Rain beating on blue works

Chapter 1534: The Worm King


or so long, the Cloud Wanderer has not returned. I wonder...Thinking this, Qin Sang was about to quicken his pace, when suddenly the ground beneath his feet shook violently. The entire ice cave tremb...He had seen many poisonous insects, but this was the first time he saw a silkworm behaving so strangely.

Qin Sang suddenly stopped speaking and stared out of the cave.

Zhou Jin and Ruan Yu were puzzled and dared not speak to disturb.

Outside the cave.

A swarm of insects is approaching.

A buzzing sound, pervasive and inescapable, whether the cry of glowworms or the beating of wings, even echoing from within a cave, it was clear and unsettling.

The strange sounds continued relentlessly. Zhou and Ruan understood that they were surrounded by countless ghost worms. They couldn't help but recall the horrific sight of being devoured by countless insects, a tingling sensation creeping up from their bones, spreading throughout their bodies, causing them to tremble uncontrollably. They dared not even breathe.

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The poison cloud was blocked by the fat silkworm.

The swarm didn't sense their presence.

Zhou Ruan thought they could escape this danger.

Just then, the sound of the insects suddenly changed, causing them to tense up and nearly let out a cry.

‘Buzz buzz…’

The cry suddenly became sharp and urgent, like metal scraping against metal, piercing and grating.

And, the swarm of insects seemed to hover above their heads, the sound buzzing in their ears, lingering incessantly.

Both Zhou and Ruan turned pale.

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Qin Sang cocked her ear, listening to the increasingly chaotic sounds and sensing the situation outside. "The two swarms of insects aren't a single group, they are fighting each other, and they just happened to choose this place as their battlefield. Tianleigou is so large, there's no shortage of territory, yet they are killing each other. Is it their inherent bloodlust, or is this the way these spirit insects grow..."

The fat silkworm wriggled in Qin Sang's hands, eager to get out.

What interests it is inside the swarm.

Qin Sang did not act rashly.


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Two swarms of bugs collided, appearing indistinguishable to onlookers.

A yellow toxic cloud churned, pressing against the sky. Inside it, countless out-of-control beasts surged together, thronging toward the center, surging from all directions with wild power.

Inside the poison cloud, faint yellow fireflies could be seen, clustered together like stars. Each firefly was a corpse-worm moth, flickering and seeming unreal, as weak and ethereal as a ghost fire.

It's no wonder it was called a ghost worm by local monks.

The clamor of insects battling each other was like the sound of poisonous clouds howling.

Heaven and earth are shrouded in poisonous clouds, which spread everywhere. They pile up layer by layer, becoming thicker and more oppressive.

Where the poison cloud covers, life perishes.

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The plants and animals were still present, with no visible wounds on their bodies. However, they had been corroded by the poison cloud, their life force being drained from within outwards by the swarm of insects. A single gust of wind could reduce them to dust.

The hissing of the swarm initially erupted at an extreme speed, quickly reaching a limit and entering a stalemate phase. Then it gradually subsided, indicating that the two swarms had reached a conclusion, with the weaker side likely being consumed.

Finally, the growls subsided, and the war drew to a close.

The scale of the poison cloud showed no signs of diminishing.

The swarm of insects started to move, continuing their raid on other locations, and the toxic cloud drifted away quickly.

Qin Sang suddenly moved, flashing away from the cave and appearing on the mountain peak.

As far as the eye could see, there was nothing but desolation and grayness.

Qin Sang gazed in the direction where the swarm of insects vanished. The fat silkworm had sensed something within the insect cloud, and he couldn't help but wonder if their previous ferocity was a result of competing for something.

After a moment's hesitation, Qin Sang proactively chased after the ghost fireflies, creatures that instilled fear in everyone. He quickly approached the poisonous cloud.

The yellow poison cloud looked like a sandstorm.

Qin Sang ordered the fat silkworm to put on the poison-resistant armor for him, suppress his breath, and blend into the poisonous cloud.

The plump silkworm swayed its round body on the shoulder of Qin Sang, showing its excitement. Every time a similar situation occurred, it was when discovering delicious food.

The poison cloud was blocked by the Poison-Proof Armor, posing no threat to Qin Sang.

Through the thick toxic clouds, Tianmu Butterfly could already see the surging insect swarms inside. Countless Corrupted Phosphorescent Fireflies gathered in groups, all looking identical, like a river of firelight converging.

Apart from the phosphorus glow, there was nothing else.

Following the cues of the fat silkworm, Qin Sang looked towards his target. There were only countless phosphorescent fungi. Could it be inside the belly of a certain phosphorescent fungus

At that moment, the surging swarm of insects suddenly stopped and let out their familiar buzzing.

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Qin Sang sensed an indescribable pressure, his heart sank, knowing he had been detected by the swarm.

At this moment, the fat silkworm has locked its sights on a rotting glowworm.

This firefly was no different from any other. Qin Sang was still baffled, unable to understand what made it so special that it attracted the fat silkworm.

However, this does not affect his actions.

Qin Sang no longer concealed himself, acting decisively and launching a forceful attack. His figure moved as fast as lightning, instantly rushing to the front of the insect cloud. He raised his golden sword, "Jin Chen," and with a wave of his hand, unleashed a terrifyingly sharp sword energy.

Sword qi pierced through the swarm of insects, like an ice sword stabbing into a sea of fire. The flames surged and churned, creating a circle of illusory fire rings.

The corrupted phosphorescent firefly, slain by the Golden Submerged Sword, bloomed in its final embers, a beauty that mesmerized the soul.

The golden sword moved like a bamboo thrust, cutting through the swarm of insects and clearing a path straight towards the special phosphorescent moth.

The swarm seemed to react just then, its enraged buzzing shaking the heavens, filling Qin Sang's ears.

Qin Sang remained unmoved. Seeing how easily the insect swarm was torn apart, he naturally wouldn't miss this opportunity. Without hesitation, he rushed into the swarm and effortlessly captured the phosphorescent larva.

Before he could take a good look, the fat silkworm arched its body and bounced onto Qin Sang's fingertip. As if afraid someone else would snatch it, it opened its mouth and swallowed it whole, then rolled contentedly.

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Qin Sang suspected that this firefly might be the king of the swarm, which is why it attracted fat silkworms.

If that were really the case, it would be far too easy to succeed.

As soon as this thought crossed his mind, Qin Sang felt something was off about the swarm of insects.

The next moment, everything around fell silent. The screeching came to an abrupt halt.

The insect swarm exhibited strange changes.


Before, all the phosphor moths in the swarm moved together, with the same goal and even possibly living and dying together. But Qin Sang could clearly sense each individual one of them; every phosphor moth was an independent existence.

Things are different now.

All the phosphorescent fungi merged into one.

Qin Sang had a feeling that he was no longer facing a group of spirit worms, but a monstrous creature of immense size.

Each phosphorescent fungus, like a node in the mind of a monster, was woven into a vast net, completely interconnected.

The swarm of insects collectively form a monster, appearing as one.

The monsters surrounded Qin Sang, eyeing him hungrily.

Qin Sang felt a kind of emotion from the swarm of insects, a greedy desire.

Not only did these individuals possess clear emotions, but these tiny bioluminescent creatures, at this moment transformed into colossal flaming behemoths, posed a direct threat to him.

This threat does not come solely from poison clouds.

Qin Sang narrowed his eyes and glanced at the plump silkworm, which was stiff all over.

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The swarm's target was clearly it!

Surrounded by insects, the previous arrogance of the fat silkworm disappeared. It struggled to tuck its head and belly, curling up in the gap between Qin Sang's fingers.

It mistook the corpse lantern for a delicacy, never expecting that it too was being coveted by swarms of insects. The hunter turned into the hunted.

The swarm is restless.

Facing this scene, Qin Sang showed no fear. His sleeves fluttered, demonic flames surging out and instantly forming a ring of fire around him.

The aura of demonic fire permeated the air.

This is one of the top-tier spiritual flames in the world today.

A wave of unrest rippled through the swarm, and Qin Sang once again felt fear and hesitation. The swarm could indeed think, but it was still naive, its emotional changes laid bare for all to see.

But that was not enough to deter them.



Qin Sang let out a cold laugh, causing the Sun God Tree to stir and releasing a wisp of Nanming Li Huo's aura.

As expected, the little specks of fire in the swarm began to tremble violently. All the phosphorescent beetles flapped their wings together, and the hissing sounds once again echoed through the heavens.

The buzzing this time was unlike the previous sharp and piercing sounds, but incredibly chaotic.

Qin Sang couldn't help but frown. He couldn't understand the insects' intentions at all and didn't want to fight them recklessly. Just as he was about to leave, a fat silkworm poked its head out from between his fingers, sneaking around and sticking its head out with a surprised expression. It then shouted excitedly towards the swarm of insects.

"Are they communicating"

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Qin Sang noticed the fat silkworm's sly gaze and her heart skipped a beat.

The calls don't seem to have a clear meaning. This form of communication is obviously not through sound, perhaps it's a direct mental communication between the two parties.

He remained silent, cooperating tacitly with Tianmù Die as she observed the swarm of insects.

His gaze swept over the phosphorescent fungi.

Finally, Qin Sang zeroed in on a phosphorescent beetle hiding within the swarm. Its figure flickered in and out of sight, more elusive than the others, yet it seemed to be the focal point of the entire swarm.

"Sure enough, there's the Insect King!"

Qin Sang understood the reason.

Because a true Insect King was born from the swarm, that's why the insects have undergone such a transformation!

Qin Sang remained composed, his mind racing as he observed the movements of the phosphorescent insect. He caught a glimpse of an opportunity.

Without any warning, the demonic fire suddenly surged out!


The Fire Dragon plunged into the swarm of insects.

A discordant black patch appeared amongst the swarm, as if a large chunk of flesh had been violently ripped away. The chirping of the insects grew more frantic and shrill, but this time it carried an undercurrent of pain.

Qin Sang's figure moved with the demonic fire.

If you do not move, everything remains as it is. If you move, the force of your action will be like thunder!


The demonic fire raged on, consuming a large patch of phosphorescent fungi in an instant.

Next, a dazzling sword light shone at the front end of the Blazing Fire Dragon. The Golden Sinking Sword struck out with momentum, transforming into a sword formation as soon as it appeared.

The phosphorescent glow flickered, sensing danger. It tried to vanish into a haze, but it was too late. The surrounding space darkened as a sword formation trapped it within.

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Seeing Qin Sang's strike land, the fat silkworm cried out in delight, shaking its head and wagging its tail.

Qin Sang's expression wasn't much happier, because the swarm hadn't become agitated or panicked just because their king was trapped. They were still hissing and buzzing as before.

He stared at the Worm King within the sword formation.


The next moment, the King Worm's body did indeed undergo a change. It was forced to appear, but its aura had changed, becoming no different from that of an ordinary Putrid Glowfly.


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Qin Sang was slightly startled.

The proud cry of the fat silkworm suddenly stopped, its eyes widening in disbelief.


The Worm King can freely occupy the bodies of its kind, or rather, the Worm King is not within the swarm but hidden elsewhere, controlling the swarm...

After confirming that the phosphorescent moth on his hand was perfectly normal, Qin Sang considered various possibilities and had the Sky-Eyed Butterfly search elsewhere. Sure enough, they found another phosphorescent moth undergoing a similar transformation, becoming a new 'Insect King'.

Just then, the buzzing of the swarm began to grow frantic, as if urging and threatening something.

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The fat silkworm was startled awake by the cries, gritted its teeth and screamed, but refused to leave, at the same time staring longingly at Qin Sang.

Qin Sang urged his divine consciousness and the Heavenly Eye Divine Ability to their limits, but he couldn't find the true whereabouts of the King Worm. He had no choice but to use the old trick again.

This time, his calculations were more precise. He employed magic fire, sword formations, and even the soul-capturing incantation, all seamlessly coordinated.

The 'Worm King' was indeed nowhere to escape, caught by Qin Sang.

But, the same scene appeared again.

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Right before Qin Sang's eyes, the aura of the 'Bug King' completely disappeared without a trace. Qin Sang had been locking onto it with his divine sense all along, but he couldn't sense its origin.

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At the same time, a brand new 'King Worm' was born in the swarm.

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Qin Sang helplessly shook his head at the plump silkworm. Unless he wiped out the entire colony, he wouldn't be able to find the king silkworm, but the plump silkworm was unwilling to do that.

He also wasn't sure what the swarm was eager to trade with the fat silkworm for. They hadn't launched a true attack against them, and it remained unclear what strange powers the swarm possessed.

> Besides, if the King of Insects is hiding somewhere else and controlling the swarm from a distance, it would be practically impossible to find it even with the power of the Sun Tree.

He even suspected that the two swarms of insects fighting earlier were manipulated by the true Bug King behind the scenes.

The fat silkworm was full of disappointment, his eyes filled with sadness.

Then, the fat silkworm turned its head and called out to the swarm of insects.

It reared its head high, its body tensed and stretched almost twice its size. A whimper escaped its mouth, a hint of pain laced through it, as it struggled to exhale a cloud of multicolored breath.

It looks similar to the multicolored halo used to make the poisonproof armor, but it's more solid, like the essence of power within the fat silkworm.

After expelling the seven-colored energy sphere, the fat silkworm looked much weaker, listless, and pushed the crystal stone out. It hung in mid-air.

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The hissing stopped for a moment, then the swarm of insects shifted, and the 'King of Insects' pushed its way to the front, approaching the multicolored aura.

The fat silkworm bared its teeth and snarled a warning.

The 'Insect King' stopped, facing Qin Sang and the fat silkworm across the air. Its flame-like body began to swell, becoming the size of a fist. Then, fire split open from the middle, spewing out a bright yellow crystal stone which it flung towards the fat silkworm while charging at the seven-colored energy cluster.

The crystal was brilliantly clear and luminous, like amber.

Qin Sang had never seen such an amber insect crystal.

The amber insect seemed to appear out of thin air, the entire process unfolding before their eyes, and Qin Sang couldn't sense the origin of the insect crystal at all.

“He had actually witnessed a transaction between spirit insects with his own eyes.”

Even though Qin Sang had traveled all over the place and met many people, this was his first time seeing such a scene. He felt it was quite extraordinary.

The world is vast and there are all sorts of wonders!

Upon seeing the crystal stone, the fat silkworm perked up, its eyes gleaming and body bouncing. It wrapped its body around the crystal stone, as if it had found a priceless treasure.

It was obviously a scoundrel. After obtaining the crystal, he immediately reneged on his promise and screamed incessantly, as if urging Qin Sang to take action and snatch back the seven-colored energy mass.

In fact, Qin Sang did make a move.

The sword formation did not miss, easily blocking the 'King of Insects'. But a familiar scene appeared again.

All the wondrous aspects of the 'Insect King' faded away, reverting it back into an ordinary phosphorescent beetle. The multicolored aura also disappeared.

The rainbow light group vanished before their eyes, without a trace.

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Then, the swarm's momentum receded like a tide, transforming back into the previous ghostly firefly cloud. Ignoring Qin Sang and the fuming fat silkworm, it swiftly drifted away, disappearing into the depths of the Sky Rift Valley.

Please: m.lvsewxut, "Daoist Cui Xuan, your words are wrong! Back then, it was clearly your sect who used the might of Jindan to force the cultivators from our two regions to bow their heads and hand over the treasure...