Rain beating on blue works

Chapter 1731: Old Friends, Old Times


e, Qin Sang suddenly remembered something. He took the jade Easy Tian Nie had left in his palm and examined it.The crescent-shaped jade pendant was not pure and clear, but rather opaque with a milky w...The domain name "Feisuo Chinese" is instantly accessible! Divine Sense perception reveals that a cultivator is flying towards this location from afar. Their aura is not weak, they are a nascent soul early stage expert.

Looking at the trajectory of its flight, it was flying straight towards him.

Qin Sang glanced at the token in his hand, stood still on the spot, and looked towards the direction of the arrival. After a while, he saw a blue rainbow piercing through the sky, and within the escaping light was a man in a long robe.


The man was handsome and looked to be around forty years old. As he flew, a faint blue sword light danced around him. The nearby rainstorm was drawn in by the sword light, transforming into swirling water waves that surrounded the man. He then used some kind of divine ability to manipulate these water waves, greatly enhancing his escape speed, making him one of the best among those of his rank.

In the Rainless Wasteland, the incessant downpour did not cease. The man utilized his surroundings to their fullest extent.

Qin Sang stood here motionless, but the man did not sense Qin Sang at all before he saw him.

Suddenly, a figure stood on the sea ahead. The man was startled and his eyes flashed with caution. He stopped before Qin Sang arrived.

The man did not sheathe his spirit sword, and his etiquette was quite proper. He bowed and asked, “My name is Zhuoyunshui, the guardian of the Four Holy Palaces. Was it a fellow Daoist who just touched the sacred decree”

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As he questioned Qin Sang, the man noticed the token in her right hand and his expression eased slightly.

The Edict's status in the Four Palaces is unparalleled.

Only the most esteemed guests of the Sishenggong, or those who have aided the Sishenggong in times of peril, are bestowed with a Holy Decree. Only a handful of individuals within the Sishenggong have the authority to issue such decrees.

Since the Four Saints established the Taoist lineage, it is estimated that only a few dozen copies of the Four Saints' Edict were released.

During the period when the Four Saints Palace was in decline, they secluded themselves from the world, possibly for several hundred years without releasing a single one.

The opponent holds a holy decree, they're at least not our enemy.

Zuo Yun Shui's heart was churning, quietly observing Qin Sang. The more he looked, the more confused and startled he became.

In recent years, the decrees issued have revealed his master's identity, but this person was so unfamiliar that Zhuo Yunshui had no recollection of him.

The other party was clearly standing right in front of him, but in his spiritual perception, this person seemed to not exist. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have difficulty believing that there was another person nearby.

In this case, it can only mean that the other party's cultivation level far surpasses him!

Could it be a hidden master from some sect

"Is this token what Zhu Hufa is talking about"

Qin Sang raised the token in his hand.

From the tone of his voice, it seems that the Saint Order is quite special within the Four Sacred Palaces.

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He recalled the scene from that year. This token was probably not given to him; Qingshugu Palace truly wanted to befriend Senior Qingzhu.

It's a pity they don't know that Senior Qingzhu was seriously injured and died...

Recalling past events with old friends, Qin Sang couldn't help but sigh. If he had the chance, he would really like to return to that valley and pay respects to his predecessor, Qing Zhu.

"Qin and Bao Zhengnan, Daoist Bao, once fought side-by-side in the Qisha Hall. This order was given by Daoist Bao to Qin, stating that if Qin visits the Four Sacred Palaces, they can activate this order in the northernmost region of Rain Desert."

Qin Sang explained.

"So Qin Daoist is an old acquaintance of the Palace Master, my apologies! My apologies!"

Zuo Yunshui bowed again, but his expression clearly showed that he didn't remember who Qin Sang was.

Bao Zhengnan has become the master of Qishenggong!

Qin Sang's expression flickered slightly, not seeming surprised. He only heard Zhu Yunshui continue, "Daoist Qin, your visit should have been greeted by the palace master himself. Unfortunately, the palace master is personally stationed on Tianxing Island and is not in the palace. I am responsible for guarding this place. I sensed the fluctuation of the holy decree and took the liberty to come forward to greet you. If I have overstepped, please forgive me, Daoist Qin."

Saying that, Zhu Yunshui didn't ask any more questions. He stepped aside and personally led Qin Sang into the Sisheng Palace to be a guest.

Before his departure, he had informed the palace that each imperial decree bore a special mark. He presumed that the island lord of Tianxing Island, far away, was already aware of the visitor's identity, and that the elders of the palace would have made arrangements.

Zuo Yunshui looked at Qin Sang, his heart filled with even greater confusion.

The Palace Master has been in Tianxing Island for many years, it's no secret in Canglang Sea. Why would this person visit the Palace Master instead of going to Tianxing Island, and come all this way here

Could he really be a hermit who doesn't concern himself with worldly affairs and seeks spiritual purification

Qin Sang also heard some information from Zhuo Yunshui's words. It seemed that Tianxing Island had returned to the control of the Sisheng Palace, and the situation in Canglang Sea was completely different from before. He wondered about the outcome of the battle between righteous and demonic cultivators.

He nodded and followed Zhuoyun Shui.

Zuo Yunshui was eager to test him, holding nothing back. He unleashed his full power, wielding his sword with utmost skill and driving his escape technique to its peak, his escaping light as swift as lightning.

Not until he himself felt overwhelmed did he realize Qin Sang had been silently following behind him all along, always maintaining a distance of three zhang—not an inch more, not an inch less.

But Qin Sang's breath was steady, only the corner of her clothes fluttering.

Zuo Yunshui was shocked and terrified, no longer daring to think of anything else. He took Qin Sang and fled northeast.

As we approached the Qishenggong, two figures flew towards us from afar.

"I have met Elder Wu and Elder Xiao."

Zhuoyun Shui stopped saluting and transmitted his voice to explain Qin Sang's origins.

The two elders fell to Qin Sang's feet and bowed, saying: "The Palace Master has already known that Daoist Qin is visiting, overjoyed. He will return to the palace tomorrow and order us to welcome Daoist Qin with utmost respect. We must not be disrespectful."

They, like Zhu Yunshui, were full of questions. They hadn't participated in the battle against demons at Yitian Peak that year and didn't recognize Qin Sang.

“It’s wonderful to see you still remember me, Bao,” Qin Sang chuckled calmly and waved his hand. “No need for such elaborate arrangements. I'm just visiting an old friend.”

As they spoke, Qin Sang followed the two elders forward.

Here's the text translated into English, keeping the HTML tags intact:

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Soon, dark shadows appeared behind the curtain of rain.

Shadows floated above the sea, and through the rain curtain one could see an expanse of palaces, majestic and imposing. This must be the legendary Palace of the Four Saints.

The Sisheng Palace is a dojo carefully opened up by the Four Saints, which is very unique.

When secluded from the world, one can activate a corresponding spirit formation to enter the storm belt and remain undisturbed by worldly affairs.

When it was born, it could also be shown to the world and become a holy place on earth.

Now that the Si Sheng Gong openly appears in the world without any disguise, it shows that they have absolute confidence that no other force can shake its position.

From the cultivation of the two elders, it can be seen that the Qisheng Palace has a deep foundation, and they are all in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

From above, one sees magnificent palaces, almost without grass or trees between them, only a few patches of greenery at the edges, perhaps medicinal herb gardens.

The style of this place is completely different from other hermitages hidden in deep mountains and forests, shrouded in mist.

The Si Sheng Gong is more like a city, with palace buildings arranged in an orderly manner, strictly following the Bagua positions, layered one on top of the other. The master and elders' cave dwellings are located in the very center.

The farther out you go, the lower the owner's status, and different function areas extend.

Qin Sang followed the two elders to the ground. The thick spiritual energy hit him face-on. Although it was not as strong as Luye, in Zhongzhou, it could still be considered a top-notch dojo.


Moreover, the area of Sisheng Palace is larger than Luye's, and it can accommodate a whole sect of cultivators to practice.

However, when Qin Sang arrived, he found that there were not many cultivators from the Four Saints Palace. Upon inquiry, he learned that most of the disciples of the Four Saints Palace had moved their cave dwellings to the Four Saints Mountains on Tianxing Island, with only a small number remaining at the Four Saints Palace.

The two elders settled Qin Sang in a quiet room and ordered someone to bring up jade nectar and fairy fruit.

Qin Sang had many questions, but she didn't feel comfortable asking unfamiliar people. So she patiently waited for Bao Zhengnan to return to the palace.

The next evening.


Qin Sang was meditating when he sensed the restriction being triggered. He got up and went to the door, where he saw five people standing outside: Elders Wu and Xiao accompanied by two men and one woman.

There was a familiarity between the man and woman's brows, they were indeed Bao Zhengnan and Bao Xi, brother and sister. Having received the news, they immediately set off from Tianxing Island, their distant home. They activated the ancient teleportation array leading to the Yu Mo region, returning to the palace in just one day.

Bao Zhengnan has undergone a significant transformation. Back then, he was described as youthful, but now his appearance resembles that of someone in their forties, no longer possessing the innocence of his younger years.

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As the master of the palace, he had long held a high position. His demeanor was extraordinary, inspiring awe in all who beheld him.

Bao Xirong's appearance is still charming and beautiful, but with a few more points of mature charm.

Another person was a strange young man in white, standing beside Bao Xilai left and right. Both Elder Wu and Elder Xiao showed him great respect.

Both parties, upon seeing each other, were taken aback.

Qin Sang was surprised by the three people's realms.

When it was time to part ways, both Bao Zhengnan and Bao Xi were at the late stage of the Golden Core. Now, Bao Zhengnan has reached the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, while Bao Xi is in the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

The young man's breath was only slightly weaker than Bao Zhengnan's, and he was also a great cultivator!

In the beginning, when the two powerful figures of Sisheng Palace died and were injured, they did not continue to decline. After hundreds of years, so many top-notch powerhouses emerged!

Bao Zhengnan and the others were also surprised by Qin Sang.

Before they arrived, the elders had informed them that Qin Sang was at most equal to them in strength. Considering the unparalleled swordsmanship of that senior from back then, it wasn't surprising that he had trained such a disciple.

Seeing with their own eyes, the three discovered that Qin Sang's aura was extremely subtle; they couldn't see through it either!

However, they only thought that Qin Sang had reached a profound level in the late stage of Yuanying, and they couldn't imagine that he had already achieved the state of Heshens.

Bao Zhengnan was the first to come to his senses, cupping his hands and sighing: "Daoist Qin, it's been almost six hundred years since we last met at Yitian Peak"



Qin Sang also sighed with emotion, "Although centuries have passed, the experiences of that year are still vivid in my memory. If it weren't for several predecessors risking their lives to slay demons, we would have long since become bones in a tomb."

When talking about the past, the relationship between the two sides unconsciously drew closer.

With a smile at each other, Bao Zhengnan introduced Qin Sang, "This is my younger sister. Daoist Qin should remember her, right My younger sister has mentioned you many times and finally ushered you here. This is my disciple Zhuo Ming, who is now the Grand Elder of the Four Saints Palace."

"As the Grand Master, you still can't control your loose tongue. Please don't blame Daoist Qin for this."

Bao Xi spat out a mouthful of tea, her beautiful eyes swept across Qin Sang's face, then covered her lips and smiled, "Back then, Daoist Qin gave the ancient demon a fatal blow, turning the tide. The little woman still remembers it fresh. Today, seeing you again, Daoist Qin is as radiant as ever."


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After some pleasantries, everyone had settled down in the quiet room.

Elder Wu and Elder Xiao retired. Zhuo Ming stayed behind. This person rarely spoke, quietly watching them reminisce about old times.

"It's been many years, the Four Saints Palace is still brimming with talent," Qin Sang looked at the three of them, couldn't help but think of Qing Zhu.

It's a pity that if there were so many masters that day, the situation wouldn't have been like this!


Bamboo will not die, and both of Bao Zhengnan's two masters will not fall so early.

During their conversation, Qin Sang learned that shortly after leaving the Sisheng Palace, the elder of the Sisheng Palace had fallen during a heavenly tribulation and was reunited with Nan Gui Xianzi in the underworld.

Soon after, the headmaster of Tian Dao Sect, Ling Zhuzi, also followed in the elder's footsteps.

The Demon Lord vanished after leaving the Hall of Seven Kills, remaining uninterested in worldly affairs. It was rumored that he went into hiding to recuperate, but for nearly six hundred years, there has been no news of him. His injuries may not have been any less severe than Lingzhu's, and having sacrificed the Celestial Spirit Light of the Taiyin Ghost God, his chances of survival are slim.

...and the three leaders of the Wulin Alliance and Elder Mou, who died on Emei Peak.

After the battle on Yitian Peak, both righteous and demonic cultivators suffered heavy losses. The three major merchant alliances disintegrated. Not only did the human race suffer, but also the witch race lost their great shaman, and the demon race lost their Jiao King. Undercurrents were surging in Canglang Sea.


Before her fall, Ling Zhuzi, as the Sect Master of the Heavenly Dao Sect, stepped forward to stabilize the situation. Otherwise, with so few human experts remaining, there might have been a major upheaval.

By now, the course of events need not be recounted in detail. The Sisheng Palace has emerged as the greatest beneficiary.

Bao Zhengnan guessed what Qin Sang was feeling. Thinking of the two masters, his expression also became sorrowful. But he was determined, and in an instant, he recovered as usual, saying: "Speaking of it, we can have today thanks to Qin Daoist friend."


Qin Sang was surprised, "What do you mean"

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Bao Zhengnan said solemnly, "Daoist friend, do you still remember the young lady I was entrusted with"

“A beautiful maiden.”

Qin Sang nodded.

Of course, he couldn't forget the innocent woman.


This woman not only possesses extraordinary talent, but after becoming a pawn in the schemes of the three major trade alliances, she never gave up. She made numerous acts of resistance, her mental fortitude and decisiveness are beyond compare.

Before coming, Qin Sang recalled the past and felt that among those old friends, those who were not demon clan, the unbound Su Nü was the most likely to achieve extraordinary feats.

This is a simple example.

"It's her!"

Bao Zhengnan nodded and paused for a moment, then said, "The reasons behind everything go back a long time. Since the four Saint Ancestors established the Taoist tradition, later generations have been unfilial, gradually declining. But the legacy of the ancestors was profound; if not for an accident, it could have lasted much longer. Although it was no longer as prosperous as before, it wouldn't have retreated from the world. The reason is that several masters back then discovered a secret realm within the Qisha Hall. After analysis, they felt there was a great inheritance inside, so they gathered palace masters to explore the secret realm. Unexpectedly, they triggered an ancient prohibition inside. Not only did they fail to obtain treasures, but in the end, less than half of them escaped, and everyone was injured. Since then, the Four Saints Palace has been declining."

As he spoke, Bao Zhengnan raised his eyes to look at Qin Sang, "The Battle of Yitian Peak saw numerous human masters fall one after another. The demon clan and the witch clan are eyeing us hungrily, our situation is dire. We have no choice but to gamble everything and continue exploring that secret realm. When the next Seven Kills Hall opened, Su Nu stepped forward during our exploration of the secret realm. According to her, after being possessed by the ancient devil and awakening, although the ancient devil's soul was extinguished, some strange power remained in his body. This unexpected power granted us extraordinary abilities, greatly aiding us in opening the secret realm and obtaining its legacy. My sister, my younger brother Lu, and I all benefited from this opportunity. Without this chance encounter, I fear we would not be where we are today."

Qin Sang was also a little surprised to hear this, he didn't expect there to be such a karmic connection after saving Su Nu.

Where is the maiden today

Qin Sang asked.

Bao Zhengnan and the others can all break through to the later stage of Yuan Ying, Su Nu is the leader, her cultivation should not be weaker than them, right

Bao Zhengnan and Bao Xi looked at each other, their expressions a little strange. “When the Qisha Dian was opened, Su Nu last acted alone in the inner hall. Unexpectedly, an anomaly occurred in the Qisha Dian, and we fled in a hurry. At the last moment, we found Su Nu appearing on the top of Yitian Peak for some unknown reason and failed to escape in time. Her whereabouts are unknown.”

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