Rain beating on blue works

Chapter 1912: Fish with Forks


Di Shou.Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!At the bridge of Hóngqiáo, the wind's malice subsides, and the magical formations solidify.Let me know if you have any other...This kind of master, if they were from Yun Du Tian, wouldn't be surprising at all.

The Cleansing of demons by the Heavenly Mandate holds profound meaning. The Fire Domain must prepare in advance and ponder the intentions of the Heavenly Mandate.

“Bi Dao You is thinking too much.”

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Qin Sang walked away without looking back, gradually disappearing.

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Xiao Xiang watched the departing figure, his face full of hesitation. In the end, he chose not to follow up.

Soon after, the monks realized that the rampant bandits had suddenly disappeared.

As survivors were found and word spread, the tale of the Sand Pirates being uprooted spread throughout the desert and even into the Firelands.

Some bold adventurers dared to explore the lair of the Three Mountains bandits. They saw corpses littering the ground and a blood-stained wall bearing the mark of their crimes.

Under a pale sky, everything seemed as gloomy and desolate as the underworld.

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These people took a quick glance and rushed down the mountain, not daring to stay for too long. Afterwards, whenever they thought back on it, they were filled with lingering fear.

Then, news came out that some prominent sects had internal traitors who colluded with the sand thieves and were also purged. Some even had their mountain gates destroyed.

Most of these sects chose to seal the mountain and kept it a closely guarded secret.

Surprisingly, the Three Fire Sects didn't react at all.

The storm gradually subsided, and from beginning to end, no one knew who was responsible.

Long after, many cultivators still felt grateful for the mysterious person's kind deed.

The sight of the sand bandits’ demise instilled fear in the hearts of those with ill intentions. For a long time, no one dared to run amok in the desert. The cultivation world became unusually quiet and orderly.


It wasn't until a hundred years later that sporadic waves of sand bandits appeared, quickly being eradicated by the combined efforts of major immortal sects.

Crossing the desert, entering the Gobi, finally seeing a touch of green.

Beyond the desert lies a range of undulating peaks, an endless expanse of barren mountains. Not only is it impossible for ordinary people to live here, but even cultivators rarely appear.

A white cloud drifted by leisurely.

Qin Sang stood on the cloud, looking at the scenery below, and suddenly said: "You see the direction of these rivers, a few hundred miles south, there will be people. When the time comes, let's find a ship and sail south."

Luo Hou had no objections, and after descending the mountain, he always faithfully adhered to his duty as a mount.

Zhu Que suddenly became excited, flapping her wings up and down, constantly asking, "Are there really so many delicious things in the mortal world"

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Along the way, Qin Sang explained the world to Xiao Wu. Remembering Xiao Wu's interest in the food at Ju Xian Lou, he said a few more words about it.

Unbeknownst to him, Zhuque heard his words.

"When it comes to delicate seasonings and precious ingredients, mortals are simply no match for cultivators. But since food is paramount to the common folk, and different regions have their own unique customs and flavors, you'll always find something new and intriguing..."

As they spoke, white clouds drifted across the mountains. Qin Sang noticed that the mountains ahead were gradually becoming gentler, the river widened, and artificial structures began to appear on the banks. "There are people ahead," he said, "Let's go down."

Qin Sang used a feint, Bai Yun leaped forward and then went straight down the mountain path on the riverbank.

The river's current was still relatively calm. On each bank stood a simple wooden dock. The wooden pilings submerged in the water showed clear signs of decay, suggesting they were quite old.

From the dock, each road stretched toward the land, getting narrower as you walked forward, until it finally branched out into several small paths, disappearing into the mountains and forests.

Two pontoons were moored at the two docks, both serving as passenger vessels. They seemed to have distinct divisions of labor.

The boat owner on the east side was a thin old man, bustling about loading materials onto his boat and carrying water to clean it. The boat owner on the west side was strong and sturdy, leaning against the bow of his boat with his legs crossed, squinting in the sun.


Before the ship set sail, there were guests waiting on both sides of the pier.

The old man kept smiling and apologizing to the guests, saying repeatedly, "Almost done! Almost done!"


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Of course, the guests wouldn't mind, and some even came forward to offer a helping hand.

The strongman was too lazy to talk to the passengers, and no one wanted to talk to him. The passengers gazed at the east bank, some with envy.

Getting a little closer to the boat, I could smell the rotten stench coming from inside. However, I dared not complain in front of the burly men. I could only sneakily cover my nose and worry about the journey ahead.

Qin Sang naturally chose the ship facing east, landing on a mountain path on the eastern bank and walking on foot with his horse.

“Oh, a Taoist priest has arrived.”

"Where did this Taoist priest come from"

"My, what a pretty girl. Is she falling asleep on her horse"

On the shore, Qin Sang arrived amidst a buzz of excited chatter.


When Qin Sang drew closer, the boat passengers all fell silent, offering friendly smiles, and some even gave a slightly awkward bow.

When you lift your head, three feet above the ground, there are gods watching. In this world, regardless of whether Taoists have real ability or not, treating them with respect will never be wrong.

Moreover, the Taoist priest before us has sleeves fluttering in the wind and an air of detachment, perhaps truly a high-ranking master who has attained enlightenment.

"Boatman, my poor horse is getting tired. Could you possibly do me a favor"

Qin Sang asked softly.

This sampan is not small, it can easily hold a horse.


The old man put down the firewood and rubbed his hands, looking a bit embarrassed. "Daozhang, you don't have to pay for the boat fare. It's just this horse..."

Don't be fooled by the lack of passengers now, as we go downstream along the river, there are many piers along the way, until we reach Beikuang County, there will only be these two boats.

When people from both sides of the strait enter the city, they often rely on them. As they progress halfway, it can become quite crowded.

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“We don't need to waive the fare, let the horses rest for a while. When there are more people, we can disembark. How about it”

Qin Sang took out a few copper coins.

He had no copper coins, so he pinched a silver ingot and exchanged it from the old man's money chest.

"Well, I guess the fare is on me!"

The old man resolutely refused.

In a short while, when the sun was high in the sky, the old man had stacked the firewood neatly and called to the boat passengers to board.

On both sides, the number of people is about the same. When Tsing Ma boarded the ship, the hull on this side noticeably sank a bit.

The ship owner on the west side untied the reins, grasped the oar, and with a powerful stroke, the sampan cleaved through the water, its speed comparable to that of a fast vessel. It left a white line on the river surface, leaving them far behind.

The old man wasn't in a hurry at all. He paddled leisurely, chatting and laughing with the passengers.

All eyes were occasionally cast towards the stern of the boat. Qin Sang and Xiao Wu sat on the ground, Zhuque dozed off on Qin Sang's shoulder, while Qingma stood beside them.

This combination, anyone would be curious about it, but no one dared to go over and disturb it, for fear of inadvertently offending the Taoist's taboos.

They already assume Qin Sang has some kind of spiritual power, otherwise, how dare she walk outside with a young girl

The river didn't flow straight south. After a while, it suddenly turned west. The river narrowed and the water became much faster, which saved the old man some effort.


Soon, the second wharf came into view.

There were only three people on the pier. There was a boy about ten years old, with a large package at his feet. Seeing the ship, he excitedly waved his hands.


A childish voice came, and the old man's face blossomed with a smile. He hurried his strokes, quickly reaching the shore, "Kid, did you get it"


The little boy nodded vigorously, "Uncle Zhao said that the harvest has been good recently and he made a lot of cured pork, it smells so good!"

As he spoke, the little boy slung his large pack on his back, let out a "hey," and before the boat had come to a complete stop, jumped onto it with three steps in two. The old man was startled, dropped his oar, and hurriedly reached out to steady him.


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"Stop being childish!"

The old man raised his hand, as if to strike.

"Hee hee..."

The little boy wriggled into the cabin like an eel, and soon shouts and laughter echoed from inside.

"Wow! Grandpa caught so many fish today..."

"Wow! There's another yellow tooth!"

"It's been a long time since I've had yellow croaker. That one last year was so fragrant and delicious!"

The little boy shouted and hollered, but his movements were quick and efficient. He carried the stove condiments to the bow of the boat, retrieved the freshly killed fish from the fish basket, and then went to the stern to fetch firewood.


Suddenly seeing the Qing Ma, the little boy couldn't help but exclaim, "What a tall and mighty horse!"

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Which man wouldn't want to own a BMW, especially one as magnificent as this

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The little boy gazed at the dappled grey horse with a look of wonder, only then noticing Qin Sang and Xiao Wu.

When the little boy saw Xiao Wu, he was stunned again. He stared for a while, then suddenly his face flushed red. He hastily picked up a bundle of firewood and ran back to the bow of the boat, leaning against his grandfather's side, pointing at the stern and stammering, "Grandpa, she... is she blind"

The old man jumped again, sneaking a peek. Seeing no reaction from the stern of the boat, he let out a sigh of relief. "Perhaps they have an eye ache," he muttered. "Let's go cook dinner, Grandpa's hungry."


The little boy Yangyang returned to the stove, skillfully lifting the pot to cook. A man in green clothes from the ship's cabin went out to help.

They took out a piece of cured pork from their bag, washed and sliced it, then fried it until the fat rendered. They added the pork to a pot with river fish and simmered them together. In no time, the aroma filled the air.

When busy, the little boy would always sneak a peek at the stern of the boat, his mischievous thoughts completely unhidden.


All the passengers in the cabin smiled kindly, and the little boy blushed again, turning away shyly.

’gurgle gurgle…'

The river fish and cured pork are boiling in the pot.

The fresh scent of river fish, the rich aroma of its fat, drifted into the cabin and out to the stern.

The Suzaku immediately perked up, staring intently at the bow of the ship, wishing it could jump right into the pot and grab a piece.

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Little Five twitched his little nose and also turned his head to 'look' over, but there was no eager expression on his face, he just sat there quietly 'watching'.

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"This is the fireworks of life, isn't it..."

Qin Sang gazed at the mountains rushing past on both sides, a feeling of emotion welling up in his heart. He had forgotten the taste of human fireworks.

The passengers were all hungry and eager to eat. They pulled out the provisions they had prepared from their luggage and nibbled on them with water.

At this time, the fish soup was cooked.

The stew pot was a large iron cauldron, brimming with a massive pot of fish soup. The grandfather and grandson couldn't possibly finish it all.

The little boy took down a string of large bamboo tubes from the edge of the boat, filled them with fish soup, and carefully brought them into the cabin. He handed one to a timid little girl and said in a crisp voice, "Sister, here you go."

"No, no, no..."

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The little girl was flustered, waving her hands frantically. She wanted to stand up, but she was afraid of knocking over the fish soup in the boy's hands.

"Drink up! Uncle Chen is a good man. When he catches a lot of fish, he always makes fish soup and shares it with everyone for free! There's plenty, and you can go get more if you need it."

A young man in green robes walked in carrying a bowl of fish soup, smiling and distributing it to everyone. Only then did the little girl dare to reach out and take some.

The bamboo tube not only held fish soup, but also small fish the size of a thumb. Eating it with dry rations was much more flavorful than before.

The little boy, taking the opportunity to deliver the soup, stealthily looked at the stern of the boat. Suddenly, he realized that Xiao Wu was looking back at him. His face flushed instantly, and his hand trembled, almost spilling the fish soup, causing a few gasps.

Then the little boy realized that Xiao Wu might not be able to see and was attracted by the aroma of fish soup.

“What a pity.”

The little boy thought to himself, seeing that Qin Sang and Xiao Wu hadn't taken out any food. His eyes rolled, and he quickly ran to the bow of the boat, grabbed his grandfather's sleeve, and tiptoed closer, whispering a few words in his ear.

Upon seeing his grandfather nod, the little boy excitedly jumped up. He immediately filled two bowls with fish soup and brought them to the stern, placing them beside Qin Sang. Without saying a word, he ran back to the bow, took a bowl, picked up that yellow-toothed fish, licked his lips, gritted his teeth and swallowed it whole. Then, he filled the bowl with cured pork and fish meat until it was overflowing. He grabbed two flatbreads and rushed over, panting heavily.

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"Here's something your grandpa sent you. Eat it."

The little boy didn't dare look at Xiao Wu, he said something to Qin Sang, then turned and ran away.

Zhu Que's eyes lit up, staring at a piece of cured pork belly and about to open her mouth. Qin Sang knocked on her head with a tap, making her chirp incessantly.

Qin Sang raised his bowl and, with Little Five in tow, walked to the bow of the boat.

The little boy was wolfing down his food, so he quickly lowered his head and nibbled at the pastry.

"Thank you, boatman."


Qin Sang bowed and thanked him, seeing the old man wave his hands again and again, he smiled and said, "The boatman's kindness, I am unworthy. But with meat there must be wine, I brought some turbid wine, boatman please don't dislike it."

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As they spoke, Qin Sang reached into his bosom and, with a sleight of hand, produced a wine gourd. He then picked up two slender bamboo tubes, filled them with wine, and handed them to the old man.

How does this...

The aroma of the liquor was truly enticing. The old man carefully took the bamboo tube and took a sip. Suddenly, a wave of warmth spread through his limbs, making him feel three points lighter. Having spent years sailing on the river, the accumulated cold seemed to be dispersed.

"Good wine! This wine...isn't cheap, is it"

The old man asked in a low voice.

"As a traveling hermit, I often need to warm myself on the road. I brew my own medicine wine, saving money," Qin Sang added a piece of cured meat to Xiao Wu's plate. Xiao Wu chewed lightly, savoring this flavor that was rougher than the offerings at Ju Xian Lou, yet uniquely delicious.

"Oh! It's medicinal wine," the old man looked at his grandson, a little reluctant to drink it.

In the future, if his grandson takes over this line of work, he will have this kind of wine to ward off the cold and won't have to suffer from illness like he did.

"This wine isn't strong, even children can drink it. It can strengthen the body. Take a small sip each time," Qin Sang got up and took an empty waterskin, filling it with wine. "No one has ever appreciated my craftsmanship before. Since the boatman likes it, I'll give you some more."

"Enough! Enough! Thank you, Daoist Master! Thank you, Daoist Master!" The old man was overwhelmed with gratitude.

The little boy had no interest in the wine, he gobbled it down. Little Wu had been sitting across from him for a while, and as time passed, he became more daring. “Have you finished Grandpa bought me lots of toys in the city. Do you want to play”


Little Five tilted his head, looking puzzled.

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“Go on, do whatever he does,” Qin Sang patted Xiao Wu’s head.


Little Five stood up obediently, and the little boy carried out a treasure chest from the cabin, filled with all kinds of toys.

Qin Sang chatted with the old man about rural life while keeping an eye on Xiao Wu.

"This! You like this... it's fun, right"


The little boy was very excited and took out all his toys one by one, teaching Xiao Wu how to play with them.

Little Five's expression remained indifferent throughout. All the toys were turned over, but nothing could bring a smile to her face.

The little boy scratched his head in thought. Glancing at the side of the boat, he saw a fishing spear made of bamboo tied with a rope. His eyes lit up, and he tugged on Little Five's sleeve and ran to the edge of the boat.

“This was made by my grandfather himself, look there are several fish on it!”


The harpoon entered the water, as expected, missing its target.

The little boy pulled the spear back, handing it to Xiao Wu. He held the direction, his eyes sharp as he stared at the river surface, "If you let go, you just...let go!"


The river surface churned with blood.

The little boy’s mouth was wide open, his eyes bulging.

Little Wu's small face was bathed in sunlight, a hint of a smile playing at the corner of her lips, pure and innocent.

Qin Sang slowly furrowed her brows.

Please: m.lvsewx

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Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!gible being.The butterfly shadows coalesced, Qin Sang's throat trembled, and a deep, strange sound escaped his lips. The illusion vanished abruptly, leaving only the butterfly shadows. They fluttered...