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Chapter 507: Also Want to Be Your Reliance


a piece of land there. We want to build a large amusement park, but we're having some trouble with our funding chain. I wonder if you’d be interested in investing” Jiang Qing Ran smiled.The Jiang Grou..."How can this be a waste of time Kankawa, to be protected by you is the luckiest thing in my life, but I can't stay under your wings forever."

Towards Evening leaned over, raising both hands to gently cradle his face, her eyes filled with sincerity.

"I want to be someone who is as capable as you, worthy of you. I want to be the kind of woman who can support you when you're tired and need a break."

The venue was bustling with people, the atmosphere particularly noisy, in stark contrast to the brief warmth they had experienced here.

He Hanchuan's deep gaze lingered only on her face, his slender fingers gently stroking the hair between her brows, as if caressing a priceless treasure, a soft curve playing at the corner of his lips.

"Pleased to meet you, Mrs. He."

No one can stop a determined woman, not even her husband.

Since that's the case, he might as well go all out and be like a support system for Hoshino, anyway, it's not the first time he's cleaned up after her.

"向晚, I didn't expect you to be here, made me look all over for you..." At this moment, Ren Xiaoya's incessant voice came, seeing the scene before her, her cheeks flushed suddenly.

"Cough!" Zhong Yuxuan, who was following behind her, also coughed solemnly.

"Waaah, Master, look at that couple. They've been married for three years and are still so sweet and loving, showering everyone with dog food. We've only been together for a year and you don't even want to touch me. Do you have another woman outside Waaah!" Ren Xiaoya hugged Zhong Yu Xuan's neck and forcefully jumped onto him.

All those eyes around them were staring at them. Although Zhong Yu-xuan tried to appear nonchalant, his arm subconsciously moved to support her hips.

"Don't be reckless, I want to do what I want, and your current physical condition doesn't allow it either."

He Hanchuan kept a cold gaze on them, while Xiang Wan seemed to have expected something, her pupils widening suddenly as she pulled Ren Xiaoya to her side. "No way, are you pregnant"

"Oh, you guessed it! This was a surprise." Ren Xiaoya's cheeks flushed slightly as she turned her head and glared at Zhong Yuxuan. "I told him to be careful, but my master wouldn't listen. He insisted on me giving birth."

Zhong Yuxuan tucked the hot water bottle he carried with him into Ren Xiaoya's arms. His slender fingers gently lifted the gold-rimmed glasses, his tone unusually serious.

"My child has to be born, besides, don't you always want a daughter You and He Zheyan are betrothed, aren't you"

"You... hush!" Ren Xiaoya stopped angrily, looking around nervously, afraid of being heard. Fortunately, her troubles came quickly and went quickly too.

"Yowan, but to be serious, if we really become in-laws in the future, we'll get closer and more often see each other. Plus, Yangeobao is so cute and adorable, she'll definitely grow up to be a domineering CEO!" Ren Xiaoya pulled her along as she spoke with growing excitement.

"Stop, I'm almost dizzy from being swung around like this." Xiang Wan was enduring the rough treatment, but only when He Hanchuan tightened his embrace around her waist did she manage to stay upright.

"Of course, I have no problem with that. But congratulations to you anyway! So should your wedding date be moved up too"

When it comes to the wedding, Ren Xiaoya's face falls. She props her chin up with both hands, "Mr. Zhong didn't seem too happy when he heard about this. He said that Zhong Shaoning is also getting married this year. According to family rules, there can't be two major celebratory events in the family at the same time. He said they have to wait until the child is born and then hold a combined coming-of-age ceremony with the first birthday party."

A-wai tightened her brows, looking at Zhong Yu-xuan's face which wasn't looking good either. She finally understood that it wasn't a joke.

What does it mean to say that two happy events cannot happen at the same time What kind of conflict could there be if they were to take place together

This is obviously Zhong Shaoning causing trouble behind the scenes.

"Don't worry, your wedding won't be delayed." Xiang Wan spoke meaningfully, raising her hand to gently smooth the hair from Ren Xiao Ya's forehead.

She truly doesn't want this simple little girl to suffer so much.

"Really" Ren Xiaoya exclaimed, her obsidian-like eyes widening.

"Yes." Zhong Yu Xuan's voice was serious, his warm eyes filled with deep tenderness, "I won't allow this to happen. Give me a few days, and I'll give you a satisfactory answer."

And Xiao Ya, after hearing his words, her little face contorted into a bun-like shape. She was both reluctant to see Zhong Yu Xuan so embarrassed and unwilling to compromise at the wedding. Finally, she let out a huff of anger.

It's all that blasted Zhong Shaoning's fault. Just because he married the daughter of an oil tycoon, he acts as if his nose is higher than his eyes!

"By the way, Wanwan, I heard they were just making fun of your face earlier. It's a good thing you have a good temper and didn't hit him..."

Ren XiaoYa spoke without restraint, and W向 wan couldn't stop her in time.

She felt a cold gaze on her back, and her face changed color. She sighed inwardly, "It's over! It's all over!"

Actually, it's nothing much...

"The party has started." He Hanchuan reminded in a low voice, he soon shifted his gaze away, his deep eyes focused intently on the stage.

"Okay." Xiang Wan looked at him carefully, and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw nothing was amiss.

But in her heart, it felt like a sponge had been stuffed inside, making her feel stifled. Yet she didn't want him to act so nonchalant, as if he didn't care about her at all.

"Strange, Big Iceberg, your wife was bullied by Zhong Shaoning, and you didn't react at all… Uh oh." Ren Xiaoya was just about to give He Hanchuan a good talking-to when she was directly pulled into Zhong Shaoning's arms and carried away from her seat.

"Little girl, if you don't understand He Hanchuan, just keep quiet."


Towards the evening, Lu Wan gazed at their retreating figures disappearing from sight. She couldn't help but steal a glance at He Hanchuan, noticing that he still wore that expression of nonchalance, his face as calm as ever. Her fingers unconsciously tightened around the fabric of her evening gown.

It must have been her overthinking.

He's just been through a lot, so he's become more level-headed. It's not that he doesn't care about her.

Distinguished guests, thank you for joining us for Mr. Zhong's birthday banquet despite your busy schedules...

The host, holding a microphone, walked onto the stage and smoothly pulled back on-stage from her thoughts.

She turned her head and didn't see, almost in an instant, He Hanchuan's handsome face suddenly turned cold, his eyes were chilling, his distinct fingers rhythmically tapped the back of the chair.

Every time he gets agitated or about to get angry, he makes this little gesture.

This time, for Old Master Zhong's 80th birthday, he spent a fortune decorating the venue and inviting prominent families. He could have simply introduced the evening's events, but he insisted on giving a speech that lasted over half an hour.

And then his children and grandchildren took turns getting up on stage, talking and talking, until the guests were almost falling asleep.

Only Zhong YuXuan had never participated in these family affairs. But looking at the stage, where everyone was pretending to be happy and harmonious, he tugged at his collar impatiently. When Xiao Ya rushed into his arms, he rarely behaved so obediently without saying much.

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Remember that the first release domain of this book is: . Please visit for mobile reading.know how to answer.No!Why would she even think about how to answer She had no relationship with Feng Mu, so why was this being made to feel like she had done something wrong"Why do I have to tell you"...