Rain beating on blue works

Chapter 1900: A Century


.Master Wu rose to his feet, took out a jade slip, and handed it to Qin Sang.Qin Sang frowned, glanced at the jade slip, didn't reach out to take it, stared at Wu Dianshi's eyes, and said with displea...Spring is pleasant and the scenery is bright.

A fish leaps, a bird soars.

A refreshing breath of air filled his nostrils. Qin Sang couldn't help but take a deep breath; there was no trace of the aura from the Six Heavens here!

The energy of heaven and earth is stable, and it is far more abundant than the chaotic realm.

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The vast world!


Finally, I no longer have to worry about the celestial order being disrupted moment by moment, nor do I need to rely on the talisman altar for survival.

This indicates that he has already left the scope of the river of suffering.

Qin Sang looked around, the water rippled with a thousand shimmering reflections of the sun. The river was completely flat and smooth, showing no trace of the Evil River. Neither the mysterious man nor his small boat could be seen, as if they had vanished into thin air.

What would the River of Calamity be like in the vast world A black river An endless black mist Or a mysterious and unknown place Is this the bank of the River of Calamity, or has it been sent to a specific location

Qin Sang was puzzled, not knowing where the mysterious man had sent him. He didn't notice at all how the mysterious man had left.

No one could answer Qin Sang's questions. Neither the First Sword Attendant nor the Sword Spirit had told him these things.

"Cough cough cough..."

Qin Sang suddenly coughed violently, feeling a sharp pain in his body like a knife.

The power of the inner lion's seal waned, its injuries worsened, and his body was hollow. He still had to desperately maintain the guardian god general at the altar, a profound sense of weakness overwhelmed him, Qin Sang almost fell headlong into the water.

Suzaku flew out, a fiery red aura surging from its body, catching Qin Sang.

“Look around, is there an island nearby…”

Qin Sang said with difficulty.

The most urgent matter is to heal and stabilize Lei Zu. We don't need a particularly good spiritual vein, just a safe cave dwelling where we can meditate in peace.

No matter if it's the Xiaqian world or the Dakeian world, top-tier spiritual veins are estimated to be owned by someone.

Qin Sang now wants to avoid contact with cultivators as much as possible. In the vast world, who knows how many people are searching for the Purple Violet Emperor Sword and the successor of the Purple Micro Emperor.


The views in all directions were identical. Zhuque chose a random direction and flew along the water's surface.

She had just been reborn, flapping her tiny wings and carrying Qin Sang. It looked quite difficult, but she didn't stop complaining to Qin Sang.

“Either you're being chased or beaten around here!”

"Don't die on me now..."

"When I grow up and can protect myself, you can die!"

As the power of the inner lion's seal waned, Qin Sang's vitality was draining away. At first, he thought this dead bird had a change of heart, but then he almost laughed himself to death.

Their actions were cautious, the Sky-Eyed Butterfly on guard. Zhuque slowed its pace, flying for only an incense stick's time before the Sky-Eyed Butterfly conveyed a telepathic message: land had been sighted.

After a moment, some undulating shapes appeared at the edge of the water.

“Island or land”

Qin Sang didn't know if he was in the sea or a river, as he pondered this, his expression shifted slightly. "There's a cultivator's presence, it seems to be at most the Golden Core stage..."

Having chosen a rock, Zhuque placed Qin Sang down. Tianmu Die vanished from sight, flying alone towards the land.

The butterflies flutter, and Qin Sang can perceive all that the Tianmu Butterfly sees and hears.

There are obviously people here.

The sky-eye butterfly flew to the shore and saw several fishing boats tied there. They weren't the kind of large vessels that could withstand the open sea's waves.

Then sure enough, wisps of smoke appeared. A village with over a hundred households was nestled at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by cultivated fields.

It was already dusk, and the villagers in the fields stopped working, put down their hoes, and walked home along the paths.

Some chat and laugh, strolling at their own pace. Others, hungry, hurry back.

A peaceful and harmonious scene.

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These villagers were no different from ordinary people in the world of storms, but they were healthy and rosy-cheeked, indicating that while they weren't wealthy, they also didn't lack for food and clothing.

Unseen, a colorful butterfly lightly crossed the village, flying to the mountaintop and soaring high.

If this were an island, it would be a giant island comparable to a continent.

This is a test.

In the distance, mountains rise and fall, stretching endlessly. One can faintly see roads crisscrossing and villages dotted throughout.


It can be said that there is one village every ten miles, and one city every hundred miles. The main road is straight and wide, with no bandits. Even as dusk approaches, merchants are still traveling back and forth.

The Sky-Eye Butterfly paused for a moment, then continued flying forward, crossing mountains and ridges, arriving in front of a mountain.

This is not a perilous and extraordinary peak, but it can be said that it gathers thousands of spiritual essences in one place. The spiritual energy is dense, making it an excellent place for cultivation.

The qi of the cultivators that Qin Sang sensed was coming from this mountain.

There is a temple on the mountain called "Smoke and Water Temple," divided into front mountain and back mountain. Many temples are arranged in this way.

The front mountain welcomes pilgrims with incense, the incense is strong, and there is an endless stream of people on the mountain path.


The back mountain is a forbidden area, a place for cultivation.

The Tianmu butterfly quietly flew into the Taoist temple and discovered that a protective mountain array was set up on the back mountain, isolating it from the mundane world. However, the formation was not strong in Qin Sang and Tianmu Butterfly's eyes, with loopholes everywhere.

The Tianmu Butterfly did not barge in rashly. It landed on a rock and rotated its Heavenly Eye divine ability, confirming three times that the highest cultivator in the Taoist temple was only a Jindan late-stage cultivator.

Through the location of this person's quiet chamber, it can be judged that this person is the highest-ranking individual in Yan Shui Guan.

The night was hazy.

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The sky-eye butterfly stayed for a while, then continued on, flew in a circle, and returned to the rock.

“There are many cultivators in the vicinity, but most of them are solitary practitioners. Only the one from the Taoist temple has the highest cultivation level. To be able to occupy this dojo in the late stage of Jindan proves their strength. Moreover, the Taoist temple is ancient and looks like it has been around for many years, untouched by war. It's a good place to recover and heal peacefully…”

Qin Sang made his decision and ordered Zhu Que and Tian Mu Die to take him flying to Yan Shui Guan.

After landing on land, their movements were still very cautious.

Because Qin Sang discovered that there were also deities here, every mortal city had a shrine dedicated to the City God.

The City God Temple was bustling with people, and there was a palpable, though not overwhelming, sense of the supernatural.

Land temples and mountain god temples are similar, but not every mountain has a mountain god. For example, the mountain range near Yan shui Guan doesn't have any mountain gods.

This scene, it's similar to what I saw when I first entered the world of talismans, but there are no rampaging beasts here.

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Uncertain of the strength of the Shinto deities in this vast world, Qin Sang remained cautious and refrained from contact with them for now.

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Upon arriving at Yan Shui Guan, Qin Sang did not startle anyone. He quietly passed through the throng of disciples and chose a secluded cliff face on the back mountain to establish his cave abode. There he set up formations and restrictions, settling down for the long term.

The cave dwelling was simply furnished.

Qin Sang sat cross-legged on a stone bed, his eyes tightly closed.

The tianyemu butterfly landed on his left shoulder.

Suzaku lay curled up on his right shoulder, its head buried into its body, like a ball of fire, asleep.

The first sword servant sculpted a spirit for Suzaku. This act was akin to rebuilding the Dao foundation. Suzaku wanted to restore its former strength and "grow," so it needed to solidify its Dao foundation first.

Qin Sang sensed the Lu Altar.

At this time, the Lu altar had captured two demons and one insect: Gui Hou, Luo Hou, and Huo Yu Centipede.

Qin Sang originally intended to repair the Star Chart of Taiyi, so he went back to Mount Ju for treatment. When leaving Jianxin Island, he also brought out both demon marshals.

When Lei Zu descended, the impact they received was far less severe than Qin Sang, the primary target. It's possible that Lei Zu's descent to the talisman altar, scattering their inner essence and shaking the talisman altar, caused their state to be even worse than the Tianmu Butterfly, all falling into a coma, their condition unknown.

Looking at the two demon marshals, Qin Sang couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy. His identity must absolutely not be revealed, but he had used the Seven Souls Killing Formation and Yun You Sword in public more than once before, including when capturing these two demon marshals.

The previous realm was tentatively called the Talisman Realm.

During my time in the world of talismans, I witnessed cultivators and demon cultivators who wielded swordsmanship. The Taoist sect must have made arrangements for this.

These two demon marquises can only be dealt with by him.

The lives of the two demons were in his hands. He had made promises to them before, and wouldn't go so far as to silence them. Keeping them by his side would be like having them under his control; they couldn't escape his grasp.

Although he has entered the state of Refining Void, his foundation is unstable. He will inevitably need to close-door meditate for a long time in the future, and he also needs several reliable people at his disposal.

On the safe side, wait until I recover my cultivation before erasing their memories.

“I wonder how the Court will arrange things for Daoist Mo...”

Qin Sang thought of Mo Xingdao, but it was a pity that their previous agreement could not be fulfilled.

The Dao Court will bring Mo Xingdao into the vast world, but this is not what Mo Xingdao wants. The Dao Court should not massacre innocents, but it may not let Mo Xingdao go either. Perhaps it will show Mo Xingdao a clear path.

Qin Sang was focused on healing his own wounds, unable to worry about others. He calmed his mind and checked his injuries.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Several jade bottles hovered before Qin Sang, opening one after another. From each flew out pills that were swallowed by Qin Sang in succession.

Having tasted the bitter consequences of the Inner Lion's Seal's power waning, Qin Sang was well-prepared. These pills could help him stabilize his injuries quickly and prevent them from worsening.

After refining the medicinal power, Qin Sang took out the corpse of the black demon peng.


As soon as the body was removed, a pungent smell of charred flesh, like that of something struck by lightning, filled the cave.

Qin Sang waved his sleeves, dispersing the foul stench, and examined the demon corpse.

The demonic Peng was a dark, shapeless mass. Its flesh was heavily damaged, but its remaining demonic bones, blood, and demon pill were priceless treasures.

It seemed that all the treasures on Yaopeng had been destroyed by the thunder. Just when Qin Sang was feeling disappointed, he noticed something in its belly. He cut it open and found a coral orb inside.

"Sure enough, it's a mustard seed-class artifact!"

Qin Sang was overjoyed. After much research, he finally broke the seal on the coral pearl.

As expected, it was filled with Yao Peng's treasured collection over the years, including healing holy medicines.

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Qin Sang wanted just these things. He put away the other treasures indiscriminately, leaving behind the medicinal pills. With these, he felt more confident in his ability to heal his injuries.


Though there was residual venom still within his body, it no longer posed a threat. Qin Sang suppressed it, preparing to use it in his cultivation.

Once her injuries had improved somewhat, Qin Sang summoned the talisman altar and checked on the guardian deities.

Even with the Five Thunders Divine Seal suppressing the altar, Lei Zu's illusory figure showed clear signs of agitation. The Five Thunders Divine Seal alone was almost unable to hold it back.

This is the end of a paragraph.

Although Lei Zu's phantom was not completely out of control, this state couldn't completely conceal his sword aura. In front of a powerful being, there was no way to hide it. Luckily, the mysterious person didn't leave him behind because of the Yin-Yang chess pieces.

At least one must wait until Lei Zu's phantom is stabilized before venturing out to travel.

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Qin Sang sank into meditation, examining the Five Thunder Envoy Seal and sensing the virtual image of Lei Zu.

"Hiss! There's a legacy of thunder techniques within this divine seal!"

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Qin Sang was both surprised and delighted. He never expected that the Five Thunder Envoy Seal wasn't just a symbol of identity, but also contained some thunder dao techniques, as well as most importantly, various thunder talismans!


Lightning Summoning Talisman, Sun-Shining Golden Village Charm, Heaven and Earth Transmission Decree, Cloud-Replenishing Rainmaking Technique, Emperor's Command Curse...

Qin Sang was almost intoxicated by the vastness of Lei Fa. He kept sighing about the profound depth of Daoism and the ingenuity of Lei Fa.

He cultivated the Gao Shang Shenxiao Scroll, but he didn't receive true transmission. He only learned three kinds of thunder talismans, such as the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart True Seal Talisman.

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These just make up for his shortcomings in the Lei Fa school.

“Zhang Tianshi gave me a big gift!”

Qin Sang sighed inwardly.

His cultivation improvement was too rapid, and the 《天妖煉形》 had not caught up. Many supernatural powers were difficult to exert when facing opponents of the Refining Void period.

Sword Traveling and the Seven Souls Formation are unusable, it's like cutting off an arm.

He won't change his cultivation method, but he can choose some thunder talismans to cultivate and use them as his main means of combating enemies in the future.

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Without rushing to delve into the details of the Thunder Laws, Qin Sang used the Five Thunders Temple Seal to sense the illusory figure of Lei Zu.

Suddenly, Qin Sang furrowed her brow.

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"The communion with the Divine Court has been severed..."

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He could not sense the Divine Court, nor could he sense the sound of the Nine Heavens' Response Thunder booming to purify all heavens and realms.

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Whether the connection was truly severed or if his cultivation level was insufficient,

The Tao Te Ching says that Taoist cultivators can even summon and command deities, and subdue demons, when they are outside. Could this be an exaggeration I hope the Divine Court will be safe.

Qin Sang couldn't help but worry. The Daomen were their allies, and he certainly didn't want anything to happen to them.

Losing contact would likely affect his guardian spirit, Qin Sang wasn't sure, but there were many clearly detrimental consequences.

The world is vast and boundless.

Therefore, he could not determine the location of the Divine Court and thus did not know where Zhang Tianshi would establish his Daoist temple.

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In the future, even if Lei Zu remained stable, Qin Sang would still be unable to seek refuge. He would be like a rootless duckweed, drifting aimlessly in the vast world.

Also, most of the talismans in the Wu Lei Si Yuan (Five Thunder Temple) are related to inviting deities, transforming deities, and summoning thunder gods. These talismans will also become ineffective and cannot be practiced.

Qin Sang shook his head, putting aside his thoughts.

Gradually, Qin Sang confirmed that with the assistance of the Five Thunder Temple Seal, stabilizing Lei Zu's illusory image was not difficult, but it would require a long time.

Spring comes, winter goes.

Summer and winter alternate.

Time flies, a hundred years have passed.

The moss on that hillside had grown thicker, the base piled high with thick fallen leaves, and weeds flourished.

This place is rarely visited by people. Over the past hundred years, the Smoke and Water View has welcomed several new disciples, and some accomplished disciples have also come down the mountain for training. But no one noticed that there was another world behind the mountain wall.

Over the past hundred years, Qin Sang has only been awake once, twenty years ago.

That day.

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Yan Shui Guanguan, the master cultivator, had reached the peak of the Jindan stage after years of painstaking refinement. Determined to break through the bottleneck of the Yuying stage, he made his move.

Qin Sang was awakened by the movement of Heaven and Earth's vitality. His gaze pierced through the mountain wall, looking towards a quiet room in the Taoist Academy.

It's a pity that the celestial phenomenon of heaven and earth's vital energy only lasted for a moment before clouds parted and mist dissipated, failing to attract a heavenly tribulation.

Qin Sang shook his head, let out a long sigh, and continued to meditate.

This was the 105th year since he had entered the world.

Inside the mountain wall.

Qin Sang opened up another place outside as a cave dwelling for Lord Luo and Lord Gui.

And Qin Sang's cave dwelling also had an extra bed.

A little girl lay on the bed, she was the spirit of Wu Xing Mian's artifact, sleeping soundly.

A little girl was nestled with a vermilion bird, both sleeping soundly.

Qin Sang sat cross-legged, motionless for a long time.

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At this moment, the talisman platform hovered before him. In the position of the guardian deity, Lei Zu's phantom was significantly clearer and more solid.


Within the grotto, thunder boomed incessantly, but the barrier formations kept it contained, and no Daoist cultivators in the temple were disturbed.

Suddenly, a blinding lightning bolt erupted from the talisman altar and instantly retracted back into it. A phantom image of Lei Zu appeared, one hand holding the decree scroll in gold, the other supporting the Five Thunder Envoy seal, sitting firmly in the center.

Qin Sang woke up leisurely, looked at the talisman altar, and nodded secretly.

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> "Everything must be perfect!" (The End)xt you'd like me to translate!All the way, there were no abnormalities. Qin Sang's tense heart relaxed a little, his disguise was successful, and he finally infiltrated the Qingyang Demon Sect!The Inn...