Rain beating on blue works

Chapter 1849: First Meeting


nly been an hour at most, yet the entire night had passed.Someone was walking outside, speaking in low voices. Qin Sang didn't dare to continue and went to bed, falling into a deep sleep.After several..."Here it is."

Qin Sang looked at the boundless blue light sea before him, lost in thought.

He was very familiar with this sea of light. The first time he entered the Hall of Governance, Youhuang Zhenren had described the wonder of the blue sea of light.

The expanse of the light sea was boundless, incredibly vast. Qin Sang had spent many years in the imperial court, experiencing countless illusions, but he had never encountered anything comparable to this blue ocean of light.

Within the field of vision, a strange sight where golden and blue light meet. The brilliant blue light is below, and the golden light is above, like an ocean of surging waves under a golden sky.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the golden light is gradually fading. This golden light came from the Yuantian Grand Formation and has nothing to do with the Diamond Bodhi Tree.

The blue light from the ocean floor was very pure, without any impurities. There were no signs of golden flames or tree shadows.

Before Shuyǐng openly appeared before people, Qín Sāng did not see any obvious blue light surrounding him.

According to Qin Sang's deduction, the Diamond Bodhi Tree must be hidden deep within the blue light sea.

The tree shadows have disappeared, but the waves haven't subsided. As long as you move fast enough, there's still hope of finding the treasure.

Qin Sang's mind flashed with a description of Youhuang Zhenren. Back then, she and several Taoist friends explored the Zhitan together. As they approached the blue light sea, they felt an inexplicable danger and stopped there, withdrawing from the Zhitan.

The Azure Sea's location isn't particularly deep, but its strangeness likely surpasses even the phantasmagoric visions found in the deepest sanctuaries.

Qin Sang had also felt that Guang Hai was not simple, and there was a hint of apprehension in her heart.

Besides, the blue light sea wasn't on his path of exploration. And with such a vast expanse of light, searching through it all would take too much time and energy. So he only entered once, staying at the outskirts for a while without venturing deep. Both parties remained peaceful.

> Unexpectedly, a sea of light hides ancient trees, and one enters a treasure mountain without knowing it.

Now it's too late to regret. Qin Sang swept across the sea where waves rose and fell, blue light and golden light colliding, creating spectacular scenes.

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Having found no other figures on the sea, Qin Sang shifted his gaze south to the Blue Light Sea, towards the direction of the forest realm.

The coastline of the blue ocean is very long, and where he is now, it's not close to the realm of the forest.

However, he was very familiar with the terrain surrounding the jungle domain. If anything unexpected happened, no matter where he came out from the blue light sea, he could quickly find the fastest route to reach the jungle domain.

With a plan forming in her mind, Qin Sang quietly approached the coast, silently melting into the sea of light.

Everywhere you look, it's all blue. There are no real things in your field of vision.

The deeper you go, the richer the blue becomes, transitioning from light blue to deep blue, and finally gradually shifting towards black. However, it never reaches pitch black; there's always a hint of ethereal blue visible.


Diving into the blue ocean of light, Qin Sang's eyes flashed with surprise.

He still remembered the feeling of entering here last time, on the edge it wasn't obvious yet, once he entered a section, he felt a strange force pulling him, constantly pushing him towards the deep sea.

This is a power Qin Sang has never encountered before. Its origin is unclear, and various Taoist artifacts and treasures are unable to block it. It seems to be one with the blue light.

Although the force wasn't strong, it gave Qin Sang a very dangerous feeling. Coupled with what You Huang Zhenren had described, the light sea could also affect one's mind, adding even more strangeness to it.

Then Qin Sang weighed the options and decided to give up.

But at this moment, Qin Sang had already gone a considerable distance and could no longer feel that power.

"Could it be that the tremors caused by the Diamond Bodhi Tree haven't subsided yet Other illusions, when struck by golden light, would become even more dangerous. But here, it's the opposite, as if it's become safer..."

Qin Sang called upon the Heavenly Eye Butterfly, together they activated the Heavenly Eye Divine Ability, their vision piercing through the profound sea of light.

In their eyes, the sea of light was violently shaking, its radiance surging with a kind of fragmented beauty.

Qin Sang thought for a moment, and then quickened his pace.

The fluctuations of the Light Sea itself can mask some breath, and with the Tianmu Butterfly's early warning, not even the enemy's shadow could be seen. There was no need to pursue perfect concealment.

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His objective was clear: he charged toward the center of the light sea, where the tremors originated. It must be related to the Diamond Bodhi Tree.

In fact, Qin Sang wasn't the only one who had this idea. The Ling You Wang group, for example, entered the Guang Hai even earlier than Qin Sang.

The entire sea of light was filled with a monotonous blue, desolate and lonely.

As Qin Sang ventured deeper, his carefree expression gradually subsided. He began to feel the tremors more intensely, and realized that standing firm at the source of these vibrations would be no easy feat.

Qin Sang's heart turned, he muttered a spell, and used the 《Hòutiān Mùrén Bēi》, transforming into a spiritual wooden body.

A spiritwood body has a keen sense for wood spirit energy. Even though the Diamond Bodhi tree is dead, perhaps its wood spirit energy has never leaked out. As long as even a trace leaks now, it will be sensed and the location of the spirit tree can be pinpointed.

Casting a secret spell, his body size remained the same, but his appearance became more bizarre.

As he was flying, Qin Sang's expression moved slightly. He suddenly stopped and turned his head to look towards the right front.

To him, it was just a monotonous blue glow. The Sky-Gazing Butterfly saw farther, seeing something like a bubble floating past there.

Qin Sang didn't hesitate and immediately changed direction, but when he rushed over and searched the surrounding area again, he found nothing. The bubble disappeared into thin air.

He furrowed his brows in thought. It couldn't have been a hallucination, there had definitely been a bubble, about the size of a baby's fist, that floated over from the source of the tremors.

At a fleeting glance, Qin Sang remembered the scene inside the bubble was somewhat blurry, shrouded in mist, like artificially constructed phantoms. Inside seemed to seal off an independent space.

"The deep sea is indeed wondrous..."

Qin Sang couldn't figure out the origin of the bubbles for a while. He didn't waste any more time and continued forward.


Like a tsunami, wave after wave of impact comes crashing in.

The power of this shockwave was extremely strong, but Qin Sang, who had manifested the body of a spiritwood, was still able to hold steady.

He was close to the source of the tremors now, and no matter how dangerous what lay ahead might be, he couldn't retreat.


A blue light wave crashed down with overwhelming force. Qin Sang's eyes darkened slightly, his feet lightly tapping the ground, his figure rising slightly.

A wave crested perfectly, Qin Sang stepping on the peak with impeccable timing. The Ming Shan armor on his body glimmered, flashing with a treasure's glow.

Though it avoided the crest of the wave, a powerful force still slammed into it.

At this moment, the power of the Zhenbao fragments merges into the entire Mingshan armor. This treasure can completely protect Qin Sang, remaining unscathed during the impact.


Qin Sang's speed not only did not decrease but increased. His toes pressed heavily on the tip of the wave, and with a leap forward, he flew hundreds of meters.

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He was like a surfer, constantly riding the waves forward.


Sadly, the good times didn't last. As Qin Sang got closer, a rumbling thunder began to echo from ahead.

Qin Sang listened intently for a moment, and suddenly felt a sense of foreboding. His expression changed drastically, and without hesitation, he displayed the Great Vajra Wheel Seal.

The pure light of the glass jewel shimmered in the deep sea.

In an instant, a violent tremor struck, accompanied by rolling thunder, as if heaven and earth were overturned. Qin Sang let out a muffled grunt, feeling as though a heavy hammer had slammed into his chest, and he was sent flying backwards on the spot.

The qi and blood within his body churned. Qin Sang was like a kite, tossed about by the wind and rain. Before he could steady himself, another, even stronger force slammed into him, causing his Ming Shan armor to creak ominously.

At this moment, the blue light sea was completely in chaos.

Centered on the source Qin Sang had felt before, it radiated outward. The entire sea of light was trembling. The blue light seemed to split into fragments, its impact forces colliding with each other, becoming even more chaotic.

This chaos appears at irregular intervals for unknown reasons.

Qin Sang had just entered and knew nothing about it. His mind raced, and he quickly made a decision: not to directly confront these forces.

He closed his eyes tightly, protecting himself, and using his own spiritual awareness and heavenly eye divine ability to find order in the chaos.

No matter how chaotic it became, he just needed to keep the source location in mind, allowing himself to be drawn into the reverse force, using it to get closer to the source. At first, his speed was surprisingly fast.

However, the further he went to the source, the stronger the impact became. Qin Sang felt extremely strained and still refused to be swept away, grasping any opportunity to move forward.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

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Mingshan's armor had endured countless impacts, its light flickering on and off like a candle flame that could extinguish at any moment.

At last, this wave of tremors is nearing its end, the impact beginning to weaken.

As Qin Sang was about to let out a sigh of relief, he suddenly sensed something. He abruptly turned his head to the right.

The next moment, two scorching gazes also appeared on the right, like swords piercing through.

Their eyes met.

Qin Sang's eyes were faintly stinging.

The chaos hadn't subsided, he couldn't hide at all. Upon discovering the other party, he was exposed as well.

"Taoist or demon"

Qin Sang's heart flashed with this thought, and the Heavenly-Eyed Butterfly transmitted a picture.

In the distance, there was a wizened old man with long flowing beard. He had kind eyes and a benevolent smile, but his aura was unmistakably that of a powerful demon.

"Demon Marquis! And he's at the later stage of Nascent Soul!"


Qin Sang's expression tightened, then he heard a roar, like rolling thunder.

"Who is it!"

The long-bearded old man was precisely the Demon Marquis who followed Spirit Ghost King. He was the most trusted subordinate of Spirit Ghost King, known as Dingxiang Marquis.

The title was personally chosen by the Spirit Ghost King, and just from the name itself, one can feel the trust the Spirit Ghost King has in him.


When Lingyou Wang was in seclusion, all matters of the palace could be decided by Dingxiang Hou.

The impact around had lessened considerably from its peak, and as the cry rang out, Ding Xiang Hou's beard split down the middle at his jawline, splitting into two strands that flew outwards.

The front part is a long mustache, and the back are two puffs of white vapor.

The white qi, like two white dragons exploring the way, parted the waves and surged forward at lightning speed.

Lord Dingxiang, eyes fixed on Qin Sang, charged towards him without hesitation, his clothes billowing in the wind.

All the demons followed Spirit King You into the blue light sea. But when chaos arrived, it was difficult to maintain formation and they were forced to disperse.

However, even when dispersed, they would not separate too far. Once the chaos subsided, they would soon reunite.

Another reason for the dispersion was that Lingyou Wang believed that the chaos was unusual and concealed a mystery. He ordered all the demons to investigate separately to support his judgment.

Sensing Qin Sang's aura, Lord Dingxiang immediately discerned that the visitor was not of the same kind.

Before entering the Hall of Judgment, all the demon marquises gathered together, memorizing each other's auras to avoid misunderstandings.

This person must be someone from the Taoist sect!

Since they are the enemy, Ding Xiang Hou will naturally not show mercy. If he can capture them and learn information about their comrades, our side will also gain the advantage.

Of course, Marquis Dingxiang had also considered that if the other party was a great immortal who had cut off their cultivation, he could at least hold them back for a while. King Lingyou was nearby and would be able to arrive soon.

Dingxiang Hou acted without hesitation.

"The divine wood stirred people's hearts, as expected, someone came to seek it. Demons lurked nearby, I wonder if there are any expert cultivators from the Daoist sect around here," Qin Sang sighed inwardly. He hadn't expected his identity to be exposed so quickly. He couldn't wait for an opportunity anymore, he could only face them head-on.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Two white streaks broke through the air with a deafening roar.

Qin Sang stood sideways, facing Ding Xiang Hou directly.

“It was him all along…”

The Marquis of Dingxiang was quite famous in the Kingdom of Gui Fang, and his identity was not hard to recognize. However, this demon's status was very high, and he almost never interacted with others. Outsiders knew little about his supernatural powers.

Even his true identity as a monster beast is subject to several theories.

Qin Sang stared at Marquis Dingxiang, ignoring the two white breaths. Only when the white breaths approached did she raise her right arm, transforming her hand into a palm, and delivering a heavy strike.


Under the blinding golden light, two white streaks stiffened and exploded with a sound.

As Ding Xiang Hou rushed closer, his pupils constricted and his expression grew even more serious. His eyes were a mixture of confusion and astonishment.

What kind of monster is this, a human or a demon

After the power of the True Treasure fragments merged, Ming Shan's armor became as liquid metal, and Ding Xiang Hou could faintly see a figure within the armor.

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After seeing it clearly, Ding Xiang Hou’s face was even more peculiar. His demonic body was already quite unique, he hadn't expected to see someone even more bizarre than him.


Qin Sang's breath was even more peculiar, with pure demonic energy and mixed poison, not the slightest trace of human aura.

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For a moment, even the Marquis of Dingxiang started to doubt his own judgment.

"Could it be a demon weapon of some great immortal"

A real person shouldn't be able to raise such a powerful demonic soldier.

Ding Xiang Hou inwardly felt this was the only possibility, and a chill ran down his spine. He silently scanned his surroundings.

The demonic soldiers are here, so the Grand Master shouldn't be far.

However, the Marquis of Dingxiang showed no intention of retreating. Seeing his white qi broken, he let out a light hum, and at the tip of his nose, a trunk appeared as if by magic. With a flick of the long trunk, he sprayed out two more streaks of white qi.

These two white qi were far more powerful than before. They intertwined, resembling a dragon spear, roaring as it pierced through the void and charged fiercely toward Qin Sang.

Qin Sang took a deep look at Dingxiang Hou. He had been retreating since just now, and at this moment he was retreating again and again.

The white dragon spear was as fast as thunder, leaving trails of spear shadows as it moved. In an instant, it arrived. If someone else were in this situation, facing such a disadvantage, they would be pierced through instantly.

Qin Sang calmly raised his hand to meet it. A flash of blood light appeared in his palm, and a sword materialized.



The dragon spear and the blood sword met head-on, their red and white light exploding with a deafening roar.

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Qin Sang's whole body trembled, and immediately he transformed into a bolt of lightning. Taking advantage of the force of the dragon spear, he continued to flee backward, showing no intention of entangling with Marquis Dingxiang at all.

According to previous encounters with cultivators and demon cultivators, both sides often acted in groups of several. Encountering one individual suggests the presence of more demon cultivators nearby, and there is a high probability that a hidden expert from the Grand Saint Mansion is also present.

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Even if Qin Sang had the ability to kill Ding Xiang Hou, he would never entangle with him here.

As it turned out, Qin Sang's judgment was correct. As they left, he could faintly sense a powerful aura approaching this place. The newcomer's aura surpassed even that of the Marquis of Dingxiang.

To his surprise, the other party was so decisive. Dingxiang Hou's face changed slightly, and his figure flickered, directly transforming into a white mist to pursue. However, he found that his escape technique was completely inferior to the opponent's. After chasing for a while, he was left behind.

(The End)loating above, which was the manifestation of an ancient prohibition.Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!The ancient restrictions held back all chaos, like a pure land.Yu...