Rain beating on blue works

Chapter Fifteen: Medicinal Bath


n an instant, blocked by the Thousand Illusion Divine Sound.Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!"Another talisman..."Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me...After a while, Qin Sang recovered and gasped for breath. He opened his eyes, filled with astonishment.

The excruciating pain in the meridians gradually subsided, but thinking back to the terrifying scene just now, I still felt a lingering fear.

At that moment, Qin Sang suddenly heard the chirping of birds outside. She turned her head and saw that the sky was barely brightening, it was already dawn.

Qin Sang couldn't help but be secretly surprised. His mind was completely focused on cultivation, and after only running a few cycles of heaven, he felt like it had only been an hour at most, yet the entire night had passed.

Someone was walking outside, speaking in low voices. Qin Sang didn't dare to continue and went to bed, falling into a deep sleep.

After several days of trying, Qin Sang gradually grasped the rules of the Nether Scripture. He could now at most activate that energy to circulate nine times in his body, any more and he would be interrupted by excruciating pain.

Forced to run, the meridians are like being torn open, pain piercing to the bone.

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In this way, Qin Sang could only hope to break through the second layer of his cultivation technique. Unexpectedly, after a month passed, the energy had only grown slightly. He didn't know how long it would take to breakthrough.

To Qin Sang's further dismay, the qi seemed to have no effect on his martial arts. He threw a punch with all his might, but the force was about the same as before, and he couldn't even break the wooden stake.

However, over the past month, Qin Sang discovered that his body was undergoing changes. These changes were subtle and gradual, and at first, he didn't realize it.

The other day, he made a trap that caught a wild bird. He planned to roast it over a fire, but when he was unknotting the rope, he accidentally let it get away.

The bird took flight, and Qin Sang instinctively picked up a stone and threw it. It struck the target perfectly.

Qin Sang was startled by her own accuracy and stood there dumbfounded.

He could actually see the birds' flight paths clearly. In his eyes, it seemed like the birds had slowed down. He could instantly tell which direction they would fly next, something that was absolutely impossible before.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Sang couldn't help but recall the various details about himself.

Needless to say, digestion has gotten much better and my appetite has increased.

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Not only were his eyes sharper, but his ears had become more acute as well. He could now hear even the faintest sounds from a distance.

This content is blank. Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

Practicing martial arts also requires physical training. He and Mingyue trained with stone hammers, wooden stakes, and other equipment. Even if they were careful, they inevitably got injured. Parts like joints and the lumbar spine are particularly vulnerable; once damaged, they are difficult to heal and will occasionally flare up as a reminder.

During this period, Qin Sang's old injuries seemed to have vanished and haven't bothered him for a long time.

Also, some of the more complex techniques in the Huhu Long Fist are now easy for him to perform. His flexibility is gradually improving and his boxing skills have progressed significantly.

Thus, Qin Sang pondered these matters and realized that the Netherworld Sutra had brought him so many benefits.

This improvement will continue, and his physical condition will surely surpass that of an ordinary person.

“Even with such miraculous effects, even if the cultivation speed of the Netherworld Sutra is slow, I will continue to persevere.”

Qin Sang led the donkey, humming a ditty to herself in thought.

The donkey was carrying a sack of grain. Since the Taoist temple had taken in several refugee families, the old Daoist priest would often help them with supplies. The food at the temple was being consumed very quickly, and grain prices outside were skyrocketing. Qin Sang felt that the few dozen taels of silver he had would be spent soon.

Haste and mule into the temple, Qin Sang lightly exclaimed, "Mingyue, what are you bringing out a broken jar for"

“Brother, come quickly and help me!”

When the moon saw Mingyue, she cried for breath, “Master told me to move the jar from the firewood shed to Qingyang Hall. He said it would be useful tonight.”

As the Abbot Jixin commanded, Qin Sang hastily saddled the donkey and helped Mingyue.

The clay pot was very large, big enough for a person to sit inside. Even though Mingyue had been training martial arts and eating meat with Qin Sang, her body was stronger than before, but moving around was still quite laborious.

It is said that when the Qingyang Temple was flourishing, this tank was used to hold sesame oil. Now that the Qingyang Temple has become a dilapidated Taoist temple, there are not so many oil containers, and it has been placed in the firewood house, piled high with flammable pine needles.

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All the pine needles inside were cleaned out by the moonlight, scrubbed clean. Who knows what the old Taoist priest is going to use them for.

Qin Sang asked the bright moon, and the bright moon was also clueless. It only said that its master had gone up the mountain to collect medicine and had instructed it like this before leaving.

It took them a lot of effort to move the large vat into Qingyang Hall. Then, following Master Jixing's instructions, they made a base with two stones and placed the vat on it.

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Qin Sang secretly thought, could the old Daoist be using this vat to boil herbs

This big vat, thanks to him using bamboo pipes to bring the water down, otherwise carrying water would have killed Mingyue.

When evening came, Abbot Jixi returned from gathering herbs. His basket was only half full. He told Mingyue to close the doors of the Qingyang Hall and then busied himself.

Qin Sang squatted beside her, sorting through the herbs. He realized that most of them were unfamiliar to him, and they were all valuable and rare medicinal herbs.

Master Ji xin specialized in treating common ailments like bruises, sprains, and wind-cold damp-heat conditions. He used a fixed set of about ten herbs. Qin Sang had accompanied the old Daoist on several mountain trips before, always collecting the same herbs. But this time, the old Daoist was gathering new ones.

After sorting the herbs, Master Ji Xin sat behind the long table and wrote a prescription, asking Mingyue to grab the medicine. Qin Sang walked over to take a look. It was a new prescription with very complex ingredients. With his limited medical knowledge, he couldn't understand it at all.

"Master Dao, what is this prescription for"

Seeing Qin Sang's puzzled expression, Ji Xin Daochang explained: "Although I don't know martial arts, I understand the principle of 'civilian governance and military strength'. You and Mingyue practice martial arts all day long, consuming a lot of energy. Even if you eat plenty of wild game, it's difficult to replenish your depleted vitality, which will inevitably leave behind troubles. This prescription was obtained by my master when he was an imperial physician. It has the effect of nourishing the foundation and replenishing vitality, which is suitable for martial arts practitioners. However, this prescription is used for medicinal baths and cannot be taken internally. Follow the prescription to collect the herbs, fill a large tub with water, boil it down to seven out of ten, and wait until the water temperature cools before entering for half an hour. Do this once in the morning and evening, replenish the water repeatedly, and use it for seven days before changing the new medicine."

Hearing that there was such a good thing, Qin Sang naturally wouldn't refuse. He memorized the prescription and couldn't help but sigh, "Daoist priest, how many good things are still hidden in your hands"

Master Ji Xin meditates peacefully with his eyes closed.

Qin Sang and Ming Yue were busy, quickly preparing the medicine and filling it with water. They followed the old Daoist's instructions to simmer the medicine, and once the water temperature had slightly cooled down, they couldn't wait to jump in.

> Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!


This was the first time Qin Sang had ever soaked in a hot bath, burying everything from her neck down in the steaming medicated water. She felt utterly relaxed and all her fatigue vanished instantly. She couldn't help but let out a sigh of contentment.

The moon is not as enduring as the Qin Sang, I tentatively step inside, but seeing Qin Sang's face full of contentment, I endure the heat and jump in.

>ath.Once there was any movement or change, the person felt uneasy and hid, even fleeing from Zhongzhou to find a refuge in the storm zone. Could they possibly remain unpromoted and stay in Zhongzhou...