Rain beating on blue works

Chapter 1878: First Exploration of the Storm


ing away at high speed.The short cultivator watched Master Miao's figure disappear before returning to the clam shell with a worried expression.Zhao Yan frowned, pondered for a moment, and ordered Qin...Qin Sang left behind Master Qi's true disciples, as well as two sturdy named disciples.

Both were Qi Da Shi's registered disciples, chosen specifically by Qin Sang to inherit the "Chong Xuan Ce". However, Qin Sang had no intention of re-establishing Chong Xuan Guan, nor did he allow them to call him master. He waited for them to achieve mastery before allowing them to establish their own schools.

Qin Sang activated his true essence, driving the Huoshi Grand Formation. The power of fire grew increasingly intense, burning with an extraordinary heat.

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Five disciples, although not the first time observing Qin Sang refining artifacts, had only seen him practice with small works before. They stood stiffly to the side, not daring to breathe heavily, lest they made a mistake.

"There's no need to be nervous, what you have learned has already surpassed your master. As long as you don't slack off in your practice, keep a calm and collected mind, and follow my instructions, there will be no problems," Qin Sang glanced at them and said faintly.

"The juniors will keep your teachings in mind and never slack off," the five bowed together.

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Qin Sang no longer said much, plucking lightly with his fingers. Beams of light flew out, containing broken Ming Shan armor and various spirit treasures. The most precious parts were all obtained from the Daoist Temple.


He planned to reforge the Mingshan Armor into a breastplate, but wouldn't completely revert it to its original form. Master Qi had laid a solid foundation back then, and many of his ideas couldn't be realized due to limitations in skill. Now Qin Sang could make them a reality.

Besides the most important few kinds of spirit materials, the rest were basically refined by five disciples. Qin Sang kept holding the Ming Shan Armor, carving something on it.

The five people knew that such an opportunity was hard to come by, so they worked diligently. Qin Sang occasionally offered a few pointers, and there were no major mistakes.

After completing the initial preparations, the five of them looked tired, but none of them wanted to leave at this moment. Instead, they were somewhat excited because Qin Sang was about to start the ritual.

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In the following refining process, there wasn't much they could directly participate in, but Qin Sang would occasionally offer explanations. Every word and deed of his proved incredibly beneficial to them.

One month later.


The flames of fire slowly subsided. Qin Sang gazed at the crimson flames, extending a hand and summoning a red light into his palm. The flame burned his palm.

Five people all looked expectantly at the palm of Qin Sang's hand.

From the flames, a glimmering object slowly emerged. It was a piece of inner armor, incredibly light and soft. When rolled up, it took no more than a handful's worth of space. Though weightless to the touch, it wasn't silk or cloth. A faint trace of fire still danced on its surface, unable to harm it even slightly.

As the flames dissipated, Qin Sang felt a wave of warmth and coolness in his palm. True energy flowed into it, stretching and unfolding, revealing a thin armor as delicate as a cicada's wing.

Qin Sang drew out the palm sword, stabbing it towards Nei Jia's chest.


With a sound like golden plates clashing, the inner armor only swayed slightly, remaining unharmed, without even a scratch.

“That’s good! We won't change the name, just keep it as Mingshan Gai.”

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Qin Sang smiled, nodded in satisfaction, made a slight gesture of reverence, and activated the Mingshan Armor to be worn inside his robes. It felt as light as nothing.

"You all cultivate diligently, Poor Dao will come back another time to examine your homework."

Saying that, Qin Sang closed the fire room formation and got up to walk outside.

Five people respectfully responded, respectfully sending Qin Sang out of the mansion, then hurriedly shut themselves in seclusion.

After leaving the Qi Mansion, Qin Sang traveled west alone. As usual, he first visited Master Zhenru to discuss the Daywheel Seal.


Through many years of contemplation by Master Qin Sang and the monks of Jingtai Temple, their understanding of the Solar Wheel Seal has deepened progressively.

However, Qin Sang clearly felt that once he understood the ways of inner and outer scenes, and began to contemplate dharma forms, his understanding of the Sun Wheel Seal accelerated.

After a brief stop at the Jingtai Temple, Qin Sang continued westward, entering the Baishi Zhizhi Altar and meeting Yuan Zhenren.

“Decided Oh So your cultivation has made a breakthrough, it seems you have quite a bit of confidence this time,” Yuan Zhenren’s eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

Qin Sang said calmly: "Whether it succeeds or not, we can't delay any longer. If we miss the opportunity, I fear I will have no way to redeem myself even with a thousand deaths."


"The situation isn't that dire yet, but it's good to be prepared in advance," Yuan Zhenren didn't give him a war drum instead he took out a jade slip, "Inside is this poor Taoist's insights over the years, you take it and study them carefully. Before opening the furnace, you must adjust the fire formation accordingly to better suit the treasure, these 《Zhongxuan Ce》 also describe it. There are many taboos in setting up the altar, only this poor Taoist can personally experience and do them."

“Thank you, senior,” Qin Sang took the jade slip and bowed, then was led by a golden armor warrior to a golden hall to close-door practice.


This closed-door training lasted nearly half a year, and Qin Sang received guidance from Master Gu and Real Person Yuan. His confidence has grown considerably as a result.

The fire was burning inside the hall.

Qin Sang sat cross-legged beside the fire, Yuan Zhenren sat opposite him, and through the firelight, he glanced at Qin Sang, "Begin."

Qin Sang took a deep breath and threw the war drum in his hand toward the flames. At this time, the war drum had been restored to its damaged state by Yuan Zhenren.

At the same time, one by one precious spiritual objects were also sacrificed by Qin Sang and began to be tempered.

With Yuan Zhenren's help, Qin Sang felt much lighter when tending the fire.

He wouldn't be arrogant enough to think that he could single-handedly repair the innate spirit treasure just because he received the inheritance of Chongxuan Guan and guidance from Yuan Zhenren.

If it weren't for the two master alchemists passing down their experience to him, providing clear guidance and direction, allowing Qin Sang to start from scratch, he truly wouldn't know how much longer he would have to wait.

Qin Sang firmly remembered every word Master Gu and Yuan Zhenren had said. His goal was to grow from this refining process, not to stand out on his own.

The spiritual fire in Qin Sang's hands shifted endlessly, extracting the essence of one spiritual object after another. To prevent failure, Yuan Zhenren had prepared three sets, but Qin Sang's performance was much easier than he expected.

Gradually, Yuan Zhen relaxed his control over the spiritual fire, discovering that Qin Sang was still at ease, his mastery of fire extraordinary, and his spiritual awareness incredibly keen. He couldn't help but show a look of approval.

After the refining of the spiritual object was complete, Qin Sang sank his mind into the war drum, his heart focused and unwavering.

At the same time, he pinched a seal with his hand and manipulated wisps of flame, striking the drum surface lightly or heavily.

'Bang! Bang! Bang!'

The drums roared, trapping them within the fire chamber under a binding spell.

In a short while, the war drum's surface began to glow red, growing increasingly brilliant until it rivaled the spiritual flames in intensity.

Surprisingly, Qin Sang broke out in a fine sweat at this moment, apparently finding this step quite difficult.

As time passed, the war drums underwent a transformation. Between the crimson glow, fine threads flickered faintly, countless restrictive runes, intricate beyond measure, that even an ordinary cultivator would feel dizzy and disoriented upon a single glance.

Qin Sang worked tirelessly, his eyes fixed intently on the drumhead.

This is just a test.

One crucial step in refining weaponry is called "Communicating the Qi Meridians." This applies to repairing artifacts as well. Qin Sang's action here was to activate the remaining Qi meridians within the War Drum, proceeding to organize and mend them.

The war drums were damaged, the qi was withered, and chaos reigned. Even with two master alchemists "guiding" him, Qin Sang still felt immense pressure.

>Inside the chamber, day and night were indistinguishable.

Qin Sang was engrossed, carefully executing each step.

The essence refined by the spiritual creature floated quietly around Qin Sang. After an unknown amount of time, a wisp of cyan spirit energy was summoned by Qin Sang and slowly drifted towards the broken hole in the war drum.

The aura of Qingling swirled above the cave entrance, Qin Sang's handprints continuously changed, streaks of light striking the opening. The drum and the Qingling aura resonated, their energy gradually coalescing into a veil, perfectly fitting over the cave mouth.

Having completed this step, Qin Sang let out a long sigh of relief and a look of excitement appeared on his face.

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“Very good! This poor Daoist has prepared five sprigs of Yuansichao for you. I didn't expect you to succeed all at once. It seems you have a natural talent. It's just that you haven't had a master to guide you before, so take a break first,” Yuan Zhenren nodded repeatedly and helped Qin Sang stabilize his war drum.

Even though Qin Sang was no longer at an age that needed encouragement, hearing the Grandmaster's praise still lifted his spirits. He immediately entered a state of meditation and adjusted his breath.

As wisps of spiritual essence were poured into the fire, the holes in the drum face were gradually filled, leaving almost no trace of damage.

Occasional mistakes are inevitable, but they are of no consequence.

However, it's not yet complete. A journey of a hundred miles begins with a single step. The next step is to truly blend the spiritual essence and the drum body, allowing the energy channels to flow freely. This will be the most challenging step!


Qin Sang took another breath, exhaled lightly, his face grave, and directly plunged both palms into the fire.


The spiritual fire blazed, and at first the war drums remained unchanged. Then, as if being melted by the flames, they seemed to shimmer with a glaze-like sheen that flowed over the broken places, spreading across the entire surface of the drum.

At last, the war drums could no longer be recognized. They had become a mass of brilliant red, shimmering with an ethereal glow.

"Seize the opportunity, do not hesitate!"

Yuan Zhenren lightly reminded.

Qin Sang didn't hesitate, immediately striking the crimson spirit embryo with a prepared seal.


A crimson spirit infant burst forth with a wave, shaking the spiritual fire, which was promptly suppressed by Master Yuan.

Qin Sang was now too preoccupied to spare a thought for anything else. He stared intently at the crimson spirit fetus, every fluctuation noted, his hands moving swiftly as he worked.

'Bang! Bang! Bang!'

The crimson spirit embryo vibrated, contracting inward. The glazed layer flowed faster and faster, signaling a fusion taking place within.

Finally, when the spirit fetus shrank to a single layer, no matter how many seal techniques Qin Sang cast, it couldn't change the spirit fetus in any way.

Qin Sang's temples were beaded with sweat. It was a combination of extreme exertion and the fact that things weren't going as smoothly as anticipated; he had encountered unexpected obstacles.


Qin Sang clasped the crimson fetal spirit tightly in both hands. A rich, concentrated blood qi surged forth; he was willing to exhaust his essence and cultivate the profound secret art of Chongxuan Guan. The blood qi madly poured into the fetal spirit, finally causing it to distort and vaguely take shape as a war drum.

Every step that follows will be extremely difficult.

Until the very end, the battle drums were almost perfectly reconstructed. Yet Qin Sang discovered that no matter what he did, he was always one breath short.

As his consumption grew increasingly severe, and it became impossible to sustain, Qin Sang finally shifted his gaze and looked towards Yuan Zhenren.

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The next moment, a powerful true essence burst forth from Yuan Zhenren's palm, causing the temperature of the fire room to soar. The spiritual fire instantly condensed to its peak and was absorbed entirely by the crimson spirit embryo.



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A wave of fire swept across the hearth.

At the center of the inferno, a spirit drum appeared. The hole in its surface was gone, and the radiance emanating from it was richer and more mellow than after Master Gu's restoration.

Qin Sang held the crucible in his hand, sensing it carefully. He handed it to Yuan Zhenren and reflected on the process of refining the artifact, feeling a tinge of regret.

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If we replace him with Master Gu, he should do even better. Master Gu's cultivation level is lower than his, so the difference isn't in cultivation, but in understanding of the path of refining artifacts.

However, with this experience, Qin Sang had many realizations and was eager to find a place to contemplate them. After digesting his gains from this time, his artifact refining skills would surely make great strides.


The sound of drums startled Qin Sang from his reverie.

Yuan Zhenren knocked a few times, then pondered, "The residual power is close to that of a spirit treasure. This poor Daoist will need to retreat for a long time...Fellow Daoist, you are probably also eager to retreat, so I won't keep you."

Thank you, Master Yuan, for your guidance.

Qin Sang got up, bowed and thanked him, then exited the fire room. He calculated with his fingers and found that more than three months had passed.

He had completed his transaction with Dao Ting, the war drums no longer belonged to him. However, Yuan Zhenren did not refuse his invitation to learn from him in the future.

From any angle, Qin Sang felt he had made a profit.

Yuan Zhenren went into seclusion, and he couldn't stay in the teaching hall for long. He borrowed a quiet room from Master Gu.

One year later.

Qin Sang left the pass, bid farewell to Bai Shizhi, and journeyed north alone. He encountered no trouble along the way and returned to Gu Shan to resume his work at the dojo.

Passing through the auspicious clouds and entering the golden hall, Qin Sang sent a signal. Not long after, a ray of light shot over, it was Mo Xindao.

"I have spent some time discussing the art of refining artifacts with Master Gu, " Qin Sang apologized.

"No worries! When I received your message, I came here to investigate on my own. Unfortunately, before I could get close to the storm mirage you described, I felt overwhelmed and dared not proceed further," Mo Xingdao sighed, "Inside is truly unrecognizable!"

As they spoke, the two of them traversed the Nine Turns Star River, traveling through illusions until they reached the edge of the Illusory Storm.

Mo Xingdao stood before the storm, silent for a long time.

Qin Sang then said: "What the storm is like inside, you'll only know if you go in!"

As he spoke, Qin Sang set up the talisman altar and opened the eight gates, summoning Lord Gui.

Lord Guihou's divine powers were indeed extraordinary. In just a few decades, he restored his physical body and regained eighty percent of his strength.


When he learned that they were going to enter the Phantom Windstorm, Guihou felt uneasy, but he didn't dare disobey Qin Sang's orders.

Then, Qin Sang took out some protective talismans. The three of them each displayed their divine abilities and formed a Three Talents formation, cautiously flying towards the storm.

Qin Sang was in the front, unleashing all his protective divine powers: the Great Golden Wheel Seal, the Separation and Reunion Divine Light, the Ming Mountain Armor, and so on. His Yunyou Sword hung suspended above his head, its sword light enveloping the three of them.


The moment they entered the storm, a chaotic wave of energy swept over them. The wind howled like blades, and Qin Sang trembled throughout his body. He stepped forcefully into empty space, struggling to stabilize himself. The Cloud-Traveling Sword blazed with light, its rays enveloping the three of them.

With Qin Sang at the helm, Gui Hou and Mo Xingdao felt significantly less pressure. They poured their full strength into maintaining the formation, assisting Qin Sang, and slowly flying towards the heart of the storm.

They moved slowly, stopping frequently to make sure it was safe before proceeding.

The situation is a little better than expected. The outer edge of the storm still shows the original dividing line where Fantasy was, indicating there is hope for recovery.

However, as the three ventured deeper, the scene before their eyes became increasingly terrifying.

Qin Sang followed the path he remembered, but behind him, there were no traces of even phantasmagoria. It was almost complete chaos, a devouring storm that grew increasingly dangerous.

Until the very end, there was still quite a distance to reach the Red Gold Spirit Needle. Gui Hou and Mo Xingdao felt their strength waning and had no choice but to retreat.

Lord Guihou's current strength was the weakest of the three, panting heavily with lingering fear in his heart.

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Mo Xingdao's expression was somber, and he remained silent.

Qin Sang knew what he was thinking and could only comfort him with a few words, saying that there were refining techniques in the sect similar to puppetry. Even if he couldn't find a path to ascension, they could try to help him obtain one.

When speaking, Qin Sang was thinking of the Taiyi Xingyu.

Looking back, to weather the storm, even with enough manpower, one needs a powerful amulet. According to Bao Gu's message, Tai Yi Xing Yu excels in both escaping and defense. It's time to start repairing it. (End of Chapter), almost releasing him from his ancient seal. Senior Qingzhu acted out of righteousness, sacrificing himself to ensure the demon soul and the Demon King perished together. Alas! If not for the interfe...