Rain beating on blue works

Chapter 1754: Ghost Fang Nation


r of Illusions was destroyed by Sun De. Otherwise, with the Mirror of Illusions, the Phantom Wind, and the Azure Wave Sword, these three artifacts should have pleased Bai Mao.Let me know if you have a...'Bang! Bang!'

On an unknown riverbank, Qin Sang confirmed that there was no River God or land deity around. He tossed the two demons to the ground with a flick of his hand.

The serpent demon was unconscious.

The fox demon turned over, its eyes still filled with shock and confusion. It had waited for a long time but received no command. Unexpectedly, Qin Sang suddenly captured the snake demon. It was truly unpredictable, adding even more fear towards Qin Sang.

At this time, Qin Sang glanced at the embarrassed demon.


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With a flick of his spirit, the monster immediately understood the meaning in Qin Sang's eyes. Raising a gust of demonic wind, he summoned the river water and poured it over the snake demon's head.

The snake demon slowly awakened, shaking its head, still dazed.

Because Tianmù Dié is too fragile, Qin Sang tries his best to avoid letting her face enemies directly, and she rarely has the opportunity to stand alone.

However, Tiangu Butterfly's realm has reached the peak of the late fourth transformation, only one step away from the fifth transformation. The divine abilities it displays also have extraordinary power.

Because Qin Sang had instructed Tianmu Die to spare the snake demon's life and keep its ability to devour calamity thunder hidden, the bolt of heavenly thunder that struck the snake demon did not use the power of calamity thunder.

Even so, the snake demon was almost struck down by heavenly lightning.

Consciousness gradually returned, and the serpent demon recalled what had just happened. Raising her head, she saw Qin Sang standing on the bank, and was instantly shocked. Just as she was about to speak, the fox demon approached and whispered a few words in the serpent demon's ear.

The She-demon's eyes turned bloodshot upon hearing this, rage surging within her. She spat viciously at the Fox-demon and glared at it with such intensity that if Qin Sang hadn't been there, she would have devoured it in one gulp!

The demon spat in the face of the snake demon, but didn't retaliate. He just looked at the snake demon and sneered.

When the snake demon calmed down, her eyes flickered uncertainly. She finally let out a sigh and chose to surrender. She moved her serpent body to Qin Sang's feet and bowed her head, "Little demon greets the celestial immortal. Whatever treasure the celestial immortal desires, this little demon will offer with both hands. I only beg the celestial immortal for mercy and spare my life."

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Qin Sang retracted his gaze from the distance and glanced down, saying, "Show me your demon talisman."


The snake demon was taken aback. This person must be a genuine Taoist immortal. The Taoist scriptures are unparalleled in the world. Could a mere demonic talisman be worthy of the attention of a true immortal

It subconsciously glanced at the Bi Yao, not receiving any prompts, it dared not hesitate further. It took a deep breath, and behind it, a phantom appeared.

This is the translated text:

The phantom was a gigantic serpent, nearly a hundred meters long. It lay on the ground like a small mountain.

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The serpent's shadow looked exactly like the snake demon, and its scales were identical in color. The only difference was their size, which was vastly different.

Seeing the serpent's shadow, Qin Sang initially thought it was the snake demon's magical form. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was completely different from his own Qingluan magical form.

The serpent’s shadow seemed like a spirit of a snake, its essence condensed and brimming with vitality. Its gaze was sharp and intelligent, devoid of any stiffness, it was truly alive and vibrant.

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"Is this a demonic talisman"

Qin Sang sized up the snake shadow, his gaze strange. It was indeed very different from the human clan's talismans and altar platforms.

The snake demon nodded obediently, "This is a true essence I conceived while practicing my demonic arts."


Qin Sang's heart moved slightly.


The method of thinking, I suppose, is common to both Taoism and the serpent demon. However, Taoism produces protective deities for the altar, while the serpent demon thinks up an image almost like its own serpentine form, and its energy is identical to that of a serpent demon.

Outwardly strange, inwardly true!

Is this the difference between Taoist talismans and demonic talismans

Qin Sang focused her gaze and asked about the effects of the demon rune.

The Snake Demon did not dare to conceal, nor was there any need to conceal, because the most important function of the Demon Talisman was only one: to reflect on the true self within, also known as the inner divinity. It could protect one's own heart and mind from being disturbed by the chaotic energies of heaven and earth.

The biggest difference between talismans and demonic charms is that demonic charms do not have the effect of stabilizing vital energy, while demon cultivators cultivate strength and chaotic energy is actually beneficial to them.

Strength is this world's demon cultivator's interpretation of the path of physical refinement, and it's quite fitting.

Here's the translation, keeping only the text content and HTML tags:

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Qin Sang pondered for a moment, then asked, "Where did you obtain this demon talisman"


The snake demon hesitated for a moment, "My spirit was still dim and unclear when I accidentally stumbled into a cave. It was the dwelling of a powerful being from my snake tribe, and I received a stroke of good fortune within the dwelling..."

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The serpent demon recounted its experiences from that year in detail.

That day, it wandered around and came to a cave. It was mysteriously drawn in and entered a grotto deep within the cave. Suddenly, a ray of light shot into its brow, instantly awakening its spiritual intelligence. Immediately, cultivation techniques appeared in its mind, and it began its hazy practice.

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As the Snake Demon broke through to the transformation stage, it gradually felt a change. The protection its inner spirit provided to its soul seemed to weaken.

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Since he had not yet perfected the teachings passed down from his predecessors, he was hesitant. After practicing for a period of time, he finally confirmed this point.

At this point, the snake demon remembered something. The senior member of the snake clan had left a token in the stone cave, stating that if a descendant of the snake clan could cultivate to the stage of transformation, they could take the token to the Ghost Kingdom in the Double Mountains area to find it.

As the snake demon had been practicing alone in its cave, oblivious to worldly affairs, it only learned through inquiries outside that the Ghost Country was the opposing nation of demons and ghosts to the Daoist sect.

"Shuangshan refers to both Gushanji and Okaganji."

According to the transmission, the Dao Court originally controlled four regions, but for some reason, it lost control of the Shuangshan region. It was seized by demonic ghosts who established the Ghost Nation, challenging the Dao Court's authority.

That senior did not describe the realm of demon spirits in detail, and the snake demon dared not provoke the immortal officials of Dao court, so it was unclear about the situation in Shuangshan. It is said that Dao court and the demon spirit realm are not at peace and have been fighting for years.

Hearing this, Qin Sang interrupted the snake demon and turned to ask the fox demon.

Those who know the fox demon should know more about it.

The wretched demon had once followed a Daoist master, though he never accessed the true secrets, he did hear about some.

There is also the saying of two treatments in Dao Court, Zhongmaozhi and Shibazhi, as well as Gushan Zhi and Qingshan Zhi.


Nakamaru and Shiki are respectively governed by Tenshuin and Hokkyoku Kyakuiin.

It was Okoyama-ji that was truly occupied by the oni, while Gokujou was situated between Dōtei and Onigakuni, making it the most chaotic region and a constant battleground for both sides.

When the fiend was subdued by its former master, it happened shortly after its former master returned from Mount Kujū.

The personal guards under the old lord of the Beiyuan often bragged about their feats of valor on the battlefield. This made the Beiyuan demon king despise them, believing them to be traitors.

The constant warfare between the Dao Court and the Gui Fang Kingdom proves that there is some truth to the legends.

It is not easy to go to the ghost country.

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Of course, the serpent demon wouldn't dare cross the Dao Court's territory. Even skirting the edges was unsafe. Taoist cultivators called the wasteland beyond the Dao Court's borders the "Demonic Origin" or the "Sea of Demons".

The snake demon cultivates here, knowing that the Infernal Abyss is fraught with danger. It’s feared they won't even reach the Kingdom of Ghosts before meeting their demise.

It had cultivated for many years, and whenever it had free time, it would focus on refining the nine snake sheds. Its other abilities were ordinary, but unfortunately, even the carefully refined snake sheds couldn't help it escape danger, and it was captured by Qin Sang.

Having learned the reason, Qin Sang ordered the snake demon to take him to a cave dwelling.

One person and two demons returned the same way.

The cave was located in the middle of the nine caverns of the Snake Demon. After the inheritance was taken away by the Snake Demon, there was nothing special about this place, so the Sky-Eyed Butterfly did not pay much attention to it.


The grotto is quiet, and the sound of dripping water is distinctly audible.

The snake demon shrunk its size, transforming into a seven-foot-long slender scaled serpent slithering across the ground. It weaved through thick stone pillars and dove into an underground dark river. After a short journey, it found the entrance to a cave.


The snake demon twisted its head, "Immortal One, this is the place."

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Qin Sang walked forward and found the grotto very narrow. In the center was a circular stone pool, the water in it crystal clear. Beside the pool lay a flat black stone, the only furnishing in the grotto.

Qin Sang released his divine sense and had the Heaven-Eye Butterfly probe around. He found no hidden restrictions.

The snake demon could no longer remember how many times it had scoured this place. It remained nearby to cultivate, fearing that the snake clan senior might return.

“You murdered the Dao Ting branch leader, do you think there is a connection between fa lu and yao lu”

Qin Sang stared directly into the snake demon's eyes and suddenly asked.

The snake demon trembled in fear, his heart pounding with terror. He reluctantly nodded his head.

The path to the Ghost Realm was impassable. After much deliberation, the serpent demon decided to wait until its cultivation level improved before setting out, so it could make the journey safely.

At the same time, the snake demon was also actively looking for a way to save itself. Noticing the talismans practiced by Taoist cultivators, it felt that the two were quite similar and could be learned from each other to solve future problems.

It once used underhanded tactics to capture several low-ranking cultivators, but the harvest was meager.

Although Qin Sang hadn't personally experienced it, just listening to the two demons describe talismans and demon talismans, he felt that there must be a connection between the two. It was probably because the difference in cultivation practices led to their divergence, resulting in different manifestations.

After pondering for a while, Qin Sang summoned the Bei Yao and ordered the She Yao to bestow it with the talismans. He watched intently as the bestowal ceremony took place.

The demon was overjoyed.

Even though I have to rely on others for shelter again, I'm finally able to continue my cultivation.

Suddenly, the snake demon let out a sigh of regret and couldn't bear to look at the Fox Demon. She shook her head and said, "Little demon, I don't know how to bestow talismans on others. When this little demon first gained sentience, it was self-taught..."

Qin Sang didn't show much of a reaction.

The Beiyue Monster was already stunned, gnashing its teeth at the Snake Demon. Unfortunately, it didn't dare to attack in front of Qin Sang.

Qin Sang waved his hand, signaling the two demons to retreat. He sat alone on the black stone, lost in thought.

After capturing two demons, he gained a certain understanding of both the cultivation methods of the Daoist sect and the demon clan.

Whether it's the human world or the realm of demons and ghosts, the methods of transmitting talismans and conferring official positions seem to be controlled by major powers.

In this way, the internal secrecy of the forces in this world and the high-ranking cultivators' control over low-ranking cultivators are unimaginable.

In the Storm Realm, even if one offends a large sect, they can still become an independent cultivator and hide in remote areas to cultivate in seclusion. However, in this world, offending the Dao Court will make it impossible to move an inch.

That ancestor of the serpent clan was from the Gui Fang Kingdom. The demonic charm they passed down to the snake demon should be a tool for unifying demons. Since the demonic charm doesn't have the ability to stabilize one's vital energy, it means that using chaotic energy to temper one's body shouldn't have any other negative factors.

Thus, he could cultivate the Heavenly Demon Body Refining Scripture with peace of mind, continuing to temper his flesh and seek a breakthrough.

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But this is not a long-term solution, and it will inevitably return to the path of legal practice.


Qin Sang slightly raised her head, gazing eastward, her expression slightly condensed.

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It's hard to find a way out within the confines of the Daoist court, but the more chaotic things are, the easier it is to act!

The collision of demon talismans and dharma talismans between the two major forces, the Demon-Ghost Nation and Dao Court, also filled Qin Sang with curiosity.

Thinking of this, Qin Sang had a clear plan for his next move. He didn't need to rush into contact with the Daoist Temple, but could first go east to Gu Shanji!

However, there is one point that must be considered.

The Celestial Court and the Demon-Ghost Kingdom have been at war for many years, not out of personal animosity, but a conflict that likely involves powerful cultivators above the Nascent Soul stage on the battlefield. While his current strength is considerable, it might not guarantee his safety in such a perilous situation.


Every time 《Tian Yao Lian Xing》 breaks through a major realm, it requires the infusion of starlight essence. Currently, only chaotic energy and the spiritual liquid from the Dragon Transformation Pool are insufficient, and there is no direction for now.

However, before that, you can first open up spiritual apertures for the Dao tree, integrate it into the physical body, and refine it into a spirit wood body.

With a plan in mind, Qin Sang left the cave and returned to the cavern. He found that the two monsters were fighting each other at some point.

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The fox demon bit the snake demon on its seven-inch mark, while the snake demon clamped down tightly on the fox demon's neck. Both were covered in mud and looked utterly miserable.

Fearing they would disturb Qin Sang, the two great demons who had once been demon kings reverted to their beastly natures and fought fiercely. They clashed with such force that not even a single stone pillar was broken.

The snake demon was forced to scatter several streaks of demonic energy, her cultivation greatly damaged. She ended up fighting the other demon to a draw.

Upon seeing Qin Sang's arrival, the two demons stiffened involuntarily, reluctantly ceasing their battle and standing respectfully on either side of him.

Qin Sang said, not bothering to comment on the two demons' actions: "This poor Dao will soon be going to Ju Shan to settle some things. Would you care to accompany me"

Both demons nodded in unison.

They thought to themselves, they were afraid that even saying no would lead to their demise.

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Qin Sang knew their thoughts like the back of his hand and smiled faintly, "This poor Dao is not a cruel person, nor does he want to raise any troops. If you earnestly carry out the orders of this poor Dao, it will not be difficult to give you freedom. At that time, you can directly join the Ghost Fang Kingdom, and this poor Dao will not interfere. If you make great achievements, this poor Dao has other heavy rewards."


The two demons looked at each other, their hearts pounding with excitement.

...Not daring to expect any heavy rewards, the opportunity to join the ghost country's faction is extremely appealing to them.

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As for whether Qin Sang would keep their promise, they weren't sure, but the situation couldn't be worse than it was now.

“We are willing to follow the Immortal!”

The two demons bowed together, their voices carrying a hint of sincerity.

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Qin Sang nodded secretly. Gushan was a battlefield for the two major forces, and the two demons might be able to become his good helpers.

Not long after, one man and two demons arrived at the most prestigious residence in the nine-tiered palace of the Serpent Demon.

"You guard this place."

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Qin Sang left a sentence behind and entered the mansion to cultivate on his own.

A snake and a weasel guarded the cave entrance on either side, their eyes locked in a glare, their anger flaring anew.

Two years later.

The cave opened from the inside, Qin Sang stepped out, smiling.

Although knowing that using the Dao tree as a medium would make cultivating the "Post-Heavenly Wooden Man Monument" easier, he didn't expect to have all his spiritual apertures opened and integrated into his body in just two years.

Back then, the Odd-Faced Man spent over twenty years carving spirit apertures on the Red Xuan Ancient Tree.

And the strange-faced person had refined their acupoints for a very long time beforehand.

The more thoroughly prepared one is, the greater the chance of success. Even so, integrating the ancient Red Xuan tree into one's body was extremely difficult and nearly a failure.

While Qin Sang had only begun to refine his acupoints two years ago, he casually tried it out and it flowed smoothly into his body as if it were natural.

Qin Sang didn't expect it to be so easy, he was naturally astonished. This was all thanks to the Dao Tree, which had saved him a lot of time.

After completing this step, it is equivalent to initially refining the spirit wood body. However, if you want to use it for battle, you still need to nurture it in your body for some time.

As one's realm ascends, even more wondrous and extraordinary aspects will gradually manifest.

After looking around, he saw that the two demons had been diligently guarding this place for two years and were still in a weak state. So he gave up the idea of using them to practice.

Qin Sang pointed to the east, "Let's go!"

(The end)

Please: m.xyusk when she suddenly glanced down at the insect cage and remembered a perfect place.The Three Deadly Zones within the Qisha Hall are the Purple Mist Wasteland, the Silent Valley, and the Fairy Lake. Wh...