Rain beating on blue works

Chapter 1880: Patrol the Heavens


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Qin Sang was startled. Back then, during the Wudang Mountain summit showdown, the Left True Person had told him some Taoist secrets.

"The Divine Court! The Divine Court is actually in the Moon Palace!"

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Through the moonlight, passing through the South Heavenly Gate, Qin Sang vaguely saw a vast expanse of space.

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But behold, beneath the Southern Heaven Gate, a golden pillar stands tall, with dragons and phoenixes entwined, a mystical tortoise bearing it up, and qilin surrounding it.

Behind the gate, it resembled a world of immortals, with clouds and mist, the Milky Way shimmering with dawn glow, a breathtakingly beautiful fairyland.

The vast stone bridges span the sea of clouds, some disappearing into the depths of white mist, while others connect to the divine mountains and ethereal peaks.

Above the sacred mountain, clouds fly white as flowers, and spiritual gardens flourish.

The mountains are green, the water is blue, and the wind is fresh.

The green of pine, the green of bamboo, the green of grass.

The sky is a hazy blue, veiled in mist. Strange flowers and exotic grasses bloom, immortal and evergreen for thousands of years.

Above the clouds, amidst pavilions of jade and crystal, towering palaces rise.

Beyond the Golden Hall lies another Golden Hall, and beyond the Immortal Palace is another Immortal Palace.

Towering to infinity, piercing the heavens, with stars and celestial bodies scattered across it, a breathtakingly magnificent sight.

Truly, it can be said: clouds and mist rise and fall like heavenly palaces, stars shine brightly and gather together, forming a floating bridge.

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Qin Sang seemed to see celestial beings walking on clouds, riding dragons and phoenixes, soaring through the air, floating like leaves on water, feasting on the essence of immortal winds, and gathering the purple qi from the east.

Had Qin Sang not known this to be the divine court of Daoism, in this very moment, amidst the haze, he might have thought himself about to ascend and achieve enlightenment, reaching true immortality in the immortal realm.

A fairyland of magnificent grandeur.


But these scenes felt unreal to Qin Sang, like watching flowers in a mirror or the moon reflected in water.

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In the fairyland, there was a deathly silence. Though the pines and bamboos on Xian Shan were lush and green, one couldn't sense any life within them; they seemed like mere illusions.

Even, Qin Sang began to doubt whether this "Immortal Realm" truly existed. Perhaps everything was just an illusion.

The bright moon hangs high in the sky.

Not only could one see the starlight on the ground, but one could also clearly feel the moonlight growing brighter and the moon halo expanding.

Qin Sang leaned against the jade throne, her hands tightly gripping the armrests. Her gaze shifted from the moon and down to the earth below.

The dragon rides the sky.

Mountains and rivers bathed in moonlight, rapidly shrinking within his field of vision. Qin Sang saw the island where Mo Xindao was in seclusion, Sword Heart Island, Hubu Island, the north and south banks of Star Island Fairy Lake, and the East and West Grand Rivers.

And, the vast expanse of land with mountain outlines...

At this very moment, his heart pounded with anxiety. The momentum of the Taiyi Star Chariot was too great, causing the moon to change and the entire realm to tremble.

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The moment the Golden Dragon appeared, Qin Sang realized something was wrong, but it was too late to stop it.


The bright moon shines upon the Taiyi Star Chart. Such a strange phenomenon cannot escape the perception of the powerful beings in this realm.

Qin Sang seemed to have already felt the gaze fixed on her.

No matter what, his secret will definitely be exposed. Dao Ting Zhenjun and the Great Saint of the Demon Clan will all come to him.

He naturally leaned towards Dao Ting, but this wasn't a decision he could make.

Though it may seem like a journey of thousands of miles, for those with great power, it could take only a blink of an eye. Who knows which side arrived first

If both parties are involved in the struggle between powerful beings, the outcome will certainly not be good.

Qin Sang knew that fortune and misfortune were hard to predict, there was no escape. With a resigned heart, he let Xingyu rush towards the Moon Palace. Perhaps if he could reach the divine court before the True Monarch and Great Saint arrived, there might still be a chance.

In fact, he was also powerless to stop the golden dragon.

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The Jade Court knew not what drew the Golden Dragon, eager to return home as it was, straining its might to pull the palanquin towards the Moon Palace.

Qin Sang tried to manipulate the Taiyi Star Car and communicate with the golden dragon, but all he got in response were booming dragon roars that refused to let it stop.

What is the relationship between Taixingyu and Shenting

What is the connection between Qisha Dian and Taoism

Qin Sang had too many questions in her heart, but at this moment, she had no time to think about them. She retracted her gaze and nervously watched the bright moon in the sky.

In the battle on the divine platform, the true monarch and the great sage's magical powers only showed a glimpse. They could unleash their powers across thousands of miles. However, the moon hung high in the sky, seemingly unreachable. Qin Sang worried that he might not even have a chance to enter the divine court.

However, Qin Sang's worries were quickly dispelled.

Not only was Jinlong faster than expected, but as Qin Sang raced towards the Moon Palace, the bright moon also seemed to be drawing closer to him.

The center moon was like a passageway to the divine court, holding an infinite pull for the golden dragon. In his eyes, it expanded at a speed beyond imagination.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Sang felt himself enveloped by the lunar glow, wandering in the cool moonlight, as if traveling through space.

In such a short amount of time, it was impossible for him to fly to the moon, he didn't even feel the impact of the wind.

And the Nantianmen gate is right ahead!

The Zhong Mao Zhi governs the altar.

A Daoist appeared above the golden hall at an unknown time. He gazed up at the heavens, his expression grave.

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A gleam flashed in the Taoist's eyes. He raised his right hand, fingers twitching, and before he could finish the incantation, a golden dragon was already dragging the jade palanquin into the moonlit sky.


Mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, all tremble with the moon.

Giru Mountain somewhere.

On the wide avenue, a team of horse-drawn carriages galloped under the moonlight. Their wheels left clear tracks on the ground, showing that the carriage was very heavy and loaded with goods.

Escorting horsemen rode back and forth along the sides of the caravan, keeping watch over the dense forest on either side of the road.

Ahead was a light carriage, and two people were talking softly.

The message is reliable, as long as it reaches Lin Yin City within three days, the cargo value can be ten times...

The conversation was suddenly interrupted by startled cries from outside. The two of them changed color, feeling the ground tremble as if thousands of horses were charging.

One of them hurriedly lifted a corner of the curtain. All the guards were staring at the sky, with no sign of any bandits.

"What are you doing"

The man frowned, let out a scolding, and then craned his neck to look at the sky. He was instantly stunned.

There is a beautiful mountain range in a certain place.

The entrance to the grotto was half-open. There was a stone table in front, with nectar and immortal fruits laid out on it. Three Taoist priests sat around it, one drinking wine and singing, while the other two clinked jade bowls together in response.

At the very peak of its fervor, the song abruptly ceased.

Three people suddenly stood up, overturning the stone table without realizing it, and simultaneously rose into the air. Looking at the familiar full moon, their faces were filled with shock.

As cultivators, they see more than ordinary people.

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The root of all evil.


The roars rose and fell, a chaotic symphony.

Here, you can also see the changes in the moon.

In the depths of Niyuan, ferocious beasts fueled by the moonlight became agitated and restless. Soon, bloody battles erupted throughout the land.

Deep within the source of evil, a powerful presence stirred.

Sea of suffering.



Although there was no storm, the sea was rough with towering waves.


After the wave passed, a mysterious dark shape swam beneath the surface.

The chaos spread silently across the sea, some places where the seawater turned blood red, gradually connecting into a horrifying sight.

There were also monstrous waves, like those that could shatter the sea itself, emitting an aura that instilled fear in even the most ferocious beasts.

The tranquility of the court was broken.

Shadows flew out of the golden palace one by one. The celestial officials were startled by the change, seeing the celestial phenomenon in the sky, their mouths agape, unable to believe their eyes.

Similar scenes also appear at the Jingtan Temple, Dutantan Temple, various Daoist schools, the mansions of officials in the Ghost Realm, the ancestral halls of prominent families, mountain-dwelling sects, and hermit cultivators' dwellings...


The Daoist lowered his hand and withdrew his gaze, looking eastward toward the direction of Bai Shi's altar.

At the same time, Kun Dao, whose lotus foot was standing on a bamboo leaf, also happened to look over.

Two pairs of eyes met across the space, as if they could see each other's solemn expressions.

The change was too sudden, with no warning.

No one expected that the Divine Court would appear at this time, and the Dao Court was completely unprepared.

Two hundred years of planning, ruined in a day!

This is a simple test.

The Opener of the Divine Court, a being they never anticipated. Unexpected, yet somehow inevitable.

The two True Lords seemed to have finished their exchange, and they turned their gazes to Kushiro.

The direction they were looking in was exactly Star Island Immortal Lake, Sword Heart Island!

On the island of Kenshin.

Master Zhjian stood suspended above the island, gazing up at the full moon. The surprise in his eyes had yet to fade.

His gaze was profound, imbued with an ethereal charm. Through the halo of the moon, he saw the divine court and the jade chariot, along with the shadowy figure upon it.

At this moment, the real person Zhishjian sensed a gaze coming from afar. He turned his eyes westward and crushed a spirit talisman.

"Sword-wielding friend"

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The daoist's voice echoed in my ears. Though laced with doubt, there was a hint of reproach.

"Master Zhishjian let out a light sigh, his voice laced with apology. 'This matter was indeed beyond my expectations,' he said. 'It is my fault for being negligent.'"

The distant Taoist priest opened his mouth as if to speak, but suddenly his mind was shaken. He used his footwork to focus his vision, looking past Guishanji and towards the Ghost Country.

Only the altar of Okamura's governance, also known as the Great Holy Palace of the Ghost Realm, could be seen. At this moment, demonic clouds billowed and demonic energy surged into the sky.


With a thunderous boom, the sound shook the heavens and earth!

The Taoist's expression changed abruptly, and he asked in a hurried voice, "Does the agreement that you and I made before still stand"

The air of the six heavens in this world is everywhere.

The Daoist sect is confined to this realm, and all Daoist cultivators rely on the Divine Court for cultivation. Their cultivation is tied to the Imperial Seal of Merit.

It is precisely because of the constraints of the Dao seal that Taoist cultivators are restricted in their cultivation and actions. They are unable to escape this realm, though they cannot break free from its limitations.

It should be noted that this realm is not a naturally formed Xia Qian World, but rather a world created by the predecessors of Taoism in a time of crisis. They used the Divine Court to divide the Great Thousand and seal off one realm, preserving the Taoist lineage.

If one cannot find the Divine Court, one will be unable to return to the myriad realms.

If all four divisions were to be governed simultaneously, with the four seals united as one, there would still be a possibility for the Daoist court to birth a new Celestial Master, rekindle the Divine Court, and revitalize the Daoist sect.

Unfortunately, the world is unpredictable. The battlefield was destroyed, and ghosts and soldiers rebelled, leaving the situation in shambles to this day.

Masters and Honorable Ones of the Dao, one after another, attempted various methods to break the deadlock. However, due to the inherent limitations of this realm's environment, all their efforts were in vain.

Until two hundred years ago, a turning point arrived.

...The Zhishan temple suddenly shook for no reason. The two True Lords vaguely sensed the movement of the Divine Court, and at the same time, an outsider came to the Daoist court, it was exactly the Executioner Sword True Person.

Both parties swore an oath and joined forces to help the Daoist Court return.

However, once the Celestial Court appears in the world, it will inevitably shake the vast universe, and even may attract other powerful figures of the Heavenly Master level.

The Dao Ting Fu Shen is the ultimate achievement of pushing Fu Dao to its limits.

Treasures like the Nine Heavens Response Yuan Lei Sound Puhua Tianzun, symbols of higher Taoism, are considered invaluable treasures in the world of talismanry.

Even if the enemies from Dao Ting's past are gone, those powerful figures would certainly not mind seizing a talisman god.


Returning to the world, there are external threats and internal worries.

The internal threat was indeed the Ghost Fang Kingdom. As expected, the Great Saint of the demon clan didn't hesitate and struck the Demonic War Drum.

In the original plan, Daoting prepared for the revival of the Divine Court on one hand, and used Shinto as bait to lure demons into the game, proactively offering the Twenty-Four Heavenly Prisons Remnant Map.

Once the national treasure of the ghost realm truly merges with the divine, steps into the path of the gods, and becomes a god-demon.

Dao Ting could then, after taking control of the Shen Ting, easily subdue the Gui Fang Guo by suppressing the ghosts through the Shen Ting, thus resolving internal troubles and focusing on external threats.

During the period when the Taoist sect closed itself off, the Shinto practiced by outsiders also continued to evolve, becoming significantly different from the Shinto that the Taoist sect had deduced and evolved from Fu Dao.

The Swordmaster brought esoteric texts from the otherworldly realm into this world. After modifying the Daoist Temple, unbeknownst to gods and demons, he sent them to the Netherworld, giving the demons a new awakening.

For countless years, the Taoist sect and the Ghost Realm have been relentlessly searching for a way out. They will try anything if there's even a sliver of hope.

Once the Great Sage gains enlightenment, he will surely go on to deduce a new divine path, thus falling into the trap.

Meanwhile, to avoid alerting the demons, the True Monarch should remain still. The task of finding the Divine Court falls to the Sword-Wielding True Person.

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He is a true swordsman, sword as his only companion. His way lies in the sword, not in the divine court. Armed with his blade and unwavering focus, he attained entry into the sacred ground of the mountain.

Zhijian Zhenren entered and exited the Guishan medical hall many times, gradually getting some clues. He also successfully lured the Ghost Fang Nation into a trap.

Everything was developing in a positive direction, but then something unexpected happened.

The appearance of the divine court in the mortal realm was triggered by Qin Sang's divine chariot. The Daoist sect's preparations were far from complete.

Without a Heavenly Master's decree, even if one finds the South Heaven Gate, no true immortal can enter the Divine Court immediately. There is, however, an exception to this rule.

24 Days of Hellish Prison Scenery!

The Fengdu Ghost City was once connected to the Heavenly Court, essentially becoming part of it. As long as one knew the location of the Heavenly Court, they could use the fragmented map to send demon cultivators who had become ghosts into the Heavenly Court.


Even the demon clan's great saint, without entering the divine path, can seize the opportunity to enter the Divine Court by relying on the remnant picture!

Once the Divine Court is seized by demons, the consequences will be unimaginable. The twenty-four Heavens Prison diagrams sent out will instead become death warrants.

These are minor details.

The Daoist looked towards the profound void, his brows furrowed tightly. An unexpected divine court appeared above his head, its tremors having spread throughout the myriad worlds, impossible to conceal.

If the real person Zhishjian tears up the contract and leaves Daomen, at this time, Daomen will be powerless to deal with both internal and external troubles, and it will face a catastrophe!

The Executioner Sword Immortal laughed heartily as he looked up to the heavens: "As sword cultivators, we would rather strike straight and true than seek out roundabout solutions. How could we ever break our promises! I would rather die than compromise my integrity!"

The laughter was loud.

The master swordsman, Zhijian, stepped forward, his footsteps landing on empty space as he ascended to the heavens.

The sword slave stood on the island, his face full of worry. Suddenly, he heard the real master of swordsmanship shout: “Tonight is the time for you to break through and kill the enemy! Go now!”

The sword slave's heart trembled, and he bowed respectfully, raising his spirit sword and heading north to the cursed land.

Within the divine court.

Qin Sang rode the dragon and arrived, in his heart feeling as if he had crossed an invisible barrier. He effortlessly flew beneath the South Heaven Gate with no obstruction whatsoever.

Just as Qin Sang passed through the South Heaven Gate, a figure suddenly appeared before him, blocking his way.

"Sword-wielding friend"

Qin Sang was full of shock.

The person before him was none other than the Sword Wielding Immortal, but his form was illusory, seeming to be a phantom conjured by the power of his primordial spirit.

"I am Tian Yue!"

The True Man with the Sword spoke in a low voice.

At this moment, his aura was completely different from the sword-wielding real person Qin Sang was familiar with.

Is it Tianyue

The Heavenly Person of the Beichen Realm



Qin Sang's expression changed drastically.

"I have been entrusted by others to help you achieve the realm of emptiness here in this world."

Tian Yue Shangren looked at Qin Sang's divine chariot, his eyes complex. "This old man originally thought it was the feat of Feng Yu, but it turns out that the Dao Ting's patrolling divine chariot is in your hands. No wonder you could break through the barrier and enter this realm!"

(The end)towards the Immortal Gate. The others hastily suppressed their shock and followed closely behind.'Boom!'The celestial gate trembled violently, splitting open a fissure. The crowd did not rush to ente...