Rain beating on blue works

Chapter 1239: Moon in the Water


ist his transformation into a corpse.Qin Sang let out a breath, her face showing no sign of alarm.The instant the Heavenly Corpse Talisman touched his primordial spirit, he was 100% certain that as lo...Dongyang Bo wore a brocade robe, with a gold cinnabar top on his head, and walked forward with his hands behind his back.

The Diamond Sutra trembled frequently, and with each tremor, a phantom of a magical treasure would shoot out.

The phantom was no match for its corporeal form, dim and lifeless, without the slightest tremor. The blood shadow had no time to dodge before being tightly grasped by it, struggling as it might, it could not break free.

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Then the Dharma Treasure phantom trembled slightly, and the blood shadow within it completely vanished.

This treasure is his natal magic treasure. After years of cultivation and refinement, it has long since advanced to a top-grade magic treasure with endless uses.

Dongyang Bo was relaxed and carefree, not even glancing at the bloodstains around him. He focused on Gong Liangyu's movements, a faint smile playing on his lips.

The deeper one dives, the better.

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The blood shadow grew increasingly powerful, and even the Yuan Ying talisman puppet couldn't kill it with a single punch.

Gong Liangyu could feel the blue spiritual light in his Yuanshen fading continuously. Once this blue spiritual light was depleted, he would have to withdraw his Yuanying Fu Kui.

At the bottom of the blood river, relying only on his own strength, he could barely move an inch!

Gong Liangyu's expression was anxious, urging the Yuan Ying Fu puppet to charge into the riverbed frantically. He only felt the pressure increasing.

Having been nurtured in a river of blood for countless years, the blood shadows not only possess eerie abilities but also become increasingly difficult to kill as their power grows. Even if they are cut in half, they can transform into two separate blood shadows, fearless of death.

The talismanic shadows on Yuanying Fu's puppet appeared frequently, displaying its true power.

Various talismans flashed on its body.

Each kind of glyph represents a kind of power, such as water spirit glyphs, fire spirit glyphs, thunder glyphs, demon spirit glyphs and so on, emerging endlessly, all being refined into the talisman puppet's body.

The techniques of the Yuan Ying puppet are varied, with wind, fire, thunder appearing in turn. It fights alongside heavy punches to crush the blood shadow.

After plunging into the river of blood for an unknown distance, Gong Liangyu finally saw something besides the bloody figures.

Below the blood mist, a bloody stalactite extended out. The top of the stalactite was sharp and had long been stained red by the blood mist, glittering like a blood diamond.

Upon seeing the stalactites, Gong Liangyu was overjoyed. He had finally arrived at the bottom of the Blood River.

He immediately plummeted downward and landed on solid ground after a short time.

This place is constantly washed by blood mist, tempered, and the earth and stone have long since changed their texture, becoming incredibly hard.

Gong Liangyu disregarded his surroundings and rushed forward, for the blood shadows attracted by the commotion were growing in number, encircling them tighter and putting increasing pressure on the Nascent Soul Puppet.

The ground was uneven, with trenches and ravines crisscrossing everywhere. Sharp stone spikes protruded from the surface.

The good news is, besides the ubiquitous Blood Shade Spirits, I haven't encountered any other monsters yet.

Each person, with their own puppet, charged forward, completely disregarding how much blood shadow they would attract. After all, there were already enough. Debt wasn't a burden on them anymore.

Yuanying Fu Kui diligently protected Gong Liangyu, and he wasn't injured at all.

But seeing so many bloodstains, Gong Liangyu's face also turned pale. He just hoped to find the Xuezhi Grass as soon as possible and leave this place of right and wrong.

After a sudden rush, a trench suddenly appeared on the ground ahead.

This chasm stretched across the path ahead, nearly straight. Its ends reached directly to the riverbank, penetrating the entire riverbed. The chasm was a thousand zhang wide and bottomless, with incredibly smooth edges.


At the bottom of the blood river, there are many gullies and ravines. However, this trend and shape are very rare. Who knows what else is hidden inside.

"This is the chasm!"

Public Liangyu's heart cried out, and his eyes couldn't hide their surprise.

Although the blood chiao plant does not grow in ravines, they are the most obvious sign. According to his intel, seeing a ravine means the blood chiao plant is nearby.

When that elder arrived, the Blood Chiao grass hadn't matured yet. He could only bear the pain of giving up and did not burn his qin or cook the crane. Instead of taking the unripe medicinal herb, he left it for later people.

Gong Liangyu, carrying the Yuanying talisman puppet, leaped over the ravine and hurried forward. He discovered that a strange red mist was swirling ahead.

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Even before getting close, a strange pressure came upon him.

Gong Liangyu's body shook, the protective spiritual armor on his body rippled violently, and his complexion changed drastically. That pressure formed in an unknown way, almost tearing apart his spiritual armor.

He slowed his pace, approaching the anomalous area. He found that the blood mist ahead was far denser than elsewhere, and the ground was sunken, like a hidden lake at the bottom of a river.

In the center of the blood mist, a thick crimson light emanated.

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At the center of the radiance, a parasol-shaped patch of grass, as wide as a disk, rippled with the blood mist, floating like a phantom on the bloody water, swaying with the waves.

The grass was blood red all over, as if it were condensed from fresh blood.

The entire plant of zhi grass, with only one leaf, round like a full moon, represents maturity.

The surface was smooth, with a copper-coin sized round protrusion in the center, resembling a skull. It was incredibly eerie.

It is the rare spiritual herb, Xuezhi Cao, rumored to help cultivators gather their infant souls!


At a distance, Gong Liangyu saw the blood gentian and his heart skipped a beat. He was short of breath.

Bloodshed grass lacks the aroma of a spiritual herb. Gong Liangyu estimated that herbs growing in such a place wouldn't emit a bloody smell, which would be considered good. It's normal for it to have no peculiar fragrance.


Even if there was any smell, it was dispersed by the thick blood mist.

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The elixir is right before our eyes!

This is the end of the paragraph.

But they attracted more blood shadows.

Gong Liangyu gave a cursory glance and didn't see any guardian spirit beasts around this spiritual herb. The senior cultivator also hadn't mentioned anything about it.

These Blood Shadows hate all otherworldly beings; no spirit beast could ever stay in this place unless a highly intelligent anomaly arose within the Blood Shadow Spirits.

He made such a big commotion, but the blood chi grass around him didn't react at all. It's estimated that there are no spirit beasts here.

"Let's go!"

Gong Liangyu let out a low growl, and two streaks of light flew out from his dantian.

Among them was the Tian Gang Dao Fu, which he had already refined to great success.

The other was Qin Sang's familiar Jiulong Tianran Fu, and all nine Jiaohun were complete!

As for Qin Sang's one, he couldn't use it after he formed his Golden Core, so he gave it to Li Yu Axe. Because of its origins, he told him not to use it normally, only to save his life.

The soul of the dragon dances around, and the celestial blade talisman manifests its true form, breaking through the suction force ahead.

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Gong Liangyu, with two talismans held tight, followed closely by the Yuan Ying Fu Kui puppet, forced back the blood shadow and charged towards the Blood Chi Grass.

Unbeknownst to him, as he flew halfway, Gong Liangyu felt the pressure increasing relentlessly. He feared that he wouldn't be able to withstand it in the end.

Seize the moment; don't overthink it.

He acted decisively, ordering Yuan Ying to go alone to collect the herbs. He himself poured all his energy into activating the power of the talismans and unleashed a barrage of spirit talismans, hoping to hold off the blood shadow for a moment.


The soul of the Jiao dragon roared, and the Nine Dragons Heavenly Chariot Talisman was pushed to its limits.

The sword talisman instantaneously slashed out countless blades of light.

Thunder, spirit fire, wood vines, mountains...

A powerful array of talismans were unleashed without reservation.

Gong Liangyu struggled to move, and saw the Yuan Ying Fu Kui finally rush to the side of the Xue Zhi Cao, reaching out to grab it.

Unexpectedly, he caught nothing!

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Bloodshed grass like the moon in water, shattered at the moment.


Gong Liangyu's smile completely froze, his face full of disbelief.

Then, he watched in horror as the blood orchid reformed again.

Still so enchanting!


Such heartbreaking beauty!


Before Gong Liangyu could figure out the reason, a powerful aura suddenly erupted from behind him, rushing towards him in the blink of an eye.'s not peaceful here either."Han Cu smiled, "Between two clans fighting, where is there peace If Daoist friend wants a peaceful place, it's not difficult, just go to Huntian Island. The island master...