds rang out. Three jade Buddhas shattered to pieces as if responding to their cries for help.

For a moment, so many people encountered danger at the same time!

"Save people!"

Qin Sang drank heavily, then suddenly stood up.

Yún Qióng scattered, the six people were at a loss, flustered and stood up, "Right! Save people, quickly go and save Shīxiong Yīn..."

Mu Yifeng grabbed Yun Qiong and said, "Yun Qiong Daoist friend, stay here. Regardless of the consequences, activate the star disk. Don't let the cloud beasts outside notice us, or we will have no way out. I and my junior brother Qin will go down to save people, but we can't save Daoist Yin first..."


Yun Qiong dispersed the crowd, and a stunned voice came out, "What did you say Why didn't you save Senior Brother Yin first His strength..."

"Didn't Daoist Yin tell Daoist Yunqiong the truth It seems that Daoist Yunqiong doesn't know what purpose Daoist Yin has come here for this time."

Divine consciousness collided, and the communication speed was extremely fast. Mu Yifeng instantly told Yun Qiong about the ins and outs of the situation, leaving Yun Qiong in a state of astonishment.

Qin Sang also quickly made a decision, saying in a deep voice: "No matter what happens below, it must be caused by Yin Dao You. The most dangerous place is around Yin Dao You. The other people are too weak. Once they encounter a crisis, they can't hold on for long. This star disk cloud device is very special, similar to a kind of forbidden spell tool. It's not that someone with strong strength can exert its full power, but also requires a large enough number of people. If the other six Dao You all die here, even if we save Yin Dao You, with only four of us operating the star disk, we can't hide from the Cloud Beast's perception and will inevitably be trapped here. Moreover, with everyone's combined strength, the possibility of saving Yin Dao You will be greater."

To be frank, the exchange between several people was completed in an instant. Qin Sang and Mu Yifeng persuaded Yun Qiong to let go of her reservations and expend all her energy to fully activate the star chart. Then, they moved left and right separately, acting quickly to rescue the others.

The most urgent task is to save as many people as possible and ensure there's a way out.

As for Yin Xingge, let him fend for himself for now.

With his ability, it wouldn't be so easy to die. If he were truly to meet his end here, it would be his own fault.

Below, what exactly happened, Qin Sang still knew nothing. If it was danger that even Yin Xingge couldn't handle, Qin Sang wouldn't dare approach easily.

Qin Sang pushed his body technique to the extreme. The jade talisman held their breath, able to guide the direction, and soon he sensed a cultivator ahead.

This person was fine, having just killed an incompletely formed cloud beast. Suddenly seeing Qin Sang appear, he was startled, "Senior Qin, how..."

"Several Daoist friends encountered danger, Wei Daoist friend hurry up and go to help Yunqiong Daoist friend stabilize the star array…"

Qin Sang hurriedly left a sentence, then rushed in the direction without looking back. The passage below was like a net, all interconnected.

The Wei surname cultivator was secretly startled. Watching Qin Sang come and go in a hurry, he felt some unease in his heart, but he also understood that with his strength, he couldn't help Qin Sang, and would even hold him back. He hurriedly followed Qin Sang's orders, put away his magic weapon and the piece of sun-yang quartz, and returned to help Yun Qiong disperse.

Qin Sang held two jade talismans in his hands, one of which had just shattered. This indicated that another person was in crisis, making Qin Sang's heart grow heavier. He could only pray that the two people could hold on for a while longer. Qin Sang discovered they were very close together and were likely gathered. This situation, surprisingly, was a good thing. Their chances of survival increased greatly.


Guided by the jade talisman, Qin Sang didn't take much of a detour. The distance between him and the two people was getting closer and closer. Along the way, he had already summoned his ebony sword. Feeling that it wasn't enough, he also secretly held items like Fu Bao and Xuan Yin Lei in his palm, just in case.

As they reached a passage, Qin Sang suddenly stopped, staring at the front with astonishment. The passage was filled with black demonic energy that rapidly seeped outwards.

These demonic energies not only obscured the vision but also made it difficult for divine senses to penetrate. Guided by the aura on the jade talisman, those two were trapped inside by the demonic energy.

This is a placeholder. find that it was a strange Yuan Ying. The astonishment in his eyes flashed past, and he bowed: "My name is Xiang Qing. May I ask for your Daoist name"“I am Qing Feng, a poor wandering monk.”Qin Sang...