Rain beating on blue works

Chapter 1659: Star Sea Drift


ke a pale jade piece, very unremarkable.Unexpectedly, as Qin Sang's finger just touched the Jiulong Tianran Fu, a mournful wail of a dragon echoed from it.The Kowloon Sky Carriage trembled slightly, a...The Qi Xi Fen Lie Jian Zhen actually has two Pleiades, one bright and one dark. The bright one is a fake, and the dark one is the real one.

Kun Dao entered the true Pleiades.

This is the center of the Seven Constellations' Division Sword Formation.

If there is a commander, they shall station themselves at the Bi-Xù constellation and all sword cultivators in the formation shall obey them.

The Star Pavilion was placed here, as concealed as the cave dwellings in the Yangyan Divine Prohibition.

The Kun Dao appeared before the Star Pavilion.

The Star Pavilion wasn't grand, just two floors high. Its body was long and slender like a sword, with no walls on the upper floor, allowing you to see directly inside.

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In each of the four corners of the upper part, a sword is hung.

The blade was transparent, resembling a lightsaber composed of starlight. In reality, its essence was similar to those star swords, imbued with sword intent, and it was extremely pure.

Four sword intents descended, sealing the Star Pavilion.

Kun Dao stood firm, his gaze swept over the Star Pavilion, taking in all the stars of the Big Dipper.

At this moment, if Qin Sang and the others could enter the constellation Bi Xu, they would surely be overjoyed, because most of the stars in Bi Xu were offset, and their light flickered on and off. Seeing these stars, they wouldn't have to go to great lengths to travel through the starry sea and rack their brains. They would probably be able to deduce the method to break the formation.

This scene appears because the Pleiades, as the central hub of the Sword Formation, is the place facing the direct impact.

All without the way destroyed jade pavilion, the first star is hit by it, internal Qi clash and collide, its influence spread to five elements divine prohibition, and then transmission back, adding insult to injury.

The central axis is in disarray, the seven constellations tremble. If not adjusted promptly, the Sword Formation will gradually crumble, even causing the Five Elements Divine Seal to collapse.

starlight shone on the upper half of his face, while the lower half was hidden in shadow, making it impossible to tell his expression.

A fierce sword intent surrounded Xingge. Kun Dao ignored it, taking two steps forward and raising his right hand. He effortlessly pushed through the sword intent and opened the door of Xingge.

Like the abode of the deity of heat haze and prohibition, Xingge's furnishings are very simple.

There is a sword platform inside.

The sword above hung like a threat, its intent piercing straight through the pavilion. Four white beams of light formed at the corners of the sword platform.

A female cultivator sat cross-legged on the Jiantai.

The female cultivator's clothing was simple, with no adornments. A sword lay flat on her knees. The blade was engraved with seven stars, which glittered under the light pillar like embedded gemstones.

Surrounded by sword intent, the female cultivator sat with danger at her doorstep. Her spine remained unyielding, straight as a blade piercing the heavens!

But the female cultivator's face was twisted, bearing a clear expression of pain. Even after a long time had passed, one could still see determination in her eyes. She sat upright, as if resisting something.

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Whether she triumphed over her opponent remains unknown. In the end, the female cultivator met her demise here.

There is only one female cultivator in the palace.

Kun Dao walked to the sword platform and raised his hand, making two grabbing motions. The changes in the female cultivator's features followed suit. The pain in her expression disappeared, replaced by serenity.

This place is unlike the Inferno God's Cave, scorched by heavenly fire. The sword intent that permeated everywhere was infused into the female cultivator's skeleton, instead of being destroyed. It became a sort of support, miraculously preserving her remains.

In fact, although the female cultivator's body seemingly remained, and her expression appeared lively, she was already devoid of life.

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Moreover, Kun Dao could sense a unique sword intent from the female cultivator's remains that was connected to the Xingge Hanging Sword Qi Mechanism, but distinct in its own way. It was as if the female cultivator had forged herself into a sword, achieving extraordinary feats in the sword path during her lifetime. This is also a contributing factor.

Kun Dao didn't intend to move the female cultivator's skeleton; he only slightly adjusted her expression to make it look more pleasing. Then, he reached directly into the sword stand and took out the Nascent Soul Treasure from on her body.


The treasure shop.

Kun Dao habitually picked out the edible items and swallowed them. However, unlike her time in Yang Yan's forbidden cave, she also picked up other objects one by one, examining them carefully with a thoughtful expression, judging the value of the treasures in the hearts of cultivators.

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In a short while, Kundo left the Star Pavilion again and jumped to the edge of the Seven Celestial Sword Formation, where it bordered on the realm of the Earthly Divine Restriction.

The sword formation was dim, and the Sword Star hung in the air.

The Tohoku Divine Forbidden Zone was even more gloomy than the Sword Formation, with thick, heavy mist floating and swirling within this space. The mist pulsed like burning flames, displaying a shifting blend of gray-black and ochre hues. It lacked any lightness, conveying a sense of profound heaviness.

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The sword formation and the ethereal mist, two completely different forces, converge here without conflict. Under the control of the Five Elements Restriction, the energy flows according to the principle of the Five Elements generating each other, unimpeded.

The Seven Star Boundary Sword Array showed anomalies. While other divine prohibitions were also affected, they required a process to manifest their impact. At this time, it was not yet apparent.

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Kun Dao glanced at it twice, raised her hand to grab a wisp of mist, and the familiar feeling returned. Without the restraint of sword intent, she could control the Earthly God's Ban to a certain extent.

She was about to step into the mist, searching for treasures in the forbidden ground of the Earth Walker God, raising the stakes. Suddenly, she sensed something, her brows furrowed with concern.

Things always get out of control.

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She was ahead of schedule, and Kundo felt the pressure mounting.

In the sword formation.

The Poison King and Su Zinan's groups converged. Having little animosity between them, they exchanged information and decided to share intelligence, consolidating the observed celestial shifts.

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This immediately resulted in a significant increase in progress.

Moreover, with four great cultivators working together, their division of labor and cooperation made their progress in breaking the formation significantly faster than Qin Sang's.

Now that it has come to this, Kun Dao can only return to the Xingge as quickly as possible and prepare.

She already has a plan for what comes next.

Standing above the Xingge, Kunda scanned his surroundings, locking onto a void in the distance. It was a hidden star, also the central hub of the entire formation.

She could move freely within the sword array, her perception of the sword array's energy reaching a subtle level. She could directly reach its essence. If anyone could be like her, even if they didn't know swordsmanship, they could find the core of the sword array and do something about it.

The Way of Kun is just like this.

She vanished in a flash, disappearing into the starry sky.

For a moment, a hidden star suddenly flared to light, but then vanished again.

Immediately following this, a strange wave emanated from the Hidden Star. The surrounding stars were affected, their light flickering on and off. When the wave reached the Star Pavilion, its impact suddenly intensified.

Where Xingge stood, starlight blazed brightly, even affecting the three sword stars beside it.

Four stars shining together, in the blink of an eye, they gleam as brightly as the full moon.

At this moment, Qin Sang and the Poison King, who were located on other stars, all sensed it and looked towards the horizon. On the edge of the starry sea, there was a faint glimmer of starlight.

Compared to the vast expanse of stars, this glimmer is insignificant. Yet, it is what everyone yearns for.

"Bi Su!"

Everyone calculated with their fingers and consulted the star chart, and suddenly they were overjoyed.

Trapped in the sword formation, they had calculated that the visible part of the Pleiades was a false one. The true Pleiades was hidden and also the central point of the sword formation!

They want to break through the array, which means finding the core of the sword array. That must be the place where the fluctuations in the sword array are most intense, causing the stars to shift and become displaced.

Once you enter the central hub, you'll find a way out!

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The sword formation was in motion, the star positions constantly shifting. They could only locate Bi Xu by finding the shifted stars and adjusting the formation, step by step.

The Pleiades have always been hidden deep within the sword formation.

Now, a bright star suddenly appears in the Pleiades cluster, just like a lighthouse guiding the way.

If stars appeared early, they wouldn't need all this trouble. They could just follow the stars to find their way there.

The appearance of the bright star did not surprise anyone.

Unexpected, yet reasonable.

They deduced that as the sword formation gradually crumbled, Bi Xu's manifestation in the world was inevitable. It indicated that the internal energies within the formation had clashed to a point of extreme intensity.


As long as they have enough patience, standing still, if the sword formation can not adjust in time, the result is self-destruction, but they can't wait that long.

However, Bi Xu is now in the world. All the effort they spent on calculations before is wasted, which is really a pity.

In the boundless starry sky, bright stars seem dim.

As soon as it appeared, it was enveloped by dazzling star trails and lost in the Milky Way, invisible to the naked eye.


Since they saw the bright star, no one would allow it to escape their sight. Including Qin Sang, everyone used their divine powers to lock onto the bright star and flew into the starry river together.

When their minds were freed from the tedious calculations, they finally noticed how magnificent the starry sky was!

Even with such high cultivation, they could only look up at the heavens, stars and moons beyond their reach.

Now, Liang Xing is drifting in the galaxy.

They chase the bright stars, wandering among the galaxies. Fengxu rides the wind, stars within reach, bringing a feeling unlike any other.

Although, the stars are false.

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Su Zi Nan and the others also stopped talking and enjoyed the scenery to their heart's content.

Of course, they didn't forget the main point.

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Qin Sang relentlessly chased after Liang Xing, flying at full speed. He discovered that Liang Xing's position was also moving rapidly and without any discernible pattern. It was impossible to predict his movements in advance, so Qin Sang could only accelerate. Su Zinan and the others were doing the same.

They understood this was normal. If something like Bi Xù was so easy to enter, wouldn't the Sword Formation become a laughingstock

Even, Qin Sang suspected this was not the full range of the sword formation's changes.

If the Jianxing were not composed of rigid sword intent, but rather individual swordsmen, not only would their power increase significantly, but perhaps the central point of the sword formation could constantly shift between the Seven Constellations of the West.

As the situation evolved to its extreme, it truly was endlessly changing.

As Qin Sang's heart pounded, he closed in on the bright star. He hadn't forgotten about the eerie enemy lurking in the shadows, but with the Fire Jade Centipede drowsy and lethargic, it seemed that the person had truly given up.

In the midst of a sword formation, Qin Sang was unclear how far he had chased after.

At last, the bright star drew ever closer.

The next moment, Qin Sang had a strange feeling.


The stars around him were still there, their number unchanged, but he knew he had entered a new realm, the true dwelling of the Pleiades, the heart of the Sword Formation!

Finally came in...

Qin Sang's expression eased, but he remained fixated on the shining star.

Entering the Pleiades star cluster, the scene before me transformed drastically. The originally dim stars suddenly shone brightly, illuminating everything.

After a moment of contemplation, Qin Sang realized that there were actually four stars shining brightly. The four stars shone together, no wonder it was so eye-catching. It must be the place where the energy clashed most intensely.

Qin Sang no longer hesitated, quickly flew towards Liàng Xīng.

Before Qin Sang could even get close to Liang Xing, an unexpected sight appeared.

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Behind the bright star, a large swathe of thick fog surged out abruptly, like a nebula in the starry sky.

But the nebula's expanse was too vast, stretching across the starry expanse behind, its boundaries clearly defined, extending outwards on both sides, and there was no end in sight.

"Where did the nebula come from Not right!"

Qin Sang was puzzled for a moment, then immediately understood.

That is not a nebula, but the edge of a sword formation. However, across from it is not the exit of the sword formation, but another Five Elemental Divine Ban. Earth generates metal, and metal generates water. Observing its aura, it is heavy rather than light and ethereal, so it is most likely an earth-based divine ban.

The auras of the Five Elements are interconnected and form a unified whole.

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Within the sword formation, stars flowed ceaselessly. The positions of the Seven Spheres constantly shifted, with the Pleiades moving relentlessly, leading them to the edge of the Divine Forbidden Zone of Earth's Cycle. It was entirely possible.

After exhausting so much time in the sword formation, Qin Sang naturally couldn't enter the Earthly God Ban. Otherwise, he would have to start from scratch.

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He withdrew his gaze, his target still the bright star.


To his astonishment, what he saw at first glance was a sight that amazed him greatly.

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The Earth God's Prison and the Seven-Star Boundary Sword Formation are connected, and sword stars constantly float past the edge of the Earth God's Prison. This is common when the Five Elements Divine Barrier operates normally.

Even if Jianxing is close to the Divine Prohibition of Tohoku, it cannot collide with it and trigger a violent reaction. Countless years have passed, with an endless stream flowing through without any accidents.

Because Zhu Wudao shattered the Jade Pavilion, the sword formation's energy clashed, disrupting this harmony.

The Swords of other constellations have not shifted by much and haven't yet collided with the Earthly God's Prohibition.

> But now things are different. At the heart of the sword formation, the true Bi Xu has drifted over. Bi Xu is the beginning of the sword formation's chaos. The sword stars have shifted greatly, especially the four that have become bright stars. They are almost about to leave their original trajectories.

To brush past the God Slayer from the Dust Barrier, without causing any mishap That's impossible!

The Five Elements Divine Prohibition is vast in scale. This kind of accident, although it won't directly cause the Divine Prohibition to collapse, will wear it down with each accumulation, and it is fatal to Jianxing itself!

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Qin Sang turned his gaze and saw four bright stars drawing an arc across the void, drifting towards the Divine Forbidden Land of Tu Xing. Just as they were about to touch the 'nebula', the arc began to converge.

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But precisely because the bright stars appeared off-course, they did not flow entirely along their predetermined orbits. To Qin Sang's astonished gaze, they collided with the 'Nebula'!

At the same moment, in another location of Bi Su, Su Zinan and others were closer to Qin Sang. They were also astonished and witnessed this scene.


A halo of light formed by four bright stars first collided with the 'nebula'.

In an instant, the impact caused 'Nebula' to burst open a massive chasm. But within the void, swirling mists churned, endless tendrils of fog surged forward like a tide.

Four stars journey together, the one closest to the nebula makes contact with it first. Nearly half of its brightness is lost.

If luck is on our side and the offset isn't too severe, this bright star still has a chance to return.

Unexpectedly, a surprising scene occurred.

That bright star, upon contact with the nebula, trembled violently. It then completely veered off its trajectory, plummeting straight into the nebula's depths. The speed of this change was beyond Qin Sang and his companions' expectations.

"This is..."

Qin Sang's heart moved.

"Nine-Origin Magnetic Force!"

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The Poison King uttered the essence of "Star Cloud" in a low voice.

The gray-black, dark yellow mist is the manifestation of the Nine Realms Magnetic Force. The Wuxiang Immortal Gate actually drew the Nine Realms Magnetic Force from underground and incorporated it into the layers of earth here, forming this place's Earthly Movement Divine Restriction!

A bright star collided with the power of Yuanci, being directly pulled into the 'Nebula'. This was just the beginning of the variables. The power of Yuanci surged and simultaneously pulled in three more bright stars.

At this time, the first bright star could not withstand the tearing force of the Yuan magnet and suddenly exploded. The shockwave swept across the area, instantly detonating the nearest one. The other two were scattered by the blast wave and escaped by chance.

This moment.

Qin Sang concentrated his eyes, finally making out that the second bright star was not a normal sword star but a sword-shaped stellar pavilion.


The Star Pavilion exploded!

(End of chapter)

Please: m.xyusk

>e sunshine and all gloom gone. You must have achieved your heart's desire"The Cloud Wanderer looked up and down at Qin Sang, seeing him spirited and full of vigor, greatly different from when he had a...