Rain beating on blue works

Chapter 1394: The Inheritance of Hundred Flowers Valley


nleashing the power of the Ten Directions Yama Array to its fullest. Within the pitch-black gloom, countless wisps of ghostly energy surged forward, seizing the opportunity to madly pour into Baiyunsh...Black swamp.

Gloomy, decaying.

Mud is everywhere, giving off a strange and nauseating smell.

Black miasma shrouded the sky and blotted out the sun.

Even at midday, the Black Swamp remained dark and gloomy.

These miasmas are some formed from the stench of decay, while others carry a deadly poison. Even cultivators who come into contact with them may meet their demise.

...The toxic miasma and various kinds of smog mixed together, making it difficult to distinguish, leaving one defenseless against them.

Strangely enough, the black swamp is not a barren land, it's not lacking in plants and trees. However, these trees are also black, like rotten wood, yet they thrive surprisingly well, a bizarre kind of vibrant life.

The black tree, like a demon, lurks in the dark miasma, always waiting to devour those who enter.

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Here, there are few people and even fewer cultivating sects.

The Black Swamp is vast, the largest of all terrains in the String Moon Realm, occupying the very heart of it. Yet, despite its size, spiritual veins are hard to find here, and the land is unsuitable for spirit herbs to grow, making it a barren wasteland.

Even cultivators searching for treasure wouldn't come to such a place unless they needed something peculiar.

‘Whoosh whoosh’

A miasma churned, accompanied by a faint tearing sound.

After a moment, several faint light spots appeared deep within the miasma. They were various colors, some green and others blue.

The light spots flew closer and closer, turning out to be six cultivators.

Of the six people, five were cultivators at around the tenth level of the Qi Refining Stage. Some were young, while others already had noticeable signs of aging.

They surrounded a young man in a black robe.

The young man was the only one at the Foundation Establishment stage. Compared to others, he seemed at ease in the miasma. He stood on a silver disc-shaped flying artifact with his hands behind his back. A faint light shield surrounded him, keeping the miasma at bay.

Others didn't have it so easy, they were racing while urging their crude protective talismans to be ready, always vigilant for danger that could appear at any moment.

They seemed to have been dashing for a long time, gradually feeling exhausted, but seeing that the young man in black robes didn't show any sign of stopping, they could only grit their teeth and persevere.


"Yue Dao-you, where exactly are you Why so far away!"


The only female cultivator, drenched in sweat, couldn't help but complain.

A man with a long beard beside her smiled and said, "Fairy Ming, just hold on for a while longer, we'll be there soon. That place is one of the few places in the Black Swamp with abundant spiritual energy. If it were that easy to find, it wouldn't be our turn."

The female cultivator didn't believe it, "If there really is such a good treasure land, why haven't others discovered it"

“Those mountains were surrounded by miasma, even denser than the deepest parts of a black swamp, and it was naturally hallucinogenic. I stumbled into it by accident and only then discovered its secrets. But my strength is insignificant, so I dare not enter. I had to call Huang Senior and all of you fellow cultivators. If we can occupy this place and establish a cave abode, we…”

Just as he was speaking, a young man in black robes suddenly interrupted him, "Is this the place"

Everyone pressed down their escape lights, and only saw a thick fog of miasma ahead, heavy as clouds, with an oppressive gloom.

The long-haired man nodded repeatedly, "This is the place! Senior, please follow me."

Saying that, the long-bearded man found the mark he had left before, took a breather, and led the way into the miasma.

The young man in black robes put away the silver platter and brought out a short sword. The others also took out their own magical weapons and followed the man inside.



As soon as they entered the miasma, the man in black suddenly called out to everyone, leaning his ear close to listen for a moment. His expression changed slightly, "What sound"

As soon as the words left his mouth, a sudden buzzing sound filled the air.

The sight that followed made everyone gasp.

In the depths of the miasma, it suddenly churned violently. Groups of strange insects rushed out of the miasma and pounced on them frantically. These insects resembled mosquitoes, but each was the size of an infant's fist. Their long proboscises were like steel needles, making one's scalp tingle.

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"Blood-poisoned mosquito!"

The young man cried out in alarm, his face pale with shock.

Others also showed expressions of fear. The blood-poisonous mosquito was a notorious vicious mosquito in the Black Swamp. A single one wasn't noticeable, but once encountered in groups, even foundation-building cultivators would have to flee for their lives.

At this time, hundreds of blood-poisoning mosquitoes flew out from the miasma, followed by a dark and endless swarm. There were probably countless more blood-poisoning mosquitoes to come.

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If surrounded by thousands of venomous blood-sucking mosquitoes, they would be doomed and instantly turn into mummies.

"This is the blood mosquito's nest! Run!"

The young man in black cursed the bearded man a thousand times in his heart, but dared not hesitate. He turned and ran away.

The long-haired man didn't expect to cause such a big mess. His calf muscles cramped up, and he stumbled and ran outward.

For a moment, people were trampled and desperate, wishing they had been born with a pair of wings.

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Fortunately, the blood-sucking mosquitoes seemed unwilling to leave the miasma too far. Everyone escaped death by a hair, their hearts still pounding. They flew until they were exhausted before daring to stop and catch their breath.

They don't know.

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After they escaped, two figures, a man and a woman, flew out of the miasma.


The two of them wore robes of a similar style. The man had an embroidered pattern of a spirit insect resembling a serpent with double horns on his left arm, while the woman had a seven-petal spirit flower pattern.

“Junior brother, your starlight worms' light and shadow transformation divine abilities are becoming more and more proficient.”

The female cultivator bowed her head, looking at the spirit insect in the man's palm and praising him.

This insect resembles an ordinary firefly, but its entire body is transparent. Inside, it flickers with a cold, star-like glow.

The sea star clung to the man's palm, unusually docile and extremely affectionate towards him.

These two were disciples of the Hundred Flowers Valley.

The blood-sucking mosquitoes that startled the black-robed youths just now, in fact, only a small part were real. The rest were illusions created by starlight moths.

The man smirked, a smug look on his face. “My sect doesn't want anyone to know this is the entrance to our Baihua Valley. They sealed the entire place with a grand formation. And they make us patrol back and forth, putting on a show to scare off intruders. Just relying on natural miasma and a few strange insects that live inside isn't much use. It won't stop someone who really wants in.”

The female cultivator rolled her eyes, “It was you who slacked off last time and didn’t manage to drive that person away in time, causing trouble, and now you dare to blame the sect. The mountain-protecting array protects Hundred Flowers Valley well enough, but these mountains are so vast, if we were to seal them all with spirit arrays, how much consumption would it take Besides, the sect only wants to avoid being disturbed by low-level cultivators. If a truly high-ranking expert has their heart set on coming here, even with our efforts, we can’t stop them.”

"My senior sister is right."

After being scolded, the man didn't care at all. He smirked and looked in the direction of the young man escaping, blinking his eyes. "That fellow's short sword is really good, very agile. I heard that the younger sister has always wanted such a magic weapon."

The female cultivator glared fiercely at him, "What are you trying to do Be careful that your master hears and punishes you to guard the snake cave for ten years! Go on patrol now. If you dare to slack off again, I will report it to the master and give you a good scolding!"

The man muttered a few words, not daring to argue. He hurriedly put the star bug into his dantian and flew back into the miasma.


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Two streaks of light darted through the miasma, their speed astonishing, unrestrained and fearless.

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“We're almost at the Hundred Flowers Valley.”

Among them, a ray of escaping light rose, and the voice of the wind-riding master sounded.

Qin Sang gazed ahead, overjoyed. "Finally arrived! Thank you, Feng Daoist, for your company along the way and introducing me to so many Daoists."

They strolled along the way, stopping from time to time to visit several Yuan Ying who were familiar with Feng Shangshi.

From Feng Shangshi, Qin Sang also learned a lot of rumors and secrets, with abundant gains.

"Since you need the Black Gang Soft Gold, why not accept Ming Lao Gui's invitation As long as you speak up, Ming Lao Gui will be happy to delay a few days and wait for you to go back before taking action."

The Fengshang master inquired curiously.

Originally, they had just come out of another Nascent Soul cave abode.

Hei Gang soft gold is exactly what is used to refine the Golden Submergence Sword, fulfilling Qin Sang's other requirement of a spiritual object.

Qin Sang wryly smiled and said, "Daoist Ming is preparing to venture deep into the Abyssal Demon Cave! This poor Dao has heard that several Nascent Soul cultivators once entered the Abyssal Demon Cave together, but all perished. Ten thousand years ago, a powerful cultivator also disappeared in the Abyssal Demon Cave. Although whether these rumors are true or false is unknown, it's enough to show how dangerous the Abyssal Demon Cave is. This poor Dao doesn't want to risk his life for a piece of Black Gang Soft Gold..."

The bottomless magic cave.

> Known as the most dangerous and perilous forbidden zone in Xinyue Realm.

Located to the northwest of Black Swamp, near the sea.

It is said that the entrance to the bottomless chasm is just an ordinary stone cave, but the deeper you go, the more dangerous it becomes, and so far no one has reached the end.

Black Gang Soft Gold is rare.

After weighing his options, Qin Sang still decided to give up.

As they spoke, the two arrived near the Hundred Flowers Valley and witnessed everything that had just happened, including the disciple of the Hundred Flowers Valley storing the starlight worm in his dantian.

"Didn't you see that, fellow cultivator"

The Fengshui master's question implied something deeper.

Qin Sang hesitated for a moment before nodding slightly, "It's indeed unique!"

This is a test.

Feng Shangshi did not notice the shock that flashed briefly in Qin Sang's eyes!

The disciples of Baigu Valley's method of commanding spirit insects, and the fluctuation between them.

Qin Sang felt very familiar, it was actually very similar to the witchcraft of the clan's natal worm Gu technique!

The disciples of Hundred Flowers Valley are obviously human!

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In neither Beichen nor the Three Realms of the North Sea had Qin Sang heard any rumors about the Wuzhi clan.

It can be basically confirmed that there are no traces of the Wu tribe in the four regions surrounding the North Sea.

Could it be that the art of controlling one's life insects isn't exclusive to the Witch Clan

Or could it be that the ruins of a witch tribe have been discovered in the three realms north of the sea, and the Hundred Flowers Valley has inherited something from those ruins

The human race doesn't possess the Wuzhu clan's innate talent and relies on the power of the Jade Buddha to cultivate. How do they resolve the threat of their natal insects harming their host

For a moment, countless thoughts flashed through Qin Sang's mind.

No matter what, this trip was definitely worth it.

Qin Sang never expected that the Canglang Sea Road would be broken, and he would have an unexpected discovery in the Xuan Yue Realm.

However, that was just a fleeting glimpse, Qin Sang couldn't be sure if the Hundred Flowers Valley's inheritance was truly the genuine Wuzhu clan's natal worm gu secret art.

"Friend, please wait a moment," Feng Shangshi pressed down on the escaping light outside the miasma, flicking his finger and sending out a streak of light that disappeared into the miasma.

Qin Sang remained calm and collected, suddenly remembering something. He feigned indifference as he glanced around, "Fellow Daoist, you said the ancestor of Hundred Flowers Valley came from the Boundless Sea. I wonder, what is the location of the Boundless Sea"

The Feng Shang Shi pondered for a moment before saying, “…it seems to be from a place called Jing Hu. As for the exact location, Feng also wouldn't be able to say more. What is Dao You asking these questions for”

"Clear Lake..."


Qin Sang silently recited the two characters. They didn't sound like the names of a large region, so he estimated it wouldn't be easy to find.

It's unlikely that the Hundred Flowers Valley will readily reveal its ancestral secrets. I need to prepare for both outcomes and start by investigating the origins of the Hundred Flowers Valley's ancestor. Perhaps that will lead me to some clues.

"The poor monk wonders, is Hundred Flowers Valley considering itself the power of the boundless sea or the power of the String Moon Realm" Qin Sang chuckled.

"Do you suspect, fellow cultivator, that Hundred Flowers Valley is a nail planted by the Endless Sea in the Moonlit Realm"

Feng Shangshi burst into laughter, "Friend, you're overthinking it. The boundless sea is a chaotic mess, complex and intricate. Even if a great cultivator stepped in, they wouldn't be able to subdue all the forces and make them obey..."

He hadn't finished speaking.

The miasma ahead suddenly churned violently, parting to reveal a path. A crisp voice, as clear as a young maiden's, echoed from within, "Greetings honored guests, my humble self is remiss in not welcoming you personally. Please do not mind my lack of formality."

Feng Shangshi lightly exclaimed, "Is it Lan Dao-friend I thought Dao-friend would be in the valley"

Then Qin Sang was explained, “Lan Daoist is Mu Daoist’s junior sister, named Lan Jingsi. A gifted person, she achieved success in gathering infant souls before the age of 300, achieving a story of two infant souls in one sect.”

A silvery laugh echoed from across, “Friend Feng, you flatter me…”

Before the words left her lips, a gentle breeze swept past them, bringing with it a young girl. She was refreshingly natural, without a trace of makeup, possessing beauty that came effortlessly.

Lan Jingsi's beautiful eyes moved as she looked at Qin Sang, then turned to Feng Shangshi. "Brother Shi, on your last return to the valley, you praised Daoist Feng's extraordinary divine powers many times. My humble self has been in contact with Daoist Feng for a long time, but unfortunately, I stayed behind in the valley at that time and did not go with my brother. I was unable to witness it with my own eyes."

Feng Shangshi burst into laughter and repeatedly said he dared not. Then, he pointed to Qin Sang, "This is Daoist Mingyue, whose supernatural powers far surpass mine. Bi Fang was just one of his defeated subordinates. Feng mou came here this time at Daoist Mingyue's behest to pay respects to Daoist Mu."

Lan Jing was greatly surprised when she heard this.

Qin Sang bowed. "Greetings, Daoist Lan."

Lan Jingsi returned the courtesy, retracted her inquisitive gaze, and her brow furrowed slightly, revealing a touch of girlish charm. "The two of you arrived at an inopportune time. My senior brother just left the valley recently and likely won't be back for a while..."


Feng Shangshi and Qin Sang looked at each other, feeling embarrassed. He had a bit of friendship with Mu Guzhu, but he had only just met Lan Jingsi. There were some things he couldn't talk to her directly about.

At this point, Lan Jing's tone changed as she said, “This place is not suitable for talking. The two friends please follow me back to the valley first and have a cup of flower tea. My senior brother isn't here, if there’s anything, I can make the decisions.”

Qin Sang readily accepted the advice.

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Through the miasma, one realizes that there is a hidden paradise within.

The mountains here stretch endlessly, with beautiful scenery and not a trace of decay or gloom.

In the black swamp, it can be called an extraterrestrial fairyland, absolutely a rare treasure.

Three figures soared through the air toward the entrance of Baihuagou Valley. In no time, they saw some disciples of Baihuagou practicing and sparring on a mountain peak, with the most being female disciples. The sound of their laughter echoed throughout the valley.


Qin Sang couldn't help but glance at her twice.

As expected, I found several more disciples who possess their natal insect gu.

This time, I can see more clearly.

In Qin Sang's eyes, none of these disciples' insect gu were at the extraordinary level, they were mediocre.

>If it were someone else, it would be easy to overlook how special their insect manipulation techniques really are.

Qin Sang, possessing her natal insect gu, saw through the key points at once.


Shaman and Witch clans share a common ancestry, but are not exactly the same! to be generally difficult and very dangerous to accomplish.Let me know if you have any other text you'd like translated!Of course, the level of danger also depends on the skill of the person doing it...