Rain beating on blue works

Chapter 2: Flying Sword


to the celebration together"Qin Sang knew that the mute girl was eagerly anticipating the Wushi Festival, but despite trying to think positively, he felt something was amiss.A divine spark swept acros...Flying Sword!

Qin Sang suddenly opened his eyes and was immediately blinded by the harsh sunlight. He hurriedly closed them.

His throat was parched with an unbearable thirst. The pain, ubiquitous and relentless, surged like a tide. Qin Sang propped himself up on his arms, pushing himself upright from the ground. He realized he had fallen off the prisoner cart at some point and passed out. His right leg was pinned under a broken cage, explaining the agonizing pain in his calf, likely fractured.

How to flip a prison car

Qin Sang tried hard to recall the memories before he fainted. His head ached terribly, and he struggled to sit up. When he looked around, all he saw was a scene of utter devastation in the distance.

The ancient trees along the riverbank were either fallen or broken, some appearing as if struck by lightning. One tree was engulfed in flames, and the wind carried a choking cloud of smoke towards us.

That large expanse of yellow grassland was completely ravaged, looking as if wild boars had gone through it. The ground was exposed with many deep furrows, and the white roots were tangled together.

When the convoy arrived, the riverbed was perfectly smooth.

Qin Sang stared blankly at everything, finally recalling some fragments of memory.

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A white-clad man descended from the sky, and those bandits fell to their knees, crying out "Immortal master..."

A flying sword pierced the black carriage, and with a 'boom', it exploded. A man in black robes flew out. The two seemed to have a grudge, and upon meeting, they immediately began fighting. Then, as if hearing a strange noise, the narrator fainted.

What happened after I fell unconscious

Two people could actually fly, this was obviously not normal. Those bandits called them immortal masters, could they really be immortals

When Qin Sanwa was young, he also heard many stories about immortals. Qin Sang even thought that they were just superstition, just like in his past life. Now it seems that this is not the case.

Who won between the two immortal masters

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Qin Sang didn't see the Immortal Master's shadow. He swept his gaze around, and the prison cart was overturned in all directions. The cages on the cart were mostly shattered, and the men trapped inside were lying scattered everywhere.

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No wonder his hands felt so soft underneath, he was actually pressing on someone's stomach.

Qin Sang hurriedly raised his hand and then his expression changed slightly. He carefully reached out and touched the person's wrist, but there was no pulse.


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Perhaps it was because she had died once, Qin Sang's courage was much greater than in her past life. With a corpse lying beside her, she didn't feel much fear in her heart.

Is anyone still alive

Qin Sang hurriedly looked at the others. Everyone was lying still on the ground, not even the horses pulling the carts were moving. There wasn't a single ripple on their bodies. The scene was eerie to the extreme.

Suddenly, Qin Sang noticed a group of people lying on the riverbank. Those bandits had been chopping trees to build rafts. After the white-clothed man appeared, they all knelt down and called him "Immortal Master." For some reason, they all fainted as well.

Qin Sang's eyes changed suddenly. Those bandits were strong and had not fallen, so it was likely they, like him, had just fainted and were not dead yet!

Thinking of this, Qin Sang hurriedly leaned forward and strained to lift the wooden cage pressing on his leg. He suddenly gasped and let out a stifled groan, but fearing he would startle those bandits, he swallowed it back down.

Never break your legs, otherwise even if you escape, it will be difficult to survive and walk out of this wilderness.

Qin Sang silently prayed and pulled his leg out to check it.

Luckily, the bones are not broken.

But when he tried to use force, there was another sharp pain. At the very least, it was a bone fracture, and walking for a short time wasn't possible.

Even if he had to crawl, Qin Sang would crawl past. He found a knife between the bandit's waist and got it. First, he cut the ropes binding their hands and feet, called out each name, and started stabbing at their hearts. One blade hit the breastbone, shaking his hand in pain. So he cut their throats first, and then stabbed their hearts as a finishing blow.

After staring at his blood-stained hands for a long while, Qin Sang realized that the bandits had been stabbed to death silently. They hadn't even let out a grunt. He himself, however, had gone mad, hacking away with his sword one after another.

He was a little afraid, not of the corpse itself, but of himself.

He flung the knife from his hand, scrambled to the riverbank, and buried his face in the water. He stayed there until he was nearly suffocating before he suddenly lifted his head and gasped for breath, his emotions finally calming slightly.

If I don't kill them, they will kill me!

If one had this realization in a past life, how could one end up in such a state


And one more!

Qin Sang suddenly jolted, breaking out in a cold sweat. He almost fainted when he saw the corpse riddled with wooden stakes, but then he breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed to the ground. The leader had been standing beside the black carriage when it exploded; he died instantly.

The bandits were all dead, but Qin Sang still didn't dare to relax, leaning on a wooden stick for support.

Upon seeing the full extent of the grassland in the distance, Qin Sang couldn't help but be awestruck. This was the result of the two immortals' battle The power was simply terrifying.

In the grass, two people lay, one black and one white.

Reason told Qin Sang that these two immortals were not normal people, unlike bandits. Now was the best time to escape, although his legs couldn't walk, the river wasn't fast, and there was a raft almost finished beside him. Tie on the last two vines, and he could leave this place of trouble.

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After a moment of inner conflict, Qin Sang reached for his sword and climbed over.

Upon closer inspection, the man in black was seen to have been bisected at the waist by a sword. The flying blade must have been incredibly sharp, as the cut was clean and smooth. The scene was rather chilling.

The man in white had a shocking blood hole in his chest, as if something had ripped through his torso with force. The inside was a gruesome mess of torn flesh and organs turned to mush.

In the end, they both met their demise.

Qin Sang secretly rejoiced, but also felt a bit disappointed.

Carefully lifting the black robe of the man in black, Qin Sang was startled by a withered and ugly face. Then he began to search him, this immortal master seemed very poor, not a single silver coin on him. In the end, Qin Sang only found a piece of sheepskin-like thing and a book on his chest.


He flipped through it. He could recognize most of the words on the pages, though they were obscure and difficult to understand. The piece of parchment was blank except for its unusual softness; it was just an ordinary piece of skin.



Qin Sang suddenly saw something under the black-clothed man's body. He moved the man's upper body aside and saw a black flag on the ground.


The pennant was not large, the pole only as long as his palm. The top was pointed and the bottom smoothly rounded. Qin Sang picked it up and examined it carefully. He couldn't tell what material the pole was made of; it felt icy cold to the touch. There were three small characters carved on it - Yanluo Banner!

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It didn't sound good at all, and coupled with the previous scene where this demon sucked people dry, Qin Sang almost threw away the Yan Luo Banner.

This King Yan Luo banner's surface is a long, narrow piece of cloth, slightly shorter than the pole. It has many holes in it, and you can faintly make out the outline of a demon figure.

After taking a few more glances, Qin Sang only felt his consciousness being drawn in. He hurriedly shifted his gaze away.

Indeed eerie!

This demon's got nothing but bad stuff on him!

Qin Sang haphazardly wrapped the Yan Luo Banner, along with the scroll, in a sheepskin bag. He turned his head to look at the man in white, his eyes complex.

>beauty!Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!All of Yun Youzi's treasures had already been destroyed in the lightning tribulation, and even the three-light jade liquid was...