The Era of Crimson works

Chapter 1: The Red of the East


always been grateful to the factory and all the factory leaders for their care and help. When I was studying at vocational school, the factory still paid me my apprentice wages of eighteen yuan every..."Comrade Li Yuan, please explain the mechanism behind women's menstruation."

Let me know if you have other text you'd like me to translate!

“The Shanggu Tianzhen Lun in the Classic of Internal Medicine states: ‘When a woman is seven years old, her kidney qi is strong, and her teeth grow more; at twenty-seven, Tian Gui arrives, the Ren meridian is open, the Tai Chong meridian is strong, and menstruation occurs on time. Therefore, menstruation is due to strong kidney qi, the arrival of Tian Gui, the opening of the Ren meridian, the strength of the Tai Chong meridian, and the coordinated action of viscera, blood and meridians on the uterus, which stores and releases regularly, resulting in menstruation.’ ”

>So, what is the Tai Chong meridian, and what is the Ren meridian

The Tai Chong Pulse is the Chong Pulse. The Chong Meridian is a sea of blood, originating in the abdomen and extending to the head, connecting with all Yang Meridians. It descends to the foot, intersecting with the Three Yin Meridians of the Foot. It also converges with the Stomach Meridian of Foot yang-ming at the Qi Jie Point, and merges with the Kidney Meridian of Foot Shao yin. The Tai Chong is a crucial point where the qi and blood of the twelve meridians converge.

The Ren meridian is the sea of yin meridians, also originating from the abdomen. It governs the yin of the whole body and controls the essence, blood, body fluids, and Qi of the human body. It is the foundation of nourishment for the human body and governs the fetus in the womb. Only when the Qi of the Ren meridian flows smoothly can the uterus be nourished by yin essence and pregnancy proceed as normal...

In a simple and austere meeting room at the Red Star Rolling Mill Workers' Hospital, four people in white coats sat behind a row of yellow-painted wooden tables, taking turns asking questions.

Above them, photos were hanging, and below them was a slogan: Great ideas, invincible in battle!

Across the table stood a tall and slender young man, around twenty years old. He was handsome with a humble and gentle gaze, though lacking the youthful vigor and ambition that one would expect of someone his age in this era...

But, it also made the physicians sitting at the table more satisfied.

A doctor, especially a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, whose best quality is patience.

Four doctors, three men and one woman, are present. The question is being asked by the female doctor. She is beautiful but has a cold expression and appears quite domineering. Even the three men around her seem to be avoiding her...

After hearing the young man's answer, the female doctor remained expressionless. She paused for a moment and then asked, "If it is a case of women's blood syndrome, with urgent symptoms of menorrhagia, what treatment should be used"

The young man, without hesitation, calmly replied: "Commonly used prescriptions include Tu-蔘湯 (獨參湯), Shengmai San (生脈散), Qingre Gujing Tang (清熱固經湯), Shixiao San (失笑散), Juyuan San (舉元散), and Jiaai Tang (膠艾湯), etc. For treating acute conditions, the herbs should be decocted with strong fire and taken immediately after being cooked to prevent the patient from dying from blood loss or fainting. When treating illnesses, it is necessary to first differentiate the syndrome. If the qi is deficient, then ginseng and astragalus are heavily used to replenish qi and consolidate blood."

If one has blood deficiency, add Ejiao, Astilbe and Alisma to nourish blood and stop bleeding; if it is caused by blood heat, add Crane Herb, Rhei Radix et Rhizoma, Cirsium Arvense and Sanguisorba Officinalis to cool blood and stop bleeding; if it is caused by cold blood, add Artemisia Argyi carbonized, Ginger and Eucommia ulmoides for warming channels and stopping bleeding.

For blood stasis, add Poria, Sanguis Draconis, Leonuri Herba, and Saposhnikovia divaricata to remove blood stasis and stop bleeding; for those with heavy bleeding, it is advisable to add calcined Dragon Bone, calcined Oyster Shell, and Myrobalan Albus, to solidify and stop bleeding.

The female doctor nodded. “Your foundation is solid. How’s your pulse diagnosis”

The young man shook his head with some shame. "My fur isn't even enough to talk about, I've only superficially learned three volumes of the Nine Stages Diagnosis Method."


Their humble demeanor makes them likable to the older generation.

As expected, upon hearing this, several doctors smiled. Even the female doctor's lips twitched slightly, and she said: "Actually, your pulse diagnosis and dialectical analysis during the practical exercise were quite good, within the norm, without any omissions."

At your age, being able to learn to this level is already remarkable. Comrade Li Yuan, congratulations, you can be officially promoted. I hope that in your future studies and work, you can continue to strive for progress, work hard, study diligently, and contribute your strength to the development of traditional Chinese medicine and the socialist construction.

The young man, called Li Yuan, flashed a glimmer of excitement in his eyes and bowed respectfully, saying: "Thank you, Director Tang, thank you, teachers."

The female doctor nodded and suddenly asked, "Li Yuan, would you like to work at the capital's Central Hospital"


When Li Yuan heard this, he was taken aback for a moment before shaking his head and saying, "Director Tang, thank you for your invitation. However, I'm a worker at the rolling mill and I still hope to continue working here."

The female doctor, upon hearing this, didn't say anything more. Although Li Yuan was good, in the current situation, he was just good.

She had a good relationship with Li Yuan's master, and Li Yuan's master happened to be an expert in women's studies. So her questions were actually just letting him off easy...

However, Li Yuan's answer made the male doctor with a Mediterranean hairstyle beside Director Tang very happy. He smiled and said, "That's right, our working class is still the most glorious! Li Yuan, I remember you came to our rolling mill through the donation program in 1954 Back then, you were still a rural household registration. After you came to the factory, you took the vocational high school exam"

Li Yuan smiled faintly and said, "Yes, Director Sun. Even the house I live in now was allocated by the factory back then. So I've always been grateful to the factory and all the factory leaders for their care and help. When I was studying at vocational school, the factory still paid me my apprentice wages of eighteen yuan every month, allowing me to study without worry. Now, it's finally time for me to repay the unit with my hard work. So, unless the organization arranges a transfer, I personally am unwilling to leave the rolling mill."

The man, deputy director of the Worker's Hospital Medical Department, became even more pleased upon hearing this. He looked around and smiled: "Look, this is a factory child cultivated by our own factory!" He then said to Li Yuan: "So you came back after graduating from vocational school, right The factory is our workers' home! You have been practicing under Dr. Zhao, and Dr. Zhao said that you are diligent and studious, making rapid progress. You must continue to work hard in the future. Congratulations, Li Yuan, you passed the assessment today and officially became a doctor in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of our Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill Hospital."

Li Yuan expressed his thanks once again.

Director Sun said again, "You graduated from a vocational high school, and upon graduation, you're eligible for a cadre position, with a salary of twenty-six grades and thirty-three yuan. Today, after your probationary period ends, your salary becomes twenty-five grades and thirty-seven yuan and five cents, making you a seventh-grade clerk. In the future, you must continue to work hard and strive for promotions. You should know that both vocational high school graduates and high school graduates can apply for promotion to assistant inspectors after four years of work experience. Work hard!"

Li Yuan nodded happily and said, "Yes, thank you for your encouragement, Director Sun!"

Director Sun chuckled and said, “According to your master, when you first entered the factory that year, the Housing Department assigned you a former hallway converted into a room. It was short, dilapidated, and had no windows. You couldn't see the light all year round. It was damp and cold and couldn't be lived in for long. So this morning I went to the Housing Department and found Director Song. He said that there were two vacant rooms in your courtyard last month: a side room and an attached room, one large and one small, which are just right for the current cadre housing allocation standards. You can go to the Housing Department to pick up the keys in a while, and then register at the Street Office. Those two rooms will be assigned to you!”


Saying that, he even glanced smugly at the female doctor beside him. Though he couldn't afford to provoke her, there really weren't any better deals outside right now!

He was the deputy director of the medical department and also the husband of Zhao Yehong, Li Yuan's master. Naturally, he was willing to look after his wife's apprentice, who was a down-to-earth and studious disciple that she admired...

After all that commotion, it turns out they were just our own people!

After leaving the exam hall, Li Yuan's smile became even more radiant. Although he knew he would pass, after officially becoming a regular employee, he was still excited because the good days were finally here.

He didn't stop, and went straight to the factory housing management office. The house was important.

As expected, with the deputy director's prior notice, he easily obtained the keys and deed to his new room without any incident.

After that, you just need to register at the street office again.

After finishing the transfer with the Housing Management Office, Li Yuan, in a good mood as it was almost 12 p.m. and time to go off work, headed towards the canteen.

At this moment, the melody of "East is Red" blared from the factory loudspeaker. Several wooden-bodied trucks with canvas tops rumbled toward the warehouse across the street. The drivers inside each sat smoking and puffing their chests out, looking arrogant and unconcerned.

In this era, even among the Eight Major Officials, the position of driver ranks among the highest and is a golden profession that even a county magistrate wouldn't exchange for.

And again, I saw factory guards with guns on their backs riding a few mules, patrolling the rooms of the factory...

Li Yuan looked up at the sky. Two days ago, a sandstorm swept through the capital city, covering everything in a layer of yellow sand. But the sky was still a refreshing blue, making people feel clear-headed and invigorated.

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

This was Beijing in early spring of 1958. Although the Spring Festival had just passed, it was still very cold.

Winter is drawing to a close, but spring is still far away.

However, none of these things could affect Li Yuan's good mood...

Contrary to the stereotypes about this era held by people of his past life, Li Yuan had been living a good life for the five years he had been here.

Even as the youngest son living in Qin's village, twenty li outside Dongzhimen after his first year, he didn't suffer much hardship. With seven older brothers above him and both parents present, this youngest son surprisingly hadn't gone hungry very often and ate quite well.

Both parents and seven sets of siblings, along with their nephews and nieces, all ate窩頭 (a type of flatbread made from coarsely ground maize). The saved white flour, eggs, and meat were all given to the youngest one who was the weakest.

Though the Li surname was not common in Qinjiacun, due to his father, Li Guisheng, having eight strong sons and a united family, they lived a frugal life but walked with confidence.

This is an example of a paragraph tag.

The following year, Li Yuan, the most useless of the Eight Golden Arhats, entered the city, became a non-agricultural household member, and joined a large factory, transforming himself into a doctor. Li's life became more comfortable...

It's 1958 now, and society is still full of the thriving atmosphere of construction.

Moreover, the streets are not just gray, black, and red, although those are the mainstream colors. There are also some dazzlingly colorful ones.

For example, in front of the counters selling silk for cheongsams and leather shoes in Beijing's department stores, there were always customers.

In addition to red wine beef and caviar, Lao Mo Restaurant, Xinqiao Hotel, and Dongfeng Second Floor also offer milk and bread with jam for breakfast.

...These places are simply the private domains of children from wealthy families. Even if ordinary people have money, they rarely go to such places...

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

Even for ordinary citizens of the capital, before the issuance of five-year promissory notes in 1955, commodity circulation was relatively smooth. Chicken, duck, fish, meat and flour were all available to those who had money.

Although the past two years have been more difficult, overall life has been manageable because we had several consecutive years of agricultural surplus beforehand.

If it weren't for the impending disaster that was too terrible to bear, Li Yuan could have lived a carefree and blissful life in this prosperous era.

Li Yuan was an ordinary commoner in his past life. Aside from his talent, everything else about him was unremarkable.

He had spent many years studying haphazardly, achieving mediocre grades. He was admitted to a second-tier medical school and after graduation, his skills as a practitioner were naturally not very good.

I muddled through and reached the age of thirty-five before finally saving enough for a down payment on a new apartment in a fifth-tier city.

After buying it, I regretted it because I bought too much. Besides the high mortgage, there's no money for decoration yet. The pressure is so great that I can't sleep, so I can only be addicted to watching dramas.

As a result of watching too many dramas, he suddenly found himself mysteriously transported back to the 1950s. Perhaps it was because he enjoyed watching period dramas...

Let a modern person return to seventy years ago, whether it's back to the countryside, the initial days don't mention how awkward.

After some time, I actually got used to it and it wasn't so bad...

In my past life, I was overwhelmed with stress and responsibilities. I had no time to appreciate the little things in life.

Every day, as soon as I open my eyes, it's mortgage payments, car loan payments, and renovation loans. Where would I have the energy to observe the flowers and plants by the roadside...

Since he was given a second chance at life, Li Yuan wanted to live a more carefree and joyful life this time around.

Even in this era of national striving and hard work, he still wanted to lay low.

After all, he was self-aware. Even after crossing over, he remained a commoner at heart.

Fortunately, heaven is ultimately fair and hasn't deprived him of a golden finger.

Otherwise, Li Yuan figured he had absolutely no chance of surviving the next three years.

Although this cheat code is somewhat unserious.

Doesn't Li Yuan want a carefree and happy life from the bottom of his heart

That's great, may heaven grant him peace and joy.

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

Lightheartedness and happiness should also abide by the laws of the universe. Energy is conserved, so if Li Yuan wants more joy, others will have to experience a bit more negativity to balance it out.

It's true what they say: happiness often comes at the expense of others' suffering.


Li Yuan's golden finger was to absorb the negative emotions of others and transform them into his own happiness.

Every time you accumulate one thousand points of negative emotion, you can have a draw once to make him happy at home.

Unfortunately, the prizes were again a bit off-putting. They were things Li Yuan had possessed in his past life, and they wouldn't change the course of world history...

For example, after he first crossed over, he carefully used his poisonous tongue to provoke others. After experiencing several incidents where his elder brother covered for him and the villagers denounced him, it took him a full month to finally accumulate enough negative emotional value of one thousand points. The first grand prize he drew was:

That unfinished shell of a house from my previous life!!

The unit has a floor area of 144 square meters, a ceiling height of 2.8 meters, and a volume of 404 cubic meters of personal space.

It's a pity it's not a farm or supermarket...

What can 404 cubic meters do

It can store 404 tons of water, or 210 tons of flour, or 674 tons of rice...

In a nutshell, if Li Yuan could stock this bare apartment with supplies, he would be able to live comfortably for several years and even help feed the Qinjiacun families...

After all, during that first year of cultivation after his arrival, even a three-year-old niece wouldn't eat an egg herself, insisting on feeding it to him.

This sentiment, Li Yuan felt, was one that he could not simply ignore.

Looking at the two bedrooms that had been filled to the brim after four years in this "space," Li Yuan felt a sense of lightness. It was truly a hopeful era.

He wasn't greedy, he didn't yearn for wealth and power, he just wanted a carefree and pleasant life. Besides, he wanted to witness this red-hot and magnificent era with his own eyes.

Li Yuan tightened the Liberation bag slung across his shoulder. With an uplifting song in his ears, he strode with a confident step into the Red Star Rolling Mill workers' canteen!

This is a test.xplain the mechanism behind women's menstruation."Let me know if you have other text you'd like me to translate!“The Shanggu Tianzhen Lun in the Classic of Internal Medicine states: ‘When a woman is s...